On Obamacare

Should Obamacare be Repealed, why?

  • Was health care in our country perfect before Obamacare?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Did all Americans benefit from an insurance / profit driven source?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Do you believe that the effort to reform the system was a means to and end (a Socialist Republic)?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
Poll to follow.

Yesterday on one of the morning news programs a brother and sister who both have insurance via United Health Care appeared and told how they both suffer from the same disease, they have the same Doctor and both were prescribed a new drug to keep them alive. The sister received the pill, the brother did not. At least until United Health Care learned they would appear together on national TV.

Sarah Palin had it half right, death panels exist.

If you agree with the statement check the box.
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But yet they're charged with enforcin' it on taxpayers...
IRS Employees' Union Urges Members to Oppose Obamacare--For Themselves
July 26, 2013 -– The National Treasury Employees Union, which represents Internal Revenue Service employees, is urging its members to oppose legislation that would force federal employees off their government healthcare plans and onto the state and national healthcare exchanges established under Obamacare.
Members of Congress and their staffers are already required to participate in the exchanges, which will go into effect next October 1st under the Affordable Care Act. However, a bill (HR 1780) introduced in April by Rep. David Camp (R–Mich.) would extend that requirement to all federal employees, an idea that does not sit well with the union. So NTEU is strongly urging its members – including the Internal Revenue Service agents tasked with implementing Obamacare – to oppose Camp’s legislation, which would compel them to personally participate in the same healthcare program they will be enforcing.

On the NTEU website, union members are urged to email their congressman and senators, asking them to oppose H.R.1780. NTEU provides a sample letter that members can simply sign and send, or rewrite it as they wish: “I am a federal employee and one of your constituents. I am very concerned about legislation that has been introduced by Congressman Dave Camp to push federal employees out of the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) and into the insurance exchanges established under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). “H.R. 1780 would put federal employees in a special class where they would be prohibited from receiving health insurance through their employer. It would treat federal employees differently from state and local government employees and most employees of large private sector companies who receive health insurance benefits through their employer. The primary purpose of the Affordable Care Act was to provide a marketplace for the sale and purchase of health insurance for those who do not have such coverage – not to take coverage away from employees who already receive it through their employers. “I work hard and am proud of the services that I provide to your constituents every day. One of the main benefits I receive as a federal employee is the ability to purchase health insurance coverage through the FEHBP with an employer contribution towards those benefits. Please let me know your views on this legislation. I look forward to hearing back from you.”

NTEU is only the latest in a growing list of private and public sector unions that are beginning to second -guess the healthcare law most of them initially supported. Earlier this month, the Wall Street Journal published a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D – Nev.) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D – Calif.) sent by the leadership of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and two other unions protesting that Obamacare would force many of their members from their negotiated healthcare plans and onto the exchanges. Last election cycle, the NTEU donated $547,812 to pro-Obamacare Democrat candidates, including Rep. Nancy Pelosi ($10,000), Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) ($11,000), and Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) ($12,500). And that figure doesn’t include the $62,500 the NTEU donated to the Democrat National Committee, or the $125,000 it gave to various left-leaning super PACs. However, the union only donated $24,000 total to Republican candidates during the same time period. The NTEU did not respond to CNSNews.com’s request for a comment.

- See more at: IRS Employees' Union Urges Members to Oppose Obamacare--For Themselves | CNS News
Have some been driven to a financial crisis even though they had private insurance?

I've written about this before but I had to fight the Colorado Insurance Commission to get coronary artery bypass surgery paid for by the really excellent, full coverage health care insurance tht had been in place for quite some time. After they agreed to pay, they dumped the policy holder as well as the employees who were covered by the company.

In another case I was not directly involved with, the policy holder lost his company and eventually declared bankruptcy. He had done everything right, had paid his premiums and had had no prior claims. But, when he did make a claim, he lost everything because the insurance company did not hold up their end of the contract. There is no excuse for their being able to get away with that and its one of the things ObamaCare will put an end to.
Have some been driven to a financial crisis even though they had private insurance?

I've written about this before but I had to fight the Colorado Insurance Commission to get coronary artery bypass surgery paid for by the really excellent, full coverage health care insurance tht had been in place for quite some time. After they agreed to pay, they dumped the policy holder as well as the employees who were covered by the company.

In another case I was not directly involved with, the policy holder lost his company and eventually declared bankruptcy. He had done everything right, had paid his premiums and had had no prior claims. But, when he did make a claim, he lost everything because the insurance company did not hold up their end of the contract. There is no excuse for their being able to get away with that and its one of the things ObamaCare will put an end to.
the death panels are just gonna let ur old ass die lol
As VP of Underwriting for health insurance companies and HMO's for most of my career, it was my job to find legal ways to dump groups who had adverse selection. Since I was also in charge of contracts, I found ways to exclude expensive treatments, rescind coverage, deny claims, and, in general exploit legal loopholes.

