OMG My man on the hill Grassley is releasing a memo AND criminal recommendations

it was sent a month ago and means nothing

just like the memo devin the dummy put out

That's right, smel, nothing means anything until its time to start stringing up these liberal traitorous fucks, kick the chair out from under them and watch them SWING. Then a whole lot of those traitorous PIGS are gonna be sayin' OINK. But then, you were one of the people who said the memo would never even be released which makes you 0-12. OINK.

And yet you guys want to protect Carter, and Flynn, and Trump himself, who are traitors. Don Jr bragged how money is pouring in from Russia, and Trump use to love wiki leaks and Comey, who he once had the upmost respect for.
It proved nothing at all
It's proves everything we have been saying for over a year...go ahead bury your head in the sand and when it happens to your candidate don't say squat...if Trump can be railroaded by the FBI so can a democrat...
Your man?

Grassley represents Canada?

I guess I have to hit you one more time Gramps. I'm dual. My husband is dual. Pretty well grew up just north of Ormond. Many a year in Tennessee. Husband mega key dude at Saturn in Franklin.

Need I go on here?

Now my man Grassley is my guy from close to two years ago because Senator Grassley wasnt buying into jack shit. I can't help you if you have not followed my love for the old dude on the hill for the past couple of years, but I am amazed at him on a day to day.
Your man?

Grassley represents Canada?

I guess I have to hit you one more time Gramps. I'm dual. My husband is dual. Pretty well grew up just north of Ormond. Many a year in Tennessee. Husband mega key dude at Saturn in Franklin.

Need I go on here?

Now my man Grassley is my guy from close to two years ago because Senator Grassley wasnt buying into jack shit. I can't help you if you have not followed my love for the old dude on the hill for the past couple of years, but I am amazed at him on a day to day.
The fact that you swing both ways ment to impress?
Let's remove this guy Steele for a moment.
Say you stumble upon someone, we'll say that they are a complete idiot, and they love Trump, and they have information which THEY THINK BENEFITS Trump.
Just bear with me for a moment...

Say, for instance, this IDIOT thinks that they uncovered information which THEY (the IDIOT) think will cast Trump in a very favorable light with regard to something very damaging and possibly illegal.
Now, you're the FBI, so you KNOW what is legal and what ain't, yes?
You're trained to work ONLY on the FACTS and the LAW, yes?
You look at that certain something that the IDIOT laid at your feet and you realize that it's a huge stinker, and that the person bringing it to you IS INDEED, AN IDIOT, an idiot who doesn't realize that they just cooked Trump's goose in epic fashion.

Naturally, you do not tell the idiot that they are an idiot and you don't reveal your hand or react at all, but you share what was handed to you with all your colleagues, who agree that the IDIOT who thought they were HELPING Trump just cooked his goose.
Now what?

Does it change what the information refers to ONE IOTA?

Use THAT YARDSTICK when parsing the memo and its meaning.
In other words, FLIP IT 180 degrees.

Your move.

Some folks, I won't say who, think Nunes might even be getting money from the Russians.
If that turns out to be true:

it was sent a month ago and means nothing

just like the memo devin the dummy put out

That's right, smel, nothing means anything until its time to start stringing up these liberal traitorous fucks, kick the chair out from under them and watch them SWING. Then a whole lot of those traitorous PIGS are gonna be sayin' OINK. But then, you were one of the people who said the memo would never even be released which makes you 0-12. OINK.

And yet you guys want to protect Carter, and Flynn, and Trump himself, who are traitors. Don Jr bragged how money is pouring in from Russia, and Trump use to love wiki leaks and Comey, who he once had the upmost respect for.

Trump is a traitor? Where is the treason? Where is proof of that? If you can figure it out then it should be a 5 minute no-brainer for Mueller and the Dems! Maxine would be swinging from light pole to light pole shouting it out! No one could support that, he would be locked behind bars and impeached last week. Better call the DOJ and tell them how to do their job! Oh wait! Are you gonna tell me that Trump is being PROTECTED now by the very people who said he wasn't even one of them during the election??? Surely you have more brain than that!
Looks like the Democrats colluded with a known foreign spy in an effort to influence the 2016 presidential election. A failed coup attempt.

