Only 1 Percent Of Black Voters Support Donald Trump, polls at a record low

Maybe someone could explain what Trump did to piss off blacks? Romney who has a black member of his family had about the same percentage of black votes. So I am wondering, is it just that the blacks are expected, demanded, that they vote democrat and they willingly do? Or what? I don't think welfare has been cut since Clinton did it many years ago.

Start from Trump tweeting that 81% of murdered whites are murdered by black people .. when in fact FBI statistics demonstrate that 82% of murdered whites are killed by WHITE PEOPLE...

For people with brains, they immediately recognize the utter ignorance of that claim .. but for right-wingers .. who don't possess the intelligence to recognize truth, it was a call to arms for them.

Trump is not stupid .. he knew the claim was false .. and he knew RWers would get a hard on about it.

So did Trump because he's a racist? Nope, he did it to help the opposition, his friend, Hillary Clinton .. and it worked.

With regards to Romney, had he run against someone other then Obama, I suspect he would have gotten the normal 8 - 9% of the black vote that republicans usually get.

Did you know that Romney got about the same percentage of the white vote that Reagan had in a landslide .. and Romney lost? What does that tell you?

Oh I do agree he really blew that one. Not even sure why he would tweet such a thing, too easy I am thinking, poor source of information. If he needed to tweet anything he just needed to tweet 52 percent of the homicides are committed by 13 percent of the population. What does that tell you? What does that say to you?

Have you sent in your prefilled out ballot for Hillary?

It says that 400 years of oppression has left long-lasting problems that need to be addressed in a serious and holistic way .. regardless of what it says to you.

Not your concern how and when I vote for the next President of the United States.

You say "400 years of opression".....Vietnamese arrived here late 70s-80s as "boat people" hated despised ridiculed AFTER Vietnamese war with millions of them killed and~50K USA troops lost. Horrible stories of torture and war crimes. By the 90s......they were very successful. You may be woking with one?They certainly don't wake up each day plotting to blow up or shoot civilians like muslim.
Maybe someone could explain what Trump did to piss off blacks? Romney who has a black member of his family had about the same percentage of black votes. So I am wondering, is it just that the blacks are expected, demanded, that they vote democrat and they willingly do? Or what? I don't think welfare has been cut since Clinton did it many years ago.

Start from Trump tweeting that 81% of murdered whites are murdered by black people .. when in fact FBI statistics demonstrate that 82% of murdered whites are killed by WHITE PEOPLE...

For people with brains, they immediately recognize the utter ignorance of that claim .. but for right-wingers .. who don't possess the intelligence to recognize truth, it was a call to arms for them.

Trump is not stupid .. he knew the claim was false .. and he knew RWers would get a hard on about it.

So did Trump because he's a racist? Nope, he did it to help the opposition, his friend, Hillary Clinton .. and it worked.

With regards to Romney, had he run against someone other then Obama, I suspect he would have gotten the normal 8 - 9% of the black vote that republicans usually get.

Did you know that Romney got about the same percentage of the white vote that Reagan had in a landslide .. and Romney lost? What does that tell you?

Oh I do agree he really blew that one. Not even sure why he would tweet such a thing, too easy I am thinking, poor source of information. If he needed to tweet anything he just needed to tweet 52 percent of the homicides are committed by 13 percent of the population. What does that tell you? What does that say to you?

Have you sent in your prefilled out ballot for Hillary?

It says that 400 years of oppression has left long-lasting problems that need to be addressed in a serious and holistic way .. regardless of what it says to you.

Not your concern how and when I vote for the next President of the United States.

You say "400 years of opression".....Vietnamese arrived here late 70s-80s as "boat people" hated despised ridiculed AFTER Vietnamese war with millions of them killed and~50K USA troops lost. Horrible stories of torture and war crimes. By the 90s......they were very successful. You may be woking with one?They certainly don't wake up each day plotting to blow up or shoot civilians like muslim.

Same answer no matter how many times you run / move your post ..

Oh really?

"We have a small subgroup among Vietnamese refugees who are in the professional class -- I don't want to minimize that -- but mostly Vietnamese tend to be less well educated and less fluent in English," said C.N. Le, a sociologist at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. "Refugee groups, because of their experiences, they have very little time to prepare (before they emigrate)," he added. "You either get out or you stay and risk being killed. ... For a lot of first generation Vietnamese immigrants, they came here with a lot of disadvantages."

These struggles are obvious in Oakland, 40 miles north of San Jose, where more than one-third of the city's Vietnamese live below the poverty line and per capita income is half that of the overall population, census data show. Poverty contributes to other problems, particularly crime, said Gianna Tran, deputy director of the East Bay Asian Youth Center in Oakland.

"Vietnamese youth, nationally, have the highest rate of incarceration among Asians," she said, adding that the myth of Asians being model minorities hits these teenagers particularly hard because few expect them to need help. "There's a lack of awareness of the problems." A big hurdle is that most parents don't speak fluent English, according to Thanh Nhat Pham, a counselor on Tran's staff. "There are language and cultural barriers," said Pham, who estimates that only one in five parents has strong English skills. "The family is obviously detached from what the Asian youth are doing."
The Vietnamese American Community : Asian-Nation :: Asian American History, Demographics, & Issues

Vietnamese more successful than African-Americans?

