On this day of giving to each other, has Hussein shared with this brother?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011

Which is so ironic in that Hussein has instituted this...
My Brother’s Keeper Community Challenge

In September 2014, President Obama issued a challenge to cities, towns, counties and tribes across the country to become “MBK Communities.” This challenge represents a call to action for all members of our communities, and mayors in particular, as they often sit at the intersection of many of the vital forces and structural components needed to enact sustainable change through policy, programs, and partnerships.
My Brother s Keeper The White House
Do you have any evidence that he didn't? You have 364 other days for cheap shots. Why today?
Cheap shot? Hey Hussein is the one telling us we are our brothers' keeper!
I'm f...king doing my part as my brother is under my care-- living with me! Where is Hussein's caring about his brother? Hussein could certainly do something if nothing more then sending money but I have done a search and to date NO mention of Obama giving to help his brother keep from living in the hut!
Do unto others as you would have others do unto you doesn't seem to apply to Hussein!
I don't worry about what others do in their families, only mine....
Right but YOU do approve Hussein hypocrisy? Hussein so piously touts "my brother's keeper" principle but his words are meaningless.
Of course he did...he sent him 4 yards of clean DIRT to spruce the place up!

Are you complaining for him? Do you always do that for strangers? Africans? Men?Still collecting their tighty whities after you've "helped them"?
I am my f...king brother's keeper as my brother lives with me! I am grossly offended therefore when the supposedly "president" of this country piously pokes people to be "my brother's keeper" and his lives in a hut!
Do you have any evidence that he didn't? You have 364 other days for cheap shots. Why today?
Cheap shot? Hey Hussein is the one telling us we are our brothers' keeper!
I'm f...king doing my part as my brother is under my care-- living with me! Where is Hussein's caring about his brother? Hussein could certainly do something if nothing more then sending money but I have done a search and to date NO mention of Obama giving to help his brother keep from living in the hut!
Do unto others as you would have others do unto you doesn't seem to apply to Hussein!
I am sure God would that you keep silent and not brag about your generosity and about what you suspect someone else is doing, or continue to sin, giving out your usual blacks are thugs and deserve to die routine.
Maybe Hussien's brother is incarcerated or has died at the hands of a cop in his country? May be he killed someone since all blacks kill and whites are the victims of all crime in the US....or maybe,,,,,just maybe,,,he moved to the US illegally and his bro is turning a blind eye,,,,then you could bitch and moan about that......seems to me you could find someone else to adorate today since it is his birthday...instead of your usual schadenfreude at president Oblama....
Do you have any evidence that he didn't? You have 364 other days for cheap shots. Why today?
Cheap shot? Hey Hussein is the one telling us we are our brothers' keeper!
I'm f...king doing my part as my brother is under my care-- living with me! Where is Hussein's caring about his brother? Hussein could certainly do something if nothing more then sending money but I have done a search and to date NO mention of Obama giving to help his brother keep from living in the hut!
Do unto others as you would have others do unto you doesn't seem to apply to Hussein!
I am sure God would that you keep silent and not brag about your generosity and about what you suspect someone else is doing, or continue to sin, giving out your usual blacks are thugs and deserve to die routine.
Maybe Hussien's brother is incarcerated or has died at the hands of a cop in his country? May be he killed someone since all blacks kill and whites are the victims of all crime in the US....or maybe,,,,,just maybe,,,he moved to the US illegally and his bro is turning a blind eye,,,,then you could bitch and moan about that......seems to me you could find someone else to adorate today since it is his birthday...instead of your usual schadenfreude at president Oblama....

"Schadenfreude (/ˈʃɑːdənfrɔɪdə/; German: is pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others.
Where in my thread is there ANY PLEASURE derived from the misfortune of Hussein?
See when you use BIG words be sure YOU know what they mean!

You are so right about God not happy with me being bitchy about Hussein's piety telling us we should be our "Brother's keeper" while his lives in a hut!

I am big enough to admit that is wrong that I should not brag about my fulfilling what Hussein preaches what he thinks we should do while he turns his back on his brother!

Also "adorate" again look up the word! "To worship, to adore. "
Again... big words used inappropriately simply confirm my opinion of your limitations... Please use the internet before you use words
you obviously have no comprehension of their meaning!
Last edited:
Do you have any evidence that he didn't? You have 364 other days for cheap shots. Why today?
Cheap shot? Hey Hussein is the one telling us we are our brothers' keeper!
I'm f...king doing my part as my brother is under my care-- living with me! Where is Hussein's caring about his brother? Hussein could certainly do something if nothing more then sending money but I have done a search and to date NO mention of Obama giving to help his brother keep from living in the hut!
Do unto others as you would have others do unto you doesn't seem to apply to Hussein!
I am sure God would that you keep silent and not brag about your generosity and about what you suspect someone else is doing, or continue to sin, giving out your usual blacks are thugs and deserve to die routine.
Maybe Hussien's brother is incarcerated or has died at the hands of a cop in his country? May be he killed someone since all blacks kill and whites are the victims of all crime in the US....or maybe,,,,,just maybe,,,he moved to the US illegally and his bro is turning a blind eye,,,,then you could bitch and moan about that......seems to me you could find someone else to adorate today since it is his birthday...instead of your usual schadenfreude at president Oblama....

"Schadenfreude (/ˈʃɑːdənfrɔɪdə/; German: is pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others.
Where in my thread is there ANY PLEASURE derived from the misfortune of Hussein?
See when you use BIG words be sure YOU know what they mean!

You are so right about God not happy with me being bitchy about Hussein piety telling us we should be our "Brother's keeper" while his lives in a hut!

I am big enough to admit that is wrong that I should not brag about my fulfilling what Hussein preaches what he thinks we should do while he turns his back on his brother!

