Ojibwe Child with Cancer opts for traditional medicine


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
" "I have asked my mom and dad to take me off this treatment because I do not want to go this way anymore," Makayla says. "I am sick to my stomach all the time and I lost about 10 pounds because I couldn't keep nothing down. I know that what I have can kill me, but I don’t want to die in a hospital in chemo, weak and sick."

"Makayla is supported by her parents, Pastors Ken and Sonya Sault, who have allowed her to receive traditional medicine through a healer on Six Nations, reported The Two Row Times.

"But because there is no proof of the efficacy of traditional medicine, the hospital is viewing the Sault family’s choice to abandon chemotherapy as failing to provide proper medical care for the child."

"Makayla's leading oncologist physician Dr. Barr also tried to convince the family not to use indigenous medicines. Makayla's mother told the Band Council that “[Dr. Barr] said to us ‘…anyone who says that traditional medicine works should be thrown in jail.’”

"The First Nation Band Council has issued a letter of support to the Sault family, and both the First Nation and members of the Six Nations have asserted that they would not permit anyone to forcibly remove Makayla from the reserve.

Read more at Ojibwe Child with Cancer Quits Chemo for Traditional Medicine, Needs Support - ICTMN.com
Now she will die, but don't worry, it will be "traditional". Its too bad she has shitty parents who put their kooky fucking ideas in her head. Who wants a weirdo shaman blowing smoke in their face and chanting a bunch of garbage mombo jumbo anyway? Morons, that's who.
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She's probably going to die anyway.

This way she will be surrounded by those she loves, will be in touch with her own spirituality in an environment she's comfortable in..and she will have been spared the poison.
She's probably going to die anyway.

This way she will be surrounded by those she loves, will be in touch with her own spirituality in an environment she's comfortable in..and she will have been spared the poison.

"Probably going to die"? Is that your medical opinion, Doctor? That tribal bullshit isn't going to work. "Traditional medicine" is code for "ignorant dumbfuck medicine". Shes throwing her life away.
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There's a problem with enforcing care on someone who doesn't want it. She could be a Jehovas Witness, or a liberal who wants the right to die. The child will die. The family will mourn.
Progressive dumbfucks think the state should force children to submit to painful, invasive and/or worthless *medicine* in the name of *health*. They don't give a shit about children. It's all about giving the state the authority to experiment on those who can't defend themselves, and who are seen as without worth, anyway.
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Im not saying anyone should be forced to do anything. Im merely pointing out that only a stupid dumb fuck would rely on traditional medicine. Their primitive culture will fail them. It always has.
Im not saying anyone should be forced to do anything. Im merely pointing out that only a stupid dumb fuck would rely on traditional medicine. Their primitive culture will fail them. It always has.

^ Steve Jobs relied on traditional Chinese medicine for almost a year after being diagnosed. -He refused surgery and any cancer treatments during that time.
Many state that was the reason for his death, to include Jobs in an interview before he died.

Acupuncture is not going to cure cancer.

Ironically he relied on the internet for health advice instead of listening to doctors until it was too late.
The difference is that this child first submitted to traditional medicine. It didn't work.
The difference is that this child first submitted to traditional medicine. It didn't work.

A little over 2 months treatment for many cancers is no where near enough, especially Lymphoblastic Leukemia. The little girl says she feels much better on the traditional treatment. Of course she does, chemo makes you sick as a dog in many cases.

She says she knows she can die and doesn't care, but I don't believe an 11 year old can comprehend the finality of death. A child might complain because it makes them sick, however the parent has a duty to assure that child knows this medicine does make you sick, but in the end you will be much better and can live.
Now she will die, but don't worry, it will be "traditional". Its too bad she has shitty parents who put their kooky fucking ideas in her head. Who wants a weirdo shaman blowing smoke in their face and chanting a bunch of garbage mombo jumbo anyway? Morons, that's who.

As opposed to dying in agony after being tortured by having poison pumped into her for months? I watched two people go through chemo...not fuckin' worth it.
Is that the cancer she has, Cafe? I only read the article once..I didn't see that they identified the type of cancer. Is the cure rate good with chemo?