OK .. if you say so. :lol:
Maybe someone could explain what Trump did to piss off blacks? Romney who has a black member of his family had about the same percentage of black votes. So I am wondering, is it just that the blacks are expected, demanded, that they vote democrat and they willingly do? Or what? I don't think welfare has been cut since Clinton did it many years ago.

Start from Trump tweeting that 81% of murdered whites are murdered by black people .. when in fact FBI statistics demonstrate that 82% of murdered whites are killed by WHITE PEOPLE...

For people with brains, they immediately recognize the utter ignorance of that claim .. but for right-wingers .. who don't possess the intelligence to recognize truth, it was a call to arms for them.

Trump is not stupid .. he knew the claim was false .. and he knew RWers would get a hard on about it.

So did Trump because he's a racist? Nope, he did it to help the opposition, his friend, Hillary Clinton .. and it worked.

With regards to Romney, had he run against someone other then Obama, I suspect he would have gotten the normal 8 - 9% of the black vote that republicans usually get.

Did you know that Romney got about the same percentage of the white vote that Reagan had in a landslide .. and Romney lost? What does that tell you?

Oh I do agree he really blew that one. Not even sure why he would tweet such a thing, too easy I am thinking, poor source of information. If he needed to tweet anything he just needed to tweet 52 percent of the homicides are committed by 13 percent of the population. What does that tell you? What does that say to you?

Have you sent in your prefilled out ballot for Hillary?

It says that 400 years of oppression has left long-lasting problems that need to be addressed in a serious and holistic way .. regardless of what it says to you.

Not your concern how and when I vote for the next President of the United States.

You say "400 years of opression".....Vietnamese arrived here latet 70s-80s hated despised ridiculed AFTER Vietnamese war with millions of them killed and 50K USA. Horrible stories of torture and wwar crimes.

By the 90s......they are successful. You may work for one? Not much crime?

Oh really?

"We have a small subgroup among Vietnamese refugees who are in the professional class -- I don't want to minimize that -- but mostly Vietnamese tend to be less well educated and less fluent in English," said C.N. Le, a sociologist at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. "Refugee groups, because of their experiences, they have very little time to prepare (before they emigrate)," he added. "You either get out or you stay and risk being killed. ... For a lot of first generation Vietnamese immigrants, they came here with a lot of disadvantages."

These struggles are obvious in Oakland, 40 miles north of San Jose, where more than one-third of the city's Vietnamese live below the poverty line and per capita income is half that of the overall population, census data show. Poverty contributes to other problems, particularly crime, said Gianna Tran, deputy director of the East Bay Asian Youth Center in Oakland.

"Vietnamese youth, nationally, have the highest rate of incarceration among Asians," she said, adding that the myth of Asians being model minorities hits these teenagers particularly hard because few expect them to need help. "There's a lack of awareness of the problems." A big hurdle is that most parents don't speak fluent English, according to Thanh Nhat Pham, a counselor on Tran's staff. "There are language and cultural barriers," said Pham, who estimates that only one in five parents has strong English skills. "The family is obviously detached from what the Asian youth are doing."
The Vietnamese American Community : Asian-Nation :: Asian American History, Demographics, & Issues

Vietnamese more successful than African-Americans?

OK .. if you say so. :lol:

That article seems to be from 2005. What I live and know is not that bad? But, I've been wrong before.....?

"Copyright © 2005 by Erin Texeira and the Associated Press. Reprinted in accordance with Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976.Suggested reference: Texeira, Erin. 2005. "The Vietnamese American Community" Asian-Nation: The Landscape of Asian America. <> (August 7, 2016)."
Because they is nothing in that post that shows that the low support among blacks is because of anything wrong about or by Trump or his policies or his supporters.

It is shows a choice made by black voters.

NOt that the choice is a good one, or that the reasons for the choice are valid or correct.

The number one issue for a great many African-Americans is the terrorism of police .. AND, they support the perfect party and candidate to address that.

What .. republicans are going to address it? :lol: You obviously don't understand the nature of politics.

No one requires your approval on our choices. You don't even belong in the conversation.

Your all-white party is sinking like a rock .. and you're talking about "bad choices???" :lol:

"Terrorism of the police"?


I made no judgement on your choices.

I merely pointed out that your choices can NOT be used as evidence of Trump, or his policies or his supporters being flawed.

That was what you were implying with your post.

My party "sinking like a rock"?

Maybe. But that is not evidence either. SOmetimes the good guys lose.

You really don't seem to understand how to say things or make points.

:lol: If you believe that .. who cares?

Our choices can, have, and will be used by the people making those choices .. not by people supporting a celebrity / wiling Manchurian Candidate for president. :lol:

The flaws in Trump's supporters are glaringly obvious .. but you don't have to see that either. Actually, I'm glad that you don't.

.. and yes, your party sinks like a rock .. which is pretty much the end of this story. :0) Thanks for playing

Just because blacks don't like Trump, doesn't mean that Trump is a bad guy.

We might be doing worse and worse with getting black votes, but maybe that is because more and more you guys are drinking the Democratic Kool Aid, and it will cost you.

:lol: That's really stupid.

