One More Reason To Vote For Trump. Ruth Bader Ginsberg Would Move


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Liberals just can't seem to keep their thoughts to themselves....even when it's their job to keep their mouths shut. Ruth Bader Ginsberg can't seem to be able to stand a United States with a president Trump. It appears that even a lifetime supreme court justice has fallen for the strawman argument that the left is dumping on the public. And all this time I assumed she was intelligent.
She has become no better than Cher, claiming that she'll move to another country if Trump is elected.

Why wait. Move now. Quit!!! You don't seem to like this country anyway. Instead of trying to screw this one up, move to one that is already.

ABC, CBS Ignore Ethical Concerns with Ginsberg’s Trump Comments

Liberals just can't seem to keep their thoughts to themselves....even when it's their job to keep their mouths shut. Ruth Bader Ginsberg can't seem to be able to stand a United States with a president Trump. It appears that even a lifetime supreme court justice has fallen for the strawman argument that the left is dumping on the public. And all this time I assumed she was intelligent.
She has become no better than Cher, claiming that she'll move to another country if Trump is elected.

Why wait. Move now. Quit!!! You don't seem to like this country anyway. Instead of trying to screw this one up, move to one that is already.

ABC, CBS Ignore Ethical Concerns with Ginsberg’s Trump Comments

She may end up on the $20 bill.
Liberals just can't seem to keep their thoughts to themselves....even when it's their job to keep their mouths shut. Ruth Bader Ginsberg can't seem to be able to stand a United States with a president Trump. It appears that even a lifetime supreme court justice has fallen for the strawman argument that the left is dumping on the public. And all this time I assumed she was intelligent.
She has become no better than Cher, claiming that she'll move to another country if Trump is elected.

Why wait. Move now. Quit!!! You don't seem to like this country anyway. Instead of trying to screw this one up, move to one that is already.

ABC, CBS Ignore Ethical Concerns with Ginsberg’s Trump Comments

People, only think: how much better this country will be when (or if) bunch of crazy liberals move out of it. Almost paradise, a new American dream.... And everything you have to do is to vote for Trump...
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Liberals just can't seem to keep their thoughts to themselves....even when it's their job to keep their mouths shut. Ruth Bader Ginsberg can't seem to be able to stand a United States with a president Trump. It appears that even a lifetime supreme court justice has fallen for the strawman argument that the left is dumping on the public. And all this time I assumed she was intelligent.
She has become no better than Cher, claiming that she'll move to another country if Trump is elected.

Why wait. Move now. Quit!!! You don't seem to like this country anyway. Instead of trying to screw this one up, move to one that is already.

ABC, CBS Ignore Ethical Concerns with Ginsberg’s Trump Comments

She may end up on the $20 bill.

Oh, God, I hope not. I'll have to refuse taking twenties ... the thought of something that looks like her in my purse would be more than I could take.
member: 20102"] ...She may end up on the $20 bill.
Not after breaking tradition and demonstrating her prejudice against a Presidential candidate, she isn't.

She has a Constitutional right to say such things, however...

"Just because you CAN do a thing, does not mean that you SHOULD do a thing."

She should have exercised better judgment, and remained above the fray, in dignity, as befits her high office.

But it is the fate of LibTards that they cannot keep their mouths shut, when they should.

Subtract 10 points from Your Legacy... go directly to retirement... do not pass Go... do not collect $200,000... thank you for playing... next contestant, please.
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Everything she said about Trump was spot on.
Doesn't matter.

It is the tradition in this country that Supreme Court justices uphold their high office and remain aloof from politics, in dignified silence.

LibTard Arrogance and Petulance, magnified a hundredfold...
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