On This Day in 1964, Democrats Filibustered the Civil Rights Act

The crazy far rwnjs were beat down in 2016 by the Dems, and the entire country from responsible right to responsible left will beat down the Trumpers this time.
:) Who filed the legislation in 1963 and 1964?

Who filed the bill Ike first presented in 1957?
Deflection and failure from the OP.

^ Ignorant of history

LBJ held up Ike's Civil Rights Bill, the "Ni33er Bill" as LBJ called it

Jake's heroes: LBJ and Uncle Joe
He did not call it that at all, but the far right conservative Dems and Pubs, like you, did. LBJ could not get the votes of the far right con Dems and Pubs before 1964.

You would have filibustered against it,
:) Who filed the legislation in 1963 and 1964?

Who filed the bill Ike first presented in 1957?
Deflection and failure from the OP.

^ Ignorant of history

LBJ held up Ike's Civil Rights Bill, the "Ni33er Bill" as LBJ called it

Jake's heroes: LBJ and Uncle Joe

Lyndon B. Johnson pushed the Civil Rights Act through Congress- and signed by Lyndon B. Johnson into law.

Yeah LBJ is one of my heroes.

So are you in favor of the 1964 Civil Rights Act- or you oppose it Frankie?
"[N]o Republican here should kid themselves about it:

the greatest leaders in fighting for an integrated America in the 20th century were in the Democratic Party.

The fact is, it was the liberal wing of the Democratic Party that ended segregation
. The fact is that it was Franklin Delano Roosevelt who gave hope to a nation that was in despair and could have slid into dictatorship. And the fact is, every Republican has much to learn from studying what the Democrats did right." - Newt Gingrich
:) Who filed the legislation in 1963 and 1964?

Who filed the bill Ike first presented in 1957?
Deflection and failure from the OP.

^ Ignorant of history

LBJ held up Ike's Civil Rights Bill, the "Ni33er Bill" as LBJ called it

Jake's heroes: LBJ and Uncle Joe
He did not call it that at all, but the far right conservative Dems and Pubs, like you, did. LBJ could not get the votes of the far right con Dems and Pubs before 1964.

You would have filibustered against it,

Jake, will you take all your sock accounts and disappear forever if I prove to you LBJ called it the "****** bill"
"[N]o Republican here should kid themselves about it:

the greatest leaders in fighting for an integrated America in the 20th century were in the Democratic Party.

The fact is, it was the liberal wing of the Democratic Party that ended segregation
. The fact is that it was Franklin Delano Roosevelt who gave hope to a nation that was in despair and could have slid into dictatorship. And the fact is, every Republican has much to learn from studying what the Democrats did right." - Newt Gingrich

There is plenty of attempts of revisionist history going on here.

Everything you pointed out is correct- and is why African American voters started moving from Republican to Democrat under FDR and pretty much completed the move after LBJ pushed the Civil Rights Act through.

Goldwater not voting for the Civil Rights Act resulted in many conservative African Americans from the GOP to the DNC.

Finally the fact was that virtually every Southern Senator and Congressman- regardless of party- voted against the Civil Rights Act.
"[N]o Republican here should kid themselves about it:

the greatest leaders in fighting for an integrated America in the 20th century were in the Democratic Party.

The fact is, it was the liberal wing of the Democratic Party that ended segregation
. The fact is that it was Franklin Delano Roosevelt who gave hope to a nation that was in despair and could have slid into dictatorship. And the fact is, every Republican has much to learn from studying what the Democrats did right." - Newt Gingrich

There is plenty of attempts of revisionist history going on here.

Everything you pointed out is correct- and is why African American voters started moving from Republican to Democrat under FDR and pretty much completed the move after LBJ pushed the Civil Rights Act through.

Goldwater not voting for the Civil Rights Act resulted in many conservative African Americans from the GOP to the DNC.

Finally the fact was that virtually every Southern Senator and Congressman- regardless of party- voted against the Civil Rights Act.

"The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism.

All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right." - Martin Luther King,
:) Who filed the legislation in 1963 and 1964?

Who filed the bill Ike first presented in 1957?
Deflection and failure from the OP.

^ Ignorant of history

LBJ held up Ike's Civil Rights Bill, the "Ni33er Bill" as LBJ called it

Jake's heroes: LBJ and Uncle Joe
He did not call it that at all, but the far right conservative Dems and Pubs, like you, did. LBJ could not get the votes of the far right con Dems and Pubs before 1964.

You would have filibustered against it,

Jake, will you take all your sock accounts and disappear forever if I prove to you LBJ called it the "****** bill"
You cannot prove it, because actual firsthand contemporary evidence does not exist. You have at best a weak second hand account and several third hand accounts. Mark Rochelle is a poor historian, as you well know, and you are worse.
In full context:

"The new events to which I refer were: the Republican Convention held in San Francisco; the hideous triple lynchings in Mississippi; and the outbreak of riots in several Northern cities.

The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism. All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right.

The "best man" at this ceremony was a senator whose voting record, philosophy, and program were anathema to all the hard-won achievements of the past decade.

It was both unfortunate and disastrous that the Republican Party nominated Barry Goldwater as its candidate for President of the United States.

In foreign policy Mr. Goldwater advocated a narrow nationalism, a crippling isolationism, and a trigger-happy attitude that could plunge the whole world into the dark abyss of annihilation.

On social and economic issues, Mr. Goldwater represented an unrealistic conservatism that was totally out of touch with the realities of the twentieth century. The issue of poverty compelled the attention of all citizens of our country.

Senator Goldwater had neither the concern nor the comprehension necessary to grapple with this problem of poverty in the fashion that the historical moment dictated. On the urgent issue of civil rights, Senator Goldwater represented a philosophy that was morally indefensible and socially suicidal.

While not himself a racist, Mr. Goldwater articulated a philosophy which gave aid and comfort to the racist. (remind you of anyone?)

His candidacy and philosophy would serve as an umbrella under which extremists of all stripes would stand. In the light of these facts and because of my love for America, I had no alternative but to urge every Negro and white person of goodwill to vote against Mr. Goldwater and to withdraw support from any Republican candidate that did not publicly disassociate himself from Senator Goldwater and his philosophy.

While I had followed a policy of not endorsing political candidates, I felt that the prospect of Senator Goldwater being President of the United States so threatened the health, morality, and survival of our nation, that I could not in good conscience fail to take a stand against what he represented. "

The King Institute | The Works of Martin Luther King, Jr ..

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