OMG, we knew Mueller was worse than the Sopranos with exorting guilty plea or life in prison

They have been violating the 4th amendment since Reagan get real....
Thousands of ordinary Muricans have had their rightfully earned property stolen by the cops, under the asset forfeiture scam, for far less.

The whole thing is a national disgrace.
but now he's TURNING A PROFIT by stealing money from people who've not done anything wrong other than serve our President's election. TREASON IS not a strong enough word.

Yes, the Mueller investigation is costly. But the millions seized from Manafort have it on track to break even

We deported Lucky Luciano for less. I weep.
So you're saying Mueller is persecuting poor Manafort, who has broken no laws? Broken no laws???
So, if that's true why is Mueller after him? Why did a grand jury indict him? Are you saying the rule of law is broken and Mueller is charging innocent citizens? Wow! If what you say is true, the DOJ should suspend and prosecute the Republican Mueller. Why isn't it happening? Why is the Senate and Mighty Mitch not speaking out? Have you even read the Constitution, or are you like Trump, wanting to make up your own laws and enforce them at your discretion?

I hereby award you the Trumpanzee of the Day award. Richly deserved.

Why isn't Trump's DOJ acting on this?

Is he weak?
Under asset forfeiture, you have to prove yourself innocent.
And there is not a prosecutor in the world that does not use the law to thier full advantage. Every one sais ya but only the pieces of shit are effected. All I have to say is do not come home from Windsor with casino winnings with atail light out, the cops are gunna take every thing on you.

PS. There are millions of lines of codified law what are the chances you are not breaking one of them.
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Why isn't Trump's DOJ acting on this?

Is he weak?
Under asset forfeiture, you have to prove yourself innocent.
And there is not a prosecutor in the world that does not use the law to thier full advantage. Every one sais ya but only the pieces of shit are effected. All I have to say is do not come home from Windsor with casino winnings with atail light out, the cops are gunna take every thing on you.

PS. There are millions of lines of codified law what are the chances you are not breaking one of them.
And there is not a crackpot leftist who won't completely disregard the of the presumption of innocence, which has been the bedrock of common law for centuries, when it achieves a result that they want.

The ends justify the means....Thiggish despotic tyrants, each and every one of you.
Why isn't Trump's DOJ acting on this?

Is he weak?
Under asset forfeiture, you have to prove yourself innocent.
And there is not a prosecutor in the world that does not use the law to thier full advantage. Every one sais ya but only the pieces of shit are effected. All I have to say is do not come home from Windsor with casino winnings with atail light out, the cops are gunna take every thing on you.

PS. There are millions of lines of codified law what are the chances you are not breaking one of them.
And there is not a crackpot leftist who won't completely disregard the of the presumption of innocence, which has been the bedrock of common law for centuries, when it achieves a result that they want.

The ends justify the means....Thiggish despotic tyrants, each and every one of you.
Half the time you call me a leftist. Mean while much like Gallager I am mad as hell aboujt it. You had better take a look at ye old votes on asset forfeture you are going to be pissed at your reps. At any rate you are one of the few to notice just how destructive this policy is. At what point are you going to realize it does not matter whether they have a D or an R in front of thier name most of both are willing to screw you. They have us fighting over walls and terrorists when there is a 1 in 32 million chance a terrorist will every cause you any sort of physical harm. Mean while they rob us blind and get us to give up our liberties. For as long as the patriot act and civil forfetures go on the american public is a sleep at the wheel. Some thing has do be done to simplify coded law also I truely am not sure I am not breaking a law sitting here. I do not know about you but I do not have the time to pour through that many lines of code. One can argue that is what attornies are for and I say I do not want my life in the hands of one.

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