On Now: Comey Hearing to Senate Oversight Committee

Most folks don't even understand what these hearings are about. Such a waste of Taxpayer $. We already know Hillary Clinton will skate. She'll get away with everything. How the hell did that little perv Weiner get Top Secret material? I can tell you, if Trump had done anything like that, he would be crucified by the Democrats. But the Clintons are big players among the NWO Globalist Elites. She'll skate on it all. Bet on it.

They explained in detail how the emails got on Weiner's lap top. Huma forwarded them to it so he could print them out for her. Comey said he didn't believe Weiner read them, nor did he think Huma knew she was intentionally breaking the law.

I think someone should be punished for it... but from the sounds of things, Comey kind of made it known that the other legal issues Weiner is going through takes precedence over the emails.

And if Trump had done anything like that? What do you think the Democrats' reaction would be? Would they dismiss it all as just an 'Innocent Mistake?'

Obviously you didn't watch the hearing and haven't read this entire thread. Comey said he volunteered to talk about the Russian interference in August which would have hurt Trump, and Obama told him no, and they waited until October to say anything. If they would have brought it out earlier it would have hurt Trump much more.
Most folks don't even understand what these hearings are about. Such a waste of Taxpayer $. We already know Hillary Clinton will skate. She'll get away with everything. How the hell did that little perv Weiner get Top Secret material? I can tell you, if Trump had done anything like that, he would be crucified by the Democrats. But the Clintons are big players among the NWO Globalist Elites. She'll skate on it all. Bet on it.

They explained in detail how the emails got on Weiner's lap top. Huma forwarded them to it so he could print them out for her. Comey said he didn't believe Weiner read them, nor did he think Huma knew she was intentionally breaking the law.

I think someone should be punished for it... but from the sounds of things, Comey kind of made it known that the other legal issues Weiner is going through takes precedence over the emails.

And if Trump had done anything like that? What do you think the Democrats' reaction would be? Would they dismiss it all as just an 'Innocent Mistake?'

Obviously you didn't watch the hearing and haven't read this entire thread. Comey said he volunteered to talk about the Russian interference in August which would have hurt Trump, and Obama told him no, and they waited until October to say anything. If they would have brought it out earlier it would have hurt Trump much more.

Bottom line is, Clinton is gonna skate. The Clintons are too well-connected to be held accountable for anything. They're big-wigs in the Globalist Elite NWO. If Trump had dome anything even close to what Clinton did, he would have been crucified.
Most folks don't even understand what these hearings are about. Such a waste of Taxpayer $. We already know Hillary Clinton will skate. She'll get away with everything. How the hell did that little perv Weiner get Top Secret material? I can tell you, if Trump had done anything like that, he would be crucified by the Democrats. But the Clintons are big players among the NWO Globalist Elites. She'll skate on it all. Bet on it.

They explained in detail how the emails got on Weiner's lap top. Huma forwarded them to it so he could print them out for her. Comey said he didn't believe Weiner read them, nor did he think Huma knew she was intentionally breaking the law.

I think someone should be punished for it... but from the sounds of things, Comey kind of made it known that the other legal issues Weiner is going through takes precedence over the emails.

And if Trump had done anything like that? What do you think the Democrats' reaction would be? Would they dismiss it all as just an 'Innocent Mistake?'

Obviously you didn't watch the hearing and haven't read this entire thread. Comey said he volunteered to talk about the Russian interference in August which would have hurt Trump, and Obama told him no, and they waited until October to say anything. If they would have brought it out earlier it would have hurt Trump much more.

Bottom line is, Clinton is gonna skate. The Clintons are too well-connected to be held accountable for anything. They're big-wigs in the Globalist Elite NWO. If Trump had dome anything even close to what Clinton did, he would have been crucified.