Trump may not be a bad guy .. may not even be racist .. but it's the character he's playing to mindfuck his idiot followers and get his friend Hillary Clinton elected. You have to be REALLY stupid not to see that by now :0) ... but again, glad that you don't.

Nearly every demographic in America supports Clinton and the Democratic Party. Only stupid people who know nothing about politics thinks there is something wrong with that.

At the end of the day, after all your .. whatever this is :0) .. Clinton will be the president, black people will get more of our issues effectively addressed, and the Republican Party goes into the toilet with no way to affect the Supreme Court .. after already losing nearly every social issue they cherish.

An ass-kicking of monumental proportions .. and you're still selling snake oil that nobody wants to buy. :0)

There is nothing stupid about what I said. And saying that without back it up is the act of a coward.

Trump is not a bad guy and neither is his supporters. And smearing good people just because they disagree with you makes you an asshole.

The largest single demographic supports Trump. Only the stupid think that is irrelevant.

At the end of the day, Hillary MIGHT be president.

Black people will get the same shit they have been getting for generations.

Weakening policing will just get more blacks killed, discourage investment in black communities, distract black youth from education, ect ect ect.

If the GOP fades away, and you get your way forever, and keep shitting on the largest single ethnic group, eventually they will stop just taking it and start fighting back.

And the future you leave your children will be far worse than the one you grew up in when Whites were the majority.
The number one issue for a great many African-Americans is the terrorism of police .. AND, they support the perfect party and candidate to address that.

What .. republicans are going to address it? :lol: You obviously don't understand the nature of politics.

No one requires your approval on our choices. You don't even belong in the conversation.

Your all-white party is sinking like a rock .. and you're talking about "bad choices???" :lol:

"Terrorism of the police"?


I made no judgement on your choices.

I merely pointed out that your choices can NOT be used as evidence of Trump, or his policies or his supporters being flawed.

That was what you were implying with your post.

My party "sinking like a rock"?

Maybe. But that is not evidence either. SOmetimes the good guys lose.

You really don't seem to understand how to say things or make points.

:lol: If you believe that .. who cares?

Our choices can, have, and will be used by the people making those choices .. not by people supporting a celebrity / wiling Manchurian Candidate for president. :lol:

The flaws in Trump's supporters are glaringly obvious .. but you don't have to see that either. Actually, I'm glad that you don't.

.. and yes, your party sinks like a rock .. which is pretty much the end of this story. :0) Thanks for playing

Just because blacks don't like Trump, doesn't mean that Trump is a bad guy.

We might be doing worse and worse with getting black votes, but maybe that is because more and more you guys are drinking the Democratic Kool Aid, and it will cost you.

:lol: That's really stupid.

Trump may not be a bad guy .. may not even be racist .. but it's the character he's playing to mindfuck his idiot followers and get his friend Hillary Clinton elected. You have to be REALLY stupid not to see that by now :0) ... but again, glad that you don't.

Nearly every demographic in America supports Clinton and the Democratic Party. Only stupid people who know nothing about politics thinks there is something wrong with that.

At the end of the day, after all your .. whatever this is :0) .. Clinton will be the president, black people will get more of our issues effectively addressed, and the Republican Party goes into the toilet with no way to affect the Supreme Court .. after already losing nearly every social issue they cherish.

An ass-kicking of monumental proportions .. and you're still selling snake oil that nobody wants to buy. :0)

There is nothing stupid about what I said. And saying that without back it up is the act of a coward.

Trump is not a bad guy and neither is his supporters. And smearing good people just because they disagree with you makes you an asshole.

The largest single demographic supports Trump. Only the stupid think that is irrelevant.

At the end of the day, Hillary MIGHT be president.

Black people will get the same shit they have been getting for generations.

Weakening policing will just get more blacks killed, discourage investment in black communities, distract black youth from education, ect ect ect.

If the GOP fades away, and you get your way forever, and keep shitting on the largest single ethnic group, eventually they will stop just taking it and start fighting back.

And the future you leave your children will be far worse than the one you grew up in when Whites were the majority.

Maybe someone could explain what Trump did to piss off blacks? Romney who has a black member of his family had about the same percentage of black votes. So I am wondering, is it just that the blacks are expected, demanded, that they vote democrat and they willingly do? Or what? I don't think welfare has been cut since Clinton did it many years ago.

Start from Trump tweeting that 81% of murdered whites are murdered by black people .. when in fact FBI statistics demonstrate that 82% of murdered whites are killed by WHITE PEOPLE...

For people with brains, they immediately recognize the utter ignorance of that claim .. but for right-wingers .. who don't possess the intelligence to recognize truth, it was a call to arms for them.

Trump is not stupid .. he knew the claim was false .. and he knew RWers would get a hard on about it.

So did Trump because he's a racist? Nope, he did it to help the opposition, his friend, Hillary Clinton .. and it worked.

With regards to Romney, had he run against someone other then Obama, I suspect he would have gotten the normal 8 - 9% of the black vote that republicans usually get.

Did you know that Romney got about the same percentage of the white vote that Reagan had in a landslide .. and Romney lost? What does that tell you?

