On 9/11/01, 17 years ago where were you that day?

I do not have a clue what I was doing or where I was. I look at my work records and I was pouring concrete that day.

Really? An earth shaking event like that happens and you don't remember where you were or what you were doing on that day?

We were going to have to deal with Saddam Hussein again sooner or later. I know this from my own personal experience over there.

Another war with Iraq was inevitable.

Bush just royally fucked up the execution.

Was this while you were working for the Russians?

And Bush didn't fuck it up idiot!
If there was a fault with Bush it was he was stupidly concerned about how the MSM was projecting the war... totally negatively!
If he were more like Trump he'd ignore these stupid idiots that supported the Terrorists...evidently like you did with your Russian buddies!

The ROEs the efforts by the Democrats to totally for political reasons oppose the Liberation of Iraq which by the way read these following supporting Democrats that
were all for the "Liberation of Iraq"!
Reasons for War: Things you might have forgotten about Iraq.

"Together we must also confront the new hazards of chemical and biological weapons, and the outlaw states, terrorists and organized criminals seeking to acquire them. Saddam Hussein has spent the better part of this decade, and much of his nation's wealth, not on providing for the Iraqi people, but on developing nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and the missiles to deliver them."
President Clinton, Jan. 27, 1998.
This makes Muslims uncomfortable
We should shy away from discussing this due to their sensitivities. Just basically pretend it never happened, pretend is a good feeling
We gave Bush an approval rating of over 90%. And then he absolutely shat all over that and all of Anerica to your cheers. Now, hilariously, most of you pretend to have always not like that idiot. :laugh:

Perhaps, but we've always hated you. That has stayed consistent.
Lol consistent? You fools have completely abandoned your principles to support Trump’s liberal policies. Fornexample with tariffs, Trump has done the impossible. He got the conservative sheep base to celebrate new taxes! :laugh:
Can't even leave trump out of a 9-11 thread. Poor trolls. For me though just after 2 aircraft were flown into the WTC, I thought it prudent to arm us at work. Better to be safe than sorry.
You were at the jail?
My son told me about that "end of the government" scenario and what their orders are in that event. I keep all digits crossed that that day never comes for him.

What are their orders for and "end of the government" scenario? Let all the non violents go and shoot the rest?
I do not have a clue what I was doing or where I was. I look at my work records and I was pouring concrete that day.

Really? An earth shaking event like that happens and you don't remember where you were or what you were doing on that day?

Sorry but my earth was not shaken. Clintons advisors told bush it was coming but he did not listen or even attend the meeting or PDB.
We gave Bush an approval rating of over 90%. And then he absolutely shat all over that and all of Anerica to your cheers. Now, hilariously, most of you pretend to have always not like that idiot. :laugh:

Perhaps, but we've always hated you. That has stayed consistent.
Lol consistent? You fools have completely abandoned your principles to support Trump’s liberal policies. Fornexample with tariffs, Trump has done the impossible. He got the conservative sheep base to celebrate new taxes! :laugh:
Can't even leave trump out of a 9-11 thread. Poor trolls. For me though just after 2 aircraft were flown into the WTC, I thought it prudent to arm us at work. Better to be safe than sorry.
You were at the jail?
My son told me about that "end of the government" scenario and what their orders are in that event. I keep all digits crossed that that day never comes for him.

What are their orders for and "end of the government" scenario? Let all the non violents go and shoot the rest?
Mike might know, if he was working in a max security jail. I'm not sure I'm supposed to say.
Perhaps, but we've always hated you. That has stayed consistent.
Lol consistent? You fools have completely abandoned your principles to support Trump’s liberal policies. Fornexample with tariffs, Trump has done the impossible. He got the conservative sheep base to celebrate new taxes! :laugh:
Can't even leave trump out of a 9-11 thread. Poor trolls. For me though just after 2 aircraft were flown into the WTC, I thought it prudent to arm us at work. Better to be safe than sorry.
You were at the jail?
My son told me about that "end of the government" scenario and what their orders are in that event. I keep all digits crossed that that day never comes for him.

What are their orders for and "end of the government" scenario? Let all the non violents go and shoot the rest?
Mike might know, if he was working in a max security jail. I'm not sure I'm supposed to say.
I was at work in my transmission shop.
I was at my desk at work when the following email came through...

advisxxx @ us.xxx.com on 09/11/2001 10:34:19 AM

Subject: ** Note from XXXXXXX Communications **

ON 09/11/01 AT 10:32

That was a notice that customer's server in the WTC was down.

Watching the WTC collapse and knowing some people in that building was very sobering.
Then about 2 months later I was in NY at this customer's home office and it was very sad the memorials
they had regarding these employees deaths.

Never in American history has such a devastating attack on America occurred. Never.
Pearl Harbor was bad.
No question.
But for Americans watching TV and seeing landmarks like the WTC and the Pentagon being attacked!

