OK police haters why do some blacks act this way?

Nice police work

She could have made an argument in court that they had no reasonable suspicion to justify running her plate in the first place. And she could have claimed the plate switch was accidental, she got the plates mixed up when she changed vehicles.

I'm about 90% sure I could have talked my way out of that, even if the car smelled like weed.

As to why black people act like this, it's mostly the women, because many of them (not all, or even most) are simply crazy and thrive on conflict to the point that they appear damn near rabid, and unfortunately for the black community, the number of fatherless households leave too many young black men being raised by these fucking psycho bitches.

That's why.

Here's my experience
While on the night shift I observed a vehicle sitting at a green light it sat through two or three green lights then proceeded to move after the light changed once again. So I followed the car for a couple of blocks it then pulled over to the curb. So I conduct a traffic stop 17 year old kid stolen tag, no DL and blew .08 I had probul cause to stop because of his eradic driving behavior

That’s your response to that blantantly racist and misogynistic comment?! Really? Do you agree with the poster about his characterization of black women?

nothing racist about what was said
Just ask any black man and they will tell you black women are crazy

He called black women “fucking psycho bitches” but you keep defending him... says a lot of about you

So, either you're another lying little puissant or you have never spent any time around black women.

You go right ahead and believe the pissant thing about me. I’m fine with that. Got zero motivation to put my energy into people like you

Fine by me.

But for the record, it wasn't I, who came along and started accusing people of racism and misogyny without a bit of evidence.

That was all you.
Nice police work

She could have made an argument in court that they had no reasonable suspicion to justify running her plate in the first place. And she could have claimed the plate switch was accidental, she got the plates mixed up when she changed vehicles.

I'm about 90% sure I could have talked my way out of that, even if the car smelled like weed.

As to why black people act like this, it's mostly the women, because many of them (not all, or even most) are simply crazy and thrive on conflict to the point that they appear damn near rabid, and unfortunately for the black community, the number of fatherless households leave too many young black men being raised by these fucking psycho bitches.

That's why.

Here's my experience
While on the night shift I observed a vehicle sitting at a green light it sat through two or three green lights then proceeded to move after the light changed once again. So I followed the car for a couple of blocks it then pulled over to the curb. So I conduct a traffic stop 17 year old kid stolen tag, no DL and blew .08 I had probul cause to stop because of his eradic driving behavior

That’s your response to that blantantly racist and misogynistic comment?! Really? Do you agree with the poster about his characterization of black women?

nothing racist about what was said
Just ask any black man and they will tell you black women are crazy

He called black women “fucking psycho bitches” but you keep defending him... says a lot of about you

and how is that racist?
Ask black men if it's true
they are psycho bitches which is what makes them great for sex

I rest my case


All you've done here is show the world what a little bitch you are.
And how little pussy you ever get...… has any woman ever even come near your weak ass?

I'd be surprised if they had, women hate other bitches.

You sound like a totally secure individual. A real winner!
Try being an officer for even one shift.

Try being a black man in this country.
Why don't you try being a minority in some other country?

Bet you'll be back here before long.

Because America and other countries treat minorities badly is suppose to say what?
It's supposed to say that it could be a damn sight worse.
At least we try to make things better.

Some of us, anyway.

Not nearly enough.
Name another country that fought a war to free people that most folks didn't even consider human at the time.

I'll wait.

When you have to go back 150 years to find something..............
I don't have to go back that far, it's just a good example.

50 or 60 years ago it would have been illegal for me to marry my wife in most of this country.

But that got better and so will the rest if people would quit fucking it up.

Look at a large number of arguments here and elsewhere. We have a president that called those who tried to air their complaints SOB's.
You think every member of my wife's family liked having a peckerwood at the table?

That shit goes both ways.

It takes time to rub all the sharp edges off.

So people should just accept getting killed until we do that?
Well quit doing shit that makes people feel like they need to kill you before you kill them.

Cops are predators, they hunt people.

That's going to end.
So you want to defund the police until you need them?

This gets so old. This has been covered many times. We aren't getting rid of the police.

What if one of your family members had been raped, wouldn't you want a cop hunting the guilty down?

As opposed to chasing someone down and killing them over a bicycle violation? Yes.
Question; What do YOU think law enforcement should look like?
What's your ideal vision of the profession?

Other countries can have law enforcement without so many of their citizens getting killed.

I want a system that doesn't pull someone over for having a wide set nose and executes that person.

I want a system that doesn't believe violence is the answer to every crime no matter how minor.

I want a system that holds those accountable for enforcing the laws to those same laws.
Uh huh.....
Kinda light on the details there.

The details have been discussed endlessly. You can dismiss and avoid what I said if you want obviously.
No some of it sounds real good..... but the devil is in the details and I haven't heard anything workable yet.

What is so unworkable about holding the police to the same laws others are held to? Why is it that so often that when a police officer lies he isn't charged with that or really held accountable in any way?
Try being an officer for even one shift.

Try being a black man in this country.
Why don't you try being a minority in some other country?

Bet you'll be back here before long.

Because America and other countries treat minorities badly is suppose to say what?
It's supposed to say that it could be a damn sight worse.
At least we try to make things better.

Some of us, anyway.

Not nearly enough.
Name another country that fought a war to free people that most folks didn't even consider human at the time.

I'll wait.

When you have to go back 150 years to find something..............
Then don't cash your welfare checks.

I'm retired.
Because the revenue they generate feeds the legal system charged with holding them to account.
The lawyers, judges, courthouse personnel and all the rest wouldn't have an income if there weren't cops feeding people into the machine.

What did you think it was all about?

No, which is why I have said our unjust justice system needs reformed.
All governments are corrupt; that's a feature, not a bug.

If you want things to change, try voting out some of the incredibly corrupt local politicians that are fucking up their municipalities and robbing their constituents blind.

Kinda tough and a worthless statement to someone that lives in a small town in WV. Are you perhaps saying I should vote here and then go vote somewhere else also?

