One Nation Under Socialism...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011

Jon McNaughton, a controversial artist who often mixes religion and politics in his work, has released a new painting.

In “One Nation Under Socialism,” President Obama holds the U.S. Constitution as it burns.

While McNaughton previously depicted Obama stepping on the nation’s founding document, “One Nation Under Socialism” glowers directly as if challenging the viewer. His right hand is holding the Constitution and his left hand is pointing to the flames.

McNaughton tells CBSDC that the hands “represents his recognition of what is happening (to the Constitution) as it goes up.”

“There are numerous symbols and subtleties in this painting, and I’m not ready to reveal all of them,” McNaughton said.

[ame=]One Nation Under Socialism - Jon McNaughton - YouTube[/ame]
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Is this Breitbarts big scoop?

Who cares?

Oooh...a painting of Obama by someone who doesn't like Obama.

Boy, that sure did show us!
Dude. I'm one of the few that respect you here. It is NOT socialism. It IS fascism.
When your masters declare you MUST buy a policy from their cronies, it is the exact opposite of both socialism and communism.It defines fascism to the hilt.
BTW. Your auto insurance is due. The PoPo will come and get your tag(for the insurance companies) should you not oblige.
Dude. I'm one of the few that respect you here. It is NOT socialism. It IS fascism.
When your masters declare you MUST buy a policy from their cronies, it is the exact opposite of both socialism and communism.It defines fascism to the hilt.
BTW. Your auto insurance is due. The PoPo will come and get your tag(for the insurance companies) should you not oblige.

I hear ya. And you are correct. It is a form of Fascism. But the original Fascists were Socialists. Hitler and the Nazis were loyal Socialists (Fascists) right up till the end. But i do get what you're saying. And thanks for the kind words.
Hitler was a socialist?


Hey morons...I HAVE to pay my taxes. Is that fascism too?
I mean I'm being COMPELLED to give the government my money right?
How is this any different?

Let me guess how many of you brave CON souls have the balls to stand up to the IRS with your bullshit argument that you can't be compelled to give up some money to the government?
Damn few of you. At least damn few of you OUTSIDE Leavenworth.
Dude. I'm one of the few that respect you here. It is NOT socialism. It IS fascism.
When your masters declare you MUST buy a policy from their cronies, it is the exact opposite of both socialism and communism.It defines fascism to the hilt.
BTW. Your auto insurance is due. The PoPo will come and get your tag(for the insurance companies) should you not oblige.

Agreed, but fascism is the path to socialism, not the opposite of it. Nazi stands for the German workers socialist party, they knew what their objective was. The way it works is the government limits the market to their crony companies then takes them over and they become socialist. That is where the Democratic party is headed.

Sad are the pseudo libertarians like Kevin who fail to grasp that and instead obsess on the other side of the world and spin that the Republicans are as bad. There is nothing as good about the Republicans, but as bad? No. I know so many true libertarians like me who for decades seldom voted Republican who are "gladly" pulling the lever for any Republican in this election for exactly that reason. Obama's beyond all that, he's a hard core Marxist and he has to be stopped. And the Democrats have shown how far they are willing go.
Hitler was a socialist?

He said he was. Google what Nazi stands for.

Hey morons...I HAVE to pay my taxes. Is that fascism too?

I like how you call us morons, then show you are.

Fascism is where companies are privately held but are under government control.

Socialism is where companies are government owned.

Paying taxes in itself has nothing to do with the definition, though tax policy could.
Well you guys won't have to worry about it much longer.

Mitt Romney will take the reins at the end of the year and restore everything that's good and right about America.

A few more rounds of tax cuts to the rich ought to do it. :clap2:
BTW, decepticon, note that both fascism and socialism are centrally planned economies. When government controls companies, they might as well own them. Taking that step just helps Nazis and Democrats hide their true objectives from the ignorant masses until it's too late for them to do anything about it. They just say things like a chicken in every pot, a car in every garage, free access to healthcare, and she sheep jump over each other themselves to be the first to be slaughtered...
Well you guys won't have to worry about it much longer.

