Okay, this is bullshit


Bite me.

This is unfettered local power. Who allowed that? On the one hand, I don't really blame the cops for having such massive fire power with the amount of guns floating around out there. But to use it in this instance is insane.
Wow, you really can rationalize your position. We say unfettered govenmental power is bad and you worship it.....until this happens...then its just 'local'......does that mean in your eyes, it isn't even government?


Your OP actually spot on...that IS:

Let's see. Your probably one of those assholes that spends a lot of time talking about the IQ of black people, amirite? And wants to militarize the border, amirite?

You aren't fooling me.
Well, your not right. I never spend time thinking about anyone's IQ, let alone black people and I want the border secured. I could care less how, but when the flood is damned up, then I'll be happy.

Let Me guess....you're one of those people who spends their entire life worried about what other people on an anonymous internet forum think and are so far gone down the path of hate, you can't even see when someone agrees with you....

Let Me guess....you're one of those people who spends their entire life worried about what other people on an anonymous internet forum think and are so far gone down the path of hate, you can't even see when someone agrees with you....



this post brought to you by darkwind projections

the situation calls for intelligent leadership...

here's hoping they find some and no one else gets hurt!

I'm not one of these police state nutters that whine every time cops do something wrong but this militarization in Missouri is beyond retarded. There's no reason this shit needs to be happening. There's no terrorist threat like there was in Boston. Just a bunch of pissed off citizens.
Now you know what the "police state nutters" have been warning about. And if you think this is something, wait awhile. This sort of thing doesn't happen quickly or without considerable forethought and quiet planning.

For your information, the militarization of civilian police began with the Reagan Administration. And if you don't understand the purpose for it just give some thought to what citizen class the police are dedicated to serving and protecting.

I'm not one of these police state nutters that whine every time cops do something wrong but this militarization in Missouri is beyond retarded. There's no reason this shit needs to be happening. There's no terrorist threat like there was in Boston. Just a bunch of pissed off citizens.
Now you know what the "police state nutters" have been warning about. And if you think this is something, wait awhile. This sort of thing doesn't happen quickly or without considerable forethought and quiet planning.

For your information, the militarization of civilian police began with the Reagan Administration. And if you don't understand the purpose for it just give some thought to what citizen class the police are dedicated to serving and protecting.
Happily, the Missouri governor appears to be dialing it back.

I'm not one of these police state nutters that whine every time cops do something wrong but this militarization in Missouri is beyond retarded. There's no reason this shit needs to be happening. There's no terrorist threat like there was in Boston. Just a bunch of pissed off citizens.

the snowball effect of defensive fear and loathing... cops aren't always the brightest bulbs and neither are citizens, so it's a perfect storm of brutal stupidity gone viral.

we will get our 'answers' and this too shall pass...

...so far, we don’t know who the cop in question did the shooting was, whether he was black or white, nor do we know much more about what triggered the incident. But facts about the deceased are beginning to leak out, although they are not being reported. He has been reported to be a member of the Bloods, a gang made up largely of young African Americans whose principal activities are reported to be murder, drug trafficking, robbery and extortion. But that isn’t on the front page, and you’ll have to dig deep to find any reference to it.


An official investigation is ongoing, which will necessarily take some time, and which will likely gather all the relevant facts. According to Ron Hosko, recently retired Assistant Director of the Criminal Division of the FBI (and president of the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund, the organization of which I am Chairman), “the Missouri case, like others, will be worked by agents from the FBI field office covering the territory. They will work with prosecutors from the US Attorney’s Office (in St. Louis) and the Civil Rights Section at the Justice Department. Managers from FBIHQ, Criminal Investigative Division, Civil Rights Unit, will also oversee the case. According to reports, the federal investigation will not supplant the ongoing local inquiry. It is common for federal charges to be held in abeyance while local charges move forward, assuming someone is charged.”


Jumping to judgment rarely solves anything, and it certainly won’t in the Ferguson, Mo. case. The officer in the center of the controversy may or may not be indicted for excessive use of force, and if he is, he may or may not be convicted. But whatever the facts, the world will be better off letting the investigation and then the legal system take its course, and when it does, respecting the result.

Missouri Riots: Let the Facts Determine the Outcome

I'm not one of these police state nutters that whine every time cops do something wrong but this militarization in Missouri is beyond retarded. There's no reason this shit needs to be happening. There's no terrorist threat like there was in Boston. Just a bunch of pissed off citizens.
Now you know what the "police state nutters" have been warning about. And if you think this is something, wait awhile. This sort of thing doesn't happen quickly or without considerable forethought and quiet planning.

