Oil is NOT a So-Called "Fossil Fuel" Rather is Generated Naturally by the Earth


Apr 22, 2007
The Great Myth is that oil comes from the decaying dinosaurs over millions of years ago and that is were oil comes from. The theory should good to Environazis because then they can scream against drilling and for an alternative.

It's not the belief amongst all scientist, in fact more and more scientist are coming the the conclusion oil is abiotic substances that the Earth creates naturally and regularly.

Think about it. All we hear is Peak Oil. My older cousin said he was told in school peak oil was going to hit in 1980s. I was told it was around the corner in 2000s. Now we find ourselves in an oil boom? How are scientist always off on Peak Oil and gigantic discovers, from Russia, Brazil, Israel, US etc are happening regularly?

It's because it naturally created by the Earth and then is squeezed out from the earths crust in large deposits!

I think the key distributors of the Peak Oil Myth are the Oil companie themselves. It's suppy and demand. If demand is hugh, but supply is just as high price can increase to capitalize on the high demand. If demand is high, but supply is PRECEIVED as low, then price can be shot up. They push these myths to make record profits!

Discovery backs theory oil not ‘fossil fuel’
A study published in Science Magazine today presents new evidence supporting the abiotic theory for the origin of oil, which asserts oil is a natural product the Earth generates constantly rather than a “fossil fuel” derived from decaying ancient forests and dead dinosaurs.

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www.naturalwellbeing.comThe lead scientist on the study ? Giora Proskurowski of the School of Oceanography at the University of Washington in Seattle ? says the hydrogen-rich fluids venting at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean in the Lost City Hydrothermal Field were produced by the abiotic synthesis of hydrocarbons in the mantle of the earth.

The abiotic theory of the origin of oil directly challenges the conventional scientific theory that hydrocarbons are organic in nature, created by the deterioration of biological material deposited millions of years ago in sedimentary rock and converted to hydrocarbons under intense heat and pressure.

While organic theorists have posited that the material required to produce hydrocarbons in sedimentary rock came from dinosaurs and ancient forests, more recent argument have suggested living organisms as small as plankton may have been the origin.

The abiotic theory argues, in contrast, that hydrocarbons are naturally produced on a continual basis throughout the solar system, including within the mantle of the earth. The advocates believe the oil seeps up through bedrock cracks to deposit in sedimentary rock. Traditional petro-geologists, they say, have confused the rock as the originator rather than the depository of the hydrocarbons.

Giora Proskurowski

Lost City is a hypothermal field some 2,100 feet below sea level that sits along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at the center of the Atlantic Ocean, noted for strange 90 to 200 foot white towers on the sea bottom.

In 2003 and again in 2005, Proskurowski and his team descended in a scientific submarine to collect liquid bubbling up from Lost City sea vents.

Proskurowski found hydrocarbons containing carbon-13 isotopes that appeared to be formed from the mantle of the Earth, rather than from biological material settled on the ocean floor.

Carbon 13 is the carbon isotope scientists associate with abiotic origin, compared to Carbon 12 that scientists typically associate with biological origin.

Lost City Vents

Proskurowski argued that the hydrocarbons found in the natural hydrothermal fluids coming out of the Lost City sea vents is attributable to abiotic production by Fischer-Tropsch, or FTT, reactions.

The Fischer-Tropsch equations were first developed by Nazi scientists who created methodologies for producing synthetic oil from coal.

“Our findings illustrate that the abiotic synthesis of hydrocarbons in nature may occur in the presence of ultramafic rocks, water and moderate amounts of heat,” Proskurowski wrote.

The study also confirmed a major argument of Cornell University physicist Thomas Gold, who argued in his book “The Deep Hot Biosphere: The Myth of Fossil Fuels” that micro-organisms found in oil might have come from the mantle of the earth where, absent photosynthesis, the micro-organisms feed on hydrocarbons arising from the earth’s mantle in the dark depths of the ocean floors.

