On this day of giving to each other, has Hussein shared with this brother?

Do you have any evidence that he didn't? You have 364 other days for cheap shots. Why today?
This is why right wingers are such dirty and nasty people.

A "normal" film maker does a documentary to teach and to illuminate an issue. Right wingers make treacherous documentaries designed to smear and bear false witness.

Case in point,

Barack s Obama half-brother George he s got other issues to deal with - Telegraph

Dinesh D’Souza, author of the book The Roots of Obama’s Rage, tracked down George Obama and interviewed him for the film 2016: Obama’s America.

In the clip published by the Hollywood Reporter, D’Souza asks George Obama why the half-brother of the most powerful man on the planet lives in poverty. The president's half-brother refuses to criticise him.

“I think he has a family of his own,” George Obama says. “I’m a member of his family, but I’m over-age, so I help myself.”

“He’s got other issues to deal with,” he says. “He’s taking care of the world, so he’s taking care of me.”


Dinesh D'Souza tried again and again to get Obama's brother to say something against his brother, but George just wasn't having it.

Another example: Sean Hannity had another of Obama's brothers on his show. You can read the transcript here:

Exclusive President Obama s half-brother tells all Hannity Fox News

Hannity was even worse.

See what I mean? Right wingers on the USMB call me names but I am proud of being called names from such odious people. Nasty, dirty people who attack innocent people because of their race based hatred of the Commander in Chief. In the past 6 years, Republicans have not only attacked Obama's entire family, but have even called his mother a porn star.

Obama s mom was porn star claims DVD sent to swing-state voters

Do you know how much it costs to put something like that together?

Republicans insist they are the "moral party" and that conservatism is the foundation of the country. But look at them. Filthy people. And they will compare the treatment of Obama's family with the treatment of Bush's family. Only Bush's wife really did kill her boyfriend and his children were arrested for illegal activities. That's real news. Because it really happened. No one went looking to find something to smear them with. They did it themselves. That's a huge difference.

Let's see who should we believe????

From the mouth of the Messiah, the person who thinks so highly of himself he said:
"This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."-- Barack Obama
But then the Messiah goes ahead spews the following lies...all documented and coming from his mouth!
1)"I pledge we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States. If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too."
2) “I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today."
So AFTER he LIED to get ACA passed Hussein admits 10 million counted as uninsured were not citizens!
He further lies about the 36 million "uninsured" when BEFORE ACA due to Hussein's administration ineptness 14 million were eligible for Medicaid! But the worst lie was telling us the 18 million people that make over $50,000 and are under 34 WANTED health insurance! THEY DON"T! But Hussein used that number of people that DON"T want insurance and that was a LIE!
3)"Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition"...
A f...king lie BECAUSE that would mean 155 million (half of 310 million) yet 266 million have some type of health insurance!
Why would he LIE about something that affect less the 1.5 million! To PASS ACA ! He counted on the "Stupidity of American Voters'!

These are just 3 major lies this totally disgusting human being as president did to pass ACA...
HE IS A LIAR and you people that excuse that...YOU are worse then he is! He knows he's making a fool of you and laughs at you!
You know what? The guy is old enough to work and he needs to fix his own life - not sponge off other people.
You know what? The guy is old enough to work and he needs to fix his own life - not sponge off other people.

Hey... I agree 100% with you!
So why the f...k does his brother think he has to demand all the rest of us to be our brothers' keepers?
Why does his f...king brother have to stick his agenda on the rest of us if you are so right about guys old enough to work and fix their own lives!
Minimum wage. ACA. Womb to tomb!
I don't disagree one bit with you about his brother.
But at least his brother is not a hypocrite!
My point is Hussein is such a hypocrite!
He wants us to live how he preaches but not HOW HE LIVES!
The guy is in Hawaii for God's sake! We're paying for it!
At least he can shut the f...k up preaching to us about being our brother's keeper while his brother lives in a hut!
The hypocrisy is overwhelming!

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