Once again, Pilots Freak out When they Mistake Jews for Muslims


Apr 23, 2009
An orthodox Jewish prayer observance by three passengers aboard an Alaska Airlines flight Sunday alarmed flight attendants unfamiliar with the ritual, prompting them to lock down the cockpit and issue a security alert, officials said...

"The three passengers were praying aloud in Hebrew and were wearing what appeared to be leather straps on their foreheads and arms," she said. "This appeared to be a security threat, and the pilots locked down the flight deck and followed standard security procedures."
Jewish Prayer Ritual Alarms Alaska Airlines Crew
So? If people don't know, they don't know. Better safe than sorry I guess.
An orthodox Jewish prayer observance by three passengers aboard an Alaska Airlines flight Sunday alarmed flight attendants unfamiliar with the ritual, prompting them to lock down the cockpit and issue a security alert, officials said...

"The three passengers were praying aloud in Hebrew and were wearing what appeared to be leather straps on their foreheads and arms," she said. "This appeared to be a security threat, and the pilots locked down the flight deck and followed standard security procedures."
Jewish Prayer Ritual Alarms Alaska Airlines Crew

The article says they were wearing 'tefillin' one on their heads and one on their arms.

This is 'tefillin':



It does not say they were mistaken for Muslims. If one does not know of this ritual it would/could appear to be something that may need to be looked into with the day and age we live in.
o good gosh...i am fucking redneck in the south...and i would know what this objects are used for....do these people have no cultural diversity?
the box has a torah (or a bit of it) in it....its all ritual....are we really afraid of people strapping their arm with leather and putting a box on their forehead?

and why not just ask what they are doing...i am sure they would have been happy to tell the airline
o good gosh...i am fucking redneck in the south...and i would know what this objects are used for....do these people have no cultural diversity?

I'm not a redneck and have been around my share of Jewish people over the years, but I had never heard nor seen tefillin until a similar story that broke a few years ago. So prior to that it likely would have raised concern in me if I saw some guys strapping them onto their heads and arms on a plane.
o good gosh...i am fucking redneck in the south...and i would know what this objects are used for....do these people have no cultural diversity?

I'm not a redneck and have been around my share of Jewish people over the years, but I had never heard nor seen tefillin until a similar story that broke a few years ago. So prior to that it likely would have raised concern in me if I saw some guys strapping them onto their heads and arms on a plane.

i am surprised this is such an unknown
i think my pal did it 3xs a day....cause i use to give him hell about jews and muslim customs being so similar
An orthodox Jewish prayer observance by three passengers aboard an Alaska Airlines flight Sunday alarmed flight attendants unfamiliar with the ritual, prompting them to lock down the cockpit and issue a security alert, officials said...

"The three passengers were praying aloud in Hebrew and were wearing what appeared to be leather straps on their foreheads and arms," she said. "This appeared to be a security threat, and the pilots locked down the flight deck and followed standard security procedures."
Jewish Prayer Ritual Alarms Alaska Airlines Crew

I read this story a couple of days ago, and then again today, and you are the first person I have seen that mentioned Muslims, why is that? Doesn't the fact that they over reacted to Jews actually prove they are not targeting Muslims?

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