OK police haters why do some blacks act this way?

Nice police work

She could have made an argument in court that they had no reasonable suspicion to justify running her plate in the first place. And she could have claimed the plate switch was accidental, she got the plates mixed up when she changed vehicles.

I'm about 90% sure I could have talked my way out of that, even if the car smelled like weed.

As to why black people act like this, it's mostly the women, because many of them (not all, or even most) are simply crazy and thrive on conflict to the point that they appear damn near rabid, and unfortunately for the black community, the number of fatherless households leave too many young black men being raised by these fucking psycho bitches.

That's why.

Here's my experience
While on the night shift I observed a vehicle sitting at a green light it sat through two or three green lights then proceeded to move after the light changed once again. So I followed the car for a couple of blocks it then pulled over to the curb. So I conduct a traffic stop 17 year old kid stolen tag, no DL and blew .08 I had probul cause to stop because of his eradic driving behavior

That’s your response to that blantantly racist and misogynistic comment?! Really? Do you agree with the poster about his characterization of black women?

nothing racist about what was said
Just ask any black man and they will tell you black women are crazy

He called black women “fucking psycho bitches” but you keep defending him... says a lot of about you

So, either you're another lying little puissant or you have never spent any time around black women.

You go right ahead and believe the pissant thing about me. I’m fine with that. Got zero motivation to put my energy into people like you

Fine by me.

But for the record, it wasn't I, who came along and started accusing people of racism and misogyny without a bit of evidence.

That was all you.

You’re statement is the evidence. You and I both know it is exactly what I said it is. And now you just want to troll me about it. Piss of man, the world is a better place without the garbage that you spew

I have been married to a black woman for over 30 years. She has sisters, she has cousins, she has friends and acquaintances, and so do her sisters and her cousins. I have been studying this shit up close and for a long, long time.

Facts are not racist, and they are not misogynistic, they just are.

What you said blankly labels people who are both women and black as Fucking psycho bitches. If you were joking that’s one thing if not then it is absolutely a racist and misogynist statement.

..something is different and wrong with blacks:
1. they commit crime at MUCH higher levels
2. they graduate at lower levels
..something is different and wrong with blacks:
1. they commit crime at MUCH higher levels
2. they graduate at lower levels
I tell my friends that people like you still exist and they don't believe me.
..something is different and wrong with blacks:
1. they commit crime at MUCH higher levels
2. they graduate at lower levels
I tell my friends that people like you still exist and they don't believe me.
thank you ..much appreciated
What do you appreciate?
the compliment--I must be awesome
..ahhhhhhhh-you DENY those statements I made???!!!!!!
Yes. I deny most of the things you say. And I didn’t give you a compliment
..something is different and wrong with blacks:
1. they commit crime at MUCH higher levels
2. they graduate at lower levels
I tell my friends that people like you still exist and they don't believe me.
thank you ..much appreciated
What do you appreciate?
the compliment--I must be awesome
..ahhhhhhhh-you DENY those statements I made???!!!!!!
Yes. I deny most of the things you say. And I didn’t give you a compliment
1. we know you people deny facts--you are afraid of them
2. thank you anyway
I don't doubt there are some racist cops out there but the main problem I see is cops being too prone to bullying.
And that comes from too little accountability.

I don't doubt you'll make any excuse possible to justify the different way cops treat suspects based soley on race. The white guy in the truck said, "I will fucking kill you" to a sworn officer of the law. Nothing happened to him. As far as I know, he's still free as a bird.

Sounds like you're accusing the patient cop of being racist because he didn't kill the white guy. Is that what you guys mean by equality? More unwarranted white men getting gunned down by police?

Sounds like you're in favor of cops going wild-west on any black suspect but appreciate the kindness and loving attitude they take toward white suspect who tell them, "I will fucking kill you." Is that what you mean by equality--for whites only?
loving attitude????!!
the BLACK cop shot an INNOCENT white lady!!!!!! she was NOT resisting

cops shoots a WHITE lady holding a baby!!!!!!!!!!

beats an white man who is prone on the ground and NOT resisting

And Blake gets popped SEVEN TIMES in the back.... And you cheer.
Try being an officer for even one shift.

Try being a black man in this country.
Why don't you try being a minority in some other country?

Bet you'll be back here before long.

Because America and other countries treat minorities badly is suppose to say what?
It's supposed to say that it could be a damn sight worse.
At least we try to make things better.

Some of us, anyway.

Not nearly enough.
Name another country that fought a war to free people that most folks didn't even consider human at the time.

I'll wait.

When you have to go back 150 years to find something..............
I don't have to go back that far, it's just a good example.

50 or 60 years ago it would have been illegal for me to marry my wife in most of this country.

But that got better and so will the rest if people would quit fucking it up.

Look at a large number of arguments here and elsewhere. We have a president that called those who tried to air their complaints SOB's.
You think every member of my wife's family liked having a peckerwood at the table?

That shit goes both ways.

