Senior Member
Funny, I have the one on the left except that mine is wireless...... and that is suppose to mean I'm gay???? Because I have taste and enjoy using products that not only took some design skill to produce but also work every time I sit in front of them? No downloading drivers, no blue screens, no viruses and easily the best LED monitor I have ever seen. It also has 4 GIGs of RAM, expandable to 8, a TB hard drive and an ATI Radeon HD 4670 graphics processor ............ I love my iMAc.......... of course, I'm not a child, I don't waste time playing games........ that seems gay to me.
You have TASTE alright... the taste of cock on your tongue.
ps, your video card sucks.
His vid card may not be the best available ... but at least when it breaks he can get it replaced quickly and easily.