Affirming this point, Proskurowski concluded the article by noting, “Hydrocarbon production by FTT could be a common means for producing precursors of life-essential building blocks in ocean-floor environments or wherever warm ultramafic rocks are in contact with water.”
The space program should have demolished the myth of "Fossil fuels"

There are lakes of the stuff on Saturn's Moon Titan, 300 below zero, no biological activity but lakes of "fossil fuels"
Fascinating. It makes sense that the Oil companies would be the ones touting the scarcity ploy as it would increase profits.
Oil Companies have been trying to tell people that oil is a renewable resource my entire life. Liberals are so heavily invested in the myth or running out of oil that they won't let the truth out.
Fascinating. It makes sense that the Oil companies would be the ones touting the scarcity ploy as it would increase profits.

Yet oil companies saw how retarded the left was and said "Let's use these dumbasses twice, first to buy the product we produce and then to drive up the price by pelting a fake theory on them!"

Next one you will hear about fresh water running out in America! Oh wait we already hear that faux story!
The space program should have demolished the myth of "Fossil fuels"

There are lakes of the stuff on Saturn's Moon Titan, 300 below zero, no biological activity but lakes of "fossil fuels"

I read that also. The Saturn's moons are blessed with resources that people call fossil fuel, yet life could never survive there!
There is some abiotic oil but the majority comes from dead algae, plants & animals. Oil wells refill because the trapped pool of oil is small compared to the huge area of decayed bio-matter that keeps seeping into those oil trap pools. Directional horizontal drilling speeds up the seeping from the huge underground field into the traps. This is just one reason why the so called Peak Oil Experts have been wrong for over a hundred years.

The Great Myth is that oil comes from the decaying dinosaurs over millions of years ago and that is were oil comes from.

[ ... ]
It's never been considered a scientific theory that oil came from decaying dinosaurs. Ordinary common sense refutes that logic out of hand.

The actual source of oil is the same as the source of coal, which is decaying biomass. It is a process very similar to peat bogs but in an era when the earth was warmer and the growth of plant life was rampant on earth; an earth so warm that even the polar regions were covered with vegetation.

I can visit the coal-fields very near here in souther Indiana, and find large fern fossils imbedded in the rock layers above the coal. It is those ferns and the stalks and trunks they were attached to that through natural decay process became coal, or oil, or natural gas or methane.
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The space program should have demolished the myth of "Fossil fuels"

There are lakes of the stuff on Saturn's Moon Titan, 300 below zero, no biological activity but lakes of "fossil fuels"

I read that also. The Saturn's moons are blessed with resources that people call fossil fuel, yet life could never survive there!

A lake Erie size amount of "Fossil fuels" makes a mockery of the "pressure cooked velicoraptors in geological time" notion of hydrocarbon creation
Researchers turn manure into crude oil - Technology & science - Science - msnbc.com

The thermochemical conversion process uses intense heat and pressure to break down the molecular structure of manure into oil. It’s much like the natural process that turns organic matter into oil over centuries, but in the laboratory the process can take as little as a half-hour.

Tom Roberts / AP
Yanhui Zhang demonstrates the properties of raw oil created from hog manure at his lab at the University of Illinois.
A similar process is being used at a plant in Carthage, Mo., where tons of turkey entrails, feathers, fat and grease from a nearby Butterball turkey plant are converted into a light crude oil, said Julie DeYoung, a spokeswoman for Omaha, Neb.-based Conagra Foods, which operates the plant in a joint venture with Changing World Technologies of Long Island, N.Y
Researchers turn manure into crude oil - Technology & science - Science - msnbc.com

The thermochemical conversion process uses intense heat and pressure to break down the molecular structure of manure into oil. It’s much like the natural process that turns organic matter into oil over centuries, but in the laboratory the process can take as little as a half-hour.

The World's Biggest Oil Field In Ghawar Saudi Arabia Is Made Of Shit. Poop Pellets to be exact.
Carbon based oil sludge is the end result, after eons of time, of the decay of carbon based plant or animal life. Oil is a fossil fuel.

It has been way over 100 years since the Government Scientist predicted we peaked in oil production in the 1800's.

“I take this opportunity to express my opinion in the strongest terms, that the amazing exhibition of oil which has characterized the last twenty, and will probably characterize the next ten or twenty years, is nevertheless, not only geologically but historically, a temporary and vanishing phenomenon – one which young men will live to see come to its natural end” (1886, J.P. Lesley, state geologist of Pennsylvania).

- “There is little or no chance for more oil in California” (1886, U.S. Geological Survey).

