on Memorial day, real NYT headline: "Why Does the Military Celebrate White Supremacy? Let's rename bases for American heroes, not racist traitors"

On this Memorial Day, we give thanks to the heroic men & women who bravely fought and gave their lives to protect the NYT’s right to call the military Klansmen
All military bases should only be named after Medal of Honor winners. Period.
Your opinion is noted and dismissed. Fort Knox is named for Washington's Chief of Artillery. Do you want to change that after about a hundred years with that name?

On this Memorial Day, we give thanks to the heroic men & women who bravely fought and gave their lives to protect the NYT’s right to call the military Klansmen
All military bases should only be named after Medal of Honor winners. Period.
Your opinion is noted and dismissed. Fort Knox is named for Washington's Chief of Artillery. Do you want to change that after about a hundred years with that name?
Apparently, you do not read the posts you respond to...
I SAID...."All military bases...SHOULD....be named only after Medal of Honor winners. I never said that they "WERE" named after them.

On this Memorial Day, we give thanks to the heroic men & women who bravely fought and gave their lives to protect the NYT’s right to call the military Klansmen
All military bases should only be named after Medal of Honor winners. Period.
Your opinion is noted and dismissed. Fort Knox is named for Washington's Chief of Artillery. Do you want to change that after about a hundred years with that name?
Apparently, you do not read the posts you respond to...
I SAID...."All military bases...SHOULD....be named only after Medal of Honor winners. I never said that they "WERE" named after them.
When was the last time we built a new Army post in the US? So much for "should".

Do you want to rename them all that are not named for Medal of Honor winners, because that is what you indicated?

On this Memorial Day, we give thanks to the heroic men & women who bravely fought and gave their lives to protect the NYT’s right to call the military Klansmen
The military is apolitical, the NYT obviously is not. The NYT sees issues of race, gender, ethnicity and religion behind every rock and bush.
25May20 is African Liberation Day.

thousands of blacks are still enslaved by other blacks ! Black People Are Still Slaves. Why Haven't You Heard About Them?
Those are Arabs you retard. Cant you read?
blacks also profit from the lave trade ! and who do you think is selling them to the arabs ?Africa is again the world’s epicenter of modern-day slavery

American Blacks and Liberals will never hold Africans and Muslims accountable for their slavery legacy and continuing slavery. For some reason, it feels better to beat the crap out of US for our brief legacy with slavery and never provides accolades to US for evolving and abolishing slavery.
Silly ass white boy. You never seem to know what you're talking about. Stop trying to change the subject. This is about white americans and their responsibility for their racism and slavery. Stop trying to blame Arabs because you are a racist.

How is it racist to call out groups that continue to practice slavery??
Who told you it was racist to call out groups that continue to practice slavery?

You.... when I called out Muslim and African Nations and Cultures for continuing to practice slavery. You call me a “silly ass white boy”.... I ain’t that white. I am of Mediterranean descent married to a Mexican.
Calling you a silly ass white boy because you said something stupid doesnt come close to saying youre a racist because you blame Arabs for slavery. What kind of retard are you?

Being married to a Mexican or Black doesnt make you less white.

Go back and show where I blamed Arabs for slavery. For the third time, Muslims and Africans continue slavery TODAY. The fact that you use the word “retard” says a lot about your lack of empathy. It is a demeaning term yet you probably feel entitled to call anyone racist.
Why would I do that when I never said you blamed Arabs for slavery? Are you really this stupid?
You do make excuses for blacks and Arabs still practicing slavery.

He feels entitled to call anyone “racist” and use the most insulting term to any human, “retard”.
1rst amendment says I can do it. If you dont like it then dont read my post or make me stop.

Yes it does. No one is going to make you stop. Your retorts are replete with “racist” and “retard” taunts which you are free to use but it also exposes you as being weak and incapable of engaging in a logical debate.
So that would fall under the category of refraining from reading my posts. Its none of my business what you think of me but when you whine about my words then I have to address it.

Hey, it’s not personal on my end. Objectively speaking, when one inserts personal, derogatory statements into a retort, it’s a sign of weakness. “Racist” is an overused, out-of-context term these days. “Retard” is insulting to fellow human beings who were born with developmental disabilities that are out of their control. Those are statements rooted in fact, not emotion.
Obviously its personal. You just admitted you felt insulted. Thats an emotional response you retard.

