Oklahoma banned students could sue the college and win big

LOL! Isn't it wonderful that the one's crying over this, are all the same tooth gnashers who demanded that people be ruined for refusing to bake a cake?

They were in violation of the law.

I don't think anyone is crying over this. The University has a code of conduct these students violated. They're done. I'm sure they can get into another school.
They acted stupid, but what law were they in violation of?

They aren't being prosecuted. So none, obviously. That doesn't mean there are no repercussions for the things people say. You know, like when the right destroyed the Dixie chicks b/c of Natalie manes making them cry.
Expelling someone isnt prosecuting him? In what universe, "counselor"?
The Dixie CHicks example is totally irrelevant here.
What did they say that got em expelled? I'm not up on this one. MSNBC wingnuts saying their 'Racists' certainly isn't enough for me. NBC's not exactly known for its honest news reporting.

Some of the respondents on this thread are apparently unaware that the students in question have already issued apologies. They have accepted responsibility for wrong doing. There will be no lawsuit.
Ever notice which side of the political spectrum is into banning and punishment for free speech? Colleges and universities used to be centers for the exchange of ideas and opinions. Half a century of liberalism has turned institutes of higher learning into something out of Orwell with frightened zombies afraid to speak out in class or utter a word against the state on campus.

Notice which side is condemning racism and which side is defending it?
Nobody is defending racism, nutsucker.
Notice which side is defending free speech and rights and which sides just wants to string them up?

The truth is the university was way out of bounds. Private conduct off campus is not subject to action by the university. The only creation of a hostile environment came fro the person who took and released the video.

Those little darlings learned a valuable lesson about free speech

They were allowed to say anything they wanted to and they were allowed to face the consequences

The person who released the video was a hero for standing up to racist behavior
When all else fails go to the race card. It is the safety net for the ignorant mind.

Goes double for you. Nice of you to back up your fellow racist cocksuckers though.

You stupid unappreciative ignorant fucking moronic redskin. You have any fucking idea or clue how manipulated you are by the pic crowd and the democrats? No, you do not.

You have nothing else. If me pointing out the facts makes me a racist in your pathetic manipulated Marxist PC mind then go ahead and feel comfortable you sack of ignorant shit.

Your pathetic double standards, your fucking hypocrisy and your pathetic utter lack of appreciation for everything republicans have done for minorities is duly noted.

You fucking manipulated brainwashed PC hypocrite.

I hope you don't think I take you seriously or like an equal or anything.

don't worry, you are far below the equal line.

The Equal Line? Is that a new arbitrary measurement based on something you heard from Rush Limbaugh? Or did you just coin a super clever phrase all on your own?

just a play on your dumb post.
But, yes, I am much more clever than you are, or any lib for that matter.
What did they say that got em expelled? I'm not up on this one. MSNBC wingnuts saying their 'Racists' certainly isn't enough for me. NBC's not exactly known for its honest news reporting.

Some of the respondents on this thread are apparently unaware that the students in question have already issued apologies. They have accepted responsibility for wrong doing. There will be no lawsuit.

Oh ok. What did they say?
What did they say that got em expelled? I'm not up on this one. MSNBC wingnuts saying their 'Racists' certainly isn't enough for me. NBC's not exactly known for its honest news reporting.

Some of the respondents on this thread are apparently unaware that the students in question have already issued apologies. They have accepted responsibility for wrong doing. There will be no lawsuit.

Oh ok. What did they say?
There will never be a ****** SAE
There will never be a ****** SAE
There will never be a ****** SAE
You can hang 'em from a tree
But he can never sign with me
There will never be a ****** SAE
LOL! Isn't it wonderful that the one's crying over this, are all the same tooth gnashers who demanded that people be ruined for refusing to bake a cake?

They were in violation of the law.

I don't think anyone is crying over this. The University has a code of conduct these students violated. They're done. I'm sure they can get into another school.
They acted stupid, but what law were they in violation of?

They aren't being prosecuted. So none, obviously. That doesn't mean there are no repercussions for the things people say. You know, like when the right destroyed the Dixie chicks b/c of Natalie manes making them cry.
Expelling someone isnt prosecuting him? In what universe, "counselor"?
The Dixie CHicks example is totally irrelevant here.


