Omg!My famous sig has been deleted!


Gold Member
Aug 10, 2012
Am I the victim of "White privilege," now? Let me check and see if Shootspeeders ape caricature of the US president has been obliterated as well!

OHHHH..NOOOO Shot speeder's avatar is still there! Shall I call the NAACP and report this double standard or should I just go quietly into the night never to be seen or heard from again.... Oh woe is me!
Th removal of my sig has done more to divide this nation than anything Obama has done...:lol:
Am I the victim of "White privilege," now? Let me check and see if Shootspeeders ape caricature of the US president has been obliterated as well!

OHHHH..NOOOO Shot speeder's avatar is still there! Shall I call the NAACP and report this double standard or should I just go quietly into the night never to be seen or heard from again.... Oh woe is me!

The ape avatar is Steve McRacist, although they're both racist ignorami.

What did your sigline say anyway? Whatever it was it was memorable, since I've never noticed. :lol:

Right now it says "1". Which I think is pretty damn profound. :eusa_think:

Am I the victim of "White privilege," now? Let me check and see if Shootspeeders ape caricature of the US president has been obliterated as well!

OHHHH..NOOOO Shot speeder's avatar is still there! Shall I call the NAACP and report this double standard or should I just go quietly into the night never to be seen or heard from again.... Oh woe is me!

The ape avatar is Steve McRacist, although they're both racist ignorami.

What did your sigline say anyway? Whatever it was it was memorable, since I've never noticed. :lol:

Right now it says "1". Which I think is pretty damn profound. :eusa_think:
Well, Shortspeedos and Steve McRacist act so much alike I can't tell those racist bahs-turds apart sometimes. They look alike..heh heh heh!

My sig was the picture of NB Forrest buring in hell with the rebel flag as a backdrop. The big guts couldn't handle it and probably complained relentlessly to the mods who finally acquiesced. I never recieved a warning of any kind so until then I guess I can still match the racist avatars of McRacist and others...

Here is the pic that stunned the racist USMB crowd:

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View attachment 47379

Am I the victim of "White privilege," now? Let me check and see if Shootspeeders ape caricature of the US president has been obliterated as well!

OHHHH..NOOOO Shot speeder's avatar is still there! Shall I call the NAACP and report this double standard or should I just go quietly into the night never to be seen or heard from again.... Oh woe is me!

The ape avatar is Steve McRacist, although they're both racist ignorami.

What did your sigline say anyway? Whatever it was it was memorable, since I've never noticed. :lol:

Right now it says "1". Which I think is pretty damn profound. :eusa_think:
Well, Shortspeedos and Steve McRacist act so much alike I can't tell those racist bahs-turds apart sometimes. They look alike..heh heh heh!

My sig was the picture of NB Forrest buring in hell with the rebel flag as a backdrop. The big guts couldn't handled it and probably complained relentlessly to the mods who finally acquiesced. I never recieved a warning of any kind so until then I guess I can still match the racist avatars of McRacist and others...

Here is the pic that stunned the racist USMB crowd:


There's no image. Maybe that's the issue.

Rabbi(d) had (or still has) an avi of Nathan Bedford Forrest in front of a stars n bars. I kept asking him what his point was supposed to be. He ran away. Far as I know he still has it though, so I doubt anyone tampered with it. You seem to have an image that doesn't exist.

Actually I don't think I've ever seen such an image. I just Google-image searched for it, came up with nothing.
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Think that's bad?

Wait until they close this thread for all caps in title
BTW, that 1 is a permlink to an important area of USMB that I want to return to later on. There will be other numbers as needed.
View attachment 47379

Am I the victim of "White privilege," now? Let me check and see if Shootspeeders ape caricature of the US president has been obliterated as well!

OHHHH..NOOOO Shot speeder's avatar is still there! Shall I call the NAACP and report this double standard or should I just go quietly into the night never to be seen or heard from again.... Oh woe is me!

The ape avatar is Steve McRacist, although they're both racist ignorami.

What did your sigline say anyway? Whatever it was it was memorable, since I've never noticed. :lol:

Right now it says "1". Which I think is pretty damn profound. :eusa_think:
Well, Shortspeedos and Steve McRacist act so much alike I can't tell those racist bahs-turds apart sometimes. They look alike..heh heh heh!

My sig was the picture of NB Forrest buring in hell with the rebel flag as a backdrop. The big guts couldn't handled it and probably complained relentlessly to the mods who finally acquiesced. I never recieved a warning of any kind so until then I guess I can still match the racist avatars of McRacist and others...

Here is the pic that stunned the racist USMB crowd:


There's no image. Maybe that's the issue.

Rabbi(d) had (or still has) an avi of Nathan Bedford Forrest in front of a stars n bars. I kept asking him what his point was supposed to be. He ran away. Far as I know he still has it though, so I doubt anyone tampered with it. You seem to have an image that doesn't exist.
I can see my attachment , not the sig , but the attachment in your post... If I can see it surely YOU ought to be able to see it... what is going on here? The sig picture has been deleted and only a blue square with a "?" in the middle remains.
View attachment 47379

Am I the victim of "White privilege," now? Let me check and see if Shootspeeders ape caricature of the US president has been obliterated as well!

OHHHH..NOOOO Shot speeder's avatar is still there! Shall I call the NAACP and report this double standard or should I just go quietly into the night never to be seen or heard from again.... Oh woe is me!

The ape avatar is Steve McRacist, although they're both racist ignorami.

What did your sigline say anyway? Whatever it was it was memorable, since I've never noticed. :lol:

Right now it says "1". Which I think is pretty damn profound. :eusa_think:
Well, Shortspeedos and Steve McRacist act so much alike I can't tell those racist bahs-turds apart sometimes. They look alike..heh heh heh!

My sig was the picture of NB Forrest buring in hell with the rebel flag as a backdrop. The big guts couldn't handled it and probably complained relentlessly to the mods who finally acquiesced. I never recieved a warning of any kind so until then I guess I can still match the racist avatars of McRacist and others...

Here is the pic that stunned the racist USMB crowd:


There's no image. Maybe that's the issue.

Rabbi(d) had (or still has) an avi of Nathan Bedford Forrest in front of a stars n bars. I kept asking him what his point was supposed to be. He ran away. Far as I know he still has it though, so I doubt anyone tampered with it. You seem to have an image that doesn't exist.
I can see my attachment , not the sig , but the attachment in your post... If I can see it surely YOU ought to be able to see it... what is going on here? The sig picture has been deleted and only a blue square with a "?" in the middle remains.

I see the attachment now -- I had to disable AdBlock for it to show up. Never saw that before (maybe AdBlock was blocking your sig before?)

However now I see the square in your sigline, no image. Looks like an upload error. Try re-loading it, or using a different version of the image. Actually even in this attachment I can't read whatever's in the speech bubble.
I had to erase the blue box with the "?" in it. That box was being read as a picture and you can't have two pics in your sig, Problem solved..but I still suspect tampering....

The words uttered by the damned NB Forrest: "ARRRGGGH! I BEG FORGIVENESS!

I had to make it bigger so it could be read...sorry for the inconvenience!

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