- “There is little or no chance for more oil in Kansas and Texas” (1891, U.S. Geological Survey).

- “Total future production limit of 5.7 billion barrels of oil, perhaps a ten-year supply” (1914, U.S. Bureau of Mines).

- "Within the next two to five years the oil fields of this country will reach their maximum production, and from that time on we will face an ever-increasing decline." (1919 director of the U.S. Bureau of Mines)

- "Oil shales in Colorado and Utah would be exploited to produce oil, because the demand for oil could not be met by existing production." (1919 National Geographic magazine)

- "The time is, indeed, well in sight, when the United States will be nearing the end of some of its available stocks of raw materials on which her industrial supremacy has been largely built. America is running through her stores of domestic oil and is obliged to look abroad for future reserves. (September 1919, E. Mackay Edgar, in Sperling's Journal)

- "The position of the United States in regard to oil can best be characterized as precarious." (January 1920 Dr. George Otis Smith, Director of the United States Geological Survey)

- "Americans will have to depend on foreign sources or use less oil, or perhaps both." (May 1920 Dr. George Otis Smith, Director of the United States Geological Survey)

- "On the whole, therefore, we must expect that, unless our consumption is checked, we shall by 1925 be dependent on foreign oil fields to the extent of 150,000,000 barrels and possibly as much as 200,000,000 of crude each year, except insofar as the situation may at that time, perhaps, be helped to a slight extent by shale oil. Add to this probability that within 5 years--perhaps 3 years only--our domestic production will begin to fall off with increasing rapidity, due to the exhaustion of our reserves" (1920 David White, United States Geological Survey)

- During the period 1919-22, imports of crude oil from Mexico had been large--equal to 22 percent of total United States consumption in 1921. But salt water began to appear in some Mexican wells, and by 1921 geologists were debating whether Mexican production was not "through." in commenting upon the Mexican situation. "A great slump in Mexican production seems sooner or later inevitable. Thus there was not only alarm about the United States oil potential but also about our primary foreign source of supply. Lendling encouragement to these doubts were statements appearing in foreign publications describing the United States oil position." (1921, David White of the United States Geological Survey)

- "Given a resumption of trade and the consequent demand for oil products in, at the most, a year or two, the world will be confronted with an oil shortage such as has never been experienced before. (1921, E. Mackay Edgar)

- “Reserves to last only thirteen years” (1939, Department of the Interior).

- “Reserves to last thirteen years” (1951, Department of the Interior, Oil and Gas Division).

- “We could use up all of the proven reserves of oil in the entire world by the end of the next decade” (President Jimmy Carter speaking in 1978 to the entire world).

- “At the present rate of use, it is estimated that coal reserves will last 200 more years. Petroleum may run out in 20 to 30 years, and natural gas may last only another 70 years” (Ralph M. Feather, Merrill textbook Science Connections Annotated Teacher’s Version, 1990, p. 493).

- “At the current rate of consumption, some scientists estimate that the world’s known supplies of oil … will be used up within your lifetime” (1993, The United States and its People).

- “The supply of fossil fuels is being used up at an alarming rate. Governments must help save our fossil fuel supply by passing laws limiting their use” (Merrill/Glenco textbook, Biology, An Everyday Experience, 1992).

Quotes like these could fill a thousand pages easily. _PeakOil?

One interesting example of a big oil find in the midst of "an exhausted field" occurred in Kern County, California. Kern River Oil Field was discovered in 1899, and initially it was thought that only 10 percent of its heavy, viscous crude could be recovered. In 1942, after more than four decades of modest production, the field was estimated to still hold 54 million barrels of recoverable oil. As pointed out in 1995 by Morris Adelman, professor emeritus at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and one of the few remaining energy gurus, “in the next forty-four years, it produced not 54 million barrels but 736 million barrels, and it had another 970 million barrels remaining.” But even this estimate was wrong. In November 2007 U.S. oil giant Chevron announced that cumulative production had reached two billion barrels. Today, Kern River still puts out more than 80,000 barrels per day, and Chevron reckons that the remaining reserves are about 480 million barrels.

"Proven Reserves" are those that can be produced "economically." But the definitions of economical production are constantly changing, as the technology (and the politics eg, Iraq) changes.

