On Tossing Around The Term "Fascist"

Conservatives cant be fascist? LOL
Indeed they can. A lot of the conservatives in politics have fascist policies.
Regulating marriage to exclude gays is fascist.
Many many other examples.
Not to mention the whole concept of fascism is regulation and the right LOVES to regulate. Like their fascist healthcare.
That's silly as all hell dude. Up until very recently ALL major Democrat candidates stood for traditional marriage. That made them fascists? You can't be serious.

obamacare is a Republican creation? It didn't get one supportive vote. You use words like liberals do, you just throw them out because you know they mean bad things.
Doesn't matter. A brand doesn't deter meanings and intent. The Federal govt telling who can/cant get married is fascism. Period.
Fascist healthcare, like the ACA, was first introduced by a bunch of conservatives trying to stay away from socialist healthcare. Their answer to socialism was fascism :lol:

" The Federal govt telling who can/cant get married is fascism. Period."

You never miss an opportunity to miss the point.

Article 1, section 8 covers the authorized powers of the federal government.
See if you find marriage in there.

Then check the 10th amendment.
Fascism IS A RIGHT WING IDEOLOGY. The cons have had that ideology as long as there has been the GOP. But they can't install it in the government, because the majority of this country ISN'T FASCIST. Trump quotes Mussolini, the creator of fascism. Politicians are judged by those they quote. He talks about building a wall, and deporting 12 million Mexicans and all Muslims, and invading Iraq and Iraq and taking their oil. THAT IS A FASCIST IDEOLOGY. And he talks as if he won't have to have consent of congress. THAT IS FASCISM.
Forcing women to have children they can't afford to raise IS FASCISM.
Trying to be the world dictator IS FASCISM.
Courting the KKK IS FASCISM. The GOP can't win an election without KKK votes, because it's the majority of the south.

You are a CON ARTIST...and we see through your right wing scam.


Wrong....proven in this thread.

And this...."Courting the KKK IS FASCISM. "
...is the cherry on top.

Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…” Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425

Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, Fascists, .....birds of a feather.

What made John F. Kennedy a Fascist?

In your own words...
Your definition of facism is completely wrong:

To correct that:

Best Answer: Fascism is an authoritarian political ideology (generally tied to a mass movement) that considers individual and social interests subordinate to the interests of the state or party. Fascists seek to forge a type of national unity, usually based on (but not limited to) ethnic, cultural, racial, religious attributes. The key attribute is intolerance of others: other religions, languages, political views, economic systems, cultural practices, etc. Various scholars attribute different characteristics to fascism, but the following elements are usually seen as its integral parts: nationalism, statism, militarism, totalitarianism, anti-communism, corporatism, populism, collectivism, and opposition to political and economic liberalism.

Of special interest: statism, militarism, totalitarianism, anti-communism, corporatism, populism, collectivism, and opposition to political and economic liberalism.

The racism, militarism, anti-communism, corporatism, and opposition to political and economic liberalism is at the heart of the American conservative movement. Racism has bubbled to the surface in the Republican Party in a way that moderate Republicans are finding repugnant. The rest of the world is watching the rise of Donald Trump and his racism with appalled horror.

Facism has always been the dark side of the conservative movement, one which Republicans thought they could control. It took the election of a black man to bring it to the fore, but that is what has happened. Obama didn't divide the US racially. That divide was already there. His election lead to racists becoming more overt, like overturning the rocks on the shore to see what slithered out.

Now....your education continues!

9. This thread is designed as the scholarly instruction in the use of the term "Fascist."

For advanced study of what Fascism is, and where it is to be found in America today, here is the assignment for our befuddled posters, including the one mentioned in the OP...

Your assignment is an older tome, called "MOVEMENT AND REVOLUTION,"
ByPeter Berger, and Richard Neuhaus.
The former, a conservative and the latter a radical activist. (Rumor has it that in later years, Neuhaus became conservative!)

The Sixties radicals –impatient, destructive, nihilistic- were the adolescent version. Modern liberalism is the mature stage. The campus radicals didn’t ‘grow up,’ or disappear: they simply became invisible until they reached positions of power and influence in the very institutions they stormed and seized in the sixties. Robert Bork writes about this in "Slouching Toward Gomorrah."

That's two books that Liberals should study!

Peter Berger explained the resemblance of the New Left campus radicals of the sixties to German and Italian Fascists via the following parallels.

See where this is going?

The term "Fascist" should be reserved for the thinking found in any of the 'shameful six'.... Fascists, communists, Modern Liberals, socialists, Nazis or Progressives.