For your information, the militarization of civilian police began with the Reagan Administration. And if you don't understand the purpose for it just give some thought to what citizen class the police are dedicated to serving and protecting.


you 'anonymous' revolutionaries will be so disappointed when America doesn't crumble! :eusa_clap:

I'm not one of these police state nutters that whine every time cops do something wrong but this militarization in Missouri is beyond retarded. There's no reason this shit needs to be happening. There's no terrorist threat like there was in Boston. Just a bunch of pissed off citizens.

the snowball effect of defensive fear and loathing... cops aren't always the brightest bulbs and neither are citizens, so it's a perfect storm of brutal stupidity gone viral.

we will get our 'answers' and this too shall pass...

...so far, we don’t know who the cop in question did the shooting was, whether he was black or white, nor do we know much more about what triggered the incident. But facts about the deceased are beginning to leak out, although they are not being reported. He has been reported to be a member of the Bloods, a gang made up largely of young African Americans whose principal activities are reported to be murder, drug trafficking, robbery and extortion. But that isn’t on the front page, and you’ll have to dig deep to find any reference to it.


An official investigation is ongoing, which will necessarily take some time, and which will likely gather all the relevant facts. According to Ron Hosko, recently retired Assistant Director of the Criminal Division of the FBI (and president of the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund, the organization of which I am Chairman), “the Missouri case, like others, will be worked by agents from the FBI field office covering the territory. They will work with prosecutors from the US Attorney’s Office (in St. Louis) and the Civil Rights Section at the Justice Department. Managers from FBIHQ, Criminal Investigative Division, Civil Rights Unit, will also oversee the case. According to reports, the federal investigation will not supplant the ongoing local inquiry. It is common for federal charges to be held in abeyance while local charges move forward, assuming someone is charged.”


Jumping to judgment rarely solves anything, and it certainly won’t in the Ferguson, Mo. case. The officer in the center of the controversy may or may not be indicted for excessive use of force, and if he is, he may or may not be convicted. But whatever the facts, the world will be better off letting the investigation and then the legal system take its course, and when it does, respecting the result.

Missouri Riots: Let the Facts Determine the Outcome
Val? Why are you reading Breitbart? The police issued a statement saying the guy didn't have a criminal record.

I'm not one of these police state nutters that whine every time cops do something wrong but this militarization in Missouri is beyond retarded. There's no reason this shit needs to be happening. There's no terrorist threat like there was in Boston. Just a bunch of pissed off citizens.

the snowball effect of defensive fear and loathing... cops aren't always the brightest bulbs and neither are citizens, so it's a perfect storm of brutal stupidity gone viral.

we will get our 'answers' and this too shall pass...

...so far, we don’t know who the cop in question did the shooting was, whether he was black or white, nor do we know much more about what triggered the incident. But facts about the deceased are beginning to leak out, although they are not being reported. He has been reported to be a member of the Bloods, a gang made up largely of young African Americans whose principal activities are reported to be murder, drug trafficking, robbery and extortion. But that isn’t on the front page, and you’ll have to dig deep to find any reference to it.


An official investigation is ongoing, which will necessarily take some time, and which will likely gather all the relevant facts. According to Ron Hosko, recently retired Assistant Director of the Criminal Division of the FBI (and president of the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund, the organization of which I am Chairman), “the Missouri case, like others, will be worked by agents from the FBI field office covering the territory. They will work with prosecutors from the US Attorney’s Office (in St. Louis) and the Civil Rights Section at the Justice Department. Managers from FBIHQ, Criminal Investigative Division, Civil Rights Unit, will also oversee the case. According to reports, the federal investigation will not supplant the ongoing local inquiry. It is common for federal charges to be held in abeyance while local charges move forward, assuming someone is charged.”


Jumping to judgment rarely solves anything, and it certainly won’t in the Ferguson, Mo. case. The officer in the center of the controversy may or may not be indicted for excessive use of force, and if he is, he may or may not be convicted. But whatever the facts, the world will be better off letting the investigation and then the legal system take its course, and when it does, respecting the result.

Missouri Riots: Let the Facts Determine the Outcome
Val? Why are you reading Breitbart? The police issued a statement saying the guy didn't have a criminal record.

:lol: re breitbart... that article was from yesterday...

the point is we still don't know all the facts!
the snowball effect of defensive fear and loathing... cops aren't always the brightest bulbs and neither are citizens, so it's a perfect storm of brutal stupidity gone viral.

we will get our 'answers' and this too shall pass...
Val? Why are you reading Breitbart? The police issued a statement saying the guy didn't have a criminal record.