All politicians are going to steal and grift some, but these fuckers don't even pretend anymore..... they can't even be bothered to hide it. Because you all keep on re-electing the same thieving, lying, incompetent motherfuckers, over and over and over again.

Yeah? Who specifically have I done this with?

Now I live in a little small town where I can hold all the city government here (what little there is) accountable. Fuck, I could remove them all from office before dawn if I wanted to.

No you couldn't.
No, and why are you trying to pretend I did? Is that weak shit the best response you can come up with?

"You all"; Definition of YOU-ALL
Here, this might help with the comprehension problem you're pretending to have, so you don't have to argue the actual point.

Kind of hard to govern anything without a head.

You all includes the one you are speaking to. Now tell me how I did what you accuse me of doing,
Are you saying you never voted in a local election?

I absolutely have. But this is what you said.

All politicians are going to steal and grift some, but these fuckers don't even pretend anymore..... they can't even be bothered to hide it. Because you all keep on re-electing the same thieving, lying, incompetent motherfuckers, over and over and over again.

Now who have I done this with?
I'm presuming, I'll admit, but why don't you tell me who some of the people you voted for are and we can sit down and go over their records and see. Because if they're in politics, there is about a 95% chance they have been up to some fuckery somewhere.
Nice police work

She could have made an argument in court that they had no reasonable suspicion to justify running her plate in the first place. And she could have claimed the plate switch was accidental, she got the plates mixed up when she changed vehicles.

I'm about 90% sure I could have talked my way out of that, even if the car smelled like weed.

As to why black people act like this, it's mostly the women, because many of them (not all, or even most) are simply crazy and thrive on conflict to the point that they appear damn near rabid, and unfortunately for the black community, the number of fatherless households leave too many young black men being raised by these fucking psycho bitches.

That's why.

Here's my experience
While on the night shift I observed a vehicle sitting at a green light it sat through two or three green lights then proceeded to move after the light changed once again. So I followed the car for a couple of blocks it then pulled over to the curb. So I conduct a traffic stop 17 year old kid stolen tag, no DL and blew .08 I had probul cause to stop because of his eradic driving behavior

That’s your response to that blantantly racist and misogynistic comment?! Really? Do you agree with the poster about his characterization of black women?

nothing racist about what was said
Just ask any black man and they will tell you black women are crazy

He called black women “fucking psycho bitches” but you keep defending him... says a lot of about you

and how is that racist?
Ask black men if it's true
they are psycho bitches which is what makes them great for sex

I rest my case


All you've done here is show the world what a little bitch you are.
And how little pussy you ever get...… has any woman ever even come near your weak ass?

I'd be surprised if they had, women hate other bitches.

You sound like a totally secure individual. A real winner!

You don't.
Nice police work

She could have made an argument in court that they had no reasonable suspicion to justify running her plate in the first place. And she could have claimed the plate switch was accidental, she got the plates mixed up when she changed vehicles.

I'm about 90% sure I could have talked my way out of that, even if the car smelled like weed.

As to why black people act like this, it's mostly the women, because many of them (not all, or even most) are simply crazy and thrive on conflict to the point that they appear damn near rabid, and unfortunately for the black community, the number of fatherless households leave too many young black men being raised by these fucking psycho bitches.

That's why.

Here's my experience
While on the night shift I observed a vehicle sitting at a green light it sat through two or three green lights then proceeded to move after the light changed once again. So I followed the car for a couple of blocks it then pulled over to the curb. So I conduct a traffic stop 17 year old kid stolen tag, no DL and blew .08 I had probul cause to stop because of his eradic driving behavior

That’s your response to that blantantly racist and misogynistic comment?! Really? Do you agree with the poster about his characterization of black women?

nothing racist about what was said
Just ask any black man and they will tell you black women are crazy

He called black women “fucking psycho bitches” but you keep defending him... says a lot of about you

So, either you're another lying little puissant or you have never spent any time around black women.

You go right ahead and believe the pissant thing about me. I’m fine with that. Got zero motivation to put my energy into people like you

Fine by me.

But for the record, it wasn't I, who came along and started accusing people of racism and misogyny without a bit of evidence.

That was all you.

You’re statement is the evidence. You and I both know it is exactly what I said it is. And now you just want to troll me about it. Piss of man, the world is a better place without the garbage that you spew
Nice police work

She could have made an argument in court that they had no reasonable suspicion to justify running her plate in the first place. And she could have claimed the plate switch was accidental, she got the plates mixed up when she changed vehicles.

I'm about 90% sure I could have talked my way out of that, even if the car smelled like weed.

As to why black people act like this, it's mostly the women, because many of them (not all, or even most) are simply crazy and thrive on conflict to the point that they appear damn near rabid, and unfortunately for the black community, the number of fatherless households leave too many young black men being raised by these fucking psycho bitches.

That's why.

Here's my experience
While on the night shift I observed a vehicle sitting at a green light it sat through two or three green lights then proceeded to move after the light changed once again. So I followed the car for a couple of blocks it then pulled over to the curb. So I conduct a traffic stop 17 year old kid stolen tag, no DL and blew .08 I had probul cause to stop because of his eradic driving behavior

That’s your response to that blantantly racist and misogynistic comment?! Really? Do you agree with the poster about his characterization of black women?

nothing racist about what was said
Just ask any black man and they will tell you black women are crazy

He called black women “fucking psycho bitches” but you keep defending him... says a lot of about you

So, either you're another lying little puissant or you have never spent any time around black women.

You go right ahead and believe the pissant thing about me. I’m fine with that. Got zero motivation to put my energy into people like you

Fine by me.

But for the record, it wasn't I, who came along and started accusing people of racism and misogyny without a bit of evidence.

That was all you.

You’re statement is the evidence. You and I both know it is exactly what I said it is. And now you just want to troll me about it. Piss of man, the world is a better place without the garbage that you spew

I have been married to a black woman for over 30 years. She has sisters, she has cousins, she has friends and acquaintances, and so do her sisters and her cousins. I have been studying this shit up close and for a long, long time.