Heads should roll.
The Memo is a total bust. It doesn’t help Trump st all. If anything it proves there’s no conspiracy against Trump by the FBI.

Really? The FBI gets a FISA warrant to spy on Trump by lying to the Judge and this is a nothing burger?


Stop embarrassing yourself.
Oh.. It gets better..

Rosenstien threatened the Intel committee members with subpoenaing their text messages and implying he would use his powers to disgrace the members. One tiny problem.. HE HAS NO PROBABLE CAUSE.. Then he made the statement that "i'm tired of dealing with you".

A Congressional guest on Hannity just revealed the abuse of power by threatening Congress Members for doing their constitutional jobs..... NICE!!!
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Rosensrein, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Lynch, Hillary, Mueller...

Should be indicted for Obstruction, sedition, treason, etc...

Hillary, the DOJ, & the FBI collaborated with a foreign spy working with Russians, a spy the FBI itself assessed to be desperate to prevent Trump from becoming president.

Hillary and the FBI actually PAID this spy for a false report filled with propaganda, and through deceit acquired FISA Warrants to spy on the opposing political party's Presidential candidate during a US election.

Hillary and the Obama administration was also desperate to prevent Trump from winning, so much so that they:

- Protected a proven FELIN from indictment so she could continue to run for office (Obstruction)

- Teamed with a desperate foreign spy working with Russians (treason), using foreign collected data in a US election (a crime)

- Illegally leaked classified, illegally unmasked Americans, illegally used unverified data to acquire FISA warrants,

These SOBs SHOULD be punished.... but they won't be...
A FISA warrant to spy on the GOP Presidential candidate and his team was acquired through an application signed off by Comey using a bogus document paid for by the DNC candidate.

Holy crap!

No, this wasn't Hillary and the Obaama administration doing EVERYTHING they could do to make sure Trump would lose...

Rosensrein, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Lynch, Hillary, Mueller...

Should be indicted for Obstruction, sedition, treason, etc...

Hillary, the DOJ, & the FBI collaborated with a foreign spy working with Russians, a spy the FBI itself assessed to be desperate to prevent Trump from becoming president.

Hillary and the FBI actually PAID this spy for a false report filled with propaganda, and through deceit acquired FISA Warrants to spy on the opposing political party's Presidential candidate during a US election.

Hillary and the Obama administration was also desperate to prevent Trump from winning, so much so that they:

- Protected a proven FELIN from indictment so she could continue to run for office (Obstruction)

- Teamed with a desperate foreign spy working with Russians (treason), using foreign collected data in a US election (a crime)

- Illegally leaked classified, illegally unmasked Americans, illegally used unverified data to acquire FISA warrants,

These SOBs SHOULD be punished.... but they won't be...

I was talking with friends about Flynn this AM and his position. We all agreed that Flynn filing for vacating the plea deal was prudent given that all of the information used to gain and entrap him was gleaned from the illegal wire taps.

All of the information gleaned from the wire taps touches everything the Mueller team has done. Nothing is left untouched. I don't see how they can continue. As soon as the court tosses that plea all the evidence will be marked inadmissible. This could happen as early as next week.
Funny thing:

The Key Players In Trump’s ‘Deep State’ Conspiracy Theory Are All Republicans

AG Jeff Sessions, Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein, FBI Director Christopher Wray, former FBI Director James Comey, special counsel Robert Mueller, and former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

Not a single Democrat in there! Are we seeing the Republican Party starting to self-destruct?

Sessions had nothing to do with this FISA warrant. Rosenstein, Weisseberg, Mueller were all involved in Uranium One and I don't give a jack shit that anyone of them might put an R behind their name.

Hell's bells John McCain claims to be a Republican. McCabe is a Democrat straight out and out fool. Did you miss the part of McAuliffe getting his wife 3/4 of a million $$$$ to run for the Democrats.

You don't have a clue what you are talking about.

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