“Oil Spills Aren't Disasters – The Earth Absorbs Them”


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
This from a politician?

So okay. She's Canadian and a former science teacher.

"Oil is a natural substance. So spilling into the environment, the land will absorb it, 'cause that's what oil is," she said during an interview with CPAC (Cable Public Affairs Channel).

What in the world is going on? The three GOP front-runners aren't professional politicians and they speak up – without backing down. And now it's happening with our neighbors to the north?

Read the article and Tweets @ Tory candidate Sabrina Zuniga says ground will absorb oil spills
This from a politician?

So okay. She's Canadian and a former science teacher.

"Oil is a natural substance. So spilling into the environment, the land will absorb it, 'cause that's what oil is," she said during an interview with CPAC (Cable Public Affairs Channel).

What in the world is going on? The three GOP front-runners aren't professional politicians and they speak up – without backing down. And now it's happening with our neighbors to the north?

Read the article and Tweets @ Tory candidate Sabrina Zuniga says ground will absorb oil spills

Anthrax is natural too and found on just about every cattle ranch. :)
This from a politician?

So okay. She's Canadian and a former science teacher.

"Oil is a natural substance. So spilling into the environment, the land will absorb it, 'cause that's what oil is," she said during an interview with CPAC (Cable Public Affairs Channel).

What in the world is going on? The three GOP front-runners aren't professional politicians and they speak up – without backing down. And now it's happening with our neighbors to the north?

Read the article and Tweets @ Tory candidate Sabrina Zuniga says ground will absorb oil spills
Trying to cover for the ongoing BP disaster in the gulf maybe?
This from a politician?

So okay. She's Canadian and a former science teacher.

"Oil is a natural substance. So spilling into the environment, the land will absorb it, 'cause that's what oil is," she said during an interview with CPAC (Cable Public Affairs Channel).

What in the world is going on? The three GOP front-runners aren't professional politicians and they speak up – without backing down. And now it's happening with our neighbors to the north?

Read the article and Tweets @ Tory candidate Sabrina Zuniga says ground will absorb oil spills
Trying to cover for the ongoing BP disaster in the gulf maybe?

From what I understand, she is in favor of more pipelines to move oil.
Absorbs the oil spills AFTER killing gazillion of sea life...but that's okay, right? It's just fish, birds, mammals, so it doesn't matter as long as it's not human mammals. Yes?
Absorbs the oil spills AFTER killing gazillion of sea life...but that's okay, right? It's just fish, birds, mammals, so it doesn't matter as long as it's not human mammals. Yes?

I see a post like this and shake my head.

If you'd bother to read the news, you would find that thousands of young seals and sea lions are washing up on the Pacific coast starving to death.

Has not a single thing to do with an oil spill.

Go to the site of any oil spill of about 5 years ago and tell me what you see.
The "natural" oil ooze in the Gulf is a permanent feature. And it rivals the magnitude of the BP spill. Except that occurs CONSTANTLY -- all the time --- since we've been watching it..

Same for many places on the planet..
From what we were watching yesterday they need to replace or do something with all the oil lines first. Back when we had equipment it kind of shocked me what the ideas were behind the governments ideas were on soil remediation. Nothing actually gets remediation when a spill occurs on land only diluted. Even then it is not diluted with good soil, just whatever is handy. Obviously something needs to be done but for anyone to claim major oil spills are a natural occurrence is ridiculous. It makes me wonder where do the oil guru's find these political idiots?

North Dakota Oil Spill - Leaking Pipeline 20,000 Barrels of Oil on Wheat Farm

The Toxic Pipeline Leaks Polluting US Towns
Published on Oct 14, 2013
Oil Shock: USA's creaking energy infrastructure

For downloads and more information visit: http://www.journeyman.tv/?lid=65998&a...

The US has over 2.5 million miles of pipelines crossing it, carrying gas and oil. But many of them are over 50 years old, cracking and leaking toxic contents into communities.

Across the US there are 2.5 million miles of pipes carrying gas, crude oil and petrol. Over half of these are more than 50 years old and beginning to crack, releasing their toxic contents with devastating effects.

"Your eyes would burn, your throat would burn, your lungs would burn", says Genevieve Long. Her family suffered health problems after the pipeline near her home burst, spilling a toxic torrent of heavy chemicals through the town and its nearby waterways. "The nation's pipeline network has been subject to benign neglect over most of its last 20 to 30 years", says Ed Hirs, a lecturer on energy economics at the University of Houston. Without the piplines many ask how America's insatiable demand for fuel will be met. But for those affected, the consequences of this failing infrastructure are dire. "It goes everywhere and there is no technology to clean it."