No, you interpreted my response as emotional. Further, I never said I was insulted. I opined that using name calling and derogatory terms IN AN ATTEMPT TO INSULT shows weakness in the context of a debate.
Sorry retard. If your opinion is that its derogatory and insulting its because you were insulted and formed your opinion based of your own experience.
25May20 is African Liberation Day.

thousands of blacks are still enslaved by other blacks ! Black People Are Still Slaves. Why Haven't You Heard About Them?
Those are Arabs you retard. Cant you read?
blacks also profit from the lave trade ! and who do you think is selling them to the arabs ?Africa is again the world’s epicenter of modern-day slavery

American Blacks and Liberals will never hold Africans and Muslims accountable for their slavery legacy and continuing slavery. For some reason, it feels better to beat the crap out of US for our brief legacy with slavery and never provides accolades to US for evolving and abolishing slavery.
Silly ass white boy. You never seem to know what you're talking about. Stop trying to change the subject. This is about white americans and their responsibility for their racism and slavery. Stop trying to blame Arabs because you are a racist.

How is it racist to call out groups that continue to practice slavery??
Who told you it was racist to call out groups that continue to practice slavery?

You.... when I called out Muslim and African Nations and Cultures for continuing to practice slavery. You call me a “silly ass white boy”.... I ain’t that white. I am of Mediterranean descent married to a Mexican.
Calling you a silly ass white boy because you said something stupid doesnt come close to saying youre a racist because you blame Arabs for slavery. What kind of retard are you?

Being married to a Mexican or Black doesnt make you less white.

Go back and show where I blamed Arabs for slavery. For the third time, Muslims and Africans continue slavery TODAY. The fact that you use the word “retard” says a lot about your lack of empathy. It is a demeaning term yet you probably feel entitled to call anyone racist.
Why would I do that when I never said you blamed Arabs for slavery? Are you really this stupid?
You do make excuses for blacks and Arabs still practicing slavery.

He feels entitled to call anyone “racist” and use the most insulting term to any human, “retard”.
1rst amendment says I can do it. If you dont like it then dont read my post or make me stop.

Yes it does. No one is going to make you stop. Your retorts are replete with “racist” and “retard” taunts which you are free to use but it also exposes you as being weak and incapable of engaging in a logical debate.
So that would fall under the category of refraining from reading my posts. Its none of my business what you think of me but when you whine about my words then I have to address it.

Hey, it’s not personal on my end. Objectively speaking, when one inserts personal, derogatory statements into a retort, it’s a sign of weakness. “Racist” is an overused, out-of-context term these days. “Retard” is insulting to fellow human beings who were born with developmental disabilities that are out of their control. Those are statements rooted in fact, not emotion.
Obviously its personal. You just admitted you felt insulted. Thats an emotional response you retard.

No, you interpreted my response as emotional. Further, I never said I was insulted. I opined that using name calling and derogatory terms IN AN ATTEMPT TO INSULT shows weakness in the context of a debate.
Sorry retard. If your opinion is that its derogatory and insulting its because you were insulted and formed your opinion based of your own experience.

You feel entitled to use name calling as a justification for retorts yet lack any verifiable credibility for defending your position. You suck at debating.
"The Failing NY, winner of Pulitzers for its totally flawed coverage of the illegal Russia Witch Hunt, does its research as follows: Think of the absolute worst things you can say about Donald J. Trump, pretend there are sources, and just say it. RETURN THE PULITZERS!" - Trump
That is not even revisionist history. That is insane.

Not that bad. Sherman’s march wasn’t that bad. Raping, Pillaging, and Murder isn’t that bad?

Drowning blacks in a river isn’t that bad. Astonishing. I can only assume that you are one of the full throated defenders of the McMichaels. After all, wasn’t AA just a thug who got what he deserved? The Southern civilians apparently were.

As the man said, War is Hell. Sherman's March to the Sea had 3100 fatalities, of which 2100 were union soldiers. The Battle of Atlanta was 12,000, of which 8000 were Confederates Now, 9000 dead inbred rednecks might SOUND like a bad thing. But keep in mind, 28,000 Confedrates removed themselves from the Gene Pool at Gettysberg. 18,000 at Chuckamonga and 13,000 at Chancellorsville.