And then there are the "unconventionals," such as heavy oils, oil sands, oil shales, coal to liquids, gas to liquids, and biomass to liquids. A doomer will not even stoop to discuss this 50 ton gorilla in the room, but any good economist would be forced to consider them.
The cost of oil comes down to the cost of finding, and then lifting or extracting. First, you have to decide where to dig. Exploration costs currently run under $3 per barrel in much of the Mideast, and below $7 for oil hidden deep under the ocean. But these costs have been falling, not rising, because imaging technology that lets geologists peer through miles of water and rock improves faster than supplies recede. Many lower-grade deposits require no new looking at all.

To pick just one example among many, finding costs are essentially zero for the 3.5 trillion barrels of oil that soak the clay in the Orinoco basin in Venezuela, and the Athabasca tar sands in Alberta, Canada. Yes, that’s trillion – over a century’s worth of global supply, at the current 30-billion-barrel-a-year rate of consumption. _WSJ 2005
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The Great Myth is that oil comes from the decaying dinosaurs over millions of years ago and that is were oil comes from.

A myth among children perhaps. The kerogen baked into oil within the rock isn't sourced from dinosaurs.

GHook93 said:
It's not the belief amongst all scientist, in fact more and more scientist are coming the the conclusion oil is abiotic substances that the Earth creates naturally and regularly.

No. But feel free to refute the geochemical work showing where the kerogen comes from all you'd like.

The space program should have demolished the myth of "Fossil fuels"

There are lakes of the stuff on Saturn's Moon Titan, 300 below zero, no biological activity but lakes of "fossil fuels"

I read that also. The Saturn's moons are blessed with resources that people call fossil fuel, yet life could never survive there!

A lake Erie size amount of "Fossil fuels" makes a mockery of the "pressure cooked velicoraptors in geological time" notion of hydrocarbon creation

Liquid methane found on the moons of Saturn is hardly the same thing as fossil fuel, a mix of molecules not found in space. The methane there is the same stuff the gas giants are made of in liquid form. None has ever been found that compares to what we have on earth.
I read that also. The Saturn's moons are blessed with resources that people call fossil fuel, yet life could never survive there!

A lake Erie size amount of "Fossil fuels" makes a mockery of the "pressure cooked velicoraptors in geological time" notion of hydrocarbon creation

Liquid methane found on the moons of Saturn is hardly the same thing as fossil fuel, a mix of molecules not found in space. The methane there is the same stuff the gas giants are made of in liquid form. None has ever been found that compares to what we have on earth.

Little shoe wearing monkeys on the Third Rock think their methane is different.

Researchers turn manure into crude oil - Technology & science - Science - msnbc.com

The thermochemical conversion process uses intense heat and pressure to break down the molecular structure of manure into oil. It’s much like the natural process that turns organic matter into oil over centuries, but in the laboratory the process can take as little as a half-hour.

The World's Biggest Oil Field In Ghawar Saudi Arabia Is Made Of Shit. Poop Pellets to be exact.

One of the interesting things about Ghawar is the nature of its reservoir which provides an argument against an ideology I fight all the time, Young-earth Creationism. Ghawar is largely made of dung, which would be hard pressed to be concentrated during a global flood and thus contradicts the young-earth creationist claims.

Poop disproves Creationism!!! :cool:
I read that also. The Saturn's moons are blessed with resources that people call fossil fuel, yet life could never survive there!

A lake Erie size amount of "Fossil fuels" makes a mockery of the "pressure cooked velicoraptors in geological time" notion of hydrocarbon creation

Liquid methane found on the moons of Saturn is hardly the same thing as fossil fuel, a mix of molecules not found in space. The methane there is the same stuff the gas giants are made of in liquid form. None has ever been found that compares to what we have on earth.

If they had found oil there they would have been proclaiming it was proof life had existed.
A lake Erie size amount of "Fossil fuels" makes a mockery of the "pressure cooked velicoraptors in geological time" notion of hydrocarbon creation

Liquid methane found on the moons of Saturn is hardly the same thing as fossil fuel, a mix of molecules not found in space. The methane there is the same stuff the gas giants are made of in liquid form. None has ever been found that compares to what we have on earth.

Little shoe wearing monkeys on the Third Rock think their methane is different.

If methane was the only fossil fuel, you might have a point.

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