One Great Thing About This Bomb Cyclone/Hard Freeze To Come.Let's See If Electric Cars Start Up Outdoors.Then Let's See Our Leaders Explain It.


Platinum Member
Sep 17, 2022
well so far we have heard stories of electric cars burning up like that elvis presely song. now we wait for the next test. Lets see if they start right up in 0, or below 0 temperatures. and maybe even some of them may catch fire? {not really sure if that can happen} but odds are, we will hear stories of many electric cars having a hard time starting up {well the ones that are outdoors}. but what about people going to work in electric cars? sure, their cars probably started up in their garages, but lets see what happens after their 8 to 10 hour work day as their cars are left outside in this vicious winter week where many major cities are in the 0 degree range. Will we hear these stories on CNN and MSNBC?
Why wouldn't they run? Could you explain your theory as to why you believe they would not? All cars start using batteries.
I just watched a video by a guy in Colorado who reports on EV matters. He was attempting to charge his Rivian R1S (SUV) at Electrify America stations, under extreme weather conditions - 6 below and soon to be 25 below. Seven different units at two locations ALL FAILED! Brand new charging stations, all failed.

That video alone would turn me against EV's if I were so inclined - which I'm not.

Can't find the damn video. Sorry. Only a couple days old.
I suspect if you can afford a EV you have a heated three bay garage to keep it in. ;)
right, so long as you keep it in the garage most of the time when its 0 degrees. but for those who have to go to work in this weather, odds are they wont be able to park in a slighter warmer enviroment
I just watched a video by a guy in Colorado who reports on EV matters. He was attempting to charge his Rivian R1S (SUV) at Electrify America stations, under extreme weather conditions - 6 below and soon to be 25 below. Seven different units at two locations ALL FAILED! Brand new charging stations, all failed.

That video alone would turn me against EV's if I were so inclined - which I'm not.

Can't find the damn video. Sorry. Only a couple days old.
i would pay to see mr newsomas response to this
I just watched a video by a guy in Colorado who reports on EV matters. He was attempting to charge his Rivian R1S (SUV) at Electrify America stations, under extreme weather conditions - 6 below and soon to be 25 below. Seven different units at two locations ALL FAILED! Brand new charging stations, all failed.

That video alone would turn me against EV's if I were so inclined - which I'm not.

Can't find the damn video. Sorry. Only a couple days old.

You watch the video put out by someone you don’t know on YouTube, and you accept that person isn’t lying to you, doesn’t have an agenda, or isn’t being paid to promote false information.

Classic case of confirmation bias. And now the video has “disappeared”. Imagine that.
Yankees can ask Santa for some more solar panels. That’ll work fine.
well so far we have heard stories of electric cars burning up like that elvis presely song. now we wait for the next test. Lets see if they start right up in 0, or below 0 temperatures. and maybe even some of them may catch fire? {not really sure if that can happen} but odds are, we will hear stories of many electric cars having a hard time starting up {well the ones that are outdoors}. but what about people going to work in electric cars? sure, their cars probably started up in their garages, but lets see what happens after their 8 to 10 hour work day as their cars are left outside in this vicious winter week where many major cities are in the 0 degree range. Will we hear these stories on CNN and MSNBC?
Dummy, proper made electric vehicles have a thermal control system to condition their batteries.
Dummy, proper made electric vehicles have a thermal control system to condition their batteries.
The issue is not going to another power source, the issue is the politics of it. After the collapse we will have Prog slaves pulling the cars. Like horses and a stagecoach. We can brag. Yeah I got a 6 Prog slave pull. We feed em cheap insects and water.
The issue is not going to another power source, the issue is the politics of it. After the collapse we will have Prog slaves pulling the cars. Like horses and a stagecoach. We can brag. Yeah I got a 6 Prog slave pull. We feed em cheap insects and water.

Politicizing everything is a major drag on progress. (this goes for BOTH sides).

We should both be working to solutions that get us past the 19th Century while stopping the proclamations we know is never going to happen.

Sadly we will not.
well so far we have heard stories of electric cars burning up like that elvis presely song. now we wait for the next test. Lets see if they start right up in 0, or below 0 temperatures. and maybe even some of them may catch fire? {not really sure if that can happen} but odds are, we will hear stories of many electric cars having a hard time starting up {well the ons that are outdoors}. but what about people going to work in electric cars? sure, their cars probably started up in their garages, but lets see what happens after their 8 to 10 hour work day as their cars are left outside in this vicious winter week where many major cities are in the 0 degree range. Will we hear these stories on CNN and MSNBC?

Electric care have been running in cold weather for years.

You should get out more.
The issue is not going to another power source, the issue is the politics of it. After the collapse we will have Prog slaves pulling the cars. Like horses and a stagecoach. We can brag. Yeah I got a 6 Prog slave pull. We feed em cheap insects and water.
You are on drugs.

What "collapse"? What "slaves"? These are just stupid fantasies in your head.
well so far we have heard stories of electric cars burning up like that elvis presely song. now we wait for the next test. Lets see if they start right up in 0, or below 0 temperatures. and maybe even some of them may catch fire? {not really sure if that can happen} but odds are, we will hear stories of many electric cars having a hard time starting up {well the ones that are outdoors}. but what about people going to work in electric cars? sure, their cars probably started up in their garages, but lets see what happens after their 8 to 10 hour work day as their cars are left outside in this vicious winter week where many major cities are in the 0 degree range. Will we hear these stories on CNN and MSNBC?

Yeah. Nobody else has problems in cold weather. Like Diesel. That is awesome. And it never has a problem in cold weather.

And gasoline cars are totally reliable in cold weather.

You fucking idiots are the biggest bunch of morons I’ve ever imagined and I write fiction as a hobby. I want you to consider that for a moment. You are even dumber than any fictional character I wrote into a story.

Things failing in cold weather is an extremely common event. True story. When the Japanese Army took the Aleutian Islands we needed the Army to go take it back.

The Army was totally unprepared for Alaska. They had no understanding of the terrain. No clue how to live and operate in the extreme conditions. They hired local trappers and what would be called survivalists today. They presented these locals who were akin to the Kit Carson Scouts of a century before with the Army Equipment that the soldiers had.

The men looked at the gear, and took only the rifles. The rest was garbage. It was the best the Army had. Later the Army noticed the scouts rifles didn’t freeze up, but the Army rifles did. The oil they were using was freezing. The scouts were using graphite from pencils to lubricate their rifles. Graphite didn’t freeze.

The Army came up with new equipment based upon what they learned. Now the Army can and does operate in cold weather environments.

But it wasn’t just the US Army. The Germans has to build fires under the engines of their tanks to warm up the engine enough to melt the oil from its frozen state. They had to build fires to warm up the earth enough to dig foxholes. The dirt was hard as concrete otherwise.

According to your dumbass if it doesn’t work perfectly on day one it is useless.

So here is what I have to suggest to you. Don’t buy an electric. Don’t. Buy a diesel and complain about the high cost of fuel. Buy a diesel and complain that your fuel gelled when it froze. Buy a car that won’t start in the cold. Blame everyone else for it. Be the dumbass we have all come to know. But please don’t procreate. I don’t think the collective IQ could take any more of you without a significant drop.

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