Oh I do agree he really blew that one. Not even sure why he would tweet such a thing, too easy I am thinking, poor source of information. If he needed to tweet anything he just needed to tweet 52 percent of the homicides are committed by 13 percent of the population. What does that tell you? What does that say to you?

Have you sent in your prefilled out ballot for Hillary?

It says that 400 years of oppression has left long-lasting problems that need to be addressed in a serious and holistic way .. regardless of what it says to you.

Not your concern how and when I vote for the next President of the United States.

You say "400 years of opression".....Vietnamese arrived here late 70s-80s as "boat people" hated despised ridiculed AFTER Vietnamese war with millions of them killed and~50K USA troops lost. Horrible stories of torture and war crimes. By the 90s......they were very successful. You may be woking with one?They certainly don't wake up each day plotting to blow up or shoot civilians like muslim.

Start from Trump tweeting that 81% of murdered whites are murdered by black people .. when in fact FBI statistics demonstrate that 82% of murdered whites are killed by WHITE PEOPLE...

For people with brains, they immediately recognize the utter ignorance of that claim .. but for right-wingers .. who don't possess the intelligence to recognize truth, it was a call to arms for them.

Trump is not stupid .. he knew the claim was false .. and he knew RWers would get a hard on about it.

So did Trump because he's a racist? Nope, he did it to help the opposition, his friend, Hillary Clinton .. and it worked.

With regards to Romney, had he run against someone other then Obama, I suspect he would have gotten the normal 8 - 9% of the black vote that republicans usually get.

Did you know that Romney got about the same percentage of the white vote that Reagan had in a landslide .. and Romney lost? What does that tell you?

Oh I do agree he really blew that one. Not even sure why he would tweet such a thing, too easy I am thinking, poor source of information. If he needed to tweet anything he just needed to tweet 52 percent of the homicides are committed by 13 percent of the population. What does that tell you? What does that say to you?

Have you sent in your prefilled out ballot for Hillary?

It says that 400 years of oppression has left long-lasting problems that need to be addressed in a serious and holistic way .. regardless of what it says to you.

Not your concern how and when I vote for the next President of the United States.

You say "400 years of opression".....Vietnamese arrived here latet 70s-80s hated despised ridiculed AFTER Vietnamese war with millions of them killed and 50K USA. Horrible stories of torture and wwar crimes.

By the 90s......they are successful. You may work for one? Not much crime?

Oh really?

"We have a small subgroup among Vietnamese refugees who are in the professional class -- I don't want to minimize that -- but mostly Vietnamese tend to be less well educated and less fluent in English," said C.N. Le, a sociologist at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. "Refugee groups, because of their experiences, they have very little time to prepare (before they emigrate)," he added. "You either get out or you stay and risk being killed. ... For a lot of first generation Vietnamese immigrants, they came here with a lot of disadvantages."

These struggles are obvious in Oakland, 40 miles north of San Jose, where more than one-third of the city's Vietnamese live below the poverty line and per capita income is half that of the overall population, census data show. Poverty contributes to other problems, particularly crime, said Gianna Tran, deputy director of the East Bay Asian Youth Center in Oakland.

"Vietnamese youth, nationally, have the highest rate of incarceration among Asians," she said, adding that the myth of Asians being model minorities hits these teenagers particularly hard because few expect them to need help. "There's a lack of awareness of the problems." A big hurdle is that most parents don't speak fluent English, according to Thanh Nhat Pham, a counselor on Tran's staff. "There are language and cultural barriers," said Pham, who estimates that only one in five parents has strong English skills. "The family is obviously detached from what the Asian youth are doing."
The Vietnamese American Community : Asian-Nation :: Asian American History, Demographics, & Issues

Vietnamese more successful than African-Americans?

OK .. if you say so. :lol:

That article seems to be from 2005. What I live and know is not that bad? But, I've been wrong before.....?

"Copyright © 2005 by Erin Texeira and the Associated Press. Reprinted in accordance with Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976.Suggested reference: Texeira, Erin. 2005. "The Vietnamese American Community" Asian-Nation: The Landscape of Asian America. <> (August 7, 2016)."

Asian-American Gangs

In recent years, the issue of Asian American youth gangs has gotten a lot of attention from the media and law enforcement. This phenomenon shares many similarities with other "gang problems" in the Black and Latino communities. However, certain ethnic and cultural aspects come into play with Asian gangs that make their situation and consequences of their actions unique.
Asian American Gangs : Asian-Nation :: Asian American History, Demographics, & Issues

Terror in Little Saigon
Terror in Little Saigon

None of this is to denigrate the Vietnamese-American people .. only to demonstrate that you're wrong.
I don't want to "pile on". I want answers. Why do NOt these politicians work with these big companies (AAPL FOXCON etc.) To get them to do assembly (at least) in 10 urban markets?

Why do they do all wotk in Asia? We got 50% city youth unemployed. That is recepie for disaster. No one does anything about it?
I don't want to "pile on". I want answers. Why do NOt these politicians work with these big companies (AAPL FOXCON etc.) To get them to do assembly (at least) in 10 urban markets?

Why do they do all wotk in Asia? We got 50% city youth unemployed. That is recepie for disaster. No one does anything about it?

It's the nature of business in America.

Do what is cheapest.

