Oklahoma banned students could sue the college and win big

They acted stupid, but what law were they in violation of?

They aren't being prosecuted. So none, obviously. That doesn't mean there are no repercussions for the things people say. You know, like when the right destroyed the Dixie chicks b/c of Natalie manes making them cry.
Expelling someone isnt prosecuting him? In what universe, "counselor"?
The Dixie CHicks example is totally irrelevant here.

see post # 184 or #194 - The one with the supreme court examples.

I didn't ask what cases you are misrepresenting and confusing. I asked whe
see post # 184 or #194 - The one with the supreme court examples.

There are no post numbers showing as I'm reading on my phone

But I haven't seen you make an accurate legal statement yet.

Then go find those posts whenever you can read the post numbers. Until then don't assume what you said you can't possible know.

You made a sweeping comment that "there is Supreme Court cases" [sic]. I saw no caselaw cited.

Again. Where do you get your purported legal authority?
Expelling someone is a quasi judicial act, and doing so is prosecuting someone.
Speech codes at universities lose most of the time in court.
Free speech on public college campuses overview First Amendment Center news commentary analysis on free speech press religion assembly petition

Quasi judicial? Really?
You never heard the term, counselor?

These kids will be forced to fight the college. Just watch this explode in the coming weeks.

I expect the college to cave and let them back in. They do not want a media circus.

The kids can't ever accept that. There lives or well being is now endangered and the school allowed it to happen and made it worse. They will sue the all the way to the US supreme court IF it ever gets that far. This is a clear cut victory for the kids. They are in it might as well get something for it because IT is with them for life now.

What planet are you from? They have already admitted guilt and issued an apology.
What were they guilty of that warranted expulsion?
Just saw the video. Yeah, that's pretty bad. I can understand where the University is coming from. The students could win a lawsuit though. But i think they've already decided against filing. If you're part of a University, you represent that University. So you do have to be careful. The University has to cover its own ass.

But that being said, It is a murky issue as far as Free Speech goes. The students might have had a legal argument, but it was wise not pursuing it. Best to let it go. What they said was pretty rough. Very few will rush to their defense.
They aren't being prosecuted. So none, obviously. That doesn't mean there are no repercussions for the things people say. You know, like when the right destroyed the Dixie chicks b/c of Natalie manes making them cry.
Expelling someone isnt prosecuting him? In what universe, "counselor"?
The Dixie CHicks example is totally irrelevant here.

I didn't ask what cases you are misrepresenting and confusing. I asked whe
There are no post numbers showing as I'm reading on my phone

But I haven't seen you make an accurate legal statement yet.

Then go find those posts whenever you can read the post numbers. Until then don't assume what you said you can't possible know.

You made a sweeping comment that "there is Supreme Court cases" [sic]. I saw no caselaw cited.

Again. Where do you get your purported legal authority?
Expelling someone is a quasi judicial act, and doing so is prosecuting someone.
Speech codes at universities lose most of the time in court.
Free speech on public college campuses overview First Amendment Center news commentary analysis on free speech press religion assembly petition

Quasi judicial? Really?
You never heard the term, counselor?

I have. But what proceeding occurred? It doesn't seem they are challenging the expulsion

These kids will be forced to fight the college. Just watch this explode in the coming weeks.

I expect the college to cave and let them back in. They do not want a media circus.

The kids can't ever accept that. There lives or well being is now endangered and the school allowed it to happen and made it worse. They will sue the all the way to the US supreme court IF it ever gets that far. This is a clear cut victory for the kids. They are in it might as well get something for it because IT is with them for life now.

Those little darlings did more damage to the university and SAE than was done to them. The students on the bus should be sued for damages
Just saw the video. Yeah, that's pretty bad. I can understand where the University is coming from. The students could win a lawsuit though. But i think they've already decided against filing. If you're part of a University, you represent that University. So you do have to be careful. The University has to cover its own ass.

But that being said, It is a murky issue as far as Free Speech goes. The students might have had a legal argument, but it's wise not pursuing it. Best to let it go. What they said was pretty rough. Very few will rush to their defense.
Best to let it go? Seriously? They will have an expulsion on their records. They need to fight like hell. They were off campus in a private setting on the way to a private event.
Would you like your employer to fire you because of a joke you told at a dinner party somewhere?

These kids will be forced to fight the college. Just watch this explode in the coming weeks.

I expect the college to cave and let them back in. They do not want a media circus.

The kids can't ever accept that. There lives or well being is now endangered and the school allowed it to happen and made it worse. They will sue the all the way to the US supreme court IF it ever gets that far. This is a clear cut victory for the kids. They are in it might as well get something for it because IT is with them for life now.

