One black achievement we can all celebrate

There is a racist on here that says the story of anthony is a lie. This was a backhanded compliment to him :)

It is a lie.

Was the First Slave Owner in America a Black Man?


This image claiming that the first slave owner in America was a black man has been going around social media for the last few months. As is mentioned by commenter Ralph459, this is not a picture of Anthony Johnson, but that of former slave and abolitionist from Massachusetts, Lewis Hayden [1] This image says: “The First Slave Owner in America was not only a black man, but he went to court and demanded it

There has been some argument as to what “America” really means as far as this image, South America was first called the Land of Americus, or America, in the
Cosmographiae Introductio, printed on April 25, 1507, and it was later amended to add the name to North America as well, and in 1538, the geographer Gerard Mercator gave the name America to all of the Western Hemisphere on his Mapamundi.

African Slaves had been in the New World since at least 1501 when they were brought to modern day Brazil. But since this image is surely meant to use the 13 British Colonies, and not the United States of America, I will use them. I’m quite sure it wasn’t supposed to mean the United States of America, since in 1789 when it officially became a nation (When the Articles of Confederation were superseded by the ratification of the Constitution of the United States of America) there were almost 700,000 slaves here already, and many laws had codified slavery, and some states had already abolished slavery by this point.

Slavery in the Colonies started nearly as soon as the colonies themselves, and information regarding these colonies is difficult to find due to so much being lost over the years and so much not documented to begin with. Slavery was first codified in 1641 in the Colonies. I will only write about slaves and slave laws that took place before 1655, the year mentioned in this image that case of Anthony Johnson vs Robert Parker happened.


Anthony Johnson wasn’t the first slave owner in America, legal or otherwise. He wasn’t the first in North America, he wasn’t the first in the original 13 colonies, he wasn’t the first in the US, he wasn’t the first made a slave owner by a court of law. He was at best the first known black slave owner in the 13 colonies.

Was the First Slave Owner in America a Black Man?
Find me a court case that legally recognized slavery that predates anthonys. Ill wait. I would love to know.
John Punch (fl. 1630s, living 1640) was an enslaved African who lived in the Colony of Virginia during the seventeenth century.[2][3] In July 1640, the Virginia Governor's Council sentenced him to serve for the remainder of his life as punishment for running away to Maryland. In contrast, two European men who ran away with him were sentenced to longer indentures but not the permanent loss of their freedom. For this reason, historians consider John Punch the "first official slave in the English colonies,"[4]and his case as the "first legal sanctioning of lifelong slavery in the Chesapeake."[2] Historians also consider this to be one of the first legal distinctions between Europeans and Africans made in the colony,[5] and a key milestone in the development of the institution of slavery in the United States.[6]
John Punch (slave) - Wikipedia
The difference between this and Anthony was, anthonys slave wasnt a criminal.
Thanks for the info!
They both left their servitude. Both were returned by law to serve life sentences as slaves. I see no distinction.
There is when you are arguing semantics! Lol
It is a lie.

Was the First Slave Owner in America a Black Man?


This image claiming that the first slave owner in America was a black man has been going around social media for the last few months. As is mentioned by commenter Ralph459, this is not a picture of Anthony Johnson, but that of former slave and abolitionist from Massachusetts, Lewis Hayden [1] This image says: “The First Slave Owner in America was not only a black man, but he went to court and demanded it

There has been some argument as to what “America” really means as far as this image, South America was first called the Land of Americus, or America, in the
Cosmographiae Introductio, printed on April 25, 1507, and it was later amended to add the name to North America as well, and in 1538, the geographer Gerard Mercator gave the name America to all of the Western Hemisphere on his Mapamundi.

African Slaves had been in the New World since at least 1501 when they were brought to modern day Brazil. But since this image is surely meant to use the 13 British Colonies, and not the United States of America, I will use them. I’m quite sure it wasn’t supposed to mean the United States of America, since in 1789 when it officially became a nation (When the Articles of Confederation were superseded by the ratification of the Constitution of the United States of America) there were almost 700,000 slaves here already, and many laws had codified slavery, and some states had already abolished slavery by this point.

Slavery in the Colonies started nearly as soon as the colonies themselves, and information regarding these colonies is difficult to find due to so much being lost over the years and so much not documented to begin with. Slavery was first codified in 1641 in the Colonies. I will only write about slaves and slave laws that took place before 1655, the year mentioned in this image that case of Anthony Johnson vs Robert Parker happened.


Anthony Johnson wasn’t the first slave owner in America, legal or otherwise. He wasn’t the first in North America, he wasn’t the first in the original 13 colonies, he wasn’t the first in the US, he wasn’t the first made a slave owner by a court of law. He was at best the first known black slave owner in the 13 colonies.

