One More Trump Lie ….His Promise to Support and Defend LGBTQ Interests

ProgressivePansy is not a gay tranny queer. He just spends all of his time here posting about gay tranny queers. But he's definitely not a gay tranny queer. Not at all. If push comes to shove, his husband will confirm.
I made my point. Don't pretend not to understand. Or, is it a matter of reading comprehension?

No, you spewed moronic lies based on your bigotry and hatred, RegressiveTraitor.

You made no points nor did you support any of your foul demagoguery with any sort of fact. You merely linked to hate site and pretended that the mindless vitriol of the vile filth on that site had some sort of legitimacy.

Try again Herr Goebbels.
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What's so god damned funny Piss Mo??

Tell us, TheRegressiveTraitor, what rights have you lost?
Me?? Non at all. I'm a straight , white cisgender male. But Transgender kids have lost the right to be protected from discrimination at school, thanks to T-Rump appointee Betsy DeVos and Trans people are fearing for their right to a career in the military to name just two issues. .

There should be no such thing as transgender kids. These are mentally ill children should should never be subjected to pop culture BS. Pediatricians consider transgender treatment for children a form of child abuse.

Pediatrician: ‘Transgender’ ideology has created widespread child abuse
Me?? Non at all. I'm a straight , white cisgender male. But Transgender kids have lost the right to be protected from discrimination at school, thanks to T-Rump appointee Betsy DeVos and Trans people are fearing for their right to a career in the military to name just two issues. .
Since transfreakazoids are a tiny minority, and around 40% of them eventually commit suicide. I doubt the President is too worried about losing their vote in the 2020 election. ...... :cool:

These types are mostly psychotics or male prostitutes or weirdos desperate for fame and attention. Very important to keep the crazies out of the military. All of them.

I agree Trump is a libertarian. Live and let live, but don't give the psychos a uniform.
Me?? Non at all. I'm a straight , white cisgender male.

Only mentally- and morally-defective freaks use the word “cisgender” as if it means anything. Not that our use of it tells us anything about you that hasn't already long been obvious.
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What's so god damned funny Piss Mo??

Tell us, TheRegressiveTraitor, what rights have you lost?
Me?? Non at all. I'm a straight , white cisgender male. But Transgender kids have lost the right to be protected from discrimination at school, thanks to T-Rump appointee Betsy DeVos and Trans people are fearing for their right to a career in the military to name just two issues. .

Cool story Bro

And I’m a diesel truck!
I wonder why regressivepansy only makes threads about the alphabet people :eusa_think:
These alphabet soup people are professional victims.....
Right, victims of you bigots.

You sure you don't take it in the poop chute?

Another thread on an important topic that impacts real people trolled into the gutter by the bigots and morons.

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It's really not "important" at all...Remember, there's some creepy weirdo somewhere who has sex with his Labrador...he wants nothing more than for people to be supportive of his twisted shit.
To be totally honest with you, I'm pretty sure most people are just hoping this bizarre LGBT movement being pushed by absolute wackos just goes away and or finds its way back to the closet.
The whole tranny thing is something for weirdos....and something normal people don't want to see normalized....EVER.
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Trans” people have lost no rights in the military under President Trump.
Cut the dishonest horseshit , or maybe iy
Trans” people have lost no rights in the military under President Trump.

Any able bodied man or woman that meets the requirements can join and serve.
Please cut the dishonest horseshit, or maybe it's just your ignorance speaking. If they have not lost anything it is only because the courts have blocked his efforts to kick them out and bar their enlistment. But those already serving have I fact lost a right, the right to job security when serving honorable and competently-because anything can happen down the road.

Cut the horseshit? In other words you can’t refute anything I stated and you can’t come up with any example of rights being taken away.

Can you name one person that served honorably and competently and was kicked out? Again, name any right a current service member has lost. Males are held to male standards as it always has been in the military. There is also no entitlement to job security in the military if you can’t meet standards.

The military is not going to cater to some batshit crazy “trans” person who thinks they are the opposite sex or some made up gender. The military has always had strict standards for entry and staying in, they don’t allow handicapped people to join for example. Plenty of gays and cross dressing queers serve, but when they put on the uniform they are held to the standard of their true gender, the military doesn’t care what they do in their off time.
These alphabet soup people are professional victims.....
Right, victims of you bigots.