Also "adorate" again look up the word! "To worship, to adore. "
Again... big words used inappropriately simply confirm my opinion of your limitations... Please use the internet before you use words
you obviously have no comprehension of their meaning!
While Hussein's brother lives in a hut here is Hussein enjoying Hawaii...

Screen Shot 2014-12-25 at 10.51.36 AM.png
Do you have any evidence that he didn't? You have 364 other days for cheap shots. Why today?
This is why right wingers are such dirty and nasty people.

A "normal" film maker does a documentary to teach and to illuminate an issue. Right wingers make treacherous documentaries designed to smear and bear false witness.

Case in point,

Barack s Obama half-brother George he s got other issues to deal with - Telegraph

Dinesh D’Souza, author of the book The Roots of Obama’s Rage, tracked down George Obama and interviewed him for the film 2016: Obama’s America.

In the clip published by the Hollywood Reporter, D’Souza asks George Obama why the half-brother of the most powerful man on the planet lives in poverty. The president's half-brother refuses to criticise him.

“I think he has a family of his own,” George Obama says. “I’m a member of his family, but I’m over-age, so I help myself.”

“He’s got other issues to deal with,” he says. “He’s taking care of the world, so he’s taking care of me.”


Dinesh D'Souza tried again and again to get Obama's brother to say something against his brother, but George just wasn't having it.

Another example: Sean Hannity had another of Obama's brothers on his show. You can read the transcript here:

Exclusive President Obama s half-brother tells all Hannity Fox News

Hannity was even worse.

See what I mean? Right wingers on the USMB call me names but I am proud of being called names from such odious people. Nasty, dirty people who attack innocent people because of their race based hatred of the Commander in Chief. In the past 6 years, Republicans have not only attacked Obama's entire family, but have even called his mother a porn star.

Obama s mom was porn star claims DVD sent to swing-state voters

Do you know how much it costs to put something like that together?

Republicans insist they are the "moral party" and that conservatism is the foundation of the country. But look at them. Filthy people. And they will compare the treatment of Obama's family with the treatment of Bush's family. Only Bush's wife really did kill her boyfriend and his children were arrested for illegal activities. That's real news. Because it really happened. No one went looking to find something to smear them with. They did it themselves. That's a huge difference.
Do you have any evidence that he didn't? You have 364 other days for cheap shots. Why today?
This is why right wingers are such dirty and nasty people.

A "normal" film maker does a documentary to teach and to illuminate an issue. Right wingers make treacherous documentaries designed to smear and bear false witness.

Case in point,

Barack s Obama half-brother George he s got other issues to deal with - Telegraph

Dinesh D’Souza, author of the book The Roots of Obama’s Rage, tracked down George Obama and interviewed him for the film 2016: Obama’s America.

In the clip published by the Hollywood Reporter, D’Souza asks George Obama why the half-brother of the most powerful man on the planet lives in poverty. The president's half-brother refuses to criticise him.

“I think he has a family of his own,” George Obama says. “I’m a member of his family, but I’m over-age, so I help myself.”

“He’s got other issues to deal with,” he says. “He’s taking care of the world, so he’s taking care of me.”


Dinesh D'Souza tried again and again to get Obama's brother to say something against his brother, but George just wasn't having it.

Another example: Sean Hannity had another of Obama's brothers on his show. You can read the transcript here:

Exclusive President Obama s half-brother tells all Hannity Fox News

Hannity was even worse.

See what I mean? Right wingers on the USMB call me names but I am proud of being called names from such odious people. Nasty, dirty people who attack innocent people because of their race based hatred of the Commander in Chief. In the past 6 years, Republicans have not only attacked Obama's entire family, but have even called his mother a porn star.

Obama s mom was porn star claims DVD sent to swing-state voters

Do you know how much it costs to put something like that together?

Republicans insist they are the "moral party" and that conservatism is the foundation of the country. But look at them. Filthy people. And they will compare the treatment of Obama's family with the treatment of Bush's family. Only Bush's wife really did kill her boyfriend and his children were arrested for illegal activities. That's real news. Because it really happened. No one went looking to find something to smear them with. They did it themselves. That's a huge difference.

Guess who GAVE Hussein's brother $1,000 after the guy came to D'Souza?
D'Souza Sends Money to President Obama's Brother for Sick Child
Dinesh D’Souza, co-director of the film "2016 — Obama's America," and author of the new book "Obama’s America," sent money to cover the hospital bill of a sick child belonging to President Barack Obama’s brother after George Obama pleaded with him over the phone for help.
In a column published on FoxNews.com, D’Souza outlines how George Obama, the youngest of eight children sired by Barack Obama Sr., asked him to send $1,000 to cover medical bills for his young son who was sick with a chest condition.
D Souza Sends Money to President Obama s Brother for Sick Child

‘I Have No One Else to Ask’: Dinesh D’Souza Says He Paid Hospital Bill for Obama’s Half-Brother
8216 I Have No One Else to Ask 8217 Dinesh D 8217 Souza Says He Paid Hospital Bill for Obama 8217 s Half-Brother Video TheBlaze.com

Again... THIS should have been the responsibility of the guy who keeps saying:
"It is that fundamental belief — I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper —"

Come on people grow up and recognize you are what Gruber was talking about regarding the "Stupidity of the American voter"!
You totally ignore the basic FACT Hussein preaches but doesn't PRACTICE what he preaches!
ALL blow all show...no DOUGH!!

As far as conservative being more responsible...
Are you aware that literally Conservatives give more of their personal blood to blood banks that liberals?
Conservatives also appear to be more generous than liberals in non financial ways.
People in red states are considerably more likely to volunteer for good causes,
and conservatives give blood more often. If liberals and moderates gave blood as often as conservatives,
Mr. Brooks said, the American blood supply would increase by 45 percent.


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