Was the First Slave Owner in America a Black Man?
Find me a court case that legally recognized slavery that predates anthonys. Ill wait. I would love to know.
John Punch (fl. 1630s, living 1640) was an enslaved African who lived in the Colony of Virginia during the seventeenth century.[2][3] In July 1640, the Virginia Governor's Council sentenced him to serve for the remainder of his life as punishment for running away to Maryland. In contrast, two European men who ran away with him were sentenced to longer indentures but not the permanent loss of their freedom. For this reason, historians consider John Punch the "first official slave in the English colonies,"[4]and his case as the "first legal sanctioning of lifelong slavery in the Chesapeake."[2] Historians also consider this to be one of the first legal distinctions between Europeans and Africans made in the colony,[5] and a key milestone in the development of the institution of slavery in the United States.[6]
John Punch (slave) - Wikipedia
The difference between this and Anthony was, anthonys slave wasnt a criminal.
Thanks for the info!
They both left their servitude. Both were returned by law to serve life sentences as slaves. I see no distinction.
There is when you are arguing semantics! Lol
What semantics? You asked for an earlier case and I gave you one.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
There is a racist on here that says the story of anthony is a lie. This was a backhanded compliment to him :)

It is a lie.

Was the First Slave Owner in America a Black Man?


This image claiming that the first slave owner in America was a black man has been going around social media for the last few months. As is mentioned by commenter Ralph459, this is not a picture of Anthony Johnson, but that of former slave and abolitionist from Massachusetts, Lewis Hayden [1] This image says: “The First Slave Owner in America was not only a black man, but he went to court and demanded it

There has been some argument as to what “America” really means as far as this image, South America was first called the Land of Americus, or America, in the
Cosmographiae Introductio, printed on April 25, 1507, and it was later amended to add the name to North America as well, and in 1538, the geographer Gerard Mercator gave the name America to all of the Western Hemisphere on his Mapamundi.

African Slaves had been in the New World since at least 1501 when they were brought to modern day Brazil. But since this image is surely meant to use the 13 British Colonies, and not the United States of America, I will use them. I’m quite sure it wasn’t supposed to mean the United States of America, since in 1789 when it officially became a nation (When the Articles of Confederation were superseded by the ratification of the Constitution of the United States of America) there were almost 700,000 slaves here already, and many laws had codified slavery, and some states had already abolished slavery by this point.

Slavery in the Colonies started nearly as soon as the colonies themselves, and information regarding these colonies is difficult to find due to so much being lost over the years and so much not documented to begin with. Slavery was first codified in 1641 in the Colonies. I will only write about slaves and slave laws that took place before 1655, the year mentioned in this image that case of Anthony Johnson vs Robert Parker happened.


Anthony Johnson wasn’t the first slave owner in America, legal or otherwise. He wasn’t the first in North America, he wasn’t the first in the original 13 colonies, he wasn’t the first in the US, he wasn’t the first made a slave owner by a court of law. He was at best the first known black slave owner in the 13 colonies.

Was the First Slave Owner in America a Black Man?
Find me a court case that legally recognized slavery that predates anthonys. Ill wait. I would love to know.

In 1641, Governor John Winthrop, a slave owner himself, helped write the first law legalizing slavery in North America, the Massachusetts Bodies of Liberty, which the General Court passed on December 10, 1641.

In 1644 Boston merchants began importing slaves directly from Africa, selling them in the West Indies, and bringing home sugar to make rum, initiating the so-called triangular trade.

Slavery in Massachusetts

Like I said, the OP is a lie.
It isnt a lie. It seems we are both telling half truths.
Johnson WAS the first slave owner to be legally recognized in a court of law. There was just already legal slavery in other parts of the colonies.

It is a lie. Johnson was NOT the first slave owner to be legally recognized by a court of law, nor was he the first slave owner in America as you asserted. You posted up a lie, plain and simple. I posted no half truths. I posted the facts.
I didnt say he was the first slave owner.
I wonder if anthony bitched about slavery as much as IM2 does today?

I don't bitch about slavery. I speak out about white racism. White racism did not end with slavery. You are living proof of that. Yet when we talk about racism whites like you try derailing the conversation bringing up slavery so you can say how you weren't there and slavery is over like slavery was it. That's why you cannon discuss h 100 years after slavery where things were just as bad for blacks and you certainly aren't man enough to discus modern covert racism.
Find me a court case that legally recognized slavery that predates anthonys. Ill wait. I would love to know.
John Punch (fl. 1630s, living 1640) was an enslaved African who lived in the Colony of Virginia during the seventeenth century.[2][3] In July 1640, the Virginia Governor's Council sentenced him to serve for the remainder of his life as punishment for running away to Maryland. In contrast, two European men who ran away with him were sentenced to longer indentures but not the permanent loss of their freedom. For this reason, historians consider John Punch the "first official slave in the English colonies,"[4]and his case as the "first legal sanctioning of lifelong slavery in the Chesapeake."[2] Historians also consider this to be one of the first legal distinctions between Europeans and Africans made in the colony,[5] and a key milestone in the development of the institution of slavery in the United States.[6]
John Punch (slave) - Wikipedia
The difference between this and Anthony was, anthonys slave wasnt a criminal.
Thanks for the info!
They both left their servitude. Both were returned by law to serve life sentences as slaves. I see no distinction.
There is when you are arguing semantics! Lol
What semantics? You asked for an earlier case and I gave you one.
Johnsons was a civil suit.
It is a lie.