This university is so done. bye bye.

What is the basis for your legal judgment other than your own fantasies?

see post # 184 or #194 - The one with the supreme court examples.

I didn't ask what cases you are misrepresenting and confusing. I asked whe

This university is so done. bye bye.

What is the basis for your legal judgment other than your own fantasies?

see post # 184 or #194 - The one with the supreme court examples.

There are no post numbers showing as I'm reading on my phone

But I haven't seen you make an accurate legal statement yet.

Then go find those posts whenever you can read the post numbers. Until then don't assume what you said you can't possible know.

You made a sweeping comment that "there is Supreme Court cases" [sic]. I saw no caselaw cited.

Again. Where do you get your purported legal authority?

These kids will be forced to fight the college. Just watch this explode in the coming weeks.

I expect the college to cave and let them back in. They do not want a media circus.

The kids can't ever accept that. There lives or well being is now endangered and the school allowed it to happen and made it worse. They will sue the all the way to the US supreme court IF it ever gets that far. This is a clear cut victory for the kids. They are in it might as well get something for it because IT is with them for life now.
What did they say that got em expelled? I'm not up on this one. MSNBC wingnuts saying their 'Racists' certainly isn't enough for me. NBC's not exactly known for its honest news reporting.

Some of the respondents on this thread are apparently unaware that the students in question have already issued apologies. They have accepted responsibility for wrong doing. There will be no lawsuit.

that does not excuse the university from expelling them. admitting to being stupid is not a valid reason to expell a student. if it was, most of the liberals would be expelled from this message board.
Ever notice which side of the political spectrum is into banning and punishment for free speech? Colleges and universities used to be centers for the exchange of ideas and opinions. Half a century of liberalism has turned institutes of higher learning into something out of Orwell with frightened zombies afraid to speak out in class or utter a word against the state on campus.

Notice which side is condemning racism and which side is defending it?
Nobody is defending racism, nutsucker.
Notice which side is defending free speech and rights and which sides just wants to string them up?

The truth is the university was way out of bounds. Private conduct off campus is not subject to action by the university. The only creation of a hostile environment came fro the person who took and released the video.

Those little darlings learned a valuable lesson about free speech

They were allowed to say anything they wanted to and they were allowed to face the consequences

The person who released the video was a hero for standing up to racist behavior
Thats like saying poeple in the Soviet Union had free speech as long as they didnt mind being sent to the Gulag.
If you inflict punishment on someone they dont have free speech rights.

These kids will be forced to fight the college. Just watch this explode in the coming weeks.

I expect the college to cave and let them back in. They do not want a media circus.

The kids can't ever accept that. There lives or well being is now endangered and the school allowed it to happen and made it worse. They will sue the all the way to the US supreme court IF it ever gets that far. This is a clear cut victory for the kids. They are in it might as well get something for it because IT is with them for life now.

we will see. depends on who sees the biggest potential pay day.
LOL! Isn't it wonderful that the one's crying over this, are all the same tooth gnashers who demanded that people be ruined for refusing to bake a cake?

They were in violation of the law.

I don't think anyone is crying over this. The University has a code of conduct these students violated. They're done. I'm sure they can get into another school.
They acted stupid, but what law were they in violation of?

They aren't being prosecuted. So none, obviously. That doesn't mean there are no repercussions for the things people say. You know, like when the right destroyed the Dixie chicks b/c of Natalie manes making them cry.
Expelling someone isnt prosecuting him? In what universe, "counselor"?
The Dixie CHicks example is totally irrelevant here.

This university is so done. bye bye.

What is the basis for your legal judgment other than your own fantasies?

see post # 184 or #194 - The one with the supreme court examples.

I didn't ask what cases you are misrepresenting and confusing. I asked whe
This university is so done. bye bye.

What is the basis for your legal judgment other than your own fantasies?

see post # 184 or #194 - The one with the supreme court examples.

There are no post numbers showing as I'm reading on my phone

But I haven't seen you make an accurate legal statement yet.

Then go find those posts whenever you can read the post numbers. Until then don't assume what you said you can't possible know.

You made a sweeping comment that "there is Supreme Court cases" [sic]. I saw no caselaw cited.