The South had plenty of chances to give up and stop this foolishness, they didn't.
That is not even revisionist history. That is insane.

Not that bad. Sherman’s march wasn’t that bad. Raping, Pillaging, and Murder isn’t that bad?

Drowning blacks in a river isn’t that bad. Astonishing. I can only assume that you are one of the full throated defenders of the McMichaels. After all, wasn’t AA just a thug who got what he deserved? The Southern civilians apparently were.

As the man said, War is Hell. Sherman's March to the Sea had 3100 fatalities, of which 2100 were union soldiers. The Battle of Atlanta was 12,000, of which 8000 were Confederates Now, 9000 dead inbred rednecks might SOUND like a bad thing. But keep in mind, 28,000 Confedrates removed themselves from the Gene Pool at Gettysberg. 18,000 at Chuckamonga and 13,000 at Chancellorsville.

The South had plenty of chances to give up and stop this foolishness, they didn't.
And why not, when the rich slave holders pushing the war, were exempted from military service.
That is not even revisionist history. That is insane.

Not that bad. Sherman’s march wasn’t that bad. Raping, Pillaging, and Murder isn’t that bad?

Drowning blacks in a river isn’t that bad. Astonishing. I can only assume that you are one of the full throated defenders of the McMichaels. After all, wasn’t AA just a thug who got what he deserved? The Southern civilians apparently were.

As the man said, War is Hell. Sherman's March to the Sea had 3100 fatalities, of which 2100 were union soldiers. The Battle of Atlanta was 12,000, of which 8000 were Confederates Now, 9000 dead inbred rednecks might SOUND like a bad thing. But keep in mind, 28,000 Confedrates removed themselves from the Gene Pool at Gettysberg. 18,000 at Chuckamonga and 13,000 at Chancellorsville.

The South had plenty of chances to give up and stop this foolishness, they didn't.

Shermans March to the sea and the barbarities inflicted upon civilians was part of the foundation of the German Barbarities in the First World War. The Germans even argued that our protestations of mass executions of civilians was hollow when our Army had done the same thing to cheers during the Civil War.

The same barbarities were done by the Japanese, Italians, Russians, and Nazis. Nan King ring a bell? The next war was even more brutal and barbaric for Civilians. But hey. They got what they deserved right? All those People lined up and shot. Why what did they expect? War is Hell. Sucks to be you.

During the Napoleonic wars it was customary not to target officers specifically. The reason both sides did this was because without the officers it was feared the soldiers would rampage through the civilians. Those wars predated the Civil war by what? Almost fifty years?

There were slaves in New Jersey who were not freed by the Emancipation Proclamation. But who cares. They were not owned by Southern Rednecks right? Bad luck for them.
Shermans March to the sea and the barbarities inflicted upon civilians was part of the foundation of the German Barbarities in the First World War. The Germans even argued that our protestations of mass executions of civilians was hollow when our Army had done the same thing to cheers during the Civil War.

Again, hard numbers don't really back that up.

The same barbarities were done by the Japanese, Italians, Russians, and Nazis. Nan King ring a bell? The next war was even more brutal and barbaric for Civilians. But hey. They got what they deserved right? All those People lined up and shot. Why what did they expect? War is Hell. Sucks to be you.

Actually, the inbreds got off relatively easily. MOST countries resolve civil wars by completely slaughtering the other side. Sherman was able to do in a few months what McClellan couldn't do in years of throwing away thousands of lives. Break the back of the SOuth economically and end their war-making ability.

There were slaves in New Jersey who were not freed by the Emancipation Proclamation. But who cares. They were not owned by Southern Rednecks right? Bad luck for them.

Actually, they were freed by the 13th Amendment, which was made inevitable by the EC.

Look, man, I realize that you need to defend the inbreds. Nobody wants to admit their forebears did something truly evil. I can sympathize. I grew up as a German-American in the years following WWII and the Germans were always the bad guys in the movies.
And why not, when the rich slave holders pushing the war, were exempted from military service.

But that's kind of how it words in every war. The rich exempt themselves and their children, unless they get to be the officers.

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