Was the First Slave Owner in America a Black Man?


This image claiming that the first slave owner in America was a black man has been going around social media for the last few months. As is mentioned by commenter Ralph459, this is not a picture of Anthony Johnson, but that of former slave and abolitionist from Massachusetts, Lewis Hayden [1] This image says: “The First Slave Owner in America was not only a black man, but he went to court and demanded it

There has been some argument as to what “America” really means as far as this image, South America was first called the Land of Americus, or America, in the
Cosmographiae Introductio, printed on April 25, 1507, and it was later amended to add the name to North America as well, and in 1538, the geographer Gerard Mercator gave the name America to all of the Western Hemisphere on his Mapamundi.

African Slaves had been in the New World since at least 1501 when they were brought to modern day Brazil. But since this image is surely meant to use the 13 British Colonies, and not the United States of America, I will use them. I’m quite sure it wasn’t supposed to mean the United States of America, since in 1789 when it officially became a nation (When the Articles of Confederation were superseded by the ratification of the Constitution of the United States of America) there were almost 700,000 slaves here already, and many laws had codified slavery, and some states had already abolished slavery by this point.

Slavery in the Colonies started nearly as soon as the colonies themselves, and information regarding these colonies is difficult to find due to so much being lost over the years and so much not documented to begin with. Slavery was first codified in 1641 in the Colonies. I will only write about slaves and slave laws that took place before 1655, the year mentioned in this image that case of Anthony Johnson vs Robert Parker happened.


Anthony Johnson wasn’t the first slave owner in America, legal or otherwise. He wasn’t the first in North America, he wasn’t the first in the original 13 colonies, he wasn’t the first in the US, he wasn’t the first made a slave owner by a court of law. He was at best the first known black slave owner in the 13 colonies.

Was the First Slave Owner in America a Black Man?
Find me a court case that legally recognized slavery that predates anthonys. Ill wait. I would love to know.

In 1641, Governor John Winthrop, a slave owner himself, helped write the first law legalizing slavery in North America, the Massachusetts Bodies of Liberty, which the General Court passed on December 10, 1641.

In 1644 Boston merchants began importing slaves directly from Africa, selling them in the West Indies, and bringing home sugar to make rum, initiating the so-called triangular trade.

Slavery in Massachusetts

Like I said, the OP is a lie.
It isnt a lie. It seems we are both telling half truths.
Johnson WAS the first slave owner to be legally recognized in a court of law. There was just already legal slavery in other parts of the colonies.

It is a lie. Johnson was NOT the first slave owner to be legally recognized by a court of law, nor was he the first slave owner in America as you asserted. You posted up a lie, plain and simple. I posted no half truths. I posted the facts.
I didnt say he was the first slave owner.

That makes it worse for you because you still lied when you claimed that Johnson made slavery legally recognized when that was not true.
John Punch (fl. 1630s, living 1640) was an enslaved African who lived in the Colony of Virginia during the seventeenth century.[2][3] In July 1640, the Virginia Governor's Council sentenced him to serve for the remainder of his life as punishment for running away to Maryland. In contrast, two European men who ran away with him were sentenced to longer indentures but not the permanent loss of their freedom. For this reason, historians consider John Punch the "first official slave in the English colonies,"[4]and his case as the "first legal sanctioning of lifelong slavery in the Chesapeake."[2] Historians also consider this to be one of the first legal distinctions between Europeans and Africans made in the colony,[5] and a key milestone in the development of the institution of slavery in the United States.[6]
John Punch (slave) - Wikipedia
The difference between this and Anthony was, anthonys slave wasnt a criminal.
Thanks for the info!
They both left their servitude. Both were returned by law to serve life sentences as slaves. I see no distinction.
There is when you are arguing semantics! Lol
What semantics? You asked for an earlier case and I gave you one.
Johnsons was a civil suit.

A court case is a court case. You are just wrong here son. Incorrect. Your OP is false.. A lie.
The difference between this and Anthony was, anthonys slave wasnt a criminal.
Thanks for the info!
They both left their servitude. Both were returned by law to serve life sentences as slaves. I see no distinction.
There is when you are arguing semantics! Lol
What semantics? You asked for an earlier case and I gave you one.
Johnsons was a civil suit.