Again. Where do you get your purported legal authority?
Expelling someone is a quasi judicial act, and doing so is prosecuting someone.
Speech codes at universities lose most of the time in court.
Free speech on public college campuses overview First Amendment Center news commentary analysis on free speech press religion assembly petition
What did they say that got em expelled? I'm not up on this one. MSNBC wingnuts saying their 'Racists' certainly isn't enough for me. NBC's not exactly known for its honest news reporting.

Some of the respondents on this thread are apparently unaware that the students in question have already issued apologies. They have accepted responsibility for wrong doing. There will be no lawsuit.

that does not excuse the university from expelling them. admitting to being stupid is not a valid reason to expell a student. if it was, most of the liberals would be expelled from this message board.

If this message board had the same standards as a university you wouldn't be here.
Dude, you can say that about all of you guys or 95% of America since it was created. Who cares? The point is these kids need to get their mail and start calling these referrals that you know they are getting.

Shouldn't they start by appealing their expulsions according to university procedure?

hell no. why would they want back in when they can sue for additional damages of the university slandering their reputation, and use that as an excuse to why they can't attend ANY college. Expulsions follow you and are on your record. You have to disclose that to any university you apply for.

They won't be satisfied until these kid's heads are on pikes and lives ruined. It's the leftist way

So much for personal responsibility....

does your comment apply to Sharpton inciting a riot in ferguson on a lie? should he be held liable? how about obama for claiming that Zimmerman was guilty? should he be held responsible for his words?

Sharpton incited the riot? That's kind of funny.
They were in violation of the law.

I don't think anyone is crying over this. The University has a code of conduct these students violated. They're done. I'm sure they can get into another school.
They acted stupid, but what law were they in violation of?

They aren't being prosecuted. So none, obviously. That doesn't mean there are no repercussions for the things people say. You know, like when the right destroyed the Dixie chicks b/c of Natalie manes making them cry.
Expelling someone isnt prosecuting him? In what universe, "counselor"?
The Dixie CHicks example is totally irrelevant here.

What is the basis for your legal judgment other than your own fantasies?

see post # 184 or #194 - The one with the supreme court examples.

I didn't ask what cases you are misrepresenting and confusing. I asked whe
What is the basis for your legal judgment other than your own fantasies?

see post # 184 or #194 - The one with the supreme court examples.

There are no post numbers showing as I'm reading on my phone

But I haven't seen you make an accurate legal statement yet.

Then go find those posts whenever you can read the post numbers. Until then don't assume what you said you can't possible know.

You made a sweeping comment that "there is Supreme Court cases" [sic]. I saw no caselaw cited.

Again. Where do you get your purported legal authority?
Expelling someone is a quasi judicial act, and doing so is prosecuting someone.
Speech codes at universities lose most of the time in court.
Free speech on public college campuses overview First Amendment Center news commentary analysis on free speech press religion assembly petition

Quasi judicial? Really?

These kids will be forced to fight the college. Just watch this explode in the coming weeks.

And the university may end up fighting the kids who were not involved but will claim they were punished and as a result may claim they were stigmatized / slandered and also subject to negligent - or willful- infliction of emotional distress. Just wait till the University loses at trial or caves and settles with some kid like that - some Eagle Scout who was in his room studying at the time. People will start screaming judicial system run amuck but it really will be the result of the stupid decisions made by the bufoons in the administration

The 9th circuit court of appeals has run amuck, and really needs to be abolished, but that is a story for another day. If I were the kids I wouldn't settle at all. I'd be pissed after I realized all the threats and realized my life is now literally screwed. I'd drain the university for EVERYTHING it's got. However, will all of the tens of millions they'd win, I keep enough till retirement and donate a good portion to victims of free speech as a slap in the face to every critic.

These kids will be forced to fight the college. Just watch this explode in the coming weeks.

I expect the college to cave and let them back in. They do not want a media circus.

The kids can't ever accept that. There lives or well being is now endangered and the school allowed it to happen and made it worse. They will sue the all the way to the US supreme court IF it ever gets that far. This is a clear cut victory for the kids. They are in it might as well get something for it because IT is with them for life now.

What planet are you from? They have already admitted guilt and issued an apology.

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