Once again pointing out the elephant in the room

The stupidity is so overwhelming, that I can hardly fathom words.

Who provides the skilled workforce?

Self education, private education, voluntarily funded public education

Who provides the infrastructure?

Private contractors funded by businesses and communities

Who provides all resources necessary to provide in most case highly specialised products.

The markets

Say you need Tantalum, a metal not found in the US used for elektronics. How are you going to trade for them?

With money

Without states,no money.


Ever hear of Free Banking?

How are you going to ask the owner of the mine to give you the metal?

With words

I'll give you a print plate in return?

How about recognized currency?

You can do just about anything the state can through private enterprise or voluntary organization.
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The classic violent statist mentality.

Walking Tall by Walking All Over People

The opposite of Statist, if I may be allowed to coin a word just like you bootlickers allowed the regime's Language Lords to coin Statist, is Selfist. Every man for himself against the whole rest of society. Such snakes need their skulls crushed, which should be easy to do because they won't even join together with their own kind.
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The opposite, if I may be allowed to coin a word just like you bootlickers allowed the Language Lords to coin "Statist," is Selfist. Every man for himself against the whole society.

The whole of society benefits from the rejection of the state.

The state is the most unsustainable and inhuman machine in existence.
When did I say that? I'm not claiming I didn't but I would like to know context. I can't remember it. As to your point.

Never said you did.

I was expanding.

Give me a real workable alternative how we distribute food, justice, health, food and the like without government.

Voluntary association.

You might define that as government, but then again, the definition of anarchism is not no government. It is no rulers or no states.
You might define that as government, but then again, the definition of anarchism is not no government. It is no rulers or no states.
How do you see that working? There are more then 6 billion people on this planet. Limited recourses. Unless you are happy to go back to what will ultimately be communes, any larger grouping of people would require more organization that voluntary association can provide. How many of the communes of the 70's are still working? They broke up, usually because of lack of leadership.

The market is self-organizing. it doesn't require government. The market is far more efficient at allocating resources than any government.
A Free Market Is a Fleece Market

A free market means that whoever controls a market is free to do whatever he wants to his employees and customers. A similar free market on thought--the best ideas money can buy--is why you've been suckered into worshipping the private-sector tyranny of aggressive monopolists as a natural and healthy phenomenon.
A Free Market Is a Fleece Market

A free market means that whoever controls a market is free to do whatever he wants to his employees and customers.


In a free market, employers and consumers are free to reject abuse and exploitation. A controlled market is a statist market.

A similar free market on thought--the best ideas money can buy--is why you've been suckered into worshipping the private-sector tyranny of aggressive monopolists as a natural and healthy phenomenon.

There has been no true private sector in a very long time.

The tyranny you deplore is done at the hands of the state. All monopolies that have ever existed were protected by the state.
When did I say that? I'm not claiming I didn't but I would like to know context. I can't remember it. As to your point.

Never said you did.

I was expanding.

Give me a real workable alternative how we distribute food, justice, health, food and the like without government.

Voluntary association.

You might define that as government, but then again, the definition of anarchism is not no government. It is no rulers or no states.
You might define that as government, but then again, the definition of anarchism is not no government. It is no rulers or no states.
How do you see that working? There are more then 6 billion people on this planet. Limited recourses. Unless you are happy to go back to what will ultimately be communes, any larger grouping of people would require more organization that voluntary association can provide. How many of the communes of the 70's are still working? They broke up, usually because of lack of leadership.

The market is self-organizing. it doesn't require government. The market is far more efficient at allocating resources than any government.
A Free Market Is a Fleece Market

A free market means that whoever controls a market is free to do whatever he wants to his employees and customers. A similar free market on thought--the best ideas money can buy--is why you've been suckered into worshipping the private-sector tyranny of aggressive monopolists as a natural and healthy phenomenon.

No one controls a free market. Producers can never do anything unsavory to their customers or their employees without paying a substantial cost.

You're a collectivist parrot.
No one controls a free market. Producers can never do anything unsavory to their customers or their employees without paying a substantial cost..

