Once again, Julian Assange affirms that the Russians had nothing to do with the hacks.

And despite this, Obama has the gall to expel 35 Russian diplomats. Thank God the regime has been replaced.
old news actually. Based on the reward offered by wikileaks for information about the Clinton staffer killed gang land style during the election campaign I would say that the identity of the leak could be proven in civil court and it ain't the Russians.
You know Obama was just about as NON secure for our country as DNC cyber security.
Once again, Julian Assange affirms that the Russians had nothing to do with the hacks.

Assange To Hannity: Our Source Was Not The Russian Government
anyone with half a brain could see the blame thrown the way of Russia was a political smokescreen shoved at us in the form of a narrative. And Obama, in his childish ranting style decides to expel Russian diplomats the Regime referred to as "spies"....
all of Obama's latest breaches of presidential protocol are aimed at creating land mines for the incoming administration...
Once again, Julian Assange affirms that the Russians had nothing to do with the hacks.

Assange To Hannity: Our Source Was Not The Russian Government
anyone with half a brain could see the blame thrown the way of Russia was a political smokescreen shoved at us in the form of a narrative. And Obama, in his childish ranting style decides to expel Russian diplomats the Regime referred to as "spies"....
all of Obama's latest breaches of presidential protocol are aimed at creating land mines for the incoming administration...

Just the Dems looking for scapegoats as usual. Glad this imposter will no longer be in the people's house.
Like I said many times propaganda uses enough truth to seem real. Out right deception uses assumptive wording to manipulate how the info is viewed thus assumed.
In this case Russians did hack "both" parties probably just for helpful insight on how they talk about them or plan to handle them with sanctions etc. The Liberal media never discusses what the CIA is saying they did with the hacks. The Liberal media in manipulating the viewers insinuate something that is proven an unfounded concern.
They get people to assume the hack means responsibility for the email leaks or the election rigging results both which already is proven not the case, but the Liberal media avoids mentioning full disclosure truth for sake of leading people into assuming the lie.
It's a masterful little game they are playing with wording and hidden info, but the only way to defeat that kind of evil manipulation missdirection is to both reveal their methods of how they twist words, leave out info, & play inuendos, and or using their own standard methods against them personally through exposing similar inuendos about the propagandist, so they see how wrong those acts are when shined in the mirror affecting themselves as they affect innocent people they demonize through such propaganda tactics.

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