It takes time to rub all the sharp edges off.

So people should just accept getting killed until we do that?
Well quit doing shit that makes people feel like they need to kill you before you kill them.

Cops are predators, they hunt people.

That's going to end.
So you want to defund the police until you need them?

This gets so old. This has been covered many times. We aren't getting rid of the police.

What if one of your family members had been raped, wouldn't you want a cop hunting the guilty down?

As opposed to chasing someone down and killing them over a bicycle violation? Yes.
..you are trying to hand-cuff the police --VERY stupid--so criminals will commit MORE crime

They are doing it to themselves. Even Trump admitted that there is no reason to shoot man 7 times in the back at point blank range.
I don't doubt there are some racist cops out there but the main problem I see is cops being too prone to bullying.
And that comes from too little accountability.

I don't doubt you'll make any excuse possible to justify the different way cops treat suspects based soley on race. The white guy in the truck said, "I will fucking kill you" to a sworn officer of the law. Nothing happened to him. As far as I know, he's still free as a bird.

Sounds like you're accusing the patient cop of being racist because he didn't kill the white guy. Is that what you guys mean by equality? More unwarranted white men getting gunned down by police?

Sounds like you're in favor of cops going wild-west on any black suspect but appreciate the kindness and loving attitude they take toward white suspect who tell them, "I will fucking kill you." Is that what you mean by equality--for whites only?
loving attitude????!!
the BLACK cop shot an INNOCENT white lady!!!!!! she was NOT resisting

cops shoots a WHITE lady holding a baby!!!!!!!!!!

beats an white man who is prone on the ground and NOT resisting

And Blake gets popped SEVEN TIMES in the back.... And you cheer.

That can not be changed. What we can find out is what led to it. What he was thinking and why.
Try being an officer for even one shift.

Try being a black man in this country.
Why don't you try being a minority in some other country?

Bet you'll be back here before long.

Because America and other countries treat minorities badly is suppose to say what?
It's supposed to say that it could be a damn sight worse.
At least we try to make things better.

Some of us, anyway.

Not nearly enough.
Name another country that fought a war to free people that most folks didn't even consider human at the time.

I'll wait.

When you have to go back 150 years to find something..............
I don't have to go back that far, it's just a good example.

50 or 60 years ago it would have been illegal for me to marry my wife in most of this country.

But that got better and so will the rest if people would quit fucking it up.

Look at a large number of arguments here and elsewhere. We have a president that called those who tried to air their complaints SOB's.
You think every member of my wife's family liked having a peckerwood at the table?

That shit goes both ways.

It takes time to rub all the sharp edges off.

So people should just accept getting killed until we do that?
Well quit doing shit that makes people feel like they need to kill you before you kill them.

Cops are predators, they hunt people.

That's going to end.
So you want to defund the police until you need them?

This gets so old. This has been covered many times. We aren't getting rid of the police.

What if one of your family members had been raped, wouldn't you want a cop hunting the guilty down?

As opposed to chasing someone down and killing them over a bicycle violation? Yes.
..you are trying to hand-cuff the police --VERY stupid--so criminals will commit MORE crime

They are doing it to themselves. Even Trump admitted that there is no reason to shoot man 7 times in the back at point blank range.
How many it takes to eliminate the threat
Nice police work

She could have made an argument in court that they had no reasonable suspicion to justify running her plate in the first place. And she could have claimed the plate switch was accidental, she got the plates mixed up when she changed vehicles.

I'm about 90% sure I could have talked my way out of that, even if the car smelled like weed.

As to why black people act like this, it's mostly the women, because many of them (not all, or even most) are simply crazy and thrive on conflict to the point that they appear damn near rabid, and unfortunately for the black community, the number of fatherless households leave too many young black men being raised by these fucking psycho bitches.

That's why.

Here's my experience
While on the night shift I observed a vehicle sitting at a green light it sat through two or three green lights then proceeded to move after the light changed once again. So I followed the car for a couple of blocks it then pulled over to the curb. So I conduct a traffic stop 17 year old kid stolen tag, no DL and blew .08 I had probul cause to stop because of his eradic driving behavior

That’s your response to that blantantly racist and misogynistic comment?! Really? Do you agree with the poster about his characterization of black women?

nothing racist about what was said
Just ask any black man and they will tell you black women are crazy

He called black women “fucking psycho bitches” but you keep defending him... says a lot of about you

So, either you're another lying little puissant or you have never spent any time around black women.

You go right ahead and believe the pissant thing about me. I’m fine with that. Got zero motivation to put my energy into people like you

Fine by me.

But for the record, it wasn't I, who came along and started accusing people of racism and misogyny without a bit of evidence.

That was all you.

You’re statement is the evidence. You and I both know it is exactly what I said it is. And now you just want to troll me about it. Piss of man, the world is a better place without the garbage that you spew

I have been married to a black woman for over 30 years. She has sisters, she has cousins, she has friends and acquaintances, and so do her sisters and her cousins. I have been studying this shit up close and for a long, long time.