And people are still dying from the chemical effects of that day and weeks following.
Hopefully no one will be so crass and crude to bring up any issues regarding that for this comment as
everyone knows the issues.

Let's just remember the people that died and those that died trying to save people.

I was packing up for a 1700 mile drive east to PA.
My b'friend back then was a Philadelphia surgeon. I was watching the first video coming in on the television when he called and asked if I knew.
He was in his office, his schedule had been canceled and he was waiting to hear if he was going to be going to Manhattan by helicopter, as all surgeons and burn doctors in NYC and Philadelphia were on call to help.
And the saddest thing of all was that he never left his office, no burn doctors either because it was soon apparent that even the docs at the hospitals in Manhattan were standing idle.
It was the saddest thing to see this, horrible, so many died instantly.
From either being burned to death by the jet fuel that spilled out onto the street or jumping or being inside when the buildings collapsed.
There was a thread on this yesterday, too, and the very best "Where were you" story so far is night_son 's. What an image. No disrespect to your mom or to you, guy--that was so funny, though.

My mother came barreling down the old wooden cellar steps screaming at us that someone was dropping nuclear bombs on New York City (she hadn't turned on the news yet, her sister had called her).
Lol consistent? You fools have completely abandoned your principles to support Trump’s liberal policies. Fornexample with tariffs, Trump has done the impossible. He got the conservative sheep base to celebrate new taxes! :laugh:
Can't even leave trump out of a 9-11 thread. Poor trolls. For me though just after 2 aircraft were flown into the WTC, I thought it prudent to arm us at work. Better to be safe than sorry.
You were at the jail?
My son told me about that "end of the government" scenario and what their orders are in that event. I keep all digits crossed that that day never comes for him.

What are their orders for and "end of the government" scenario? Let all the non violents go and shoot the rest?
Mike might know, if he was working in a max security jail. I'm not sure I'm supposed to say.
I was at work in my transmission shop.
Mike, you felt the need to arm yourself against your customers?
Can't even leave trump out of a 9-11 thread. Poor trolls. For me though just after 2 aircraft were flown into the WTC, I thought it prudent to arm us at work. Better to be safe than sorry.
You were at the jail?
My son told me about that "end of the government" scenario and what their orders are in that event. I keep all digits crossed that that day never comes for him.

What are their orders for and "end of the government" scenario? Let all the non violents go and shoot the rest?
Mike might know, if he was working in a max security jail. I'm not sure I'm supposed to say.
I was at work in my transmission shop.
You felt the need to arm yourself against your customers?
Ask Mike. That is his post.
I do not have a clue what I was doing or where I was. I look at my work records and I was pouring concrete that day.

Really? An earth shaking event like that happens and you don't remember where you were or what you were doing on that day?

Sorry but my earth was not shaken. Clintons advisors told bush it was coming but he did not listen or even attend the meeting or PDB.
Did they say what Bill had done to prevent it...other than get a blow job in the oral office?
Question is...where was the FBI? No...not spying on Trump yet. They were not anywhere near 9/11 because despite two separate warnings, one from their Phoenix field office, the FBI was more concerned with political correctness.

“F.B.I. officials said there was reluctance at the time to mount such a major review because of a concern that the bureau would be criticized for ethnic profiling of foreigners.”

I talked to one of my clients in Manhattan about two weeks later.
His office was on the 20th floor of a building on Avenue C, about a mile and a half away.
He was in his office on the phone when several large pieces of debris hit his window.
He said his back was to the glass and he jumped, thinking it was birds, because he never heard the first plane hit.
Freakin' amazing.
I do not have a clue what I was doing or where I was. I look at my work records and I was pouring concrete that day.

Really? An earth shaking event like that happens and you don't remember where you were or what you were doing on that day?

Sorry but my earth was not shaken. Clintons advisors told bush it was coming but he did not listen or even attend the meeting or PDB.
Did they say what Bill had done to prevent it...other than get a blow job in the oral office?

What was Condi Rice getting in her office when she decided to ignore the classified memo from Richard Clark in July 2001?
I was at my desk at work when the following email came through...

advisxxx @ us.xxx.com on 09/11/2001 10:34:19 AM

Subject: ** Note from XXXXXXX Communications **

ON 09/11/01 AT 10:32

That was a notice that customer's server in the WTC was down.

Watching the WTC collapse and knowing some people in that building was very sobering.
Then about 2 months later I was in NY at this customer's home office and it was very sad the memorials
they had regarding these employees deaths.

Never in American history has such a devastating attack on America occurred. Never.
Pearl Harbor was bad.
No question.
But for Americans watching TV and seeing landmarks like the WTC and the Pentagon being attacked!

And people are still dying from the chemical effects of that day and weeks following.
Hopefully no one will be so crass and crude to bring up any issues regarding that for this comment as
everyone knows the issues.

Let's just remember the people that died and those that died trying to save people.
Where was I? In a middle school classroom watching in sheer terror as the attack took place on TV that morning. The imagery will forever be seared into my memory.