SBS - Ref. 5952

Journeyman Pictures is your independent source for the world's most powerful films, exploring the burning issues of today. We represent stories from the world's top producers, with brand new content coming in all the time. On our channel you'll find outstanding and controversial journalism covering any global subject you can imagine wanting to know about.
Absorbs the oil spills AFTER killing gazillion of sea life...but that's okay, right? It's just fish, birds, mammals, so it doesn't matter as long as it's not human mammals. Yes?

I see a post like this and shake my head.

If you'd bother to read the news, you would find that thousands of young seals and sea lions are washing up on the Pacific coast starving to death.

Has not a single thing to do with an oil spill.

Go to the site of any oil spill of about 5 years ago and tell me what you see.

Okay, thanks for informing me. When I watched the BP oil spill as well as others since like cruise ships run aground spilling thousands of gallons of fuel, it was really all the dying sea life were "starving" not the crude oil clinging to their feathers and skin. So, all those volunteers working so feverishly were just wasting their time, they should have been feeding them first and foremost. Got it now, NOT. Why else do you think the marinas now are so insistent upon there shall not be a mere few drops of oil be discharged from your bilge pump? Because of the impact to marine life? Hummm.
Great, now dumb dumbs have found a way to talk logical circles around spills.

The carpet absorbed my whiskey! Its all good! 'Cept the carpet is all sticky and discolored but...Its absorbed!
Absorbs the oil spills AFTER killing gazillion of sea life...but that's okay, right? It's just fish, birds, mammals, so it doesn't matter as long as it's not human mammals. Yes?

I see a post like this and shake my head.

If you'd bother to read the news, you would find that thousands of young seals and sea lions are washing up on the Pacific coast starving to death.

Has not a single thing to do with an oil spill.

Go to the site of any oil spill of about 5 years ago and tell me what you see.
How about 25 years?

Exxon Valdez Oil Spill: 25 Years Later, Effects Still Linger

Fishermen in the region are still haunted by the spill, as their livelihoods have suffered. "The shrimp are slowly, slowly coming back," Bernie Culbertson told theAssociated Press. "The crab aren't back. The herring aren't back. The salmon are back in abundance."

Man, what the hell are you trying to sell?
Major natural leaks in the Gulf EVERYDAY --- where is it all?

Equivalent to maybe a handful of BP spills a year..

None of you guys ever heard of the La Brea Tar Pits??
Miss grade school didya?
Last edited:
Natural Petroleum Seeps Release Equivalent of 8-80 <i>Exxon Valdez</i> Oil Spills : Oil in the Ocean

Natural Petroleum Seeps Release Equivalent of 8-80 Exxon Valdez Oil Spills

A new study by researchers at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) is the first to quantify the amount of oil residue in seafloor sediments that result from natural petroleum seeps off Santa Barbara, California.

The new study shows the oil content of sediments is highest closest to the seeps and tails off with distance, creating an oil fallout shadow. It estimates the amount of oil in the sediments down current from the seeps to be the equivalent of approximately 8-80 Exxon Valdez oil spills.

The paper is being published in the May 15 issue of Environmental Science & Technology.

“Nature does an amazing job acting on this oil but somehow the microbes stopped eating, leaving a small fraction of the compounds in the sediments,” said Reddy. “Why this happens is still a mystery, but we are getting closer.”

Support for this research came from the Department of Energy, the National Science Foundation, and the Seaver Institute.

One reason for the lingering Gulf of Alaska spill damage is probably the water temps and the type of microbial action. A little more Global Warming might clear that up.. :badgrin:

I AM confused however by this 8-80 Exxon Valdez number.. Don't know what that means -- but it's a lot more than ONE !!!!
Some posters to this thread have not an ounce of brain. You are a complete moron if you deny the ill effects of oil spills on marine life. Can't you get with reality and have a rational thought? LaBrea Tar Pitts aren't like dozens of BP spills every year. Not even close. LaBrea exists in all three states according to your post, and one being a completely landlocked one. Really? Did you miss grade school all together, or did your education simply end there because the teachers couldn't advance you onto the next grade? Absolutely stupid!

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