One man one vote...

Play the video with the conspiracy music muted.

What is it you think you are seeing?
Over a 21 day period, the video shows about 15 or 16 people placing ballots into a drop box.

What is the significance of this? Someone explain, please.

Think about why someone would take a photo of the ballots they are dropping off.

Much respect to the guy giving the finger to the whackjobs. :lol:
Over a 21 day period, they found only about 15 or 16 people dropping off more than one ballot.

How many cars do you think dropped off ballots in those 21 days?

What is so odd about 15 or 16 of them dropping off more than one ballot out of the many hundreds of cars which dropped off ballots?

Where's the crime?
Here's a hint: I have 5 registered voters in my household.

Now think about why some of those people took photos of their ballots.

This is one yuge nothing burger from a sore loser blowdried sadistic bitch.
See posts 26 and 27.


I know your propagandists forbid you from doing so, but for Gods sake THINK!

Gfy. There's shady shit going on and you as a left loon I'll never listen to

There you have it, Poindexter
It would actually be really fucking odd if out of several hundred cars over a 21 day period, 15 or 16 DIDN'T drop off more than one ballot.
THINK, tards, THINK!
You're right. What was I thinking, asking you tards to question your assumptions and think for yourselves?

I must be a masochist.

Probably, I know I think you're an idiot. But I think the majority of leftist loons are
Ok, but, we have got to learn to not go down this path every time. What looks suspicious may not be anything nefarious. It's OK to be skeptical, but, jumping out and yelling "there's cheating" every time without proof or knowing what's really going on doesn't help anyone.
what more proof do you need?
We don't know what that is, it could just be people dropping off ballots for their friends and family. Is that illegal?

We don't know that those people were voting multiple times, so, let's not speculate unless there is proof...

They have to be a family member, a person living in the same household or a care giver. Other than those, yes it is illegal.

What is it you bleev you are seeing? Why do you think the people dropping of their ballots take pictures of them?

Are the documenting their crime?!?!?

What crime are they committing?

How else are they going to get paid. They have to prove they did the work.

How else are they going to get paid. They have to prove they did the work.

No, they are proving the ballots they dropped off are their family members ballots, exactly because of bullshit claims like we see in this topic.

As I said earlier, I have five registered voters in my household. You all would shit your conspiracy pants if you saw me dropping off a stack of ballots, wouldn't you.


In 21 days, out of hundreds of cars if not thousands, 15 people dropped off more than one ballot.

Golly! Theyze musta been cheetin!
Here is an idea.

Remove ALL drop boxes and then you remove any and all questionable activity.

Show up at a polling place and drop off your ballot. A polling place that can look at all those bundles of ballots, ask questions of the person dropping them off BEFORE they get dropped into an official and secured ballot box.

"That is not convenient for me" IS NOT A VALID EXCUSE

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