Was the world about to end? Would I get to see my grandmother again? I was truly scared. All I wanted to do for the rest of the day was go home. The teachers and staff were like zombies, struggling to maintain their composure for our sake. It was evident they were failing. The fear and uneasiness didn't leave the hallways of the school for months to come.

Yeah. My heart sinks each time I recall it.
Last edited:
Question is...where was the FBI? No...not spying on Trump yet. They were not anywhere near 9/11 because despite two separate warnings, one from their Phoenix field office, the FBI was more concerned with political correctness.

“F.B.I. officials said there was reluctance at the time to mount such a major review because of a concern that the bureau would be criticized for ethnic profiling of foreigners.”

F.B.I. Told of Worry Over Flight Lessons Before Sept. 11

Here is the answer: The Gorelick Memo!
Newly released Justice Department memos show that September 11 panel commissioner Jamie S. Gorelick was more intimately involved than previously thought with hampering communications between U.S. intelligence and law-enforcement agencies fighting terrorism.

As the No. 2 person in the Clinton Justice Department, Ms. Gorelick rejected advice from the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, who warned against placing more limits on communications between law-enforcement officials and prosecutors pursuing counterterrorism cases, according to several internal documents written in summer 1995.

It is hard to be totally comfortable with instructions to the FBI prohibiting contact with the United States Attorney’s Offices when such prohibitions are not legally required,” U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White wrote Ms. Gorelick six years before the 2001 terrorist attacks in New York and at the Pentagon.

“Our experience has been that the FBI labels of an investigation as intelligence or law enforcement can be quite arbitrary, depending upon the personnel involved and that the most effective way to combat terrorism is with as few labels and walls as possible so that wherever permissible, the right and left hands are communicating,” she wrote.

The documents — released yesterday by the Justice Department at the request of two Senate Republicans — drew renewed calls for Ms. Gorelick to testify publicly before the September 11 commission about the so-called “wall” between law enforcement and intelligence agencies that many have blamed for allowing the 2001 terrorist attacks

At the time, an enraged FBI investigator wrote a prophetic memo to headquarters about the wall.
Whatever has happened to this — someday someone will die — and wall or not — the public will not understand why we were not more effective in throwing every resource we had at certain problems…..

So, a year before the 9/11 attacks, a special unit in the U.S. military was aware of the presence of an al-Queda cell in Brooklyn, New York, and sought to share its information with the FBI but was stopped cold.

[Jamie Gorelick, the then number 2 official in the Clinton Justice Department, sent a 4-page directive] to FBI Director Louis Freeh and Mary Jo White, the New York-based U.S. attorney investigating the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
The disclosure that Jamie Gorelick, a member of the September 11 commission, was personally responsible for instituting a key obstacle to cooperation between law enforcement and intelligence operations before the terrorist attacks raises disturbing questions about the integrity of the commission itself.
Ms. Gorelick should not be cross-examining witnesses; instead, she should be required to testify about her own behavior under oath. Specifically, commission members need to ask her about a 1995 directive she wrote that made it more difficult for the FBI to locate two of the September 11 hijackers who had already entered the country by the summer of 2001.
Jamie Gorelick’s wall

Oh and by the way this is the same Jamie Gorelick...
In 1999, under pressure from the Clinton administration, Fannie Mae, the nation's largest home mortgage underwriter, relaxed credit requirements on the loans it would purchase from other banks and lenders, hoping that easing these restrictions would result in increased loan availability for minority and low-income buyers.
Rham Emmanuel, NOW OBAMA CHIEF OF STAFF and Jamie Gorelick were employees and directors of Fannie and freddie took between the two took out over $20 million.
Gorelick was appointed Vice Chairman of Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) from 1997 to 2003. She served alongside former Clinton Administration official Franklin Raines During that period, Fannie Mae developed a $10 billion accounting scandal.
Gorelick took home $26.46 million in the period from 1998 to 2002 (she left in that year, so she wasn’t there for the entire period under investigation).
Of that figure, nearly $15 million came from EPS bonuses.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Invest in Democrats - OpenSecrets News
Question is...where was the FBI? No...not spying on Trump yet. They were not anywhere near 9/11 because despite two separate warnings, one from their Phoenix field office, the FBI was more concerned with political correctness.

“F.B.I. officials said there was reluctance at the time to mount such a major review because of a concern that the bureau would be criticized for ethnic profiling of foreigners.”

F.B.I. Told of Worry Over Flight Lessons Before Sept. 11

There was also a huge battle going on between the CIA and the FBI. The CIA didn't want to share info with the FBI.
To answer the OP, I was sleeping on my business partner's couch after a long night of working on websites.

I was freelancing at the time.

Being a citizen of NYC, it was a hectic trying to get in touch w/all my friends that I knew worked down there.

Luckily, everyone I knew was safe.

Didn't get home until later that afternoon, almost evening.

Interesting day.

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