A court case is a court case. You are just wrong here son. Incorrect. Your OP is false.. A lie.
yea, i guess i should have stated it was the first case where the person wasnt a criminal..
John Punch (fl. 1630s, living 1640) was an enslaved African who lived in the Colony of Virginia during the seventeenth century.[2][3] In July 1640, the Virginia Governor's Council sentenced him to serve for the remainder of his life as punishment for running away to Maryland. In contrast, two European men who ran away with him were sentenced to longer indentures but not the permanent loss of their freedom. For this reason, historians consider John Punch the "first official slave in the English colonies,"[4]and his case as the "first legal sanctioning of lifelong slavery in the Chesapeake."[2] Historians also consider this to be one of the first legal distinctions between Europeans and Africans made in the colony,[5] and a key milestone in the development of the institution of slavery in the United States.[6]
John Punch (slave) - Wikipedia
The difference between this and Anthony was, anthonys slave wasnt a criminal.
Thanks for the info!
They both left their servitude. Both were returned by law to serve life sentences as slaves. I see no distinction.
There is when you are arguing semantics! Lol
What semantics? You asked for an earlier case and I gave you one.
Johnsons was a civil suit.
What difference does that make. Punch was sentenced to a lifetime of indentured servitude. A slave.
The difference between this and Anthony was, anthonys slave wasnt a criminal.
Thanks for the info!
They both left their servitude. Both were returned by law to serve life sentences as slaves. I see no distinction.
There is when you are arguing semantics! Lol
What semantics? You asked for an earlier case and I gave you one.
Johnsons was a civil suit.
What difference does that make. Punch was sentenced to a lifetime of indentured servitude. A slave.
yea, i guess i should have stated it was the first case where the slave wasnt a criminal..
They both left their servitude. Both were returned by law to serve life sentences as slaves. I see no distinction.
There is when you are arguing semantics! Lol
What semantics? You asked for an earlier case and I gave you one.
Johnsons was a civil suit.

A court case is a court case. You are just wrong here son. Incorrect. Your OP is false.. A lie.
yea, i guess i should have stated it was the first case where the person wasnt a criminal..

It doesn't matter. What part of that do you not understand? .
There is when you are arguing semantics! Lol
What semantics? You asked for an earlier case and I gave you one.
Johnsons was a civil suit.

A court case is a court case. You are just wrong here son. Incorrect. Your OP is false.. A lie.
yea, i guess i should have stated it was the first case where the person wasnt a criminal..

It doesn't matter. What part of that do you not understand?
Its still a difference worth noting. It had more impact than you think. It gave judicial sanction that free negroes could own negroes
Sadly people blame America for slavery when it was in fact the British who were responsible.

Democrats just perpetuated it.
Sadly people blame America for slavery when it was in fact the British who were responsible.

Democrats just perpetuated it.
America gets the blame because they were the last western civilized nation to drop it, and it has had and still has such an impact on the nation. If they were just honest about it, they'd be surprised to see how things would turn about.
Sadly people blame America for slavery when it was in fact the British who were responsible.

Democrats just perpetuated it.
America gets the blame because they were the last western civilized nation to drop it, and it has had and still has such an impact on the nation. If they were just honest about it, they'd be surprised to see how things would turn about.
Given that only a tiny portion of slaves were brought to America, do you know why things are the way here and not like it is in other countries that imported the lion-share of slaves?

I'll give you a hint: That too was the fault of the British.
America gets the blame because they were the last western civilized nation to drop it

Are you aware of ARTICLE I, SECTION 9, CLAUSE 1 of the Constitution?

The British were. They abolished the importation of slaves right before the date established in ARTICLE I, SECTION 9, CLAUSE 1 of the Constitution. A document that was ratified in 1789.

So... the founding fathers laid out their intention to abolish the importation of slavery - which was the earliest date they could negotiate and still get the Constitution ratified - and the British waited until right before we acted, even though they could have done it 20 years earlier.
The difference between this and Anthony was, anthonys slave wasnt a criminal.
Thanks for the info!
They both left their servitude. Both were returned by law to serve life sentences as slaves. I see no distinction.
There is when you are arguing semantics! Lol
What semantics? You asked for an earlier case and I gave you one.
Johnsons was a civil suit.

A court case is a court case. You are just wrong here son. Incorrect. Your OP is false.. A lie.
All one has to do is look at the title to know he is trolling blacks.
“Clearly, the ability to score ideological points against American society or Western civilization, or to induce guilt and thereby extract benefits from the white population today, are greatly enhanced by making enslavement appear to be a peculiarly American, or a peculiarly white, crime.”

Thomas Sowell, "On the Real History of Slavery & Racism," 2005, 111.

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