Facts are not racist, and they are not misogynistic, they just are.

What you said blankly labels people who are both women and black as Fucking psycho bitches. If you were joking that’s one thing if not then it is absolutely a racist and misogynist statement.

a whole lot of them are..... more than any other demographic I know of.

You can whine about how politically incorrect it is of me to say so until Hell shuts down for Christmas but any man who has ever spent any significant time around black females will absolutely agree with me.

You're angry because I dared speak the truth out loud.

You don’t have them power to make me angry. You’re just a name on a message board talking crap which I’m calling out. It’s stereotyping like you’re doing that makes these racial issues fester. You’re going the wrong direction and being part of the problem. But I bet you think you’re keeping it real by being anti PC. Keep patting yourself on your back. You win the douche award

Would "offended" be more accurate than "angry"?

I'm a douche because I know more than you do about a particular subject?

Maybe I should say you're "butthurt ".... that seems more like it.

I’m none of the above. You weren’t insulting me you were just being an ass and I was pointing it out. No skin off my back

Except I wasn't, I was telling the truth and you were upset about it, and called me a couple names.

What evidence do you have that disproves my assertion that a high percentage of black females are fucking nuts and live for conflict?
And that that makes them horrible role models for black children of both genders?

I don’t need evidence to show that calling a large majority of black women “fucking psycho bitches” is a racist and misogynistic statement. It speaks for itself. I’m sorry you don’t understand that

Except it's not.

And you can't come up with anything, so you do this shit instead.

Keep telling yourself that buddy


So what have you accomplished by calling me a name?

Did calling me that suddenly make black women less crazy?

I accomplished the same as you accomplished by calling black women fucking psycho bitches... Nothing. I don't presume that anything I say is going to influence you and nothing you say is going to influence me. There needs to be mutual respect for change to occur and I don't get the sense that either of us respects the other.

Did you listen to what I had to say respectfully and with an open mind?
Did you ask for any clarification, or maybe an explanation of why I would say that?

Or did you skip straight to the name calling?

You're right; there is an issue with respect here, and you're the reason why.
Try being an officer for even one shift.

Try being a black man in this country.
Why don't you try being a minority in some other country?

Bet you'll be back here before long.

Because America and other countries treat minorities badly is suppose to say what?
It's supposed to say that it could be a damn sight worse.
At least we try to make things better.

Some of us, anyway.

Not nearly enough.
Name another country that fought a war to free people that most folks didn't even consider human at the time.

I'll wait.
There has been no country that did such a thing.
Race that never advanced beyond “ mud huts and spears “ in 300,000 yrs
True, most Europeans were still living in mud huts around the castles of those they called nobility.

Because you ain't talking about blacks.
Race that never advanced beyond “ mud huts and spears “ in 300,000 yrs
True, most Europeans were still living in mud huts around the castles of those they called nobility.

Because you ain't talking about blacks.
Greeks and Romans had very high lifestyles
I see your education is about “
The hood level”
I don't doubt there are some racist cops out there but the main problem I see is cops being too prone to bullying.
And that comes from too little accountability.

I don't doubt you'll make any excuse possible to justify the different way cops treat suspects based soley on race. The white guy in the truck said, "I will fucking kill you" to a sworn officer of the law. Nothing happened to him. As far as I know, he's still free as a bird.

Sounds like you're accusing the patient cop of being racist because he didn't kill the white guy. Is that what you guys mean by equality? More unwarranted white men getting gunned down by police?

Sounds like you're in favor of cops going wild-west on any black suspect but appreciate the kindness and loving attitude they take toward white suspect who tell them, "I will fucking kill you." Is that what you mean by equality--for whites only?
loving attitude????!!
the BLACK cop shot an INNOCENT white lady!!!!!! she was NOT resisting

cops shoots a WHITE lady holding a baby!!!!!!!!!!

beats an white man who is prone on the ground and NOT resisting

And Blake gets popped SEVEN TIMES in the back.... And you cheer.

That can not be changed. What we can find out is what led to it. What he was thinking and why.

And why a white guy saying to a cop that "I will fucking kill you" is still walking around today and a black guy who allegedly did similar things (and a hundred other examples of similar behavior by ethnic minorities) get shot and killed.
  • Thanks
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I guess you stormfront losers have decided to make this place your home. And while you look real hard to find things to justify your mental disorder there are far more instances like this:

There was no reason for that gun to be pulled for a traffic stop. There was no reason why the man was asked to get out of his car.

And this- You white racists just need to shut the fuck up.

Black Female Federal Officer in uniform, racially profiled by white police officer in Alabama

A 15-year federal law enforcement black female officer got pulled over by a white Alabama cop on July 31, 2020.

Now wtf is the excuse for this?

If this doesn't prove white privilege exists nothing does. This is really really sad. It could've went a whole lot different w/out her uniform on!
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