What planet are you from? They have already admitted guilt and issued an apology.
What were they guilty of that warranted expulsion?
Discrimination. Creating a hostile environment. "There will never be a ****** SAE. You can hang 'em from a tree, but they will never sign with me."

Case closed.

These kids will be forced to fight the college. Just watch this explode in the coming weeks.

I expect the college to cave and let them back in. They do not want a media circus.

The kids can't ever accept that. There lives or well being is now endangered and the school allowed it to happen and made it worse. They will sue the all the way to the US supreme court IF it ever gets that far. This is a clear cut victory for the kids. They are in it might as well get something for it because IT is with them for life now.

What planet are you from? They have already admitted guilt and issued an apology.

Yeah, so what? The admitted singing a stupid racist song. That does not excuse the university from wrongly expelling them.

Is your planet known as the libtardian sphere?
Expelling someone isnt prosecuting him? In what universe, "counselor"?
The Dixie CHicks example is totally irrelevant here.

Then go find those posts whenever you can read the post numbers. Until then don't assume what you said you can't possible know.

You made a sweeping comment that "there is Supreme Court cases" [sic]. I saw no caselaw cited.

Again. Where do you get your purported legal authority?
Expelling someone is a quasi judicial act, and doing so is prosecuting someone.
Speech codes at universities lose most of the time in court.
Free speech on public college campuses overview First Amendment Center news commentary analysis on free speech press religion assembly petition

Quasi judicial? Really?
You never heard the term, counselor?

I have. But what proceeding occurred? It doesn't seem they are challenging the expulsion
The university's chancellor made a determination. He was judge, jury and executioner. The students had no appeal, no chance to state their case.
They arent challenging it yet. But wait. IT is a clear case of curbing free speech and the university is way beyond the bounds.
Ever notice which side of the political spectrum is into banning and punishment for free speech? Colleges and universities used to be centers for the exchange of ideas and opinions. Half a century of liberalism has turned institutes of higher learning into something out of Orwell with frightened zombies afraid to speak out in class or utter a word against the state on campus.

Notice which side is condemning racism and which side is defending it?
Nobody is defending racism, nutsucker.
Notice which side is defending free speech and rights and which sides just wants to string them up?

The truth is the university was way out of bounds. Private conduct off campus is not subject to action by the university. The only creation of a hostile environment came fro the person who took and released the video.

Those little darlings learned a valuable lesson about free speech

They were allowed to say anything they wanted to and they were allowed to face the consequences

The person who released the video was a hero for standing up to racist behavior
Thats like saying poeple in the Soviet Union had free speech as long as they didnt mind being sent to the Gulag.
If you inflict punishment on someone they dont have free speech rights.

Again with the Gulags?

You really don't understand the concept of an analogy do you?

Just saw the video. Yeah, that's pretty bad. I can understand where the University is coming from. The students could win a lawsuit though. But i think they've already decided against filing. If you're part of a University, you represent that University. So you do have to be careful. The University has to cover its own ass.

But that being said, It is a murky issue as far as Free Speech goes. The students might have had a legal argument, but it was wise not pursuing it. Best to let it go. What they said was pretty rough. Very few will rush to their defense.

People have said way worse and found legal counsel and won. These kids will be FORCED to pursue this. There lives can't get any worse. They are already receiving death threats.
In fact, the boy issued an apology and said what he did was inexcusable.
Yes, he did.

“I am deeply sorry for what I did Saturday night,” he said. “It was wrong and reckless.”

“I know everyone wants to know why or how this happened,” he said. Alcohol was a factor, but “that’s not an excuse.”

In his lengthy apology, Rice said, “Yes, the song was taught to us, but ... it’s more important to acknowledge what I did and what I didn’t do. I didn’t say no, and I clearly dismissed an important value I learned at my beloved high school, Dallas Jesuit. We were taught to be ‘Men for Others.’ I failed in that regard, and ... completely ignored the core values and ethics I learned from my parents and others.”

University President David Boren had announced the students’ expulsions for playing a “leadership role” in the chant, which he said created a hostile environment for other students. A day earlier, he banned the fraternity from campus and evicted the members from their house.

Expelled University of Oklahoma student in racist chant video apos deeply sorry apos - LA Times
These kids will be forced to fight the college. Just watch this explode in the coming weeks.

I expect the college to cave and let them back in. They do not want a media circus.

