Oil discoveries dispel "Peak Oil" as myth

It most certainly IS starting to happen. And you're too chicken shit to even TRY to show how the data is wrong. Because you can't..


Wasn't "it most certainly starting to happen" 40 years AGO?

Dick, be more clear.

You keep squawking that hollow parrallel over and over again and assigning it to me. Please link to who made the claim that anyone said oil would start to run out 40 years ago. I have little doubt you're creating a straw man, extrapolating claims that emanated from the report "Limits to Growth," which was entirely accurate. Recognizing Hubbert's peak 40 years ago (which came true for U.S. production) does not mean any of those people said oil was running out THAT decade. You're being intellectually dishonest, AGAIN.

It's what you do.

Could I offer better evidence than the very fact that 40 years after your fantasy "Peak Oil" nothing has changed?

Yeah, global demand up 50%, price of food and fuel up 500% since then, most OPEC nations past peak production, U.S. occupation of the Middle East at great financial cost, strip-mining of Alberta (and soon the Rockies), and desperate offshore drilling at riskier depths.... but nothing's changed. You're a whole new brand of asshole.

There's nothing to suggest that 40 years from now you'll still be a blithering idiot, drooling on yourself with predictions of "WAR!!" and "GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS!!" as a result of some imaginary theory......

You do realize how irrelevant you make yourself look with every arrogant, obnoxious post that pretends the conclusions of IEA, the Pentagon, the US Dept. of. Energy and the German government are all "imaginary" and you somehow know better. :lol:


Your unwillingness to even acknowledge, let alone debate, known data has removed you from consideration on this topic. 40 years ago isn't today. Not in terms of cost, demand, rate of discovery, nor the desperate measures being taken to offset dying capacity. 40 years ago was merely the peak of discovery, not peak production.

Perhaps at some point, you'll remove your head from you own rectum and understand what is being debated here. But probably not. You're a dictionary definition of the classic flat-earther.
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Now, rinse, wash, repeat: "Oil is not renewable. Oil will not last forever. It will run Out."


You figured that out all by yourself.:eusa_clap:

You have a very lucid fantasy life, Simpson.

For the past 4 generations oil consumption has increased by approximately a magnitude with each generation.

That is exponential growth.

At least you are predictable: repeating again, and again, and again what HAS happened, making no connection with what might happen, and evading the point.

At least Jiggs drooling in his drooling idiocy has the balls (if not the brains) to predict "WAR!!!" and "Financial CRISIS!!" as "ramifications" of peak oil.

You cannot even present ONE....ONE WAY, that "Peak Oil" may negatively effect ANYONE.

Try again, genius

Now, rinse, wash, repeat: "Oil is not renewable. Oil will not last forever. It will run Out."
It most certainly IS starting to happen. And you're too chicken shit to even TRY to show how the data is wrong. Because you can't..


Wasn't "it most certainly starting to happen" 40 years AGO?

Dick, be more clear.

You keep squawking that hollow parrallel over and over again and assigning it to me. Please link to who made the claim that anyone said oil would start to run out 40 years ago. I have little doubt you're creating a straw man, extrapolating claims that emanated from the report "Limits to Growth," which was entirely accurate. Recognizing Hubbert's peak 40 years ago (which came true for U.S. production) does not mean any of those people said oil was running out THAT decade. You're being intellectually dishonest, AGAIN.

It's what you do.

Could I offer better evidence than the very fact that 40 years after your fantasy "Peak Oil" nothing has changed?

Yeah, global demand up 50%, price of food and fuel up 500% since then, most OPEC nations past peak production, U.S. occupation of the Middle East at great financial cost, strip-mining of Alberta (and soon the Rockies), and desperate offshore drilling at riskier depths.... but nothing's changed. You're a whole new brand of asshole.

There's nothing to suggest that 40 years from now you'll still be a blithering idiot, drooling on yourself with predictions of "WAR!!" and "GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS!!" as a result of some imaginary theory......

You do realize how irrelevant you make yourself look with every arrogant, obnoxious post that pretends the conclusions of IEA, the Pentagon, the US Dept. of. Energy and the German government are all "imaginary" and you somehow know better. :lol:


Your unwillingness to even acknowledge, let alone debate, known data has removed you from consideration on this topic. 40 years ago isn't today. Not in terms of cost, demand, rate of discovery, nor the desperate measures being taken to offset dying capacity. 40 years ago was merely the peak of discovery, not peak production.