It's cheaper to pay slave wages to people who need it.
Maybe someone could explain what Trump did to piss off blacks? Romney who has a black member of his family had about the same percentage of black votes. So I am wondering, is it just that the blacks are expected, demanded, that they vote democrat and they willingly do? Or what? I don't think welfare has been cut since Clinton did it many years ago.

Start from Trump tweeting that 81% of murdered whites are murdered by black people .. when in fact FBI statistics demonstrate that 82% of murdered whites are killed by WHITE PEOPLE...

For people with brains, they immediately recognize the utter ignorance of that claim .. but for right-wingers .. who don't possess the intelligence to recognize truth, it was a call to arms for them.

Trump is not stupid .. he knew the claim was false .. and he knew RWers would get a hard on about it.

So did Trump because he's a racist? Nope, he did it to help the opposition, his friend, Hillary Clinton .. and it worked.

With regards to Romney, had he run against someone other then Obama, I suspect he would have gotten the normal 8 - 9% of the black vote that republicans usually get.

Did you know that Romney got about the same percentage of the white vote that Reagan had in a landslide .. and Romney lost? What does that tell you?
Trump says whatever sounds good, whatever it takes to make his point. If it gets a laugh or a cheer, he's happy. He knows his supporters are not going to fact check him and those that do are part of liberal media so they will be ignored.

In other words, Trump is preaching to choir. I'm sure the applause and laughs really make him feel good, however it's not these people in his rallies he needs to convince.
Last edited:
Because they is nothing in that post that shows that the low support among blacks is because of anything wrong about or by Trump or his policies or his supporters.

It is shows a choice made by black voters.

NOt that the choice is a good one, or that the reasons for the choice are valid or correct.

The number one issue for a great many African-Americans is the terrorism of police .. AND, they support the perfect party and candidate to address that.

What .. republicans are going to address it? :lol: You obviously don't understand the nature of politics.

No one requires your approval on our choices. You don't even belong in the conversation.

Your all-white party is sinking like a rock .. and you're talking about "bad choices???" :lol:

"Terrorism of the police"?


I made no judgement on your choices.

I merely pointed out that your choices can NOT be used as evidence of Trump, or his policies or his supporters being flawed.

That was what you were implying with your post.

My party "sinking like a rock"?

Maybe. But that is not evidence either. SOmetimes the good guys lose.

You really don't seem to understand how to say things or make points.

:lol: If you believe that .. who cares?

Our choices can, have, and will be used by the people making those choices .. not by people supporting a celebrity / wiling Manchurian Candidate for president. :lol:

The flaws in Trump's supporters are glaringly obvious .. but you don't have to see that either. Actually, I'm glad that you don't.

.. and yes, your party sinks like a rock .. which is pretty much the end of this story. :0) Thanks for playing

Just because blacks don't like Trump, doesn't mean that Trump is a bad guy.

We might be doing worse and worse with getting black votes, but maybe that is because more and more you guys are drinking the Democratic Kool Aid, and it will cost you.

:lol: That's really stupid.

Trump may not be a bad guy .. may not even be racist .. but it's the character he's playing to mindfuck his idiot followers and get his friend Hillary Clinton elected. You have to be REALLY stupid not to see that by now :0) ... but again, glad that you don't.

Nearly every demographic in America supports Clinton and the Democratic Party. Only stupid people who know nothing about politics thinks there is something wrong with that.

At the end of the day, after all your .. whatever this is :0) .. Clinton will be the president, black people will get more of our issues effectively addressed, and the Republican Party goes into the toilet with no way to affect the Supreme Court .. after already losing nearly every social issue they cherish.

An ass-kicking of monumental proportions .. and you're still selling snake oil that nobody wants to buy. :0)
Anything less than a good ass-kicking is going to send a message to other unqualified, charismatic, demigods that the presidency is within your reach.
Maybe someone could explain what Trump did to piss off blacks? Romney who has a black member of his family had about the same percentage of black votes. So I am wondering, is it just that the blacks are expected, demanded, that they vote democrat and they willingly do? Or what? I don't think welfare has been cut since Clinton did it many years ago.

Start from Trump tweeting that 81% of murdered whites are murdered by black people .. when in fact FBI statistics demonstrate that 82% of murdered whites are killed by WHITE PEOPLE...

For people with brains, they immediately recognize the utter ignorance of that claim .. but for right-wingers .. who don't possess the intelligence to recognize truth, it was a call to arms for them.

Trump is not stupid .. he knew the claim was false .. and he knew RWers would get a hard on about it.

So did Trump because he's a racist? Nope, he did it to help the opposition, his friend, Hillary Clinton .. and it worked.

With regards to Romney, had he run against someone other then Obama, I suspect he would have gotten the normal 8 - 9% of the black vote that republicans usually get.

Did you know that Romney got about the same percentage of the white vote that Reagan had in a landslide .. and Romney lost? What does that tell you?
Trump says whatever sounds good, whatever it takes to make his point. If it gets a laugh or a cheer, he's happy. He knows his supporters are not going to fact check him and those that do are part of liberal media so they will be ignored.

In other words, Trump is preaching to choir. I'm sure the applause and laughs really make him feel good, however it's not these people in his rallies he needs to convince.