Facts are not racist, and they are not misogynistic, they just are.
Try being an officer for even one shift.

Try being a black man in this country.
Why don't you try being a minority in some other country?

Bet you'll be back here before long.

Because America and other countries treat minorities badly is suppose to say what?
It's supposed to say that it could be a damn sight worse.
At least we try to make things better.

Some of us, anyway.

Not nearly enough.
Name another country that fought a war to free people that most folks didn't even consider human at the time.

I'll wait.

When you have to go back 150 years to find something..............
I don't have to go back that far, it's just a good example.

50 or 60 years ago it would have been illegal for me to marry my wife in most of this country.

But that got better and so will the rest if people would quit fucking it up.

Look at a large number of arguments here and elsewhere. We have a president that called those who tried to air their complaints SOB's.
You think every member of my wife's family liked having a peckerwood at the table?

That shit goes both ways.

It takes time to rub all the sharp edges off.

So people should just accept getting killed until we do that?
Well quit doing shit that makes people feel like they need to kill you before you kill them.

Cops are predators, they hunt people.

That's going to end.
So you want to defund the police until you need them?

This gets so old. This has been covered many times. We aren't getting rid of the police.

What if one of your family members had been raped, wouldn't you want a cop hunting the guilty down?

As opposed to chasing someone down and killing them over a bicycle violation? Yes.
Question; What do YOU think law enforcement should look like?
What's your ideal vision of the profession?

Other countries can have law enforcement without so many of their citizens getting killed.

I want a system that doesn't pull someone over for having a wide set nose and executes that person.

I want a system that doesn't believe violence is the answer to every crime no matter how minor.

I want a system that holds those accountable for enforcing the laws to those same laws.
Uh huh.....
Kinda light on the details there.

The details have been discussed endlessly. You can dismiss and avoid what I said if you want obviously.
No some of it sounds real good..... but the devil is in the details and I haven't heard anything workable yet.

What is so unworkable about holding the police to the same laws others are held to? Why is it that so often that when a police officer lies he isn't charged with that or really held accountable in any way?
Try being an officer for even one shift.

Try being a black man in this country.
Why don't you try being a minority in some other country?

Bet you'll be back here before long.

Because America and other countries treat minorities badly is suppose to say what?
It's supposed to say that it could be a damn sight worse.
At least we try to make things better.

Some of us, anyway.

Not nearly enough.
Name another country that fought a war to free people that most folks didn't even consider human at the time.

I'll wait.

When you have to go back 150 years to find something..............
Then don't cash your welfare checks.

I'm retired.
Because the revenue they generate feeds the legal system charged with holding them to account.
The lawyers, judges, courthouse personnel and all the rest wouldn't have an income if there weren't cops feeding people into the machine.

What did you think it was all about?

No, which is why I have said our unjust justice system needs reformed.
All governments are corrupt; that's a feature, not a bug.

If you want things to change, try voting out some of the incredibly corrupt local politicians that are fucking up their municipalities and robbing their constituents blind.

Kinda tough and a worthless statement to someone that lives in a small town in WV. Are you perhaps saying I should vote here and then go vote somewhere else also?

All politicians are going to steal and grift some, but these fuckers don't even pretend anymore..... they can't even be bothered to hide it. Because you all keep on re-electing the same thieving, lying, incompetent motherfuckers, over and over and over again.

Yeah? Who specifically have I done this with?

Now I live in a little small town where I can hold all the city government here (what little there is) accountable. Fuck, I could remove them all from office before dawn if I wanted to.

No you couldn't.
No, and why are you trying to pretend I did? Is that weak shit the best response you can come up with?

"You all"; Definition of YOU-ALL
Here, this might help with the comprehension problem you're pretending to have, so you don't have to argue the actual point.

Kind of hard to govern anything without a head.

You all includes the one you are speaking to. Now tell me how I did what you accuse me of doing,
Are you saying you never voted in a local election?

I absolutely have. But this is what you said.

All politicians are going to steal and grift some, but these fuckers don't even pretend anymore..... they can't even be bothered to hide it. Because you all keep on re-electing the same thieving, lying, incompetent motherfuckers, over and over and over again.

Now who have I done this with?
I'm presuming, I'll admit, but why don't you tell me who some of the people you voted for are and we can sit down and go over their records and see. Because if they're in politics, there is about a 95% chance they have been up to some fuckery somewhere.

Well you mentioned local elections. You wouldn't know if I told you in those cases.

For president the last 4 presidential elections I voted Michael Bednarik, Bob Barr, Vermine Supreme and Jill Stein.
Try being an officer for even one shift.

Try being a black man in this country.
Why don't you try being a minority in some other country?

Bet you'll be back here before long.

Because America and other countries treat minorities badly is suppose to say what?
It's supposed to say that it could be a damn sight worse.
At least we try to make things better.

Some of us, anyway.

Not nearly enough.
Name another country that fought a war to free people that most folks didn't even consider human at the time.

I'll wait.

When you have to go back 150 years to find something..............
I don't have to go back that far, it's just a good example.

50 or 60 years ago it would have been illegal for me to marry my wife in most of this country.

But that got better and so will the rest if people would quit fucking it up.

Look at a large number of arguments here and elsewhere. We have a president that called those who tried to air their complaints SOB's.
You think every member of my wife's family liked having a peckerwood at the table?

That shit goes both ways.

It takes time to rub all the sharp edges off.

So people should just accept getting killed until we do that?
Well quit doing shit that makes people feel like they need to kill you before you kill them.

Cops are predators, they hunt people.

That's going to end.
So you want to defund the police until you need them?

This gets so old. This has been covered many times. We aren't getting rid of the police.

What if one of your family members had been raped, wouldn't you want a cop hunting the guilty down?

As opposed to chasing someone down and killing them over a bicycle violation? Yes.
Question; What do YOU think law enforcement should look like?
What's your ideal vision of the profession?

Other countries can have law enforcement without so many of their citizens getting killed.

I want a system that doesn't pull someone over for having a wide set nose and executes that person.