My job was techincally easy.

Thank President Obama that most of what I used to do for a living is now, or soon will be, illegal. If it had been universal coverage, under a Single Payer system, all of it would have been illegal.
The poll choices are inadequate.

- ObamaCare is not Health Care. Government manipulated insurance does nothing to increase the supply of Health Care, which is why the IPAB is an important feature. In reality, ObamaCare was designed to benefit Big Government, Big Pharma, and Big Health Insurance...not patients.
The poll choices are inadequate.

- ObamaCare is not Health Care. Government manipulated insurance does nothing to increase the supply of Health Care, which is why the IPAB is an important feature. In reality, ObamaCare was designed to benefit Big Government, Big Pharma, and Big Health Insurance...not patients.

Put my vote in this one.
The poll choices are inadequate.

- ObamaCare is not Health Care. Government manipulated insurance does nothing to increase the supply of Health Care, which is why the IPAB is an important feature. In reality, ObamaCare was designed to benefit Big Government, Big Pharma, and Big Health Insurance...not patients.

Funny how some are holding on to this rather stupid lie, even in the face of overwhelming proof the the opposite is actually true. Try reading the many links posted in threads in this forum. Or read any of the many links of facts about ObamaCare. For your convenience, there's even one in my sig.

Or, just continue repeating this lie to the shrinking group who still want to hear it. :cuckoo:
A poll with no correct answers. Wow.

Obamacare needs to be repealed and replaced with robust medical savings account and allow insurance companies to sell an infinite variety of catastrophic policies across state lines. If you are a contributor to a MSA and can demonstrate proof insurance, you should be exempt from paying Medicare/Medicaid taxes
The poll choices are inadequate.

- ObamaCare is not Health Care. Government manipulated insurance does nothing to increase the supply of Health Care, which is why the IPAB is an important feature. In reality, ObamaCare was designed to benefit Big Government, Big Pharma, and Big Health Insurance...not patients.

Funny how some are holding on to this rather stupid lie, even in the face of overwhelming proof the the opposite is actually true. Try reading the many links posted in threads in this forum. Or read any of the many links of facts about ObamaCare. For your convenience, there's even one in my sig.

Or, just continue repeating this lie to the shrinking group who still want to hear it. :cuckoo:

I realize this is the copy and paste your handlers gave you, but just to see if you're not completely 'botting' this - what's the "lie" in the above post?

Let's look at it:

- ObamaCare is not Health Care. - this is true. Obamacare is insurance reform.

- ObamaCare was designed to benefit Big Government, Big Pharma, and Big Health Insurance...not patients.

Yep. These were the 'major players' who colluded with Obama to produce this shitpile. It's all documented history.
Have some been driven to a financial crisis even though they had private insurance?

I've written about this before but I had to fight the Colorado Insurance Commission to get coronary artery bypass surgery paid for by the really excellent, full coverage health care insurance tht had been in place for quite some time. After they agreed to pay, they dumped the policy holder as well as the employees who were covered by the company.

In another case I was not directly involved with, the policy holder lost his company and eventually declared bankruptcy. He had done everything right, had paid his premiums and had had no prior claims. But, when he did make a claim, he lost everything because the insurance company did not hold up their end of the contract. There is no excuse for their being able to get away with that and its one of the things ObamaCare will put an end to.

The fact that you lack the cognitive abilities to understand the truth of my comment has absolutely no bearing on it's accuracy.

But thank you for sharing.
Poll to follow.

Yesterday on one of the morning news programs a brother and sister who both have insurance via United Health Care appeared and told how they both suffer from the same disease, they have the same Doctor and both were prescribed a new drug to keep them alive. The sister received the pill, the brother did not. At least until United Health Care learned they would appear together on national TV.

Your little story is preposterous on its face. As is you poll.
Poll to follow.

Yesterday on one of the morning news programs a brother and sister who both have insurance via United Health Care appeared and told how they both suffer from the same disease, they have the same Doctor and both were prescribed a new drug to keep them alive. The sister received the pill, the brother did not. At least until United Health Care learned they would appear together on national TV.

Your little story is preposterous on its face. As is you poll.

I agree, the poll was preposterous; I hit post too soon and immediately attempted to correct the wording of the questions to no avail.

The 'story' was true and the insurance company provided the brother with the Rx only when the producers of the 'story' contacted them and asked them for a comment.

The fact is health care and health insurance go hand in hand. Those without health insurance will get emergency treatment and a huge bill created not by costs, but by Chargemaster.

Those with health insurance have seen double digit increases in premiums, co-pays and Rx for decades. If not Obamacare, what?
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