Comparing Modern Liberalism and Fascism...

a. Both were without a positive view of the future.

b. Both were simply against their society, against stability, classical liberalism, capitalism, and intellectualism.

c.The Nazis, like the New Left, referred to themselves as the “movement,” and hated the “system.”

d. Both complained that liberal democracy was merely a fraud, and rationality merely a prop for the evil status quo.

e. Both fascists and the New Left had faith in the therapeutic value of violence.(For further study...Geoges Sorel!)

f. Watching on television a group of students chanting “The streets belong to the people,” Berger felt almost a physical shock as he remembered a verse of the Nazi “Horst Wessel Lied”: “Clear the streets for the brown battalions.”
Berger and Neuhaus, “Movement and Revolution,” p. 43-47

Still have any doubts????
Good Liberals? I think not...
On Tossing Around The Term "Fascist"

Yes, try not to, especially when you don't know what it means (and would likely agree with much of it)...

Wait....aren't you the Fascist who said this:

"Think stupid, talk stupid, and we bury you, for your own good."
That's not Fascism. That's don't be stupid or soon you will be talking only to those like yourself...

While not a definition....I'd say that threatening death to any who say things you disagree with is pretty much one of the 'shameful six'...
Fascist, communist, Nazi, Modern Liberal, socialist and/or Progressive.

Sure isn't conservative.
Did I say I would kill someone? No.

Although I did say I would push the button to end humanity, with a glad heart, in an instant. That's not Fascism either BTW.
Damn dude! I like most of what you post, but that is one toke over the line.
On Tossing Around The Term "Fascist"

Yes, try not to, especially when you don't know what it means (and would likely agree with much of it)...

Wait....aren't you the Fascist who said this:

"Think stupid, talk stupid, and we bury you, for your own good."
That's not Fascism. That's don't be stupid or soon you will be talking only to those like yourself...

While not a definition....I'd say that threatening death to any who say things you disagree with is pretty much one of the 'shameful six'...
Fascist, communist, Nazi, Modern Liberal, socialist and/or Progressive.

Sure isn't conservative.
Did I say I would kill someone? No.

Although I did say I would push the button to end humanity, with a glad heart, in an instant. That's not Fascism either BTW.
Damn dude! I like most of what you post, but that is one toke over the line.
If you only have one tank and one fish is eating all the rest, do you not kill the one fish to save the rest? Same theory.
Wait....aren't you the Fascist who said this:

"Think stupid, talk stupid, and we bury you, for your own good."
That's not Fascism. That's don't be stupid or soon you will be talking only to those like yourself...

While not a definition....I'd say that threatening death to any who say things you disagree with is pretty much one of the 'shameful six'...
Fascist, communist, Nazi, Modern Liberal, socialist and/or Progressive.

Sure isn't conservative.
Did I say I would kill someone? No.

Although I did say I would push the button to end humanity, with a glad heart, in an instant. That's not Fascism either BTW.
Damn dude! I like most of what you post, but that is one toke over the line.
If you only have one tank and one fish is eating all the rest, do you not kill the one fish to save the rest? Same theory.

Did you just say 'Sieg Heil'????
Your definition of facism is completely wrong:

To correct that:

Best Answer: Fascism is an authoritarian political ideology (generally tied to a mass movement) that considers individual and social interests subordinate to the interests of the state or party. Fascists seek to forge a type of national unity, usually based on (but not limited to) ethnic, cultural, racial, religious attributes. The key attribute is intolerance of others: other religions, languages, political views, economic systems, cultural practices, etc. Various scholars attribute different characteristics to fascism, but the following elements are usually seen as its integral parts: nationalism, statism, militarism, totalitarianism, anti-communism, corporatism, populism, collectivism, and opposition to political and economic liberalism.

Of special interest: statism, militarism, totalitarianism, anti-communism, corporatism, populism, collectivism, and opposition to political and economic liberalism.

The racism, militarism, anti-communism, corporatism, and opposition to political and economic liberalism is at the heart of the American conservative movement. Racism has bubbled to the surface in the Republican Party in a way that moderate Republicans are finding repugnant. The rest of the world is watching the rise of Donald Trump and his racism with appalled horror.

Facism has always been the dark side of the conservative movement, one which Republicans thought they could control. It took the election of a black man to bring it to the fore, but that is what has happened. Obama didn't divide the US racially. That divide was already there. His election lead to racists becoming more overt, like overturning the rocks on the shore to see what slithered out.

Now....your education continues!

9. This thread is designed as the scholarly instruction in the use of the term "Fascist."

For advanced study of what Fascism is, and where it is to be found in America today, here is the assignment for our befuddled posters, including the one mentioned in the OP...