I want a system that doesn't believe violence is the answer to every crime no matter how minor.

I want a system that holds those accountable for enforcing the laws to those same laws.
Uh huh.....
Kinda light on the details there.

The details have been discussed endlessly. You can dismiss and avoid what I said if you want obviously.
No some of it sounds real good..... but the devil is in the details and I haven't heard anything workable yet.

What is so unworkable about holding the police to the same laws others are held to? Why is it that so often that when a police officer lies he isn't charged with that or really held accountable in any way?
Try being an officer for even one shift.

Try being a black man in this country.
Why don't you try being a minority in some other country?

Bet you'll be back here before long.

Because America and other countries treat minorities badly is suppose to say what?
It's supposed to say that it could be a damn sight worse.
At least we try to make things better.

Some of us, anyway.

Not nearly enough.
Name another country that fought a war to free people that most folks didn't even consider human at the time.

I'll wait.

When you have to go back 150 years to find something..............
Then don't cash your welfare checks.

I'm retired.
Because the revenue they generate feeds the legal system charged with holding them to account.
The lawyers, judges, courthouse personnel and all the rest wouldn't have an income if there weren't cops feeding people into the machine.

What did you think it was all about?

No, which is why I have said our unjust justice system needs reformed.
All governments are corrupt; that's a feature, not a bug.

If you want things to change, try voting out some of the incredibly corrupt local politicians that are fucking up their municipalities and robbing their constituents blind.

Kinda tough and a worthless statement to someone that lives in a small town in WV. Are you perhaps saying I should vote here and then go vote somewhere else also?

All politicians are going to steal and grift some, but these fuckers don't even pretend anymore..... they can't even be bothered to hide it. Because you all keep on re-electing the same thieving, lying, incompetent motherfuckers, over and over and over again.

Yeah? Who specifically have I done this with?

Now I live in a little small town where I can hold all the city government here (what little there is) accountable. Fuck, I could remove them all from office before dawn if I wanted to.

No you couldn't.
No, and why are you trying to pretend I did? Is that weak shit the best response you can come up with?

"You all"; Definition of YOU-ALL
Here, this might help with the comprehension problem you're pretending to have, so you don't have to argue the actual point.

Kind of hard to govern anything without a head.

You all includes the one you are speaking to. Now tell me how I did what you accuse me of doing,
Are you saying you never voted in a local election?

I absolutely have. But this is what you said.

All politicians are going to steal and grift some, but these fuckers don't even pretend anymore..... they can't even be bothered to hide it. Because you all keep on re-electing the same thieving, lying, incompetent motherfuckers, over and over and over again.

Now who have I done this with?
I'm presuming, I'll admit, but why don't you tell me who some of the people you voted for are and we can sit down and go over their records and see. Because if they're in politics, there is about a 95% chance they have been up to some fuckery somewhere.

Well you mentioned local elections. You wouldn't know if I told you in those cases.

For president the last 4 presidential elections I voted Michael Bednarik, Bob Barr, Vermine Supreme and Jill Stein.
Okay, I gotta give you props for Vermin Supreme.
Nice police work

She could have made an argument in court that they had no reasonable suspicion to justify running her plate in the first place. And she could have claimed the plate switch was accidental, she got the plates mixed up when she changed vehicles.

I'm about 90% sure I could have talked my way out of that, even if the car smelled like weed.

As to why black people act like this, it's mostly the women, because many of them (not all, or even most) are simply crazy and thrive on conflict to the point that they appear damn near rabid, and unfortunately for the black community, the number of fatherless households leave too many young black men being raised by these fucking psycho bitches.

That's why.

Here's my experience
While on the night shift I observed a vehicle sitting at a green light it sat through two or three green lights then proceeded to move after the light changed once again. So I followed the car for a couple of blocks it then pulled over to the curb. So I conduct a traffic stop 17 year old kid stolen tag, no DL and blew .08 I had probul cause to stop because of his eradic driving behavior

That’s your response to that blantantly racist and misogynistic comment?! Really? Do you agree with the poster about his characterization of black women?

nothing racist about what was said
Just ask any black man and they will tell you black women are crazy

He called black women “fucking psycho bitches” but you keep defending him... says a lot of about you

So, either you're another lying little puissant or you have never spent any time around black women.

You go right ahead and believe the pissant thing about me. I’m fine with that. Got zero motivation to put my energy into people like you

Fine by me.

But for the record, it wasn't I, who came along and started accusing people of racism and misogyny without a bit of evidence.

That was all you.

You’re statement is the evidence. You and I both know it is exactly what I said it is. And now you just want to troll me about it. Piss of man, the world is a better place without the garbage that you spew

I have been married to a black woman for over 30 years. She has sisters, she has cousins, she has friends and acquaintances, and so do her sisters and her cousins. I have been studying this shit up close and for a long, long time.

Facts are not racist, and they are not misogynistic, they just are.

What you said blankly labels people who are both women and black as Fucking psycho bitches. If you were joking that’s one thing if not then it is absolutely a racist and misogynist statement.
Nice police work

She could have made an argument in court that they had no reasonable suspicion to justify running her plate in the first place. And she could have claimed the plate switch was accidental, she got the plates mixed up when she changed vehicles.

I'm about 90% sure I could have talked my way out of that, even if the car smelled like weed.

As to why black people act like this, it's mostly the women, because many of them (not all, or even most) are simply crazy and thrive on conflict to the point that they appear damn near rabid, and unfortunately for the black community, the number of fatherless households leave too many young black men being raised by these fucking psycho bitches.

That's why.

Here's my experience
While on the night shift I observed a vehicle sitting at a green light it sat through two or three green lights then proceeded to move after the light changed once again. So I followed the car for a couple of blocks it then pulled over to the curb. So I conduct a traffic stop 17 year old kid stolen tag, no DL and blew .08 I had probul cause to stop because of his eradic driving behavior

That’s your response to that blantantly racist and misogynistic comment?! Really? Do you agree with the poster about his characterization of black women?

nothing racist about what was said
Just ask any black man and they will tell you black women are crazy

He called black women “fucking psycho bitches” but you keep defending him... says a lot of about you

So, either you're another lying little puissant or you have never spent any time around black women.

