Okay. Trump has won. Now where's his damned tax return?

What's wrong with the IRS doing that in their audit? Isn't that what they are paid to do? If Trump has done something illegal, the IRS will fine him for it and you'll know all about that.

I wan to know what they found and I want to see the details.

If President Trump decides to release them, you will see them. Otherwise, I don't know what to tell you... maybe if you lay in the floor and kick? :dunno:

Neither is Trump anymore... he WON! He's now the president elect.

I'm going to hope that remark is nothing more than jocular hair splitting.

No, just stating a fact of information you didn't seem to be aware of. You implied he should release his tax returns because he is seeking the office of president.... that was a fine argument to make before Tuesday.

Sure you do! "I pay my accountant to develop or find strategies and tactics to minimize my tax bill as well." ...I figure you do this because you're not stupid, right?

I do not for I have asserted that I'm smart because I pay no federal income taxes, leaving tacit but clear that either (1) paying them is stupid or (2) not being able to pay none is stupid. It really doesn't matter what one infers he meant for whatever it was the fact is that the vast majority of Americans do pay taxes and cannot minimize them to zero, and Trump is neither the only smart American nor the smartest American.
What you're saying isn't even making any sense. True, the vast majority of Americans aren't successful billionaire businessmen, so they don't get to claim certain tax incentives created for such people. IF they WERE billionaire businessmen, they WOULD claim those incentives as would you at the advice of your accountant. No need to post links to CNN campaign stories... the election is over. We're not going to have a re-do election because you won an argument about Trump's tax returns. Sorry... join us in reality!

Well your little bullet-point screed doesn't sound like you are perfectly fine with it.

Well, I wrote that I am. I have nothing more to say in that regard. I can't force you to believe my attestation about myself. Do or don't. That's up to you for it affects only you.

Well you say one thing and then make an argument against what you say. I'm confused. Again, if Trump broke a law, the IRS will find it... I don't believe he did because he's a pretty smart guy... why would he risk it? Of course, he certainly used the U.S. Tax Code and claimed deductions and credits or incentives he qualified for... just as you and I would do, or anyone who wasn't stupid would do.
Title says it all. That's the first promise he can and should deliver on as far as I'm concerned.

Oh, maybe the audit will take four years? Maybe eight?

Now they dont care about tax returns, FBI investigations, fraud, Russian ties. The election makes him immune because...what did they say? Ahh yes, different rules for different people is GOOD now
I'm the one who thinks it's perfectly fine for Trump to minimize his taxes, but I'm also the one who thinks that doing to the extent that Trump has and also claiming to care about the U.S. and the "little people" whose votes and favor he curried is substantively indefensible and morally reprehensible.
You can be as offended as you want but that doesn't alter the fact that he had nothing to do with tax law. Trying to spin it as not caring about the working man getting jobs and keeping more of his money is just clumsy political hackery.
You implied he should release his tax returns because he is seeking the office of president....

I implied nothing. I stated that he should follow through on his promise.

Well this is what I read:
I pay my accountant to develop or find strategies and tactics to minimize my tax bill as well. That Trump does so too isn't close to what irks or even concerns me. But then I'm not aiming to be President.

So it sounded like your argument was based on his aim to be president, but now, he IS the president. If you want to save that argument and run it up the flagpole in 4 years, providing he still hasn't released his tax returns, that's fine... I wouldn't recommend that because it didn't work this time. But Trump said he would release his tax returns when the IRS completed it's audit. So until that happens, he hasn't not kept his promise.
Now they dont care about tax returns, FBI investigations, fraud, Russian ties. The election makes him immune because...what did they say? Ahh yes, different rules for different people is GOOD now

You're absolutely right... none of it means a damn thing now... he is elected. So all of these "complaints" you have of Trump... well, you need to put them in mothballs for now because the election is over. Even if his most avid supporters were to somehow magically be convinced by your arguments... there is nothing they can do about that now. You can't blame them for something they have no control over.

Please tell me you liberals are smart enough to realize we're not going to re-do the elections? I mean... I get that you're upset and distraught over Hillary being rejected.... but even you have to know that the election is over and we're not going to wake up in a universe where it's not over yet. You're going to have to get used to President Donald J. Trump and that's who will be your president the next 4 years... maybe 8. I can certainly sympathize with you... I felt the same way about President Obama.
Now they dont care about tax returns, FBI investigations, fraud, Russian ties. The election makes him immune because...what did they say? Ahh yes, different rules for different people is GOOD now

You're absolutely right... none of it means a damn thing now... he is elected. So all of these "complaints" you have of Trump... well, you need to put them in mothballs for now because the election is over. Even if his most avid supporters were to somehow magically be convinced by your arguments... there is nothing they can do about that now. You can't blame them for something they have no control over.

Please tell me you liberals are smart enough to realize we're not going to re-do the elections? I mean... I get that you're upset and distraught over Hillary being rejected.... but even you have to know that the election is over and we're not going to wake up in a universe where it's not over yet. You're going to have to get used to President Donald J. Trump and that's who will be your president the next 4 years... maybe 8. I can certainly sympathize with you... I felt the same way about President Obama.