I agree, and i will add, so does Hillary.
Maybe someone could explain what Trump did to piss off blacks? Romney who has a black member of his family had about the same percentage of black votes. So I am wondering, is it just that the blacks are expected, demanded, that they vote democrat and they willingly do? Or what? I don't think welfare has been cut since Clinton did it many years ago.

Start from Trump tweeting that 81% of murdered whites are murdered by black people .. when in fact FBI statistics demonstrate that 82% of murdered whites are killed by WHITE PEOPLE...

For people with brains, they immediately recognize the utter ignorance of that claim .. but for right-wingers .. who don't possess the intelligence to recognize truth, it was a call to arms for them.

Trump is not stupid .. he knew the claim was false .. and he knew RWers would get a hard on about it.

So did Trump because he's a racist? Nope, he did it to help the opposition, his friend, Hillary Clinton .. and it worked.

With regards to Romney, had he run against someone other then Obama, I suspect he would have gotten the normal 8 - 9% of the black vote that republicans usually get.

Did you know that Romney got about the same percentage of the white vote that Reagan had in a landslide .. and Romney lost? What does that tell you?
Trump says whatever sounds good, whatever it takes to make his point. If it gets a laugh or a cheer, he's happy. He knows his supporters are not going to fact check him and those that do are part of liberal media so they will be ignored.

In other words, Trump is preaching to choir. I'm sure the applause and laughs really make him feel good, however it's not these people in his rallies he needs to convince.

I agree, and i will add, so does Hillary.
One of the differences I see between the Trump rallies and Hillary rallies is Trump seems always to just firing up the base. Although Hillary does the same thing, she always seems to be reaching out more to a group or a demographic to cultivate more support.
The number one issue for a great many African-Americans is the terrorism of police .. AND, they support the perfect party and candidate to address that.

What .. republicans are going to address it? :lol: You obviously don't understand the nature of politics.

No one requires your approval on our choices. You don't even belong in the conversation.

Your all-white party is sinking like a rock .. and you're talking about "bad choices???" :lol:

"Terrorism of the police"?


I made no judgement on your choices.

I merely pointed out that your choices can NOT be used as evidence of Trump, or his policies or his supporters being flawed.

That was what you were implying with your post.

My party "sinking like a rock"?

Maybe. But that is not evidence either. SOmetimes the good guys lose.

You really don't seem to understand how to say things or make points.

:lol: If you believe that .. who cares?

Our choices can, have, and will be used by the people making those choices .. not by people supporting a celebrity / wiling Manchurian Candidate for president. :lol:

The flaws in Trump's supporters are glaringly obvious .. but you don't have to see that either. Actually, I'm glad that you don't.

.. and yes, your party sinks like a rock .. which is pretty much the end of this story. :0) Thanks for playing

Just because blacks don't like Trump, doesn't mean that Trump is a bad guy.

We might be doing worse and worse with getting black votes, but maybe that is because more and more you guys are drinking the Democratic Kool Aid, and it will cost you.

:lol: That's really stupid.

Trump may not be a bad guy .. may not even be racist .. but it's the character he's playing to mindfuck his idiot followers and get his friend Hillary Clinton elected. You have to be REALLY stupid not to see that by now :0) ... but again, glad that you don't.

Nearly every demographic in America supports Clinton and the Democratic Party. Only stupid people who know nothing about politics thinks there is something wrong with that.

At the end of the day, after all your .. whatever this is :0) .. Clinton will be the president, black people will get more of our issues effectively addressed, and the Republican Party goes into the toilet with no way to affect the Supreme Court .. after already losing nearly every social issue they cherish.

An ass-kicking of monumental proportions .. and you're still selling snake oil that nobody wants to buy. :0)
Anything less than a good ass-kicking is going to send a message to other unqualified, charismatic, demigods that the presidency is within your reach.

I don't disagree with that.
Maybe someone could explain what Trump did to piss off blacks? Romney who has a black member of his family had about the same percentage of black votes. So I am wondering, is it just that the blacks are expected, demanded, that they vote democrat and they willingly do? Or what? I don't think welfare has been cut since Clinton did it many years ago.

Start from Trump tweeting that 81% of murdered whites are murdered by black people .. when in fact FBI statistics demonstrate that 82% of murdered whites are killed by WHITE PEOPLE...

For people with brains, they immediately recognize the utter ignorance of that claim .. but for right-wingers .. who don't possess the intelligence to recognize truth, it was a call to arms for them.

Trump is not stupid .. he knew the claim was false .. and he knew RWers would get a hard on about it.

So did Trump because he's a racist? Nope, he did it to help the opposition, his friend, Hillary Clinton .. and it worked.

With regards to Romney, had he run against someone other then Obama, I suspect he would have gotten the normal 8 - 9% of the black vote that republicans usually get.

Did you know that Romney got about the same percentage of the white vote that Reagan had in a landslide .. and Romney lost? What does that tell you?
Trump says whatever sounds good, whatever it takes to make his point. If it gets a laugh or a cheer, he's happy. He knows his supporters are not going to fact check him and those that do are part of liberal media so they will be ignored.

In other words, Trump is preaching to choir. I'm sure the applause and laughs really make him feel good, however it's not these people in his rallies he needs to convince.

