Once again: Fraternity Marches Through Ongoing Gang War To End Violence In Chicago


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
Fraternity Marches Through Ongoing Gang War To End Violence In Chicago

Black lives always matter to black people.

Whenever protests against police brutality occur in the United States, critics of the Black Lives Matter movement and other race-related protests are quick to criticize marchers for ignoring so-called black-on-black crime and for only speaking out when a white police officer is involved in a black person's death.

But last weekend, the men of Alpha Phi Alpha, a historically black intercollegiate fraternity, proved this is not the case.

Nearly 300 men marched in the freezing rain and snow in Chicago's Chatham neighborhood on Saturday to demand an end to violence in their community. Joined by Alderman Michelle Harris and Illinois state Reps. Marcus Evans and Elgie Sims, all Democrats, the fraternity marched down 79th Street, where community members say a gang war is raging.


According to the Chicago Tribune, Chatham has the 16th-highest violent crime rate of any neighborhood in Chicago.

"We wanted to show that the community was not giving up," said Sims, who is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha and currently represents Illinois' 34th District, which includes portions of the South Side of Chicago. "We wanted the business owners to know that we stood with them and we were going to be there making a statement, standing with them, to encourage patrons to patronize those businesses, to encourage people to feel comfortable and safe in their community."

The Rev. Roosevelt Watkins, pastor of Chicago's Bethlehem Star Missionary Baptist Church and a member of Alpha Phi Alpha, told the Chicago City Hall Examiner that the march's purpose was to "confront the violence on these blocks and to reinvigorate economic development on 79th Street."

"Black business owners, residents, were coming outside of their homes, opening their windows, customers were stepping outside of their shops," Lamar Brown, a law student who participated in the march, told The Huffington Post. "They were applauding us, yelling 'Good job,' clapping. Even people in cars were stopping their cars, giving us thumbs up. I think the effort itself was really embraced by the community."


Accusations that Black Lives Matter protesters only speak out about police violence ignore the many marches that address high crime rates in black communities, which happen almost once a week in Chicago and in predominately black cities across the country.

As author Ta-Nehisi Coates has also noted in The Atlantic, comparing police killings to violence within the black community is a false equivalence:

To the extent that killings by the police generate more outrage, it is completely understandable. Police in America are granted wide range of powers by the state including lethal force. With that power comes a special place of honor. When cops are killed the outrage is always different than when citizens are killed. Likewise when cops kill under questionable terms, more scrutiny follows directly from the logic of citizenship. Great power. Great responsibility.

There have always been anti-drug/violence rallies in these communities. The thing is that no one really cares about what's going on in the community until
they're protesting policce brutality. I don't have to live there but you can't tell be that there aren't people attempting to do posotive things everyday in places like Chicago, Baltimore, Dc etc
There have always been anti-drug/violence rallies in these communities. The thing is that no one really cares about what's going on in the community until
they're protesting policce brutality. I don't have to live there but you can't tell be that there aren't people attempting to do posotive things everyday in places like Chicago, Baltimore, Dc etc
that's a broad brush there bubba. What party runs the cities of those neighborhoods? Again, and I'll say it to my grave, blacks vote for dems who keep them suppressed. The violence is consistent in democratic precincts and cities. Let's call a duck a duck.
There have always been anti-drug/violence rallies in these communities. The thing is that no one really cares about what's going on in the community until
they're protesting policce brutality. I don't have to live there but you can't tell be that there aren't people attempting to do posotive things everyday in places like Chicago, Baltimore, Dc etc
that's a broad brush there bubba. What party runs the cities of those neighborhoods? Again, and I'll say it to my grave, blacks vote for dems who keep them suppressed. The violence is consistent in democratic precincts and cities. Let's call a duck a duck.

I think it has less to do with who's elected vs the opportunities available in those areas. Those black people didnt all migrate there on there own.

Redlining....look it up. Either way, this is an opportunity to show what idiots like yourself always claim doesnt happen. And everytime I see it, I'm posting it.
There have always been anti-drug/violence rallies in these communities. The thing is that no one really cares about what's going on in the community until
they're protesting policce brutality. I don't have to live there but you can't tell be that there aren't people attempting to do posotive things everyday in places like Chicago, Baltimore, Dc etc
that's a broad brush there bubba. What party runs the cities of those neighborhoods? Again, and I'll say it to my grave, blacks vote for dems who keep them suppressed. The violence is consistent in democratic precincts and cities. Let's call a duck a duck.