Mostly true, but not always,

A lot of corporate entities can get away with murder due to a lack of apathy from consumers and the general public. That is a problem in and of itself.
No one controls a free market. Producers can never do anything unsavory to their customers or their employees without paying a substantial cost..

Mostly true, but not always,

A lot of corporate entities can get away with murder due to a lack of apathy from consumers and the general public. That is a problem in and of itself.
You mean "due to apathy." The market doesn't solve every problem instantaneously, but it solves problems a lot faster and a lot better than government, and without the associated collateral damage.
You mean "due to apathy." The market doesn't solve every problem instantaneously, but it solves problems a lot faster and a lot better than government, and without the associated collateral damage.

The market does not solve every problem. Period.

Superior alternatives are not perfect solutions. Consumers and investors are fine turning their backs on exploitation and abuse as long as their excessive standard of living is being satiated. As long as an apathetic majority that cares more about money than humanity exists, you are going to have problems.
When did I say that? I'm not claiming I didn't but I would like to know context. I can't remember it. As to your point.

Never said you did.

I was expanding.

Give me a real workable alternative how we distribute food, justice, health, food and the like without government.

Voluntary association.

You might define that as government, but then again, the definition of anarchism is not no government. It is no rulers or no states.
You might define that as government, but then again, the definition of anarchism is not no government. It is no rulers or no states.
How do you see that working? There are more then 6 billion people on this planet. Limited recourses. Unless you are happy to go back to what will ultimately be communes, any larger grouping of people would require more organization that voluntary association can provide. How many of the communes of the 70's are still working? They broke up, usually because of lack of leadership.

The market is self-organizing. it doesn't require government. The market is far more efficient at allocating resources than any government.
A Free Market Is a Fleece Market

A free market means that whoever controls a market is free to do whatever he wants to his employees and customers. A similar free market on thought--the best ideas money can buy--is why you've been suckered into worshipping the private-sector tyranny of aggressive monopolists as a natural and healthy phenomenon.

No one controls a free market. Producers can never do anything unsavory to their customers or their employees without paying a substantial cost.

You're a collectivist parrot.
The Lazy Fairies of Laissez-Faire

Capitalism is collectivist. The employees produce all the revenue, and the non-producing absentee owners collect it.
Never said you did.

I was expanding.

Voluntary association.

You might define that as government, but then again, the definition of anarchism is not no government. It is no rulers or no states.
You might define that as government, but then again, the definition of anarchism is not no government. It is no rulers or no states.
How do you see that working? There are more then 6 billion people on this planet. Limited recourses. Unless you are happy to go back to what will ultimately be communes, any larger grouping of people would require more organization that voluntary association can provide. How many of the communes of the 70's are still working? They broke up, usually because of lack of leadership.

The market is self-organizing. it doesn't require government. The market is far more efficient at allocating resources than any government.
A Free Market Is a Fleece Market

A free market means that whoever controls a market is free to do whatever he wants to his employees and customers. A similar free market on thought--the best ideas money can buy--is why you've been suckered into worshipping the private-sector tyranny of aggressive monopolists as a natural and healthy phenomenon.

No one controls a free market. Producers can never do anything unsavory to their customers or their employees without paying a substantial cost.

You're a collectivist parrot.
The Lazy Fairies of Laissez-Faire

Capitalism is collectivist. The employees produce all the revenue, and the non-producing absentee owners collect it.

Only collectivist morons believe employees produce all the revenue. How much revenues to Ford employees without an automobile assembly line? Answer: none.

You have got one thing right: collectivism is a system for looting society of what it produces.
The Lazy Fairies of Laissez-Faire

Capitalism is collectivist. The employees produce all the revenue, and the non-producing absentee owners collect it.

This is the argument made by mutualist anarchists and to a lesser extent anarcho-syndicalists.

We have too many individuals that are nothing but a good idea, reaping the product of others labor. I personally believe you should only be collecting a paycheck if you working in the business.

I question the moral legitimacy of billionaires like Warren Buffett that make their fortunes through holding companies.

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