Your assignment is an older tome, called "MOVEMENT AND REVOLUTION,"
ByPeter Berger, and Richard Neuhaus.
The former, a conservative and the latter a radical activist. (Rumor has it that in later years, Neuhaus became conservative!)

The Sixties radicals –impatient, destructive, nihilistic- were the adolescent version. Modern liberalism is the mature stage. The campus radicals didn’t ‘grow up,’ or disappear: they simply became invisible until they reached positions of power and influence in the very institutions they stormed and seized in the sixties. Robert Bork writes about this in "Slouching Toward Gomorrah."

That's two books that Liberals should study!

Peter Berger explained the resemblance of the New Left campus radicals of the sixties to German and Italian Fascists via the following parallels.

See where this is going?

The term "Fascist" should be reserved for the thinking found in any of the 'shameful six'.... Fascists, communists, Modern Liberals, socialists, Nazis or Progressives.

Comparing Modern Liberalism and Fascism...

a. Both were without a positive view of the future.

b. Both were simply against their society, against stability, classical liberalism, capitalism, and intellectualism.

c.The Nazis, like the New Left, referred to themselves as the “movement,” and hated the “system.”

d. Both complained that liberal democracy was merely a fraud, and rationality merely a prop for the evil status quo.

e. Both fascists and the New Left had faith in the therapeutic value of violence.(For further study...Geoges Sorel!)

f. Watching on television a group of students chanting “The streets belong to the people,” Berger felt almost a physical shock as he remembered a verse of the Nazi “Horst Wessel Lied”: “Clear the streets for the brown battalions.”
Berger and Neuhaus, “Movement and Revolution,” p. 43-47

Still have any doubts????
You really are the most stupid moron on this forum. You brag of your own stupidity. Hitler was a NAZI fascist, not a liberal. He banned the socialist democratic party in 1933.

The Social Democratic Party was banned in June 1933. Later that summer other parties dissolved themselves, under pressure from the Nazis. On 14 July 1933 Hitler banned all parties except the Nazi party.

A History of Nazi Germany
Good Liberals? I think not...

Nazis....good socialists.

Good of you to have included the explanation for your posts in the above...this: "I think not..."

So true.
By chance, tell us what things the Nazis did that you did agree with, and what they did that you didn't agree with?

They built roads, bridges, and a strong military.
They defended their borders.
They suppressed radicals, liberals, and communists.
They got people back to work.
They supported youth, the church, and family life.
They rallied the nation to national causes.
They repealed gun control laws.
They rejected internationalism.
They suppressed alternate lifestyles such as homosexuality.
They defended traditionalism, etc.

Your kind of folks actually.
That's not Fascism. That's don't be stupid or soon you will be talking only to those like yourself...

While not a definition....I'd say that threatening death to any who say things you disagree with is pretty much one of the 'shameful six'...
Fascist, communist, Nazi, Modern Liberal, socialist and/or Progressive.

Sure isn't conservative.
Did I say I would kill someone? No.

Although I did say I would push the button to end humanity, with a glad heart, in an instant. That's not Fascism either BTW.
Damn dude! I like most of what you post, but that is one toke over the line.
If you only have one tank and one fish is eating all the rest, do you not kill the one fish to save the rest? Same theory.

Did you just say 'Sieg Heil'????
Nope, I'm a liberal, we think for ourselves. Part of why Scalia's Originalism was so dumb, even the Founders weren't sure what they meant exactly when they wrote our Constitution...
While not a definition....I'd say that threatening death to any who say things you disagree with is pretty much one of the 'shameful six'...
Fascist, communist, Nazi, Modern Liberal, socialist and/or Progressive.

Sure isn't conservative.
Did I say I would kill someone? No.

Although I did say I would push the button to end humanity, with a glad heart, in an instant. That's not Fascism either BTW.
Damn dude! I like most of what you post, but that is one toke over the line.
If you only have one tank and one fish is eating all the rest, do you not kill the one fish to save the rest? Same theory.

Did you just say 'Sieg Heil'????
Nope, I'm a liberal, we think for ourselves. Part of why Scalia's Originalism was so dumb, even the Founders weren't sure what they meant exactly when they wrote our Constitution...

Scalia could have best represented his philosophy of interpreting the Constitution by wearing a powdered wig to the court sessions.
Did I say I would kill someone? No.

Although I did say I would push the button to end humanity, with a glad heart, in an instant. That's not Fascism either BTW.
Damn dude! I like most of what you post, but that is one toke over the line.
If you only have one tank and one fish is eating all the rest, do you not kill the one fish to save the rest? Same theory.

