One of the Most DANGEROUS CITIES ON EARTH... Chicago... DEMOCRAT Chicago...


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
... run by the IDIOT leftist democrat mayor, BEETLE JUICE. I'd say President Trump is well within FEDERAL GUIDELINES to declare this city LOST, and send in the National Guard to clean it up.


Mayor Lightfoot’s Chicago: 50 Shot, at Least 6 Killed, Since Friday Evening

I wish I knew when the people of Chicago are going wake up and say, "enough is enough", and go another direction.
What do they have to lose?
I'm amazed they don't either, even democrats. I'd like to hear from a democrat voter in Chicago, and have them tell me they're fine with all the killing, or tell me they'll vote for a republican next time hoping for change, or explain to me how they'll continue to vote for the very same democrats responsible for the mess but not like how they're handling it. It just doesn't compute.
#2: They already are: black migrations West, toward Wisconsin. Since Shy is the epicenter for communism, suggested reading is Storch, Red Chicago: American Communism at its Grassroots, 1928-1935. "You can feel their disease." (The Beatles)
I'm amazed they don't either, even democrats. I'd like to hear from a democrat voter in Chicago, and have them tell me they're fine with all the killing, or tell me they'll vote for a republican next time, or explain to me how they'll continue to vote for the very same democrats responsible for the mess but not like how they're handling it. It just doesn't compute.
Stockholm syndrome.
#2: They already are: black migrations West, toward Wisconsin. Since Shy is the epicenter for communism, suggested reading is Storch, Red Chicago: American Communism at its Grassroots, 1928-1935. "You can feel their disease." (The Beatles)
I live in WI, and I can say that we haven't seen any spike in the black population here. We have our share in Milwaukee and Madison, but outside that, not many. More people move out of WI than move in, and we kinda like it that way. It's too cold up here for most. Blacks would prefer Minneapolis over anywhere in WI anyway.
Go into a Glasgow bar some Friday night and start spouting all the virtues the English brought to Scotland ... that's the most dangerous place on Earth ...
The situation today in Chicago is incredibly sad.

In the early 20th century, Americans of African ancestry started moving to Chicago from the South.

They found a freedom there and economic opportunities that they could never have dreamed of in the South.

To the best of my knowledge, their young people never acted so badly as a large proportion of them are acting today in 2020.

No one know what to do. So no one is doing anything. Everyone has just given up. It's more sexy to talk about police brutality and to topple statues than to tackle a truly serious problem.
#6: You fail to grasp the current Underground Railroad connection in Wisconsin. In the capital of the state, and during the first month of 2020, subsidy rental mafias were asking tenants to sign rental agreements that allowed tenants to have overnight guests two nights per week. These guests could also use shared facilities that would contact-trace all tenants of a building. Communist shared facilities, thanks to COVID-19 are now out of style. Not only did none of these mysterious transients clean up after themselves, tenants were unsure of where these were coming from, or if they already lived in Wisconsin. One could have had a stranger from Chicago or elsewhere, in your face in the hallway, or have just come from the hot zone in Milwaukee. We said migrations, and this flow could very well have been on its way to Minneapolis. That is why we deliberately self-evicted from a particular rental mafia. Blacks have been de-populating Chicago for quite a while now. None should be surprised that there is a continuing history of the Underground Railroad, especially in Wisconsin.
Chicago is not even in the top ten of Americas dangerous cities.

Top 10 Most Dangerous Cities In America 2020
I wish I knew when the people of Chicago are going wake up and say, "enough is enough", and go another direction.
What do they have to lose?

They have been Psychologically Conditioned, half a Century of Leftist Rule and so the peoples in Chicago they are literally a lost cause, they have a type of Stockholm Syndrome.
While I understand that everybody and their mother's uncle publishes these lists. I just did quick search for where Chicago ranked and found that IM2 is correct. Chicago doesn't even crack the top 25.

WTF is up in Anchorage, AK? :)
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The Stockholm Syndrome carries the interesting concept of kidnapping, which can be compared with the criteria chosen to kidnap the first would-be slaves transported to waiting ships on the coast of Liberia. Were those choices made on more physical- or more mental-based criteria?

Stockholm Syndrome
"One of the most dangerous"... what part about that did all you leftist excuse makers miss? Did I list where it ranked?

Chicago has a reputation as one of America's most violent cities. 2016 was the worst year for homicides in nearly two decades in the Windy City with 762 murders, 3,550 shooting incidents and 4,331 shooting victims. On average, 12 people are shot in Chicago every single day and it experienced more murders than New York and Los Angeles combined last year. The number of homicides in Chicago since 2001 also eclipsed U.S. war dead in Iraq and Afghanistan in late 2016.

The point is, ALL these cities that are literal weekend KILLING FIELDS are ALL run by DEMOCRATS. You leftists should all be so PROUD of that.
Republicans just contribute to the problem...their policy remedies typically amount to no more that "I hope they just kill eachother off" instead of advocating for any actual Justice....also Chicago spends a ton of money on their Police force

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