You go right ahead and believe the pissant thing about me. I’m fine with that. Got zero motivation to put my energy into people like you

Fine by me.

But for the record, it wasn't I, who came along and started accusing people of racism and misogyny without a bit of evidence.

That was all you.

You’re statement is the evidence. You and I both know it is exactly what I said it is. And now you just want to troll me about it. Piss of man, the world is a better place without the garbage that you spew

I have been married to a black woman for over 30 years. She has sisters, she has cousins, she has friends and acquaintances, and so do her sisters and her cousins. I have been studying this shit up close and for a long, long time.

Facts are not racist, and they are not misogynistic, they just are.

What you said blankly labels people who are both women and black as Fucking psycho bitches. If you were joking that’s one thing if not then it is absolutely a racist and misogynist statement.

a whole lot of them are..... more than any other demographic I know of.

You can whine about how politically incorrect it is of me to say so until Hell shuts down for Christmas but any man who has ever spent any significant time around black females will absolutely agree with me.

You're angry because I dared speak the truth out loud.
Nice police work

She could have made an argument in court that they had no reasonable suspicion to justify running her plate in the first place. And she could have claimed the plate switch was accidental, she got the plates mixed up when she changed vehicles.

I'm about 90% sure I could have talked my way out of that, even if the car smelled like weed.

As to why black people act like this, it's mostly the women, because many of them (not all, or even most) are simply crazy and thrive on conflict to the point that they appear damn near rabid, and unfortunately for the black community, the number of fatherless households leave too many young black men being raised by these fucking psycho bitches.

That's why.

Here's my experience
While on the night shift I observed a vehicle sitting at a green light it sat through two or three green lights then proceeded to move after the light changed once again. So I followed the car for a couple of blocks it then pulled over to the curb. So I conduct a traffic stop 17 year old kid stolen tag, no DL and blew .08 I had probul cause to stop because of his eradic driving behavior

That’s your response to that blantantly racist and misogynistic comment?! Really? Do you agree with the poster about his characterization of black women?

nothing racist about what was said
Just ask any black man and they will tell you black women are crazy

He called black women “fucking psycho bitches” but you keep defending him... says a lot of about you

So, either you're another lying little puissant or you have never spent any time around black women.

You go right ahead and believe the pissant thing about me. I’m fine with that. Got zero motivation to put my energy into people like you

Fine by me.

But for the record, it wasn't I, who came along and started accusing people of racism and misogyny without a bit of evidence.

That was all you.

You’re statement is the evidence. You and I both know it is exactly what I said it is. And now you just want to troll me about it. Piss of man, the world is a better place without the garbage that you spew

I have been married to a black woman for over 30 years. She has sisters, she has cousins, she has friends and acquaintances, and so do her sisters and her cousins. I have been studying this shit up close and for a long, long time.

Facts are not racist, and they are not misogynistic, they just are.

What you said blankly labels people who are both women and black as Fucking psycho bitches. If you were joking that’s one thing if not then it is absolutely a racist and misogynist statement.

a whole lot of them are..... more than any other demographic I know of.

You can whine about how politically incorrect it is of me to say so until Hell shuts down for Christmas but any man who has ever spent any significant time around black females will absolutely agree with me.

You're angry because I dared speak the truth out loud.

You don’t have them power to make me angry. You’re just a name on a message board talking crap which I’m calling out. It’s stereotyping like you’re doing that makes these racial issues fester. You’re going the wrong direction and being part of the problem. But I bet you think you’re keeping it real by being anti PC. Keep patting yourself on your back. You win the douche award
I've had people try to kill me in 4 different countries, including this one, and I still choose to live here.
Stop jacking cars and that problem will go away.
In Iraq and Afghanistan, it was because I was a soldier.
In Honduras, they tried to murder me and rob me.
Here it was for being a white guy in the wrong place
OK police haters why do some blacks act this way?

Some Black people do act that way. So do some white people, some Hispanic people, some Asian people, and maybe even a Jew or two (although, I can't say I've ever seen that).

It's not about race, it's about IQ.
I'm going to need a link to the Jewish one.
Jews have been selectively breeding for intelligence since before the birth of Christ and have learned to cooperate with authority almost as long.
Nice police work

It's not exclusive to any skin color, but blacks have more of these total idiots and for some reason they defend them.

That's the lie that is told.

Not it not exclusive to skin color
Personal fact young blacks are idiots when it comes to dealing with the police
and leftist for the most party will defend them
So which part is the lie that is told?

Or is it that the police are idiots when they deal with black men. You have to give respect to get respect.

This here is a retarded philosophy when talking civilians and cops. No wonder blacks are making things worse for themselves if this is their general attitude. Something went horribly wrong in the education of young black people. Still say the rap music played a huge part in this. When a cop stops you and gives you a reasonable directive, you had better fucking do it. Being black doesn't give you special rights to resist or defy FFS.

So why were black folks being harassed, beaten and murdered before rap hit the scene? So according to your dumb ass analogy black folks have been disrespecting cops since the first black folks stepped off the ship in chains.

Wasn't around that far back. Were you? what do you think you know, and from whom?

That's the problem, is it why you make asinine statements.

I enjoyed the rap of the 80's as a kid, and it didn't inspire me to run around fighting with cops.

It doesn't inspire anyone to, it is entertainment and we value it as that.

I been pulled over on the street or in my vehicle when young, questioned and frisked. Hey no problem cop. Had guns pointed at me. I put my hands up and got on the ground. I got nothing to hide. I didn't like it, but I was smart enough to know the cops are just doing their jobs.

How about you?

So you think that was ok? I have had the same done and in a couple of cases worse, I am trying to figure out how that gets to be acceptable. Do you think it is ok for cops to treat you with that kind of disrespect?

