Once again pointing out the elephant in the room

The classic violent statist mentality.
If there is critical mass of people with a mentality that is intolerant of anarchy, it pretty much destroys the argument for anarchy.

You clearly have no interest in persuading people your system is better. Therefore it is something that would never be possible.

Have fun living in a fantasy world.
Anarchism does not allow for the instigation of violence, but it does warrant self defense

Anarchism does nothing but instigate violence since it does nothing about it. Somalia is the reality of anarchy. You have this view of little house on the prairie. The reality is that the absence of government would lead to clans as the weak and ignorant subject themselves to a tribal leader who promises them protection and food for servitude
Full Definition of anarchy
a : absence of government
b : a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority
c : a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government

Those are all bullshit arguments created by the 99.50% of statists that understand nothing about anarchism.

Anarchism derives from the greek word Archon, which means ruler. Anarchists believe in no rulers. In other words...

The classic violent statist mentality.
If there is critical mass of people with a mentality that is intolerant of anarchy, it pretty much destroys the argument for anarchy.

You clearly have no interest in persuading people your system is better. Therefore it is something that would never be possible.

Have fun living in a fantasy world.

Yes, he doesn't take questions because he has no idea how it would work. The reason for that is it wouldn't.

What's right about anarchy is that it recognizes government is the worst solution to any problem.

What's wrong with it is that it doesn't recognize the one time the worst solution is the best solution, when it's the only solution.

There can only be one police force, one military. We need civil and criminal courts to adjudicate disputes between citizens and enforce contracts. There can only be one recognition of property ownership and management of limited resources (e.g., water). And roads can't be built practically on a national basis by individuals.

So, government should do those things, and nothing else. The Founding Fathers got it right
Full Definition of anarchy
a : absence of government
b : a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority
c : a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government

Those are all bullshit arguments created by the 99.50% of statists that understand nothing about anarchism.

Anarchism derives from the greek word Archon, which means ruler. Anarchists believe in no rulers. In other words...


Yes, you've mentioned your eight year old ability to recognize only anarchy and Statism, nothing else exists, you're a simpleton
How can you justify all the great things you maintain government does when the fundamental means of support and funding include violence and theft? The means need to justify the ends, and violence and theft are an evil means to an evil end.

There is no difference between a state and a street gang. There is no difference when the mafia extorts money for protection and stations two goons at your place of business, and when the government extorts money for protection and puts a police department on your block.

It always comes down to the social contract argument. That one bullshit theory that statists hinge the moral legitimacy of the state on. No matter how many times I point out the fallacies and the errors, you tools will clinch on to your beloved social contract.

Daily addition to the wall of wisdom...

I don't mind no taxation, as long as those who don't want it, are willing to forego everything those taxes pay for. Including healthcare, education, the use of roads, the ability to protect from foreign invasions and so much more.
Not true at all.

It is half true.

Anarchism is not defined as no laws, but the law is inconsistent with anarchism. The law is sustained on institutionalized violent force, and the capacity for violence in anarchism is restricted solely to self defense. What encompasses self defense is up for debate, but it certainly is not the use of provocative violence to enforce a non protective end.
Yes, you've mentioned your eight year old ability to recognize only anarchy and Statism, nothing else exists, you're a simpleton

No shit, moron.

There are anarchists and statists. Maybe you can include Anocrats (Somalia) into the mix.
If there is critical mass of people with a mentality that is intolerant of anarchy, it pretty much destroys the argument for anarchy.

The majority of people are sheep. They herd the status quo.

Dominant anarchism means support from the general public.

You clearly have no interest in persuading people your system is better.

Sure I do.

Not brainwashed tools. It is uneconomic to spend 50 years of my life reconditioning your ignorance.
Yes, you've mentioned your eight year old ability to recognize only anarchy and Statism, nothing else exists, you're a simpleton

No shit, moron.

There are anarchists and statists. Maybe you can include Anocrats (Somalia) into the mix.

Anarchists are Statists too since you eliminate your own ability to cooperate to defend yourselves giving no serious opposition to their tyranny, so you're really a Statist too. Everyone is apparently
If there is critical mass of people with a mentality that is intolerant of anarchy, it pretty much destroys the argument for anarchy.

The majority of people are sheep. They herd the status quo.

Dominant anarchism means support from the general public.

You clearly have no interest in persuading people your system is better.

Sure I do.

Not brainwashed tools. It is uneconomic to spend 50 years of my life reconditioning your ignorance.

If you have serious interest in persuading people your system is better, why won't you engage in answering any questions with serious replies?
Anarchism does nothing but instigate violence since it does nothing about it.

So if a grouping of people kill hostile actors, like a fucking army or millitia?

Somalia is the reality of anarchy. You have this view of little house on the prairie. The reality is that the absence of government would lead to clans as the weak and ignorant subject themselves to a tribal leader who promises them protection and food for servitude

Somalia has about 100 individual states, ranging from warlords, pirates, gangs, Islamic Terrorist groups, autonomous regional governments, and the goddamn Somali Federal Government. Know what that is called? An anocracy.