Perhaps at some point, you'll remove your head from you own rectum and understand what is being debated here. But probably not. You're a dictionary definition of the classic flat-earther.

More rambling will not make your ridiculous repetition of "Peak Oil" every 40 years any more relevant.

You need another silly theory: I hear that The Ancient Aliens Society is making a come-back. Perhaps that would give you some traction among naive underclassmen that need to be entertained in sociology classes.
Now, rinse, wash, repeat: "Oil is not renewable. Oil will not last forever. It will run Out."


You figured that out all by yourself.:eusa_clap:

You have a very lucid fantasy life, Simpson.

For the past 4 generations oil consumption has increased by approximately a magnitude with each generation.

That is exponential growth.

At least you are predictable: repeating again, and again, and again what HAS happened, making no connection with what might happen, and evading the point.

At least Jiggs drooling in his drooling idiocy has the balls (if not the brains) to predict "WAR!!!" and "Financial CRISIS!!" as "ramifications" of peak oil.

You cannot even present ONE....ONE WAY, that "Peak Oil" may negatively effect ANYONE.

Try again, genius

Now, rinse, wash, repeat: "Oil is not renewable. Oil will not last forever. It will run Out."

You must be the most fucktarded person I have ever witnessed online.

First off WHY would I have any reason to "You cannot even present ONE....ONE WAY, that "Peak Oil" may negatively effect ANYONE."

I don't subscribe to other people's theories even when I generally agree with them. Predicting the future is a fool's game. Nobody with any sense ever does it unless they stand to prove their own theories as a result.

And why would I posit a guess about what might happen when I already know what WILL happen if we continue to increase our petro chemical consumption?

Go make me some coffee, black. And fetch the paper.
More rambling will not make your ridiculous repetition of "Peak Oil" every 40 years any more relevant.

Take your own advise, fuctarded one. Putting words in other poster's mouths ad nauseum makes you look like you have advanced Alzheimer's.
More rambling will not make your ridiculous repetition of "Peak Oil" every 40 years any more relevant.

Take your own advise, fuctarded one. Putting words in other poster's mouths ad nauseum makes you look like you have advanced Alzheimer's.

Translation: "When I cannot defend my own stupidity, maybe I can defend someone else's"
I don't subscribe to other people's theories even when I generally agree with them. Predicting the future is a fool's game.


You actually have no idea what "Peak Oil" is, and certainly have no concept of WHY math, much less an exponential fucntion, is used.

How Extraordinarily Moronic.
I don't subscribe to other people's theories even when I generally agree with them. Predicting the future is a fool's game.


You actually have no idea what "Peak Oil" is, and certainly have no concept of WHY math, much less an exponential fucntion, is used.

How Extraordinarily Moronic.

Wrong on all counts, dummy. You continue to make the dumbshit mistake assuming that I subscribe to peak oil, even tho 5 times I have directly told you otherwise.

Even if I generally agreed with the premise I don't "believe" in other people's theories. I don't subscribe to other people's predictions. And a theory is after all a prediction which can either be proven or disproven via experiment.

And I already demonstrated that oil consumption has increased exponentially. You just don't understand the concepts involved.

Our oil consumption has in fact increased by roughly a magnitude every generation for the last 100 years. That is a textbook example of an exponential function.

I am becoming convinced that you have Alzheimer's or some other dementia. You post like a clown, you can't remember anything anybody says, you serially assume their positions despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, you are always arguing with strawmen.

Maybe you should get medical help.
More rambling will not make your ridiculous repetition of "Peak Oil" every 40 years any more relevant.

Take your own advise, fuctarded one. Putting words in other poster's mouths ad nauseum makes you look like you have advanced Alzheimer's.

Translation: "When I cannot defend my own stupidity, maybe I can defend someone else's"

Fuck off and die, Homer. You have studiously avoided insurmountable refutation of your shallow arguments, and you still wallow in the frail illusion of being credible in this discussion.

You have been owned, sold, securitized and foreclosed on and you don't even know it.
More rambling will not make your ridiculous repetition of "Peak Oil" every 40 years any more relevant.

You need another silly theory: I hear that The Ancient Aliens Society is making a come-back. Perhaps that would give you some traction among naive underclassmen that need to be entertained in sociology classes.