The kids can't ever accept that. There lives or well being is now endangered and the school allowed it to happen and made it worse. They will sue the all the way to the US supreme court IF it ever gets that far. This is a clear cut victory for the kids. They are in it might as well get something for it because IT is with them for life now.

What planet are you from? They have already admitted guilt and issued an apology.
What were they guilty of that warranted expulsion?
Discrimination. Creating a hostile environment. "There will never be a ****** SAE. You can hang 'em from a tree, but they will never sign with me."

Case closed.

it was done in private, in a privately leased bus. If it was done on university property you might have a point, but it wasn't.
You made a sweeping comment that "there is Supreme Court cases" [sic]. I saw no caselaw cited.

Again. Where do you get your purported legal authority?
Expelling someone is a quasi judicial act, and doing so is prosecuting someone.
Speech codes at universities lose most of the time in court.
Free speech on public college campuses overview First Amendment Center news commentary analysis on free speech press religion assembly petition

Quasi judicial? Really?
You never heard the term, counselor?

I have. But what proceeding occurred? It doesn't seem they are challenging the expulsion
The university's chancellor made a determination. He was judge, jury and executioner. The students had no appeal, no chance to state their case.
They arent challenging it yet. But wait. IT is a clear case of curbing free speech and the university is way beyond the bounds.

In the letter expelling them the students were given instructions on how to appeal

Doesn't look like they are taking it
Offensive as it was, I don't agree with a policy of automatic expulsion from school of these kids for using that word. Everybody fucks up.

These kids will be forced to fight the college. Just watch this explode in the coming weeks.
Actually these kids brought it on themselves. We have non discrimination clauses everywhere. You cant chant about not allowing someone into a frat because of the color of their skin and not expect there to be some repercussions... Does it go against freedom of speech? Yes.. but it also goes against the code of ethics. There is fine line there and they crossed it. Granted there will always be discrimination whether it be spoken or not but its time to get past it and not look at someone based on their ethnicity. They can fight all they want but it will be a loosing battle. They need to just accept their punishment and learn to not do that stupid shit.
These kids will be forced to fight the college. Just watch this explode in the coming weeks.

I expect the college to cave and let them back in. They do not want a media circus.

The kids can't ever accept that. There lives or well being is now endangered and the school allowed it to happen and made it worse. They will sue the all the way to the US supreme court IF it ever gets that far. This is a clear cut victory for the kids. They are in it might as well get something for it because IT is with them for life now.

What planet are you from? They have already admitted guilt and issued an apology.
What were they guilty of that warranted expulsion?
Discrimination. Creating a hostile environment. "There will never be a ****** SAE. You can hang 'em from a tree, but they will never sign with me."

Case closed.
Saying something is not discrimination.
They didnt create a hostile environment. They were on a bus. The person who made and released the video created the environment. Even so, "creating a hostile environment" is bullshit. There is no reasonable definition of it anywhere and it loses every time it comes up in law.
Ever notice which side of the political spectrum is into banning and punishment for free speech? Colleges and universities used to be centers for the exchange of ideas and opinions. Half a century of liberalism has turned institutes of higher learning into something out of Orwell with frightened zombies afraid to speak out in class or utter a word against the state on campus.

Notice which side is condemning racism and which side is defending it?
Nobody is defending racism, nutsucker.
Notice which side is defending free speech and rights and which sides just wants to string them up?

The truth is the university was way out of bounds. Private conduct off campus is not subject to action by the university. The only creation of a hostile environment came fro the person who took and released the video.

Those little darlings learned a valuable lesson about free speech

They were allowed to say anything they wanted to and they were allowed to face the consequences

The person who released the video was a hero for standing up to racist behavior
Thats like saying poeple in the Soviet Union had free speech as long as they didnt mind being sent to the Gulag.
If you inflict punishment on someone they dont have free speech rights.

Again with the Gulags?

You really don't understand the concept of an analogy do you?
You dont understand the concept of rights. Obviously.
You made a sweeping comment that "there is Supreme Court cases" [sic]. I saw no caselaw cited.

Again. Where do you get your purported legal authority?
Expelling someone is a quasi judicial act, and doing so is prosecuting someone.
Speech codes at universities lose most of the time in court.
Free speech on public college campuses overview First Amendment Center news commentary analysis on free speech press religion assembly petition

Quasi judicial? Really?
You never heard the term, counselor?

I have. But what proceeding occurred? It doesn't seem they are challenging the expulsion
The university's chancellor made a determination. He was judge, jury and executioner. The students had no appeal, no chance to state their case.
They arent challenging it yet. But wait. IT is a clear case of curbing free speech and the university is way beyond the bounds.

What planet are you from?


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