Insurrectionism is a way of explaining how anarchy could be preserved and aspiring rulers could be prevented from power. I'll give you a hint: You kill every ruler with violent force.

It is easier for you sycophants to imagine the overthrow of the state, then it is to imagine the very same revolution making sure a ruler never came to power again.
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Anarchists are Statists too since you eliminate your own ability to cooperate to defend yourselves giving no serious opposition to their tyranny, so you're really a Statist too. Everyone is apparently

What? So when Nestor Mahkno created an army 100,000 strong and kicked the asses of the Reds and Whites several dozen times, he was not putting up any serious opposition?

You clearly are uneducated, so start by listening before opening the floodgate of stupidity that is your mouth.
If you have serious interest in persuading people your system is better, why won't you engage in answering any questions with serious replies?

That's what I have been doing.

You dumbasses just deflect and disregard.
Yes, he doesn't take questions because he has no idea how it would work. The reason for that is it wouldn't.

What's right about anarchy is that it recognizes government is the worst solution to any problem.

What's wrong with it is that it doesn't recognize the one time the worst solution is the best solution, when it's the only solution.

There can only be one police force, one military. We need civil and criminal courts to adjudicate disputes between citizens and enforce contracts. There can only be one recognition of property ownership and management of limited resources (e.g., water). And roads can't be built practically on a national basis by individuals.

So, government should do those things, and nothing else. The Founding Fathers got it right
Obviously there is always going to be a propensity for government to do more than is beneficial. But it is less than clear where that line is. For instance, we push vaccinations pretty hard. I think that has been shown to be beneficial. We also track down people with active pulmonary tuberculosis and make sure they take their antibiotics every single day for months and months. And we do this even with illegal aliens because it helps protect our citizens.

Similarly, things like birth control didn't exist when the founding fathers wrote the constitution. Family planning and birth control helps men and women in this country. So why should women be forced to shoulder the entirety of the financial burden?

So should birth control be paid for by the government?

Looking at the writings of men who died 200 years ago is hardly going to help us decide the best course of action.
Obviously there is always going to be a propensity for government to do more than is beneficial. But it is less than clear where that line is. For instance, we push vaccinations pretty hard. I think that has been shown to be beneficial. We also track down people with active pulmonary tuberculosis and make sure they take their antibiotics every single day for months and months. And we do this even with illegal aliens because it helps protect our citizens.

The state grows overtime. It continues to grow more abusive, corrupt, and inefficient, until the cycle of violence comes full circle.

Then millions die in war, civil resistance, rioting, ect.

Looking at the writings of men who died 200 years ago is hardly going to help us decide the best course of action.

Right, and their writings are going to quickly become irrelevant.

Any brainwashed tool still playing politics is preserving a dying beast, that will slaughter you without consideration the days before it gasps its final breath.
Unfettered Free Trade has brought us to where we are.

Oh really?

When have we ever had unfettered free trade even once in US history? It certainly was not before the Great Depression.

But don't worry, Uncle Friedman has taken care of Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg.

You only have baseless conjecture on your side.

Last conversation I repeated a series of questions over a dozen times, and you deflected from answering them every single reply.
I answered your questions by pointing out the glaring failures of Globalization.
All you want is a paragraph from an Economist you would disagree with anyway.
I answered your questions by pointing out the glaring failures of Globalization.
All you want is a paragraph from an Economist you would disagree with anyway.

Refer to this thread if you want to prove your lack of intellectual worth.

Biggest ruling class lie of the 21st century

It was determined last time that you had a very limited understanding of economics, due to your deflection from answering questions and your usage of recylcled rhetoric that made no sense in context. Every argument against free trade is fallacious and incorrect.
Obviously there is always going to be a propensity for government to do more than is beneficial. But it is less than clear where that line is. For instance, we push vaccinations pretty hard. I think that has been shown to be beneficial. We also track down people with active pulmonary tuberculosis and make sure they take their antibiotics every single day for months and months. And we do this even with illegal aliens because it helps protect our citizens.

The state grows overtime. It continues to grow more abusive, corrupt, and inefficient, until the cycle of violence comes full circle.

Then millions die in war, civil resistance, rioting, ect.

Looking at the writings of men who died 200 years ago is hardly going to help us decide the best course of action.

Right, and their writings are going to quickly become irrelevant.

Any brainwashed tool still playing politics is preserving a dying beast, that will slaughter you without consideration the days before it gasps its final breath.
When did I say that? I'm not claiming I didn't but I would like to know context. I can't remember it. As to your point. Give me a real workable alternative how we distribute food, justice, health, food and the like without government.
When did I say that? I'm not claiming I didn't but I would like to know context. I can't remember it. As to your point.

Never said you did.

I was expanding.

Give me a real workable alternative how we distribute food, justice, health, food and the like without government.

Voluntary association.

You might define that as government, but then again, the definition of anarchism is not no government. It is no rulers or no states.

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