It would all depend on the prognosis. It's a tough call, but unless a cure is likely with chemo, I think it's the right of the family to choose how they want to proceed.

I'm not crazy about the right to treat your children as you see fit...I think that parents who refuse their children treatment for simple ailments that we KNOW can be cured with standard medical treatment (antibiotics, say...or insulin or even a blood transfusion) should be considered neglectful. But with children who are really sick with diseases that don't have a high cure rate...let the family do what they want.
My son suffered from pretty severe seizures from the age of 9 or so...he took HUGE doses of depakote. Finally when he was 13 he said he'd had enough. He hated the medication, and he hadn't had any break through seizures in a while....we went ahead and weaned him off the depakote and he hasn't had any seizures since. It isn't an extreme example...but I sympathize with parents whose children are begging them to stop a treatment they don't like.
CaféAuLait;9114203 said:
Im not saying anyone should be forced to do anything. Im merely pointing out that only a stupid dumb fuck would rely on traditional medicine. Their primitive culture will fail them. It always has.

^ Steve Jobs relied on traditional Chinese medicine for almost a year after being diagnosed. -He refused surgery and any cancer treatments during that time.
Many state that was the reason for his death, to include Jobs in an interview before he died.

Acupuncture is not going to cure cancer.

Ironically he relied on the internet for health advice instead of listening to doctors until it was too late.

Steve McQueen did the same thing. He died still under non traditional, traditional native treatment in Mexico.
It makes as much sense as not having an operation because the surgery will cause pain.
She's probably going to die anyway.

This way she will be surrounded by those she loves, will be in touch with her own spirituality in an environment she's comfortable in..and she will have been spared the poison.

"Probably going to die"? Is that your medical opinion, Doctor? That tribal bullshit isn't going to work. "Traditional medicine" is code for "ignorant dumbfuck medicine". Shes throwing her life away.

Just what the hell do YOU know about holistic medicine?

There are quite successful practitioners of it all over the world. One of the things they know and understand is the magical strength of the human mind and will. There are literally millions of cases of believers being healed through "traditional" methods.

I think this little girl has a better chance with a tribal healer than she does with all those thingamajiggies all over her.

God bless? [Or let the Creator Spirit look over her] :eusa_angel:
She's probably going to die anyway.

This way she will be surrounded by those she loves, will be in touch with her own spirituality in an environment she's comfortable in..and she will have been spared the poison.

"Probably going to die"? Is that your medical opinion, Doctor? That tribal bullshit isn't going to work. "Traditional medicine" is code for "ignorant dumbfuck medicine". Shes throwing her life away.

It ain't your place to say, is it?
Progressive dumbfucks think the state should force children to submit to painful, invasive and/or worthless *medicine* in the name of *health*. They don't give a shit about children. It's all about giving the state the authority to experiment on those who can't defend themselves, and who are seen as without worth, anyway.

Pretty much. It's all about giving Big Medicine the authority and sending trolls like Godboy to see that anyone who questions BM is put down with "dumbfuck".

KG, IOU a greenie for this thread when my clock allows. Good story. :thup:
CaféAuLait;9114203 said:
Im not saying anyone should be forced to do anything. Im merely pointing out that only a stupid dumb fuck would rely on traditional medicine. Their primitive culture will fail them. It always has.

^ Steve Jobs relied on traditional Chinese medicine for almost a year after being diagnosed. -He refused surgery and any cancer treatments during that time.
Many state that was the reason for his death, to include Jobs in an interview before he died.

Acupuncture is not going to cure cancer.

Ironically he relied on the internet for health advice instead of listening to doctors until it was too late.

Steve McQueen did the same thing. He died still under non traditional, traditional native treatment in Mexico.

Nothing could have saved McQueen even today...he smoked like a bonfire for most of his life & worked at a shipyard inhaling asbestos for years.
I have a healthy respect for modern medicine and appreciate the things it does...but I'm not a fool who thinks that doctors are Gods and any treatment they think MIGHT prolong should be mandated by law. Doctors are wrong all the time, treatments fail, and people die regardless. Traditional and holistic practices haven't cornered the market on failure. There are no guarantees, and unless there's a guarantee, then people should be allowed to make their own choices.

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