OK you parrots. Time to stop.

Jan, 2017

Press TV- The head of Iran's JCPOA follow-up committee says his country has never stopped the enrichment of uranium even for a single day.
Stated by Abbas Araqchi, Iranian Foreign Minister
Nor was it required to do so under the terms of the agreement.
Did Congress approve the deal? No. Has Iran abided by the deal? No.
Yes, Iran has abided by the deal. America's word has been conclusively demonstrated to be worthless. How anyone can expect Kim not to take note is beyond me.
An out of control president of the Republic of The United States of America cannot unilaterally sign an agreement/treaty without it being ratified by the Congress. It was no good to begin with as this is not a dictatorship and I am sure Iran knew that as they aren't totally ignorant or are they?
Most countries took the word of the head of state of another country as representing that country. Luckily we now know better. Kim will know that Trump has no authority to make any deal.
An out of control president of the Republic of The United States of America cannot unilaterally sign an agreement/treaty without it being ratified by the Congress. It was no good to begin with as this is not a dictatorship and I am sure Iran knew that as they aren't totally ignorant or are they?
Most countries took the word of the head of state of another country as representing that country. Luckily we now know better. Kim will know that Trump has no authority to make any deal.
Taking the word of any hard of state, is naive and foolish. Because they all lie.
I suspect if Hillary was President she'd be handing Iran another 150 billion in cash to support terrorism in the middle-east as well .. provided she got her cut.

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Sorry, i have been absent. Are they still parroting their bullshit? :rolleyes:
official white house answer is no. what else do you want to know?

Then what was Guliani talking about?

no clue

you asked about the white house position.....no change.

Yeah, he's representing the white house and the President when he speaks....

uh apparently not....

So...according to you...Rudy is just going on shows pretending to be speaking for the President and the White House? That certainly is a different explanation for the vast discrepancy in stories.

uh do you pay attention?

Trump Mulls Barring Giuliani From TV Interviews After String of Gaffes

aka he does not speak for the white house.
In Iran, hardliners are burning the deal and the American flag - CNN
Meanwhile, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has made a last-ditch effort to moderate Iran's response to Trump's pullout, promising to commit to the agreement for the time being.
So, please, calm down your bullshit rhetoric.
"iran is getting a nuke next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DDDDDDEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPPPP"
You do trust those terrorists, right? Or are they lying NOW? :rolleyes:

As much as Trump trusts NK I suppose…

Would be nice if we could trust the White House to tell us the truth about how far the Iranians are away from fielding a nuke.
Would you trust anything the White House says?
When the WH tells the truth, the fake media doesn't tell it to you.

We get stormy instead. 90% of the time, negative and not anything worth listening to.
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In Iran, hardliners are burning the deal and the American flag - CNN
Meanwhile, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has made a last-ditch effort to moderate Iran's response to Trump's pullout, promising to commit to the agreement for the time being.
So, please, calm down your bullshit rhetoric.
"iran is getting a nuke next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DDDDDDEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPPPP"
You do trust those terrorists, right? Or are they lying NOW? :rolleyes:

Doesn't matter what some other country does, the US cannot be trusted when it signs ANYTHING now.
except the country didn't sign it dumb fk. Obammy signed it. It wasn't a treaty, it was unofficial, it was how obammy wanted to deal with Iran. Trump isn't obammy we can agree right? he canceled obammy's agreement only. It was only obammy's. get that straight. obammy didn't want to bring it to Congress to make it official. Chuckie Schumer hated the deal, said so publicaly, so please spare us all your fking bullsnot shit.
Apparently it means no US president has the authority to make any deal. I'm sure Kim has learned that.
Apparently it means no US president has the authority to make any deal. I'm sure Kim has learned that.
did obammy make a deal? it lasted three years correct? what's your issue? It was his as president, he isn't in office anymore, there is no need to honor his agreement cause he isn't president. Trump is, and he will make his own agreements, and I expect he will go to congress to make them officially treaties. obammy should have done the same thing. why didn't he?
did obammy make a deal? it lasted three years correct? what's your issue? It was his as president, he isn't in office anymore, there is no need to honor his agreement cause he isn't president.
Absolutely. America's word is worthless. I'm sure Kim, along with everyone else, is quite aware of that now if they weren't before.
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