Cops don’t always have all the information during a stop. I’ve had worse done to me and I’m white. Over the years I’ve had a shotgun held on me in a traffic stop, been pulled over at two am, searched cuffed and held on the side of the freeway for an hour because my car matched one in a robbery. While I was a little annoyed on both occasions, the last thing I would have considered at the time would be mouthing off at the cops, resisting, ignoring orders, or doing anything else to make the situation worse, or raise stress levels making the situations more dangerous for all concerned. The first incident was my fault, it was a dark stretch of freeway in 1971 and I opened my door and started to turn and step out while reaching for my wallet. The second was just one of those things and the cops explained the situation when they released me. Then there was the time when I was in the Army when my wife and I had a fight with my visiting MIL. We left and when we returned she claimed I threatened to shoot her and left to buy some rounds at three in the morning. I showed the cops the several hundred rounds I had in the closet. My MIL placed me under citizen’s arrest, and since my wife hadn’t received her new license in her married name and the temp had expired, the cops allowed me to drive myself to jail, booked me and released me on my own recognizance. People cause their own problems with the cops more often than not.
Nice police work

She could have made an argument in court that they had no reasonable suspicion to justify running her plate in the first place. And she could have claimed the plate switch was accidental, she got the plates mixed up when she changed vehicles.

I'm about 90% sure I could have talked my way out of that, even if the car smelled like weed.

As to why black people act like this, it's mostly the women, because many of them (not all, or even most) are simply crazy and thrive on conflict to the point that they appear damn near rabid, and unfortunately for the black community, the number of fatherless households leave too many young black men being raised by these fucking psycho bitches.

That's why.

Here's my experience
While on the night shift I observed a vehicle sitting at a green light it sat through two or three green lights then proceeded to move after the light changed once again. So I followed the car for a couple of blocks it then pulled over to the curb. So I conduct a traffic stop 17 year old kid stolen tag, no DL and blew .08 I had probul cause to stop because of his eradic driving behavior

That’s your response to that blantantly racist and misogynistic comment?! Really? Do you agree with the poster about his characterization of black women?

nothing racist about what was said
Just ask any black man and they will tell you black women are crazy

He called black women “fucking psycho bitches” but you keep defending him... says a lot of about you

I believe he said “SOME” were. And along with SOME white, brown red and yellow women he’s correct. Oh and SOME black, brow, white, yellow and red men are as well.
Try being an officer for even one shift.

Try being a black man in this country.
Why don't you try being a minority in some other country?

Bet you'll be back here before long.

Because America and other countries treat minorities badly is suppose to say what?
It's supposed to say that it could be a damn sight worse.
At least we try to make things better.

Some of us, anyway.

Not nearly enough.
Name another country that fought a war to free people that most folks didn't even consider human at the time.

I'll wait.

When you have to go back 150 years to find something..............
I don't have to go back that far, it's just a good example.

50 or 60 years ago it would have been illegal for me to marry my wife in most of this country.

But that got better and so will the rest if people would quit fucking it up.

Look at a large number of arguments here and elsewhere. We have a president that called those who tried to air their complaints SOB's.
You think every member of my wife's family liked having a peckerwood at the table?

That shit goes both ways.

It takes time to rub all the sharp edges off.

So people should just accept getting killed until we do that?
Well quit doing shit that makes people feel like they need to kill you before you kill them.

Cops are predators, they hunt people.

That's going to end.
So you want to defund the police until you need them?

This gets so old. This has been covered many times. We aren't getting rid of the police.

What if one of your family members had been raped, wouldn't you want a cop hunting the guilty down?

As opposed to chasing someone down and killing them over a bicycle violation? Yes.
Question; What do YOU think law enforcement should look like?
What's your ideal vision of the profession?

Other countries can have law enforcement without so many of their citizens getting killed.

I want a system that doesn't pull someone over for having a wide set nose and executes that person.

I want a system that doesn't believe violence is the answer to every crime no matter how minor.

I want a system that holds those accountable for enforcing the laws to those same laws.
Uh huh.....
Kinda light on the details there.

The details have been discussed endlessly. You can dismiss and avoid what I said if you want obviously.
No some of it sounds real good..... but the devil is in the details and I haven't heard anything workable yet.

What is so unworkable about holding the police to the same laws others are held to? Why is it that so often that when a police officer lies he isn't charged with that or really held accountable in any way?
Try being an officer for even one shift.

Try being a black man in this country.
Why don't you try being a minority in some other country?

Bet you'll be back here before long.

Because America and other countries treat minorities badly is suppose to say what?
It's supposed to say that it could be a damn sight worse.
At least we try to make things better.

Some of us, anyway.

Not nearly enough.
Name another country that fought a war to free people that most folks didn't even consider human at the time.

I'll wait.

When you have to go back 150 years to find something..............
Then don't cash your welfare checks.

I'm retired.
Because the revenue they generate feeds the legal system charged with holding them to account.
The lawyers, judges, courthouse personnel and all the rest wouldn't have an income if there weren't cops feeding people into the machine.

What did you think it was all about?

No, which is why I have said our unjust justice system needs reformed.
All governments are corrupt; that's a feature, not a bug.

If you want things to change, try voting out some of the incredibly corrupt local politicians that are fucking up their municipalities and robbing their constituents blind.

Kinda tough and a worthless statement to someone that lives in a small town in WV. Are you perhaps saying I should vote here and then go vote somewhere else also?

All politicians are going to steal and grift some, but these fuckers don't even pretend anymore..... they can't even be bothered to hide it. Because you all keep on re-electing the same thieving, lying, incompetent motherfuckers, over and over and over again.

Yeah? Who specifically have I done this with?

Now I live in a little small town where I can hold all the city government here (what little there is) accountable. Fuck, I could remove them all from office before dawn if I wanted to.

No you couldn't.
No, and why are you trying to pretend I did? Is that weak shit the best response you can come up with?

"You all"; Definition of YOU-ALL
Here, this might help with the comprehension problem you're pretending to have, so you don't have to argue the actual point.

Kind of hard to govern anything without a head.

You all includes the one you are speaking to. Now tell me how I did what you accuse me of doing,
Are you saying you never voted in a local election?