I agree, and i will add, so does Hillary.
One of the differences I see between the Trump rallies and Hillary rallies is Trump seems always to just firing up the base. Although Hillary does the same thing, she always seems to be reaching out more to a group or a demographic to cultivate more support.
Politicians are Vote Whores.

Republicans are most frequently mere reluctant hookers, and will telegraph that reluctance.

Democrats get their rocks off on Vote Whoring, and will lie their asses off to get into, or stay in, political power.

In actuality, most mainstream (Establishment Ruling Elites and their minions and mini-me's) Democrats don't really give a rat's ass about Blacks or HIspanics or Queers or Muslims.

Troublesome, noisy, ignorant minorities don't bring much to the table, but they can be a sadly necessary barrier to (re)election, so Democrats routinely pretend to like them.

These minorities are being played like a cheap fiddle, but most are unaware or disbelieving of that calculation and hypocrisy, and the rest have no place else to go (politically).
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"Terrorism of the police"?


I made no judgement on your choices.

I merely pointed out that your choices can NOT be used as evidence of Trump, or his policies or his supporters being flawed.

That was what you were implying with your post.

My party "sinking like a rock"?

Maybe. But that is not evidence either. SOmetimes the good guys lose.

You really don't seem to understand how to say things or make points.

:lol: If you believe that .. who cares?

Our choices can, have, and will be used by the people making those choices .. not by people supporting a celebrity / wiling Manchurian Candidate for president. :lol:

The flaws in Trump's supporters are glaringly obvious .. but you don't have to see that either. Actually, I'm glad that you don't.

.. and yes, your party sinks like a rock .. which is pretty much the end of this story. :0) Thanks for playing

Just because blacks don't like Trump, doesn't mean that Trump is a bad guy.

We might be doing worse and worse with getting black votes, but maybe that is because more and more you guys are drinking the Democratic Kool Aid, and it will cost you.

:lol: That's really stupid.

Trump may not be a bad guy .. may not even be racist .. but it's the character he's playing to mindfuck his idiot followers and get his friend Hillary Clinton elected. You have to be REALLY stupid not to see that by now :0) ... but again, glad that you don't.

Nearly every demographic in America supports Clinton and the Democratic Party. Only stupid people who know nothing about politics thinks there is something wrong with that.

At the end of the day, after all your .. whatever this is :0) .. Clinton will be the president, black people will get more of our issues effectively addressed, and the Republican Party goes into the toilet with no way to affect the Supreme Court .. after already losing nearly every social issue they cherish.

An ass-kicking of monumental proportions .. and you're still selling snake oil that nobody wants to buy. :0)

There is nothing stupid about what I said. And saying that without back it up is the act of a coward.

Trump is not a bad guy and neither is his supporters. And smearing good people just because they disagree with you makes you an asshole.

The largest single demographic supports Trump. Only the stupid think that is irrelevant.

At the end of the day, Hillary MIGHT be president.

Black people will get the same shit they have been getting for generations.

Weakening policing will just get more blacks killed, discourage investment in black communities, distract black youth from education, ect ect ect.

If the GOP fades away, and you get your way forever, and keep shitting on the largest single ethnic group, eventually they will stop just taking it and start fighting back.

And the future you leave your children will be far worse than the one you grew up in when Whites were the majority.


Maybe someone could explain what Trump did to piss off blacks? Romney who has a black member of his family had about the same percentage of black votes. So I am wondering, is it just that the blacks are expected, demanded, that they vote democrat and they willingly do? Or what? I don't think welfare has been cut since Clinton did it many years ago.

Start from Trump tweeting that 81% of murdered whites are murdered by black people .. when in fact FBI statistics demonstrate that 82% of murdered whites are killed by WHITE PEOPLE...

For people with brains, they immediately recognize the utter ignorance of that claim .. but for right-wingers .. who don't possess the intelligence to recognize truth, it was a call to arms for them.

Trump is not stupid .. he knew the claim was false .. and he knew RWers would get a hard on about it.

So did Trump because he's a racist? Nope, he did it to help the opposition, his friend, Hillary Clinton .. and it worked.

With regards to Romney, had he run against someone other then Obama, I suspect he would have gotten the normal 8 - 9% of the black vote that republicans usually get.

Did you know that Romney got about the same percentage of the white vote that Reagan had in a landslide .. and Romney lost? What does that tell you?
Trump says whatever sounds good, whatever it takes to make his point. If it gets a laugh or a cheer, he's happy. He knows his supporters are not going to fact check him and those that do are part of liberal media so they will be ignored.

In other words, Trump is preaching to choir. I'm sure the applause and laughs really make him feel good, however it's not these people in his rallies he needs to convince.

He needed to convince them to GET THEM TO his rallies.

HIs issues are sound.

Our trade, and immigration and foreign policies are disasters. HIs proposed solutions will be vast improvements to our benefit.
Maybe someone could explain what Trump did to piss off blacks? Romney who has a black member of his family had about the same percentage of black votes. So I am wondering, is it just that the blacks are expected, demanded, that they vote democrat and they willingly do? Or what? I don't think welfare has been cut since Clinton did it many years ago.

