on Memorial day, real NYT headline: "Why Does the Military Celebrate White Supremacy? Let's rename bases for American heroes, not racist traitors"

So Robert E. Lee was wrong to fight for his people? The people living in the southern states had every right to live a different lifestyle than the people in the northern states.
No they didnt have a right to enslave anyone and thats why they got their asses beat.

So why did Lincoln wait until after Gettysburg to free the slaves, in the Southern States, and not those in the Northern States?
25May20 is African Liberation Day.

thousands of blacks are still enslaved by other blacks ! Black People Are Still Slaves. Why Haven't You Heard About Them?
Those are Arabs you retard. Cant you read?
You picked that little blurb out of that whole article? Why don't you read the whole article.
Because I dont pollute my mind with white boy history.

Just more of your Ilk trying to erase your racist past of the Democrat party.

Ignorant mofos
The truth is that some of the worst in history gave us some of the best tactics to save our troops and win victories. The Germans gave us Blitzkrieg. And combined arms air land battle doctrine. Yes the Nazi’s were evil. But they came up with brilliant tactics.

Now. Do I study these tactics to win battles and save the lives of our troops? Or do I reject the lessons and risk more lives and even the war?

Nathan Bedford Forrest was a racist swine. But he was a brilliant Calvary Commander. His lessons are studied today by officers in many military units. Not just American. Do I ban those lessons and risk future defeat? Or do I learn and improve?

The Japanese has their own barbaric human experiments. The difference was that they gave us the information instead of destroying it. So we kind of forgave them while going all Foghorn Leghorn in the Nazi’s.

If you argue that we can not honor those who are not perfect than we have a real problem. Because you can’t vote for anyone. Honestly candidates from both parties suck. It is a matter of opinion who sucks more. We get furious at those who say our candidate sucks more than theirs does.

It is real life. People are not perfect. And sometimes they do things that we disapprove of later in history. Apply the norms of the era to those people and you find they were not so different than most of the others of the era.
i dedicate the NYT's coming downfall after Trump leaves office to all the heroes on memorial day!
The ironic thing is that "heroes" like Grant, Sherman and Sheridan would probably be shot as war criminals today. Let's stop judging 19th century military figures by today's standards and learn to respect tradition.

War crimes trials are just the winners punishing the losers. Since Grant, Sherman and Sheridan were on the winning side, they didn't have anything to worry about. The problem with the Civil War is we didn't punish the losers enough. We should have put them on trial for treason.
25May20 is African Liberation Day.

thousands of blacks are still enslaved by other blacks ! Black People Are Still Slaves. Why Haven't You Heard About Them?
Those are Arabs you retard. Cant you read?
blacks also profit from the lave trade ! and who do you think is selling them to the arabs ?Africa is again the world’s epicenter of modern-day slavery

American Blacks and Liberals will never hold Africans and Muslims accountable for their slavery legacy and continuing slavery. For some reason, it feels better to beat the crap out of US for our brief legacy with slavery and never provides accolades to US for evolving and abolishing slavery.
Nathan Bedford Forrest was a racist swine. But he was a brilliant Calvary Commander. His lessons are studied today by officers in many military units. Not just American. Do I ban those lessons and risk future defeat? Or do I learn and improve?

You can teach those lessons without glorifying Forrest. Maybe you can discuss a specific tactic he used (but not really,since he LOST.) but the key thing was that he was a racist and a traitor and doesn't deserve any place of honor or reverence.
American Blacks and Liberals will never hold Africans and Muslims accountable for their slavery legacy and continuing slavery. For some reason, it feels better to beat the crap out of US for our brief legacy with slavery and never provides accolades to US for evolving and abolishing slavery.

Again, wasn't the Muslims who were responsible for 400 years of slavery and racial discrimination... that's all on us white folks.
American Blacks and Liberals will never hold Africans and Muslims accountable for their slavery legacy and continuing slavery. For some reason, it feels better to beat the crap out of US for our brief legacy with slavery and never provides accolades to US for evolving and abolishing slavery.

Again, wasn't the Muslims who were responsible for 400 years of slavery and racial discrimination... that's all on us white folks.

Seriously? Are you that blind to the lack of tolerance among Muslims towards non-Muslims? Are you that vested into blame whites first and forever?
American Blacks and Liberals will never hold Africans and Muslims accountable for their slavery legacy and continuing slavery. For some reason, it feels better to beat the crap out of US for our brief legacy with slavery and never provides accolades to US for evolving and abolishing slavery.