I absolutely have. But this is what you said.

All politicians are going to steal and grift some, but these fuckers don't even pretend anymore..... they can't even be bothered to hide it. Because you all keep on re-electing the same thieving, lying, incompetent motherfuckers, over and over and over again.

Now who have I done this with?
I'm presuming, I'll admit, but why don't you tell me who some of the people you voted for are and we can sit down and go over their records and see. Because if they're in politics, there is about a 95% chance they have been up to some fuckery somewhere.
Most people only go into politics for two reasons, money or power.
Nice police work

She could have made an argument in court that they had no reasonable suspicion to justify running her plate in the first place. And she could have claimed the plate switch was accidental, she got the plates mixed up when she changed vehicles.

I'm about 90% sure I could have talked my way out of that, even if the car smelled like weed.

As to why black people act like this, it's mostly the women, because many of them (not all, or even most) are simply crazy and thrive on conflict to the point that they appear damn near rabid, and unfortunately for the black community, the number of fatherless households leave too many young black men being raised by these fucking psycho bitches.

That's why.

Here's my experience
While on the night shift I observed a vehicle sitting at a green light it sat through two or three green lights then proceeded to move after the light changed once again. So I followed the car for a couple of blocks it then pulled over to the curb. So I conduct a traffic stop 17 year old kid stolen tag, no DL and blew .08 I had probul cause to stop because of his eradic driving behavior

That’s your response to that blantantly racist and misogynistic comment?! Really? Do you agree with the poster about his characterization of black women?

nothing racist about what was said
Just ask any black man and they will tell you black women are crazy

He called black women “fucking psycho bitches” but you keep defending him... says a lot of about you

So, either you're another lying little puissant or you have never spent any time around black women.

You go right ahead and believe the pissant thing about me. I’m fine with that. Got zero motivation to put my energy into people like you

Fine by me.

But for the record, it wasn't I, who came along and started accusing people of racism and misogyny without a bit of evidence.

That was all you.

You’re statement is the evidence. You and I both know it is exactly what I said it is. And now you just want to troll me about it. Piss of man, the world is a better place without the garbage that you spew

I have been married to a black woman for over 30 years. She has sisters, she has cousins, she has friends and acquaintances, and so do her sisters and her cousins. I have been studying this shit up close and for a long, long time.

Facts are not racist, and they are not misogynistic, they just are.

What you said blankly labels people who are both women and black as Fucking psycho bitches. If you were joking that’s one thing if not then it is absolutely a racist and misogynist statement.

a whole lot of them are..... more than any other demographic I know of.

You can whine about how politically incorrect it is of me to say so until Hell shuts down for Christmas but any man who has ever spent any significant time around black females will absolutely agree with me.

You're angry because I dared speak the truth out loud.

You don’t have them power to make me angry. You’re just a name on a message board talking crap which I’m calling out. It’s stereotyping like you’re doing that makes these racial issues fester. You’re going the wrong direction and being part of the problem. But I bet you think you’re keeping it real by being anti PC. Keep patting yourself on your back. You win the douche award

Would "offended" be more accurate than "angry"?

I'm a douche because I know more than you do about a particular subject?

Maybe I should say you're "butthurt ".... that seems more like it.
Try being an officer for even one shift.

Try being a black man in this country.
Why don't you try being a minority in some other country?

Bet you'll be back here before long.

Because America and other countries treat minorities badly is suppose to say what?
It's supposed to say that it could be a damn sight worse.
At least we try to make things better.

Some of us, anyway.

Not nearly enough.
Name another country that fought a war to free people that most folks didn't even consider human at the time.

I'll wait.

When you have to go back 150 years to find something..............
I don't have to go back that far, it's just a good example.

50 or 60 years ago it would have been illegal for me to marry my wife in most of this country.

But that got better and so will the rest if people would quit fucking it up.

Look at a large number of arguments here and elsewhere. We have a president that called those who tried to air their complaints SOB's.
You think every member of my wife's family liked having a peckerwood at the table?

That shit goes both ways.

It takes time to rub all the sharp edges off.

So people should just accept getting killed until we do that?
Well quit doing shit that makes people feel like they need to kill you before you kill them.

Cops are predators, they hunt people.

That's going to end.
So you want to defund the police until you need them?

This gets so old. This has been covered many times. We aren't getting rid of the police.

What if one of your family members had been raped, wouldn't you want a cop hunting the guilty down?

As opposed to chasing someone down and killing them over a bicycle violation? Yes.
Question; What do YOU think law enforcement should look like?
What's your ideal vision of the profession?

Other countries can have law enforcement without so many of their citizens getting killed.

I want a system that doesn't pull someone over for having a wide set nose and executes that person.

I want a system that doesn't believe violence is the answer to every crime no matter how minor.

I want a system that holds those accountable for enforcing the laws to those same laws.
Uh huh.....
Kinda light on the details there.

The details have been discussed endlessly. You can dismiss and avoid what I said if you want obviously.
No some of it sounds real good..... but the devil is in the details and I haven't heard anything workable yet.

What is so unworkable about holding the police to the same laws others are held to? Why is it that so often that when a police officer lies he isn't charged with that or really held accountable in any way?
Try being an officer for even one shift.

Try being a black man in this country.
Why don't you try being a minority in some other country?

Bet you'll be back here before long.

Because America and other countries treat minorities badly is suppose to say what?
It's supposed to say that it could be a damn sight worse.
At least we try to make things better.

Some of us, anyway.

Not nearly enough.
Name another country that fought a war to free people that most folks didn't even consider human at the time.

I'll wait.

When you have to go back 150 years to find something..............
Then don't cash your welfare checks.

I'm retired.
Because the revenue they generate feeds the legal system charged with holding them to account.
The lawyers, judges, courthouse personnel and all the rest wouldn't have an income if there weren't cops feeding people into the machine.

What did you think it was all about?

No, which is why I have said our unjust justice system needs reformed.
All governments are corrupt; that's a feature, not a bug.

