One Year Today>AG Lynch Met Bill Clinton On A Plane In AZ-Now She Faces Criminal Investigation

if this had been Trump heading into a plane with "Miss April" of Playboy,,,,the Dems would of started hearings in May
im still befuddled that the congress of the late 70's didnt grill that rabbit that almost ate Jimmy Carter
Yes. The main point of The Reflatulence, AKA phoney 'The Resistance' gimmick, was the desperate hope Hillary and Obama and most of the Democratic Party criminal syndicate had that they could stave off being investigated for their criminal activities and treason themselves; when they had their own AG in their pocket they had no worries, but Hillary's defeat has them running in abject fear now.
how come Hillary was never grilled over her secret meetings with Bigfoots?

Why weren't Obama and the Democrats ever concerned about the Red Chinese hacks, but are currently all aflutter over peddling the Russian 'hacks', despite they're not amounting to anything but minor annoyances? Which one was the worst, eh?
Since when did a conversation about grandkids be considered a 'National Security Risk' by the NSA?
Your only source is "The Gateway Pundit." /endthread

Too bad they're just as credible as CNN, MSNBC, and every other MSM 'source these days. Even The Onion is more credible than the NYT.
She didn't zackly meet Bubba Bill "on a plane". Lynch held the plane on the tarmac in Phoenix so she and the former president could have a chat about golf and their grand kids. Yeah right.
No one is under criminal investigation....the Senate is going to question her....

The Senate and House have no Criminal would have to be the Justice Department and the investigative arm, the FBI that would have to have Lynch under investigation for criminal charges.

And changing a word, like the 'investigation' to the 'matter' is not a criminal offense...

Jared Kushner, Mike Flynn and many other Trumpies including Trump himself is under investigation... Trump for obstruction of justice..,,that gets ignored.
But deplorable nation is focused like a laser been on Lynch.
No one is under criminal investigation....the Senate is going to question her....

The Senate and House have no Criminal would have to be the Justice Department and the investigative arm, the FBI that would have to have Lynch under investigation for criminal charges.

And changing a word, like the 'investigation' to the 'matter' is not a criminal offense...

You're such a refreshing oasis on this forum from the ignorance and hate from Trump Nation.
As far as meeting Bill Clinton on the tarmac plane after the Clinton investigation WAS OVER and announced a week or two earlier that they were winding down and done with their investigation and a decision would be announced hardly obstruction....all the investigation and decisions had already been made by the time Loretta had met Bill on the tarmac, they just had not been formerly announced to the public.... there are article links discussing the investigation in to the clinton emails were over and done OVER A WEEK EARLIER than her meet up with Bill....

And also,there is no reason what so ever that if Lynch even wanted to tell the Clintons the results of the investigation in to her, before telling the whole wide world, that Lynch should not do is only fair to the citizen being affected by the investigation should not know their fate, before the public is told....

I AM NOT SAYING that Lynch and Bill did discuss the case, just that IF THEY HAD DISCUSSED IT, at that point in the investigation where the investigation was over and it had already been decided, that the Clinton was not going to be indicted or decided that she was going to be indicted, that the Justice Department, should not have let the citizen being investigated, know their decision before the public, in my opinion....that would be the PROPER WAY to handle it....

it was just 3 days later than the Tarmac meet, that Comey announced the results in his lengthy dog and pony show... the justice department and FBI decision had already been made before she saw Bill on the Tarmac.
BULL CRUD! The NSA did not say they had tapes of the conversation....this isn't them speaking to each other on their cell phones and even if it were, the NSA could not legally tape it.

gosh almighty, you are so gullible!
Jared Kushner, Mike Flynn and many other Trumpies including Trump himself is under investigation.
All based on fake news and treachery from Obama, Hillary, Podesta, Lynch, Comey, and Wasserman Schultz. I only post the truth for I am Steve McGarrett, American patriot.
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Why such an obvious meeting? Why not throw away phones, why so out in the open? me thinks it was a false flag. While Clinton was being watched the real dirt was being done elsewhere. I can't believe that Lynch and Billy are that close of friends. Maybe Bill stopped because he was out of coffee and want Lynch to serve him some.

Something was up, we just won't ever know what. The establishment is that way.
Jared Kushner, Mike Flynn and many other Trumpies including Trump himself is under investigation.
All based on fake news and treachery from Obama, Hillary, Podesta, Lynch, Comey, and Wasserman Schultz. I only post the truth for I am Steve McGarrett, American patriot.

You are not a American Patriot. You are unpatriotic and un-American. the fact is that the Gateway Pundit is a purveyor of fake news. Yet you seem to worship him.

The fact is that it was a chance meeting. One plane came in and the other was going out. There is no evidence that they talked about the investigation. Comey related no conversation in which Lynch asked him to exonerate Clinton. Instead she asked him to use certain words. Flynn is under a real investigation for failing to disclose he was in the employ of foreign governments. Kushner and his family has attempted to cash in on his position. Investors were guaranteed a visa if they invested in a Kushner project. He has failed to disclose certain things on his disclosure forms.

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