Oil plant explosions 3 in 24 hours

Read the entire thread on Twitter.

And because the general public has so much better ability to 'gossip' and 'speculate' to large audiences across the globe, we are not only in the instant information age which previous generations did not enjoy so much, but we are in the instant conspiracy theory age that previous generations did not have to endure so much.

Sometimes conspiracy theories are just interesting to engage in such as 'was there another gunman on the grassy knoll?' and how much time and bandwidth has been spent on speculation that the collapse of the twin towers was a controlled demolition? And none of us are likely much, if any, closer to the actual truth of those events than what was initially reported.

And again, sometimes it is the curious historian who digs out truths that were not initially reported. That does not help in an information in which much of the MSM is intentionally dishonest and non objective but the ability to distribute information instantly has helped educate and inform those who otherwise would have little opportunity to be educated and informed.

And all of that is to say that intellectual honesty requires us to keep things in perspective. But having said that, three oil facilities owned by the same company blowing up at the same time warrants a lifted eyebrow or two.
You are a runner up to the most absurd conspiracy theory bullshit in the history of the interwebz. Sorry that skrewed.13 beat you out.

It is not a conspiracy theory. Companies taking short cuts to save money is a fact of life and often ends up poorly.

You are the one pushing a conspiracy theory that this is some sort of organized attack
Trump's Fault!

He let the democrat Party steal the election.
Giving Mike Pence the benefit of the doubt under those circumstances maybe he had no choice?
Talk about being between a rock and a hard place your loyalty to the commander and chief of the United States and your fear of the Shadow government being the CIA and the FBI the NSA and everyone else who opposed Trump from the beginning.

It's like duh what would you do ?
It is not a conspiracy theory. Companies taking short cuts to save money is a fact of life and often ends up poorly.

You are the one pushing a conspiracy theory that this is some sort of organized attack
Of course it’s a conspiracy theory and you have absolutely zero evidence to support it. And I don’t apply any particular negative connotation to the term “conspiracy theory,” either. Some are retarded. Some are fair and logical. Yours falls into the former camp since you have no facts at all.
Read the entire thread on Twitter.

My wife and I discussed the fact a few weeks ago that since we get bombarded with what would (otherwise) “local” disaster news from our national news “services” and other media outlets — and so immediately — it is natural for us to all feel as though the entire world is going to hell in a hand basket.

But lots of seriously “old timers” from before even my baby boomer generation probably also felt like the world was coming apart at the seams. I’m not certain that things have gotten worse these days as your Twitter piece suggests. But I do believe that piece fairly explains why so many people might think so.

Still, three huge explosions in two nations for the same corporation can reasonably be interpreted as more than just a coincidence.
No coincidence at all, eh?

Occam's razor - which is the simplest answer?

That a Mexican oil company took shortcuts that came back to bit them in the ass or there is some grand conspiracy that not only involves blowing things up in the US but in Mexico as well?
It's all Trumps fault, he did stuff and (seven degrees of separation, Trump did stuff) Yep. Never mind Biden, his suspicious links to China and this 2 year fucking avalanche of insane wokeness. Trump, white supremacy! Where do you go with this shit?
You know, I get why the media and the scum in DC run their propaganda but it amazes me that their sycophant zombies still actually believe their nonsense.
Somebody wants to keep oil prices high. The refinery in the Bay area blew up at the beginning of the summer spike in gas consumption both summers I lived there. That was in the late 1990's, no Bidens and Trumps around.

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