If you want things to change, try voting out some of the incredibly corrupt local politicians that are fucking up their municipalities and robbing their constituents blind.

Kinda tough and a worthless statement to someone that lives in a small town in WV. Are you perhaps saying I should vote here and then go vote somewhere else also?

All politicians are going to steal and grift some, but these fuckers don't even pretend anymore..... they can't even be bothered to hide it. Because you all keep on re-electing the same thieving, lying, incompetent motherfuckers, over and over and over again.

Yeah? Who specifically have I done this with?

Now I live in a little small town where I can hold all the city government here (what little there is) accountable. Fuck, I could remove them all from office before dawn if I wanted to.

No you couldn't.
No, and why are you trying to pretend I did? Is that weak shit the best response you can come up with?

"You all"; Definition of YOU-ALL
Here, this might help with the comprehension problem you're pretending to have, so you don't have to argue the actual point.

Kind of hard to govern anything without a head.

You all includes the one you are speaking to. Now tell me how I did what you accuse me of doing,
Are you saying you never voted in a local election?

I absolutely have. But this is what you said.

All politicians are going to steal and grift some, but these fuckers don't even pretend anymore..... they can't even be bothered to hide it. Because you all keep on re-electing the same thieving, lying, incompetent motherfuckers, over and over and over again.

Now who have I done this with?
I'm presuming, I'll admit, but why don't you tell me who some of the people you voted for are and we can sit down and go over their records and see. Because if they're in politics, there is about a 95% chance they have been up to some fuckery somewhere.
Most people only go into politics for two reasons, money or power.
Well, it is the single best way to become a millionaire in America.
Try being an officer for even one shift.

Try being a black man in this country.
Why don't you try being a minority in some other country?

Bet you'll be back here before long.

Because America and other countries treat minorities badly is suppose to say what?
It's supposed to say that it could be a damn sight worse.
At least we try to make things better.

Some of us, anyway.

Not nearly enough.
Name another country that fought a war to free people that most folks didn't even consider human at the time.

I'll wait.

When you have to go back 150 years to find something..............
I don't have to go back that far, it's just a good example.

50 or 60 years ago it would have been illegal for me to marry my wife in most of this country.

But that got better and so will the rest if people would quit fucking it up.

Look at a large number of arguments here and elsewhere. We have a president that called those who tried to air their complaints SOB's.
You think every member of my wife's family liked having a peckerwood at the table?

That shit goes both ways.

It takes time to rub all the sharp edges off.

So people should just accept getting killed until we do that?
Well quit doing shit that makes people feel like they need to kill you before you kill them.

Cops are predators, they hunt people.

That's going to end.
So you want to defund the police until you need them?

This gets so old. This has been covered many times. We aren't getting rid of the police.

What if one of your family members had been raped, wouldn't you want a cop hunting the guilty down?

As opposed to chasing someone down and killing them over a bicycle violation? Yes.
Question; What do YOU think law enforcement should look like?
What's your ideal vision of the profession?

Other countries can have law enforcement without so many of their citizens getting killed.

I want a system that doesn't pull someone over for having a wide set nose and executes that person.

I want a system that doesn't believe violence is the answer to every crime no matter how minor.

I want a system that holds those accountable for enforcing the laws to those same laws.
Uh huh.....
Kinda light on the details there.

The details have been discussed endlessly. You can dismiss and avoid what I said if you want obviously.
No some of it sounds real good..... but the devil is in the details and I haven't heard anything workable yet.

What is so unworkable about holding the police to the same laws others are held to? Why is it that so often that when a police officer lies he isn't charged with that or really held accountable in any way?
Try being an officer for even one shift.

Try being a black man in this country.
Why don't you try being a minority in some other country?

Bet you'll be back here before long.

Because America and other countries treat minorities badly is suppose to say what?
It's supposed to say that it could be a damn sight worse.
At least we try to make things better.

Some of us, anyway.

Not nearly enough.
Name another country that fought a war to free people that most folks didn't even consider human at the time.

I'll wait.

When you have to go back 150 years to find something..............
Then don't cash your welfare checks.

I'm retired.
Because the revenue they generate feeds the legal system charged with holding them to account.
The lawyers, judges, courthouse personnel and all the rest wouldn't have an income if there weren't cops feeding people into the machine.

What did you think it was all about?

No, which is why I have said our unjust justice system needs reformed.
All governments are corrupt; that's a feature, not a bug.

If you want things to change, try voting out some of the incredibly corrupt local politicians that are fucking up their municipalities and robbing their constituents blind.

Kinda tough and a worthless statement to someone that lives in a small town in WV. Are you perhaps saying I should vote here and then go vote somewhere else also?

All politicians are going to steal and grift some, but these fuckers don't even pretend anymore..... they can't even be bothered to hide it. Because you all keep on re-electing the same thieving, lying, incompetent motherfuckers, over and over and over again.

Yeah? Who specifically have I done this with?

Now I live in a little small town where I can hold all the city government here (what little there is) accountable. Fuck, I could remove them all from office before dawn if I wanted to.

No you couldn't.
No, and why are you trying to pretend I did? Is that weak shit the best response you can come up with?

"You all"; Definition of YOU-ALL
Here, this might help with the comprehension problem you're pretending to have, so you don't have to argue the actual point.

Kind of hard to govern anything without a head.

You all includes the one you are speaking to. Now tell me how I did what you accuse me of doing,
Are you saying you never voted in a local election?

I absolutely have. But this is what you said.

All politicians are going to steal and grift some, but these fuckers don't even pretend anymore..... they can't even be bothered to hide it. Because you all keep on re-electing the same thieving, lying, incompetent motherfuckers, over and over and over again.

Now who have I done this with?
I'm presuming, I'll admit, but why don't you tell me who some of the people you voted for are and we can sit down and go over their records and see. Because if they're in politics, there is about a 95% chance they have been up to some fuckery somewhere.
Most people only go into politics for two reasons, money or power.
Well, it is the single best way to become a millionaire in America.
If you have no self respect.

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