Did you just say 'Sieg Heil'????
Nope, I'm a liberal, we think for ourselves. Part of why Scalia's Originalism was so dumb, even the Founders weren't sure what they meant exactly when they wrote our Constitution...

Scalia could have best represented his philosophy of interpreting the Constitution by wearing a powdered wig to the court sessions.
Or this:

Flush toilet? No thank you, the chamber pot was good enough for them so it's good enough for me...
That's silly as all hell dude. Up until very recently ALL major Democrat candidates stood for traditional marriage. That made them fascists? You can't be serious.

obamacare is a Republican creation? It didn't get one supportive vote. You use words like liberals do, you just throw them out because you know they mean bad things.
Doesn't matter. A brand doesn't deter meanings and intent. The Federal govt telling who can/cant get married is fascism. Period.
Fascist healthcare, like the ACA, was first introduced by a bunch of conservatives trying to stay away from socialist healthcare. Their answer to socialism was fascism :lol:

" The Federal govt telling who can/cant get married is fascism. Period."

You never miss an opportunity to miss the point.

Article 1, section 8 covers the authorized powers of the federal government.
See if you find marriage in there.

Then check the 10th amendment.
Fascism IS A RIGHT WING IDEOLOGY. The cons have had that ideology as long as there has been the GOP. But they can't install it in the government, because the majority of this country ISN'T FASCIST. Trump quotes Mussolini, the creator of fascism. Politicians are judged by those they quote. He talks about building a wall, and deporting 12 million Mexicans and all Muslims, and invading Iraq and Iraq and taking their oil. THAT IS A FASCIST IDEOLOGY. And he talks as if he won't have to have consent of congress. THAT IS FASCISM.
Forcing women to have children they can't afford to raise IS FASCISM.
Trying to be the world dictator IS FASCISM.
Courting the KKK IS FASCISM. The GOP can't win an election without KKK votes, because it's the majority of the south.

You are a CON ARTIST...and we see through your right wing scam.


Wrong....proven in this thread.

And this...."Courting the KKK IS FASCISM. "
...is the cherry on top.

Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…” Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425

Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, Fascists, .....birds of a feather.

What made John F. Kennedy a Fascist?

In your own words...

Can anyone help PC out with this one? She appears to be in a state of stunned silence.
Damn dude! I like most of what you post, but that is one toke over the line.
If you only have one tank and one fish is eating all the rest, do you not kill the one fish to save the rest? Same theory.

Did you just say 'Sieg Heil'????
Nope, I'm a liberal, we think for ourselves. Part of why Scalia's Originalism was so dumb, even the Founders weren't sure what they meant exactly when they wrote our Constitution...

Scalia could have best represented his philosophy of interpreting the Constitution by wearing a powdered wig to the court sessions.
Or this:

Flush toilet? No thank you, the chamber pot was good enough for them so it's good enough for me...

The true original intent of the founders was that Americans 200 years later would not be comically obsessed with original intent.
The true original intent of the founders was that Americans 200 years later would not be comically obsessed with original intent.
^^^^ You got that right. Washington thought the Constitution might last 20 years, just maybe...

Don't you ever get anything right????

  1. Judge Robert Bork makes the point that Originalists can easily apply timeless constitutional commands to new technologies, such as wiretapping and television, and to changed circumstances, as suits for libel and slander. All the judge needs is knowledge of the core value that the Framers intended to protect. And, while we may not decide every case in the way the Framers would have, “entire ranges of problems will be placed off limits to judges, thus preserving democracy in those areas where the framers intended democratic government.” See
    "Originalism: A Quarter-Century of Debate,"
    by Justice Antonin Scalia (Author), Steven G. Calabresi (Editor),
The true original intent of the founders was that Americans 200 years later would not be comically obsessed with original intent.
^^^^ You got that right. Washington thought the Constitution might last 20 years, just maybe...

Don't you ever get anything right????

  1. Judge Robert Bork makes the point that Originalists can easily apply timeless constitutional commands to new technologies, such as wiretapping and television, and to changed circumstances, as suits for libel and slander. All the judge needs is knowledge of the core value that the Framers intended to protect. And, while we may not decide every case in the way the Framers would have, “entire ranges of problems will be placed off limits to judges, thus preserving democracy in those areas where the framers intended democratic government.” See
    "Originalism: A Quarter-Century of Debate,"
    by Justice Antonin Scalia (Author), Steven G. Calabresi (Editor),
The Constitution was never meant to last this long, not even close. They created a government that worked for them in their times, and expected us to do the same.

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