You sure you don't take it in the poop chute?

Another thread on an important topic that impacts real people trolled into the gutter by the bigots and morons.

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check out how many funny tags your op got. Nobody takes you seriously.
These alphabet soup people are professional victims.....
Right, victims of you bigots.

You sure you don't take it in the poop chute?

Another thread on an important topic that impacts real people trolled into the gutter by the bigots and morons.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
check out how many funny tags your op got. Nobody takes you seriously.
No testicles Slyhunter lost his manhood the day he decided to be a trump supporter.
No way would he ever have the nerve to call Trump the Liar he is. He’d NEVER call out his LGBT lie.
Nor the most recent one.” I’m going to lose big time on this tax bill. I’m going to lose so much money. “

These dickless trump whores are hilarious in how they sold their souls to the devil.
Congratulations to Trump for putting America first, and not entertaining the stupidity, absurdity and contradiction that is our liberal LGBT population.

Leveling everyone to the lowest common denominator doesn't put anyone first. Same with changing definitions to things we know are untrue. Same with declaring the abnormal normal or somehow meets the intent (e.g., gay marriage). That would only contribute to weakness and decay, and Trump recognizes it.

Besides, Trump isn't your enemy anyway. He could care less if a dude is in a dress playing housewife. Just don't ask him to declare a dude in a dress is a housewife, pretty simple.
These alphabet soup people are professional victims.....
Right, victims of you bigots.

You sure you don't take it in the poop chute?

Another thread on an important topic that impacts real people trolled into the gutter by the bigots and morons.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
check out how many funny tags your op got. Nobody takes you seriously.
No testicles Slyhunter lost his manhood the day he decided to be a trump supporter.
No way would he ever have the nerve to call Trump the Liar he is. He’d NEVER call out his LGBT lie.
Nor the most recent one.” I’m going to lose big time on this tax bill. I’m going to lose so much money. “

These dickless trump whores are hilarious in how they sold their souls to the devil.
Argue about stuff that matters.
Like giving Corporations reasons to bring their money to America and spend it here, vs some other country.
Like giving Americans who can't afford insurance the right to not pay a fine for not having it.
Like you don't like LGBT rights in America, move to some Muslim country and see if you like it better there.
Trans” people have lost no rights in the military under President Trump.
Cut the dishonest horseshit , or maybe iy
Trans” people have lost no rights in the military under President Trump.

Any able bodied man or woman that meets the requirements can join and serve.
Please cut the dishonest horseshit, or maybe it's just your ignorance speaking. If they have not lost anything it is only because the courts have blocked his efforts to kick them out and bar their enlistment. But those already serving have I fact lost a right, the right to job security when serving honorable and competently-because anything can happen down the road.

Cut the horseshit? In other words you can’t refute anything I stated and you can’t come up with any example of rights being taken away.

Can you name one person that served honorably and competently and was kicked out? Again, name any right a current service member has lost. Males are held to male standards as it always has been in the military. There is also no entitlement to job security in the military if you can’t meet standards.

The military is not going to cater to some batshit crazy “trans” person who thinks they are the opposite sex or some made up gender. The military has always had strict standards for entry and staying in, they don’t allow handicapped people to join for example. Plenty of gays and cross dressing queers serve, but when they put on the uniform they are held to the standard of their true gender, the military doesn’t care what they do in their off time.
You don't read very well, do you?
These alphabet soup people are professional victims.....
Right, victims of you bigots.

You sure you don't take it in the poop chute?

Another thread on an important topic that impacts real people trolled into the gutter by the bigots and morons.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
check out how many funny tags your op got. Nobody takes you seriously.
No testicles Slyhunter lost his manhood the day he decided to be a trump supporter.
No way would he ever have the nerve to call Trump the Liar he is. He’d NEVER call out his LGBT lie.
Nor the most recent one.” I’m going to lose big time on this tax bill. I’m going to lose so much money. “

These dickless trump whores are hilarious in how they sold their souls to the devil.
The viciousness and stupidity of these Trump lackey bigots is mind boggling!!

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