Mitt Romney will take the reins at the end of the year and restore everything that's good and right about America.

A few more rounds of tax cuts to the rich ought to do it. :clap2:

You can always count on a liberal to not read the posts and come in with a smart ass comment that has nothing to do with the discussion.

If you had, you would note that you're currently carrying the banner for the sheep fighting to be the first to be slaughtered...
Hitler was a socialist?


Hey morons...I HAVE to pay my taxes. Is that fascism too?
I mean I'm being COMPELLED to give the government my money right?
How is this any different?

Let me guess how many of you brave CON souls have the balls to stand up to the IRS with your bullshit argument that you can't be compelled to give up some money to the government?
Damn few of you. At least damn few of you OUTSIDE Leavenworth.
It depends. What are your tax dollars used for? I know. You don't.
BTW, decepticon, note that both fascism and socialism are centrally planned economies. When government controls companies, they might as well own them. Taking that step just helps Nazis and Democrats hide their true objectives from the ignorant masses until it's too late for them to do anything about it. They just say things like a chicken in every pot, a car in every garage, free access to healthcare, and she sheep jump over each other themselves to be the first to be slaughtered...

Yeah, the time from the end of WW2 until Reagan got elected were a communist nightmare.

And dumbasses....did Hitler FOUND the National Socialists? NO!
Perhaps you could point to some of his SOCIALIST policies like how he took over factories from the Krupps and Bayers?
Perhaps you could point to the OTHER HALLMARKS of socialism, like state run stores?
No you can't because Hitler wasn't a socialist, you dumbasses.

Boy, this board is really rife with right wing idiots who read some crap one of their brethren posts and they buy into it hook line and sinker.

Next you'll be sounding like THIS guy....

[ame=]And for what? Conspiracy Theorists from the Past - YouTube[/ame]

Yes CONZ....your lies have been around for a LONG TIME and good Americans know they're BULLSHIT!
Hitler was a socialist?

He said he was. Google what Nazi stands for.

Hey morons...I HAVE to pay my taxes. Is that fascism too?

I like how you call us morons, then show you are.

Fascism is where companies are privately held but are under government control.

Socialism is where companies are government owned.

Paying taxes in itself has nothing to do with the definition, though tax policy could.

What is it when corporations control the government?
Totalitarianism is Totalitarianism. And that's where Big Government Globalists are taking our Nation. Call it 'Socialism' or call it 'Fascism.' Either way, it's very bad.
Hitler was a socialist?


Hey morons...I HAVE to pay my taxes. Is that fascism too?
I mean I'm being COMPELLED to give the government my money right?
How is this any different?

Let me guess how many of you brave CON souls have the balls to stand up to the IRS with your bullshit argument that you can't be compelled to give up some money to the government?
Damn few of you. At least damn few of you OUTSIDE Leavenworth.
It depends. What are your tax dollars used for? I know. You don't.

Yeah. Because you are aware of what I know.

See, right there. You're a fricking liar. You say stuff you don't know to be true or not.

Why should anyone listen to a liar?
Totalitarianism is Totalitarianism. And that's where Big Government Globalists are taking our Nation. Call it 'Socialism' or call it 'Fascism.' Either way, it's very bad.

No one ever got ahead by working together.
It's rugged individualism that won WW2 and put a man on the moon!
Totalitarianism is Totalitarianism. And that's where Big Government Globalists are taking our Nation. Call it 'Socialism' or call it 'Fascism.' Either way, it's very bad.

That's pretty screwed up, I suggest a little research from someone not Glenn Beck on the definitions of these words you are so carelessly throwing around.
Totalitarianism is Totalitarianism. And that's where Big Government Globalists are taking our Nation. Call it 'Socialism' or call it 'Fascism.' Either way, it's very bad.

No one ever got ahead by working together.
It's rugged individualism that won WW2 and put a man on the moon!

Apples & Oranges. Different time. That has nothing to do with what's happening to our Country right now.

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