Old time fire and brimstone sermon...

Oh hell that's not rare. I can tune that in on local radio here every Sunday. I've heard it elsewhere too. Except this shit they broadcast here features a lot of wheezing in between the yelling, really loud wheezing as if it's intentional. Plus they like to put "UH" at the end of every breath, just before the wheeze.

It's fucking HILARIOUS. I've got audio clips of it but they're not ready for upload.

Oh hell that's not rare. I can tune that in on local radio here every Sunday. I've heard it elsewhere too. Except this shit they broadcast here features a lot of wheezing in between the yelling, really loud wheezing as if it's intentional. Plus they like to put "UH" at the end of every breath, just before the wheeze.

I'll pray for ya, Brother.
Revival meetings Haven't been to one in years. Good preaching, good music, home cooked pot luck, good fellow ship. Communities need more of them.

Thanks, what preacher was it?

Danny Castle of Shining Light Baptist Church, Morgantown NC.

I'd never heard him before this...just ran across it on YouTube.

I'm listening to this one right now... sermon starts at 25:00-ish...

That figures. Same region, same shit I hear on the radio. Morganton (no W) is right down the road.

It's hard to believe that kind of shit goes on without hysterical laughter in the background.
Revival meetings Haven't been to one in years. Good preaching, good music, home cooked pot luck, good fellow ship. Communities need more of them.
Or not.

Certainly not the fearmongering, racism. bigotry, arrogance, and hate common to far too many Christian sects.

Due to circumstances too complex to explain I happened to be at the home of a farmer while he and his family were out at one of these "revivals". I was there when they got home. They looked like drug addicts, eyes glazed over and a mile wide, bouncing off the walls. If I didn't know where they just came from I would have sworn they all just shot meth.

Oh hell that's not rare. I can tune that in on local radio here every Sunday. I've heard it elsewhere too. Except this shit they broadcast here features a lot of wheezing in between the yelling, really loud wheezing as if it's intentional. Plus they like to put "UH" at the end of every breath, just before the wheeze.

I'll pray for ya, Brother.

Oh that's OK, I'm not forced to listen to it. I did harvest some sound bites for future projects.

I know it's been done but I'd go for something more creative than Steve Reich did

Right about the 8:00 mark you can hear the raw unprocessed audio before it gets looped, including examples of the wheezing I mentioned.
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Revival meetings Haven't been to one in years. Good preaching, good music, home cooked pot luck, good fellow ship. Communities need more of them.
Or not.

Certainly not the fearmongering, racism. bigotry, arrogance, and hate common to far too many Christian sects.

Luke never met Jesus and probably never lived in Palestine since he completely screws up the geography.. Luke probably lived in Syria.. The story is a morality tale, but its fiction.
Revival meetings Haven't been to one in years. Good preaching, good music, home cooked pot luck, good fellow ship. Communities need more of them.
Or not.

Certainly not the fearmongering, racism. bigotry, arrogance, and hate common to far too many Christian sects.
Those type of folks you mention is why the church exist. They need to be there and here the truth. The Baptist church I grew up in had a faction of the KKK there and the preacher pulled no punches, he preached the un compromised word of God .He did not care if they liked it or not.
Revival meetings Haven't been to one in years. Good preaching, good music, home cooked pot luck, good fellow ship. Communities need more of them.
Or not.

Certainly not the fearmongering, racism. bigotry, arrogance, and hate common to far too many Christian sects.

Due to circumstances too complex to explain I happened to be at the home of a farmer while he and his family were out at one of these "revivals". I was there when they got home. They looked like drug addicts, eyes glazed over and a mile wide, bouncing off the walls. If I didn't know where they just came from I would have sworn they all just shot meth.
That's how some people react to meetings like that. My classmates and I were taken to the symphony when I was 12 years old .To this day when they get together they will talk about how I became euphoric when the symphony played Tchaikovsky's music :)
Certainly not the fearmongering, racism. bigotry, arrogance, and hate common to far too many Christian sects.
This particular preacher has an interacial congregation.

In the service posted above about the 12 minute mark a black family gets up front and sings a hymn together.

So I suspect that's not a problem here.
Just what is really in the Bible not what the mass media will tell you what's in it.
Well I've only ever skimmed the Bible at weddings and funerals, for something to read while dudes wittered on about god, but I've never read anything like the content of that vid in it.
I did once start to read it right through but it bored me breathless.
I grew up listening to Billy Graham, Oliver B Greene.
Never heard them, heard of Billy Graham. Is that what they sold and people bought?

Billy Graham absolutely never sounded anything like that. He sounded human. What this yelling and wheezing stuff is, is basically acting. Performance art. Playing a clown. A mass manipulation parlor game.
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