Okay, this is bullshit

Cops got pulled. Troopers sent in. Peace ensued.

Maybe, just maybe the police force in this county is the problem.
If you think back to the 1987 'North Hollywood' bank robbery shoot-out, two body armor clad, assault weapon toting bank robbers shot police up for some time before officers aquired like-weapons from local gun stores and were able to put 'em down.

The police militarization stuff is nonsense. Of course police need military-level gear and weapons. This isn't Mayberry, and they're not politely asking the town drunk to go put himself in a cell to sleep it off. They're the first line of defense against situations which would often be described as terrorism if it happened outside our borders, yet curiously, in our borders isn't. Ya think drug gangs aren't packing armor piercing ammunition and AK-47s? If I"m being paid to keep the peace and the possibility of running into someone with an AK exists I want level 4 body armor and an Tavor21 in the trunk of my patrol car.

And if you're a citizen in such an area, if when you call 911 you'd like officers who respond to you know, actually be able to do something about the guys with the AKs, think before denying them such armaments.

I'm not one of these police state nutters that whine every time cops do something wrong but this militarization in Missouri is beyond retarded. There's no reason this shit needs to be happening. There's no terrorist threat like there was in Boston. Just a bunch of pissed off citizens.

You stupid motherfucker!!! You fucking deserve this!!!

We've been warning you this is the end result of unfettered government power!!!

You Stupid FUCK!!!

Bullshit. You have not been warning anyone. You have been whining. Liberals also don't want law enforcement militarized.

I'm not one of these police state nutters that whine every time cops do something wrong but this militarization in Missouri is beyond retarded. There's no reason this shit needs to be happening. There's no terrorist threat like there was in Boston. Just a bunch of pissed off citizens.

People, like me, have been warning about this for years. Other people, like you, hanve been dismissing us as crazy right wingers.

Nope. What has been dismissed is the idea that the Federal Government will take our guns and jail innocent citizens for expressing themselves peacefully. Liberals agree that a town of 20k in MO doesn't need armored vehicles and assault weapons in the hands of every cop.

The best part about this discussion is watching USMB nutters who really want to see "savages and looters" gunned down in the streets by cops.......suggesting that cops shouldn't have guns. You all are so conflicted.
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If you think back to the 1987 'North Hollywood' bank robbery shoot-out, two body armor clad, assault weapon toting bank robbers shot police up for some time before officers aquired like-weapons from local gun stores and were able to put 'em down.

The police militarization stuff is nonsense. Of course police need military-level gear and weapons. This isn't Mayberry, and they're not politely asking the town drunk to go put himself in a cell to sleep it off. They're the first line of defense against situations which would often be described as terrorism if it happened outside our borders, yet curiously, in our borders isn't. Ya think drug gangs aren't packing armor piercing ammunition and AK-47s? If I"m being paid to keep the peace and the possibility of running into someone with an AK exists I want level 4 body armor and an Tavor21 in the trunk of my patrol car.

And if you're a citizen in such an area, if when you call 911 you'd like officers who respond to you know, actually be able to do something about the guys with the AKs, think before denying them such armaments.
Except for the spectacular N. Hollywood bank robbery in 1997 I'm not aware of any similar incident in which military grade weaponry was turned against civilian police. But in spite of the paucity of need there is no problem with police having military grade weapons and body armor in the trunks of their patrol cars to deal with such rare contingencies.


The above image is the kind of thing we neither need nor want but what in reality has quietly been happening to America in recent years. The problem is when you give a bunch of boys toys like this they will find a way to play with them, and if you will take a moment to peruse the information on this website Botched Paramilitary Police Raids | Cato Institute you will see evidence of that.

In simple but critically important terms, equipping ordinary civilian police with this kind of military combat gear alters their frame of mind and they start thinking of themselves as occupation forces.
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I'm not one of these police state nutters that whine every time cops do something wrong but this militarization in Missouri is beyond retarded. There's no reason this shit needs to be happening. There's no terrorist threat like there was in Boston. Just a bunch of pissed off citizens.


the situation calls for intelligent leadership...

here's hoping they find some and no one else gets hurt!

Is the photo of the Ferguson gang with badges, or the state Highway Patrol? Looks like the Ferguson gang.
Bring in the National Guard...it's trained and equipped for such extreme violence.

Municipal police forces should not be military adjuncts of the federal government.

I made this point earlier. The military has protocols. They don't just aim guns at protesters while letting hooligans burn the place down.

The St Louis county rednecks are unprofessional, and improperly trained. It's a fucking shame that an armed National Guard unit would act more responsibly than these retards. Take the dumb fuck with the tripod on top of the MRAP. That is a horrible place to put yourself moron sniper. The scope is almost as long as the AR! Utter retardation.

The chief of polizei should be ran out of that town.
Bring in the National Guard...it's trained and equipped for such extreme violence.

Municipal police forces should not be military adjuncts of the federal government.

I made this point earlier. The military has protocols. They don't just aim guns at protesters while letting hooligans burn the place down.

The St Louis county rednecks are unprofessional, and improperly trained. It's a fucking shame that an armed National Guard unit would act more responsibly than these retards. Take the dumb fuck with the tripod on top of the MRAP. That is a horrible place to put yourself moron sniper. The scope is almost as long as the AR! Utter retardation.

The chief of polizei should be ran out of that town.

Have you painted the picture in your mind? You've got a group of peaceful protesters, some not-as-peaceful protesters, then you've got looters - all mixed up in the parking lot of a store.

Show me ONE picture of someone in that mixed crowd that has a red-dot on him from the officer on top of the military vehicle. Then we can discuss who the officer was aiming at.
Fergie has become the asshole of the universe. President Obama is needed there desperately. We need a leader with a plan.

You say "we need a leader with a plan"? Then what the hell would obama be needed there for? To lead from behind? To draw a line on the street and then watch as everyone laughs passing right over it? Maybe organize a community golf tournament to relieve tensions?

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