The election was the election. His connections, fraud and tax returns werent on the ballot.
When was the first time you've come to belive that? When Trump said he won't release them and you thought to yourself "shit I better just say it was always a bad idea for presidential candidates to disclose financials, otherwise I'll have to admit he is a sketchy liar"
Well let me think back -- when was the first time I came to believe that people's tax returns are private and confidential ?!

About the time I passed the CPA exam many decades ago and became a tax pro.

Is that good enough for you ?!

Or did you want a more simpleton reply that your simpleton mind could wrap itself around more easily ?!

OBVIOUSLY not good enough, because what you just said is incoherent.

WTF does CPA exam and tax pros have to do with standard practice of presidential nomenees releasing their tax returns to show transparency in their finances?

I count it as dodge to avoid direct answer, because you know I'm right.
The election was the election. His connections, fraud and tax returns werent on the ballot.

Well... sorry... you haven't proven any fraud or illegality with his taxes or connections. You raised all this as a campaign issue and that was fair game... but the election is now over and it didn't do the trick. So I don't know what to tell ya... maybe you need to retire to your safe space? :dunno:
He doesnt have anyone to point at anymore to deflect. He might just start yelling "Lying Ted" if you ask him now
Tax returns are still private election year or not no matter if your President of the United States or the local dog catcher.
GE is over. Nobody is going to see them. That ship has sailed

Because Trump is pathological liar.

He promised to release his tax returns, he didn't and he will not.

He lies to thier face and Trumpsters ask him if they could please have another. AMAZING.

He promised to release them after the IRS audit was complete. It isn't and that makes you the liar.
GE is over. Nobody is going to see them. That ship has sailed

Because Trump is pathological liar.

He promised to release his tax returns, he didn't and he will not.

He lies to thier face and Trumpsters ask him if they could please have another. AMAZING.

He promised to release them after the IRS audit was complete. It isn't and that makes you the liar.

Laughably stupid on a couple of levels.

I'm lying because I'm predicting that he will not release them, but you AREN'T lying when you say he will?

Trump originally promised to release tax returns during campaign, and he didn't so that's lie one and we can be pretty certain that after election, when he has ZERO incentive to release them, he will not either.

HOWEVER. As IRS makes perfectly clear, them conducting audit does not prohibit Trump from releasing his tax returns and so again you know he is shitting right on you.
GE is over. Nobody is going to see them. That ship has sailed

Because Trump is pathological liar.

He promised to release his tax returns, he didn't and he will not.

He lies to thier face and Trumpsters ask him if they could please have another. AMAZING.

He promised to release them after the IRS audit was complete. It isn't and that makes you the liar.


Trump originally promised to release tax returns during campaign, and he didn't so that's lie one and we can be pretty certain that after election, when he has ZERO incentive to release them, he will not either.

He then promised to release them after the IRS audit was complete. It isn't, so at very least you don't know either.

HOWEVER. As IRS makes perfectly clear, them conducting audit does not prohibit Trump from releasing his tax returns and so again you know he is shitting right on you.

Trump isn't shitting on me because I don't care to see his tax returns. I consider them private and you can't see mine either. He also agreed to release them when Hillary released the 33,000 emails she deleted. She didn't and he didn't.
Trump isn't shitting on me because I don't care to see his tax returns. I consider them private and you can't see mine either. He also agreed to release them when Hillary released the 33,000 emails she deleted. She didn't and he didn't.

Gotcha, you don't care that he isn't showing tax returns and you don't care that he is lying shamelessly about it.

So do me a favor and next time you start talking how you are upset at politicians lying to your face, DON'T, you got no foot left to stand on.
GE is over. Nobody is going to see them. That ship has sailed

Because Trump is pathological liar.

He promised to release his tax returns, he didn't and he will not.

He lies to thier face and Trumpsters ask him if they could please have another. AMAZING.

He promised to release them after the IRS audit was complete. It isn't and that makes you the liar.

Laughably stupid on a couple of levels.

I'm lying because I'm predicting that he will not release them, but you AREN'T lying when you say he will?

Trump originally promised to release tax returns during campaign, and he didn't so that's lie one and we can be pretty certain that after election, when he has ZERO incentive to release them, he will not either.

HOWEVER. As IRS makes perfectly clear, them conducting audit does not prohibit Trump from releasing his tax returns and so again you know he is shitting right on you.

You stated this and until you provide a link, you are a liar.

"Trump originally promised to release tax returns during campaign, and he didn't "

And show me where I ever said he would or wouldn't release his tax returns!
Trump isn't shitting on me because I don't care to see his tax returns. I consider them private and you can't see mine either. He also agreed to release them when Hillary released the 33,000 emails she deleted. She didn't and he didn't.

Gotcha, you don't care that he isn't showing tax returns and you don't care that he is lying shamelessly about it.

So do me a favor and next time you start talking how you are upset at politicians lying to your face, DON'T, you got no foot left to stand on.

What is Trump lying about?

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