Personal ridicule is the extent of your argument, because you are too chickenshit to dispute the findings of those entities... All you have is the irrelevant straw man of "40 years ago!! 40 years ago!! <bacaw!!!!>"

Pretending I'm "drooling in idiocy" isn't convincing anyone of anything. Especially considering you're running from the specifics of this dispute at every turn. You are plain awful at this, and completely out of bullets.

We are already at peak. Here, educate yourself:

IEA World Energy Outlook, 2010:

Crude oil output reaches an undulating plateau of around 68-69 mb/d by 2020, but never regains its all-time peak of 70 mb/d reached in 2006, while production of natural gas liquids (NGL) and unconventional oil grows quickly.

That.... is.... peak.

Wrong on all counts, dummy. You continue to make the dumbshit mistake assuming that I subscribe to peak oil, even tho 5 times I have directly told you otherwise.


Speaking of convenient forgetfulness:

Get real, it is a hard and fast certainty that if humans keep consuming oil in vast quantities, but especially in exponentially increasing quantities, that peak oil will occur.


You're making this too easy......

:eusa_hand:.you should probably try debating something about which you have at least some familiarity: The Pros and Cons of working as a Wal-Mart Greeter?

Pretending I'm "drooling in idiocy" isn't convincing anyone of anything. .


You continue to make the dumbshit mistake assuming that I subscribe to peak oil, even tho 5 times I have directly told you otherwise.

Look, I suppose you have some infantile follower somewhere that allows you to entertain them with your science fiction. Why not try convincing them of your fairy tale?
Wrong on all counts, dummy. You continue to make the dumbshit mistake assuming that I subscribe to peak oil, even tho 5 times I have directly told you otherwise.


Speaking of convenient forgetfulness:

Get real, it is a hard and fast certainty that if humans keep consuming oil in vast quantities, but especially in exponentially increasing quantities, that peak oil will occur.


You're making this too easy......

:eusa_hand:.you should probably try debating something about which you have at least some familiarity: The Pros and Cons of working as a Wal-Mart Greeter?


epic fail, wash my windows, pool boy.
Pretending I'm "drooling in idiocy" isn't convincing anyone of anything. .


You continue to make the dumbshit mistake assuming that I subscribe to peak oil, even tho 5 times I have directly told you otherwise.

Look, I suppose you have some infantile follower somewhere that allows you to entertain them with your science fiction. Why not try convincing them of your fairy tale?

get medical help for your dementia.
I don't know about drilled oil having peaked but I would bet that created bio-tech oil in the less than $60/bbl range and tropical ethanol in the $40/bbl or less range is no more than a decade away. There is too much money on the table already.
Wrong on all counts, dummy. You continue to make the dumbshit mistake assuming that I subscribe to peak oil, even tho 5 times I have directly told you otherwise.


Speaking of convenient forgetfulness:

Get real, it is a hard and fast certainty that if humans keep consuming oil in vast quantities, but especially in exponentially increasing quantities, that peak oil will occur.


You're making this too easy......

:eusa_hand:.you should probably try debating something about which you have at least some familiarity: The Pros and Cons of working as a Wal-Mart Greeter?


epic fail, wash my windows, pool boy.

I'll give you a couple of idiotic posts, then I expect you to change your opinion again.:lol:
I don't know about drilled oil having peaked but I would bet that created bio-tech oil in the less than $60/bbl range and tropical ethanol in the $40/bbl or less range is no more than a decade away. There is too much money on the table already.

I tried to get into this several years ago and the technology was slow to mature. The potential certainly exists. But to make a business of it you can have all the free feedstocks you want and everything else but you still compete against super cheap oil. Whose price is continually in flux.

The bottom line is that petro chemicals are so cheap that they discourage every alternative. Even coal oil, which is highly feasible, is still barely cost effective and volatility in oil prices still manages to discourage it's development.

Speaking of convenient forgetfulness:


You're making this too easy......

:eusa_hand:.you should probably try debating something about which you have at least some familiarity: The Pros and Cons of working as a Wal-Mart Greeter?


epic fail, wash my windows, pool boy.

I'll give you a couple of idiotic posts, then I expect you to change your opinion again.:lol:

I never changed my opinion, Homer Sampson.

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