Trump shows he is part of the same group... by the fact that he is going to let her skate. He only said he was going to lock her up to get votes, and has since changed his tune.
Most folks don't even understand what these hearings are about. Such a waste of Taxpayer $. We already know Hillary Clinton will skate. She'll get away with everything. How the hell did that little perv Weiner get Top Secret material? I can tell you, if Trump had done anything like that, he would be crucified by the Democrats. But the Clintons are big players among the NWO Globalist Elites. She'll skate on it all. Bet on it.

They explained in detail how the emails got on Weiner's lap top. Huma forwarded them to it so he could print them out for her. Comey said he didn't believe Weiner read them, nor did he think Huma knew she was intentionally breaking the law.

I think someone should be punished for it... but from the sounds of things, Comey kind of made it known that the other legal issues Weiner is going through takes precedence over the emails.

And if Trump had done anything like that? What do you think the Democrats' reaction would be? Would they dismiss it all as just an 'Innocent Mistake?'

Obviously you didn't watch the hearing and haven't read this entire thread. Comey said he volunteered to talk about the Russian interference in August which would have hurt Trump, and Obama told him no, and they waited until October to say anything. If they would have brought it out earlier it would have hurt Trump much more.

Bottom line is, Clinton is gonna skate. The Clintons are too well-connected to be held accountable for anything. They're big-wigs in the Globalist Elite NWO. If Trump had dome anything even close to what Clinton did, he would have been crucified.

Trump shows he is part of the same group... by the fact that he is going to let her skate. He only said he was going to lock her up to get votes, and has since changed his tune.

Nothing he can do. The powers-that-be have decided Clinton will be allowed to skate on everything. It is what it is.
Feinstein is going to come after Comey like a Harpee.

She is damn mad that Comey took out her girlie candidate for POTUS.
He just testified that they would not be charged with is as they operate under a standard that allows the media to seek out and publish classified information. What he failed to do (and all of this was his opinion btw) was to factor in the motivation of each entity.

Both will publish classified information to influence the electorate of the USA. That is the real issue here.

They will say that the UK Guardian has a right to their opinion and to publish information. The UK Guardian won't hesitate to publish classified information under the guise that information serves the public and transparency. They will say the same thing about any foreign media outlet EXCEPT those that release information that harms those they support. This is found all across the spectrum.

Right this very moment, US journalists are working feverishly to influence the American electorate in favor of the Democrats. Yet we hear no outrage about that.

That wasn't the point of what he said... he was speaking more about the fact of putting lives at risk and hurting the government.
Yes, and he was clear that this was only his opinion. However, I know of no media outlet that would hesitate to publish information that puts lives at risk or hurt the government if it gives them a scoop on the competitors. In essence, I do no believe that the US media would hesitate to release classified information that would harm lives or the government if it similarly harmed a Republican no matter what office they held.

That is why I do not make any distinction between the media (of any country including this one) and wikileaks.

Please show where the U.S. media has released information like WikiLeaks has that has put American lives at risk. The last time I remember them doing it, they gave up the name of a field agent... and the shit hit the fan over it.
That is not what I said. I said they would not hesitate. They have in the past, release classified information that was questionable with regard to harming the US government or putting lives in jeopardy. I have no links but going on memory. My point was that the media hates anyone not in agreement with their world view (particularly Republicans) and would not hesitate to do what they accuse the Russians of doing in order to harm those they disagree with.

But that same media reported all the stuff about Hillary's servers and emails... and Benghazi... and Lynch's meeting with Bill on the plane... plenty of stuff that was not favorable for her.
Hillary shot herself in the foot by brining up on her own that she had her own server.

She was trying to deflect attention from how she fokked up Benghazi.

Nice job. She deflected it nicely -- and shot herself in the foot at the same time.
Feinstein is going to come after Comey like a Harpee.

She is damn mad that Comey took out her girlie candidate for POTUS.

He kept her out of prison. He may have hurt her Presidential aspirations, but he kept her out of prison. Comey's corrupt. It is what it is.

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