:lol: re breitbart... that article was from yesterday...

the point is we still don't know all the facts!
No we don't, but Breitbart threw in a lie (he's been reported to be a member of the Bloods) that can't be verified reported anywhere.

They have an agenda is all I'm saying.

I'm not one of these police state nutters that whine every time cops do something wrong but this militarization in Missouri is beyond retarded. There's no reason this shit needs to be happening. There's no terrorist threat like there was in Boston. Just a bunch of pissed off citizens.

People, like me, have been warning about this for years. Other people, like you, hanve been dismissing us as crazy right wingers.
Val? Why are you reading Breitbart? The police issued a statement saying the guy didn't have a criminal record.

:lol: re breitbart... that article was from yesterday...

the point is we still don't know all the facts!
No we don't, but Breitbart threw in a lie (he's been reported to be a member of the Bloods) that can't be verified reported anywhere.

They have an agenda is all I'm saying.

yes, the author of the article is 'Chairman of the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund'.

you are right, he should have used the word rumor as he went on to make his point about waiting for facts...
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The police issued a statement saying the guy didn't have a criminal record.

"St. Louis County Prosecutor's office confirmed that Brown had no prior misdemeanors or felonies against him."

Michael Brown had no criminal record, police say

County officials called for calm. St. Louis County Executive Charlie Dooley said that while people were frustrated, they needed to be patient because of the complexities surrounding the investigation.

"I want the truth, and you want the truth," Mr. Dooley said. "As we go forward, we have to remember this is going to be an open and transparent process. It is not going to be a quick process."

Authorities said the shooting occurred around noon Saturday, when a Ferguson police officer encountered two men in the street. When the officer tried to exit his vehicle, Chief Belmar said one of the two pushed the officer back into the cruiser. The suspect allegedly assaulted the officer in the car and the two struggled over his gun. At least one shot was fired inside the vehicle. A few moments later, Chief Belmar said, the officer allegedly fired multiple shots outside the vehicle that killed the suspect, about 35 feet from the cruiser.

Police haven't identified the officer involved in the shooting. The officer has been placed on leave.

Mr. Crump, the lawyer for Mr. Brown's family, disputed the account of police at a news conference.

FBI Probes Missouri Teen's Shooting - WSJ

I'm not one of these police state nutters that whine every time cops do something wrong but this militarization in Missouri is beyond retarded. There's no reason this shit needs to be happening. There's no terrorist threat like there was in Boston. Just a bunch of pissed off citizens.

I doubt the mass looting and rioting has anything to do with a strong police presence. They are there just to harass innocent people. :cuckoo:

you 'anonymous' revolutionaries will be so disappointed when America doesn't crumble! :eusa_clap:
And if America doesn't "crumble" would it occur to you that such activities as Anonymous has been up to might have something to do with pushing back against the efforts of a rising plutocracy? Or are you oblivious to the ultimate purpose of such incremental machinations as quietly and methodically transforming what once were local police agencies into de facto military units? Do you want to live in an America that looks more like East Berlin once did? And please don't think it can't happen, because it is happening -- one little step at a time.

Last; are you acquainted with the little homily about the easy way to boil a frog?
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police officers are citizens too...fathers, brothers, uncles, mothers, daughters, aunts, local family members who are upstanding members of local communities presumably trained and qualified to handle confrontational situations properly. officers are human and sometimes they fail to handle a situation properly for one reason or another. people in power should certainly stop abusing their power but your post "stop giving government power" rings pretty hollow here. whether or not this particular officer abused his power remains to be seen but there was evidently a situational failure of some sort...

you 'anonymous' revolutionaries will be so disappointed when America doesn't crumble! :eusa_clap:
And if America doesn't "crumble" would it occur to you that such activities as Anonymous has been up to might have something to do with pushing back against the efforts of a rising plutocracy? Or are you oblivious to the ultimate purpose of such incremental machinations as quietly and methodically transforming what once were local police agencies into de facto military units? Do you want to live in an America that looks more like East Berlin once did? And please don't think it can't happen, because it is happening -- one little step at a time.

Last; are you acquainted with the little homily about the easy way to boil a frog?

i laugh at paranoid loons like you whose agenda is only to spread fear and loathing among the naive in order to undermine America. :eusa_hand:

What Law Enforcement Says About Assault Weapons - Coalition to Stop Gun Violence

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