I think it has less to do with who's elected vs the opportunities available in those areas. Those black people didnt all migrate there on there own.

Redlining....look it up. Either way, this is an opportunity to show what idiots like yourself always claim doesnt happen. And everytime I see it, I'm posting it.
I never said they did, but what you're now saying is they can't coexist. Wow, now that is racist.
The BLM website actually has a decent stated goal. I would support it, but when you've got the illegal shit going on under your tag no one takes the movement seriously. They need to stop letting "just anyone" use the tag for violence and unacceptable behavior before the majority of American's are going to do more then roll their eyes at them.
There have always been anti-drug/violence rallies in these communities. The thing is that no one really cares about what's going on in the community until
they're protesting policce brutality. I don't have to live there but you can't tell be that there aren't people attempting to do posotive things everyday in places like Chicago, Baltimore, Dc etc
that's a broad brush there bubba. What party runs the cities of those neighborhoods? Again, and I'll say it to my grave, blacks vote for dems who keep them suppressed. The violence is consistent in democratic precincts and cities. Let's call a duck a duck.

I think it has less to do with who's elected vs the opportunities available in those areas. Those black people didnt all migrate there on there own.

Redlining....look it up. Either way, this is an opportunity to show what idiots like yourself always claim doesnt happen. And everytime I see it, I'm posting it.
I never said they did, but what you're now saying is they can't coexist. Wow, now that is racist.

No one said that stupid, stop trolling. I speak English just fine and my words dont require a translation.
They should march in protest of the likes of Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, and other race pimps who've been poisoning the minds of ignorant blacks for decades.

Kudos to these frat guys, but a lot more of the good members of the black community have to step up too if things are ever going to improve for the worst among them.
The BLM website actually has a decent stated goal. I would support it, but when you've got the illegal shit going on under your tag no one takes the movement seriously. They need to stop letting "just anyone" use the tag for violence and unacceptable behavior before the majority of American's are going to do more then roll their eyes at them.

How do they do that? Stop people from using it?

And despite you knowing that people are using it for bad reasons you blame the movement and not the people trying to co-opt it
They should march in protest of the likes of Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, and other race pimps who've been poisoning the minds of ignorant blacks for decades.

Why? Dont you think that if it was a problem they would?

Kudos to these frat guys, but a lot more of the good members of the black community have to step up too if things are ever going to improve for the worst among them.

They do all the time, they just dont get any press because the anti cop protests are easier to hate
The BLM website actually has a decent stated goal. I would support it, but when you've got the illegal shit going on under your tag no one takes the movement seriously. They need to stop letting "just anyone" use the tag for violence and unacceptable behavior before the majority of American's are going to do more then roll their eyes at them.

How do they do that? Stop people from using it?

And despite you knowing that people are using it for bad reasons you blame the movement and not the people trying to co-opt it

They need to make a stink about not accepting that. But they don't, they just let it go for some reason. And yea, I am going to blame the movement, deal with it or help them clean that shit up. Not my movement, not my job to keep giving them the "benefit of the doubt" - their "alleged" members have hosed them, bitch at them.
The BLM website actually has a decent stated goal. I would support it, but when you've got the illegal shit going on under your tag no one takes the movement seriously. They need to stop letting "just anyone" use the tag for violence and unacceptable behavior before the majority of American's are going to do more then roll their eyes at them.

How do they do that? Stop people from using it?

And despite you knowing that people are using it for bad reasons you blame the movement and not the people trying to co-opt it

They need to make a stink about not accepting that. But they don't, they just let it go for some reason.

Who should say something? All the individuals need to say that violence is not part of their platform despite you KNOWING it isnt?

And yea, I am going to blame the movement, deal with it or help them clean that shit up. Not my movement, not my job to keep giving them the "benefit of the doubt" their "alleged" members have hosed them, bitch at them.

Here, I'll say it now to gain more support from people like you. Violence is not a part of BLM platform. Its not a stated or implied. How's that?
Personally I suggest picking a tag that doesn't come with the stigmatism BLM does now, but they don't because they want the publicity that's already attached to the tag or w/e, regardless of how tarnished it is.
Personally I suggest picking a tag that doesn't come with the stigmatism BLM does now, but they don't because they want the publicity that's already attached to the tag or w/e, regardless of how tarnished it is.

No matter what tag they use the people who dont like it will tarnish it. But again, I'm denouncing anyone who does any violence and claim it was for or in support of BLM.

Can we have your support now or were you just joking?

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