Omar hitched for the fourth time


Platinum Member
Dec 8, 2019
South Central KY
‘Who knew she had so many brothers?’ Ilhan Omar gets hitched AGAIN and OMG-LOL the responses are comedy gold

Posted at 8:15 am on March 12, 2020 by Sam J.

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Admit it.

You’re just glad this story isn’t about the freakin’ Coronavirus.

And seriously, could our legislators’ lives be any MORE like a really cheesy, sleazy, train wreck of a soap opera? For example, Ilhan Omar who has been accused of marrying her brother, then divorcing him to marry another guy who she cheated on with another guy who was cheating on HIS wife and just so happened to work FOR Ilhan’s campaign just got married.


To the guy her campaign paid hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Told ya’, sleazy.

'Who knew she had so many brothers?' Ilhan Omar gets hitched AGAIN and OMG-LOL the responses are comedy gold

7 Months ago denied any relationship with him now married? What's wrong with these people?

Read the comments, some funny stuff.
Read up her scandals, investigations, fraud, deceptions. Course she has been investigated for quite some time now, nothing wlll happen.
Omar’s new husband made more than half a million off her campaigns

Something fishy, but what?

Since 2018, Omar’s campaign paid about $586,000 to E Street Group for a range of services that included digital advertising, fundraising consulting, digital communications and design. The campaign also paid $7,000 to Mynett directly for fundraising consulting before hiring his consulting firm.

Payments to the firm in the 2019-2020 cycle for Omar’s reelection campaign comprised 40 percent of total campaign expenses, federal filings show.

Representatives for Omar’s campaign and Mynett’s firm said this week that there was nothing improper about the payments because they were made for legitimate work.

It turns out that nearly half (40%) of all of Omar’s 2020 election cycle campaign expenses went directly to her new husband’s firm. And despite her repeated previous denials, the idea that the two of them weren’t engaged in a romantic relationship throughout that period of time is now simply laughable. But was any of this against the law? There’s been an FEC complaint filed, calling for an investigation into these payments. Also, Charlie Kirk piped up recently to ask how this isn’t a campaign finance violation.

If they can document valid work that they were doing for the campaign, it’s not illegal for a contractor to be pumping you while they are working for you.
I read about those donations. She is a snake, denies everything, marrying her brother, everything even the fact they had a relationship (that was 7 mo ago)

Woman of color, Muslim, Democrat,,, think anything will ever be done except possiblyvote her out? Her best friend is the one blew the whistle that she did marry her brother for papers to stay here. Her friend says she shamed the community.

Allegedly that is not even her name. Father was a war criminal and he's here too. Refuge camp in Kenya? MY ASS she stayed with people in a very affluent neighborhood.

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