Again, wasn't the Muslims who were responsible for 400 years of slavery and racial discrimination

True. They've been doing it for far longer than that and still do to this day.

Are you just that unaware of basic history?
Nathan Bedford Forrest was a racist swine. But he was a brilliant Calvary Commander. His lessons are studied today by officers in many military units. Not just American. Do I ban those lessons and risk future defeat? Or do I learn and improve?

You can teach those lessons without glorifying Forrest. Maybe you can discuss a specific tactic he used (but not really,since he LOST.) but the key thing was that he was a racist and a traitor and doesn't deserve any place of honor or reverence.

Phooey. First Forrest was a brilliant Calvary Commander. Truthfully most of the most respected officers of the era were on the Confederate side. It became a war of attrition and the Confederates were doomed.

Many lessons were learned. Buford’s use of his Calvary Troops as dismounted infantry was a very smart move. Chamberlain and the defense of Little Round Top was brilliant.

Now they were Union Officers. And the Union Army was recruiting blacks, and using them as labor and infantry for half the pay that whites got. Black Officers were prohibited for a long time after.

So the Union was racist too. Does that mean we denounce the Union as well? The bad guys lost and slightly less bad guys won?

The biggest mistake we make in studying History is actually two mistakes. First we know how it turned out so we decide the actual participants were idiots for not seeing it. Second. We don’t view it in context. We judge people by our standards today. We should look at things in context. The norms for the era.

Blacks in the North were not treated significantly differently during the eras than those in the south. So the Yankees were racist too. So who exactly were the good guys? Segregation existed in all the states. The riots that happened in the south during the sixties over segregation were repeated in the North a few years later.

Nobody’s hands are clean. Nobody was the good guy. Nobody. The Enlightened Yankees who denounced slavery made fortunes trading slaves for molasses and then making rum to trade for slaves. And lots of profit all along the way. Were they any less responsible than the people who bought the slaves?
Nobody’s hands are clean. Nobody was the good guy. Nobody.
A too broad brush ... There were many hard working folk all over the country whose “hands were clean.” Then there were thousands of abolitionist leaders and Underground Railroad workers, men and women like Frederick Douglass and Sojourner Truth, and of course non-abolitionist political leaders like Abraham Lincoln, who while mired in the muck and depravity of the times still fought for and found a hard way forward.

Of course slavery was an historically inherited problem, an “original sin” so to speak, of our whole nation. Racism was certainly NOT limited to the South!
Nobody’s hands are clean. Nobody was the good guy. Nobody.
A too broad brush ... There were many hard working folk all over the country whose “hands were clean.” Then there were thousands of abolitionist leaders and Underground Railroad workers, men and women like Frederick Douglass and Sojourner Truth, and of course non-abolitionist political leaders like Abraham Lincoln, who while mired in the muck and depravity of the times still fought for and found a hard way forward.

Of course slavery was an historically inherited problem, an “original sin” so to speak, of our whole nation. Racism was certainly NOT limited to the South!

Slavery was a practice that existed for Millennia before Columbus set out to find India.

We do not know when it started. Historical records are sparse. But we know it goes back eleven thousand years. That predates even the Vikings landing on North America.

And the Northern Leaders in Congress approved a law to make it a Federal Felony to help or hide an escaped slave.

The sad truth was that even if the Civil War was never fought Slavery was going to end. The machine age was on the horizon and the main use was as farm labor. The Confederate states would have almost certainly failed within fifty years. They would have had to jumpstart the Industrial Age and the expense would have crippled the economies.

Racism existed then and now. It was official and unofficial policy in both parties. And after the war it continued in the North and South. Nearly a century later killing a Black man was realistically not a crime in the North or South if you were White.
25May20 is African Liberation Day.

thousands of blacks are still enslaved by other blacks ! Black People Are Still Slaves. Why Haven't You Heard About Them?
Those are Arabs you retard. Cant you read?
blacks also profit from the lave trade ! and who do you think is selling them to the arabs ?Africa is again the world’s epicenter of modern-day slavery

American Blacks and Liberals will never hold Africans and Muslims accountable for their slavery legacy and continuing slavery. For some reason, it feels better to beat the crap out of US for our brief legacy with slavery and never provides accolades to US for evolving and abolishing slavery.
Silly ass white boy. You never seem to know what you're talking about. Stop trying to change the subject. This is about white americans and their responsibility for their racism and slavery. Stop trying to blame Arabs because you are a racist.

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