Oil discoveries dispel "Peak Oil" as myth

I never changed my opinion, Homer Sampson.


Maybe you can't even read your own posts:

Wrong on all counts, dummy. You continue to make the dumbshit mistake assuming that I subscribe to peak oil, even tho 5 times I have directly told you otherwise.


Speaking of convenient forgetfulness:

Get real, it is a hard and fast certainty that if humans keep consuming oil in vast quantities, but especially in exponentially increasing quantities, that peak oil will occur.


You're making this too easy......

:eusa_hand:.you should probably try debating something about which you have at least some familiarity: The Pros and Cons of working as a Wal-Mart Greeter?

I don't know about drilled oil having peaked but I would bet that created bio-tech oil in the less than $60/bbl range and tropical ethanol in the $40/bbl or less range is no more than a decade away. There is too much money on the table already.

I tried to get into this several years ago and the technology was slow to mature. The potential certainly exists. But to make a business of it you can have all the free feedstocks you want and everything else but you still compete against super cheap oil. Whose price is continually in flux.

The bottom line is that petro chemicals are so cheap that they discourage every alternative. Even coal oil, which is highly feasible, is still barely cost effective and volatility in oil prices still manages to discourage it's development.
Tropical ethanol is already lower in MPG cost than petroleum but domestic sugar and ethanol producers are protected. Likewise synthetic petroleum has already prevented the $200/bbl threatened since 1974 and broke the link between the price of gold and oil.
I never changed my opinion, Homer Sampson.


Maybe you can't even read your own posts:


Speaking of convenient forgetfulness:

Get real, it is a hard and fast certainty that if humans keep consuming oil in vast quantities, but especially in exponentially increasing quantities, that peak oil will occur.


You're making this too easy......

:eusa_hand:.you should probably try debating something about which you have at least some familiarity: The Pros and Cons of working as a Wal-Mart Greeter?


actually it is you who can't read, now stop boring me with your inanities.
I don't know about drilled oil having peaked but I would bet that created bio-tech oil in the less than $60/bbl range and tropical ethanol in the $40/bbl or less range is no more than a decade away. There is too much money on the table already.

I tried to get into this several years ago and the technology was slow to mature. The potential certainly exists. But to make a business of it you can have all the free feedstocks you want and everything else but you still compete against super cheap oil. Whose price is continually in flux.

The bottom line is that petro chemicals are so cheap that they discourage every alternative. Even coal oil, which is highly feasible, is still barely cost effective and volatility in oil prices still manages to discourage it's development.
Tropical ethanol is already lower in MPG cost than petroleum but domestic sugar and ethanol producers are protected. Likewise synthetic petroleum has already prevented the $200/bbl threatened since 1974 and broke the link between the price of gold and oil.

Linking the price of oil to that of food is a very dangerous game imo. When did the link between oil and gold break? I actually took a look at this relationship a year ago and didn't see what you see. But Gold is on a tear.
LC, like most morons, you've buried yourself:

First, you claim peak oil will occur....in fact, its "Mathematically IMPOSSIBLE to be otherwise"

peak oil will occur. ....

It is mathematically impossible to be otherwise.

The resource pool is finite, our consumption curve is tending toward the infinite, do the math.

Then you wonder why anyone would "assume you subscribe to peak oil:"

You continue to make the dumbshit mistake assuming that I subscribe to peak oil, even tho 5 times I have directly told you otherwise.


Imbeciles like you are what make message boards so entertaining:lol:

Keep bending over: I'm enjoying pwning you OVER and OVER!!!

Well, since oil was created by long extinct organisms millions of years ago, one could argue that "peak oil" has already happened. As there is no more being created. We have always been running out of a scarce resource.

As we continue to run out, the price of the good will gradually increase to points where either it is better to use alternative resources for that particular use, or the cost will become prohibitive for that use. Either way, as time goes on the price will continually rise.

Also, there are price levels where we will start to see substitution.

But you know, I have lived through a long time of people preaching we were going to be out of oil really soon. Back in the early 70's it was accepted as gospel that all the oil would be gone by 1980. there is still a lot of oil sloshing around. It is a finite resource. And soon or late we will run out. And the chicken little types will be able to say "I told you so." But that date is not yet.
From the data on oil extraction technology and the decreasing cost of bio-tech oil I doubt peak oil exists as a practical matter. This is a highly unpopular view because it was first proposed by young Earth theologians:

The creation of tar and asphalt in the Dead Sea combined with the association of oil with salt domes started a search for micro-organisms that make petroleum as a waste product.

While that search has had limited success it has led to the creation of micro-organisms that do in fact create as a waste product.

The cost of making oil vs. extraction costs created a de facto ceiling on oil prices by 2008. Currently the ceiling is north of $200/bbl but it keeps coming down and that is scaring OPEC. Once creation economies are reached the middle-east may implode.
Sorry Fitnah, but Homer Samson could not have embarrassed himself further. Just sayin. He had no point, he managed no debate, he scored no points in 17 innings.

Epic fail. A stop sign would have cleaned Homer Sampson's clock. Or a broken clock.
Sorry Fitnah, but Homer Samson could not have embarrassed himself further. Just sayin. He had no point, he managed no debate, he scored no points in 17 innings.

Epic fail. A stop sign would have cleaned Homer Sampson's clock. Or a broken clock.

poor loosescrew


I'll leave you to twist.


I notice, for like the 12th time, you can't dare bring yourself to dispute the data, or explain how/why the IEA would be lying to the world.

All you have is your smarmy arrogance. That's why you suck at this.

Ah well. People also went back to the bar to keep drinking even after the Titanic started listing. :eusa_hand:
the space program has made a total mockery of the twin notions of "peak oil" and that earth based hydrocarbons are "fossil fuels"

the planets and even moons are awash in hydrocarbons and there were never dinosaurs on any of them.

dont tell them that, they wont understand it.
the space program has made a total mockery of the twin notions of "peak oil" and that earth based hydrocarbons are "fossil fuels"

the planets and even moons are awash in hydrocarbons and there were never dinosaurs on any of them.

dont tell them that, they wont understand it.

oops... wrong again. Just like we understand that faint traces of alcohol in space are not evidence that Duff beer rains down from the heavens.

Grow up, and think before posting.

What's most interesting in threads like this is that anti-peak bloviators from both camps never lock horns against eachother. Some of you admit oil is finite (Samson), while others insist it's abiotic and infinite (this genius above).

Yet, you'll never openly dispute eachother. All you think you know is that there is no problem, and the IEA is somehow lying to the world. ... Nevermind the skyrocketing cost of food, fuel and consumer goods, and the growing insolvency of U.S. states and sovereign nations. That's all just caused by the U.S. mortgage crisis, and nothing deeper. LOL.

To you guys, if you just spend endless sums of money to drill dry holes and pray really hard, God will just put more oil in the ground.

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Jiggs we don't have time to worry about our home problems we are too busy about Turkey, Iran and NC to worry about our own problems.

to worry or work on our own porblems would be to admit that we have them.
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Oil is infinite, in your lifetime, that of your children.

Man is insignificant on earth, unable to control nor change a thing.

Takes one big head, or one uneducated idiot to think otherwise.
Yet, despite all the Oilphobes crying the sky is calling, the world remains powered by oil and the chicken littles have no solution but to use oil ever faster.

Why is the solution to peak oil to use oil faster, why do the environuts propose using more oil to save oil.

Not one proposal saves oil. Not solar nor wind, not geothermal.

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