Start from Trump tweeting that 81% of murdered whites are murdered by black people .. when in fact FBI statistics demonstrate that 82% of murdered whites are killed by WHITE PEOPLE...

For people with brains, they immediately recognize the utter ignorance of that claim .. but for right-wingers .. who don't possess the intelligence to recognize truth, it was a call to arms for them.

Trump is not stupid .. he knew the claim was false .. and he knew RWers would get a hard on about it.

So did Trump because he's a racist? Nope, he did it to help the opposition, his friend, Hillary Clinton .. and it worked.

With regards to Romney, had he run against someone other then Obama, I suspect he would have gotten the normal 8 - 9% of the black vote that republicans usually get.

Did you know that Romney got about the same percentage of the white vote that Reagan had in a landslide .. and Romney lost? What does that tell you?
Trump says whatever sounds good, whatever it takes to make his point. If it gets a laugh or a cheer, he's happy. He knows his supporters are not going to fact check him and those that do are part of liberal media so they will be ignored.

In other words, Trump is preaching to choir. I'm sure the applause and laughs really make him feel good, however it's not these people in his rallies he needs to convince.

He needed to convince them to GET THEM TO his rallies.

HIs issues are sound.

Our trade, and immigration and foreign policies are disasters. HIs proposed solutions will be vast improvements to our benefit.
Without the backing of congress which he is obviously not going to get, he can do practically nothing except use the bully pulpit, Facebook, and Twitter to defend his honor which seems to be about all he is really interested in doing.
Maybe someone could explain what Trump did to piss off blacks? Romney who has a black member of his family had about the same percentage of black votes. So I am wondering, is it just that the blacks are expected, demanded, that they vote democrat and they willingly do? Or what? I don't think welfare has been cut since Clinton did it many years ago.

Start from Trump tweeting that 81% of murdered whites are murdered by black people .. when in fact FBI statistics demonstrate that 82% of murdered whites are killed by WHITE PEOPLE...

For people with brains, they immediately recognize the utter ignorance of that claim .. but for right-wingers .. who don't possess the intelligence to recognize truth, it was a call to arms for them.

Trump is not stupid .. he knew the claim was false .. and he knew RWers would get a hard on about it.

So did Trump because he's a racist? Nope, he did it to help the opposition, his friend, Hillary Clinton .. and it worked.

With regards to Romney, had he run against someone other then Obama, I suspect he would have gotten the normal 8 - 9% of the black vote that republicans usually get.

Did you know that Romney got about the same percentage of the white vote that Reagan had in a landslide .. and Romney lost? What does that tell you?
Trump says whatever sounds good, whatever it takes to make his point. If it gets a laugh or a cheer, he's happy. He knows his supporters are not going to fact check him and those that do are part of liberal media so they will be ignored.

In other words, Trump is preaching to choir. I'm sure the applause and laughs really make him feel good, however it's not these people in his rallies he needs to convince.

I agree, and i will add, so does Hillary.
One of the differences I see between the Trump rallies and Hillary rallies is Trump seems always to just firing up the base. Although Hillary does the same thing, she always seems to be reaching out more to a group or a demographic to cultivate more support.

she certainly isn't offering to pay the legal bills for someone who assaults a protester.
:lol: If you believe that .. who cares?

Our choices can, have, and will be used by the people making those choices .. not by people supporting a celebrity / wiling Manchurian Candidate for president. :lol:

The flaws in Trump's supporters are glaringly obvious .. but you don't have to see that either. Actually, I'm glad that you don't.

.. and yes, your party sinks like a rock .. which is pretty much the end of this story. :0) Thanks for playing

Just because blacks don't like Trump, doesn't mean that Trump is a bad guy.

We might be doing worse and worse with getting black votes, but maybe that is because more and more you guys are drinking the Democratic Kool Aid, and it will cost you.

:lol: That's really stupid.

Trump may not be a bad guy .. may not even be racist .. but it's the character he's playing to mindfuck his idiot followers and get his friend Hillary Clinton elected. You have to be REALLY stupid not to see that by now :0) ... but again, glad that you don't.

Nearly every demographic in America supports Clinton and the Democratic Party. Only stupid people who know nothing about politics thinks there is something wrong with that.

At the end of the day, after all your .. whatever this is :0) .. Clinton will be the president, black people will get more of our issues effectively addressed, and the Republican Party goes into the toilet with no way to affect the Supreme Court .. after already losing nearly every social issue they cherish.

An ass-kicking of monumental proportions .. and you're still selling snake oil that nobody wants to buy. :0)

There is nothing stupid about what I said. And saying that without back it up is the act of a coward.

Trump is not a bad guy and neither is his supporters. And smearing good people just because they disagree with you makes you an asshole.

The largest single demographic supports Trump. Only the stupid think that is irrelevant.

At the end of the day, Hillary MIGHT be president.

Black people will get the same shit they have been getting for generations.

Weakening policing will just get more blacks killed, discourage investment in black communities, distract black youth from education, ect ect ect.

If the GOP fades away, and you get your way forever, and keep shitting on the largest single ethnic group, eventually they will stop just taking it and start fighting back.

And the future you leave your children will be far worse than the one you grew up in when Whites were the majority.



:lol: This election is already over.

thanks for playing :0)

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