Only 98,000 jobs added in March. Bigly Sad!

So that's why there aren't a dozen threads up about the jobs report...

Pay Less Shoes laid off a couple hundred people and is on the verge of bankruptcy.

where ya be Shitforhair ?
Lefties used to dance in the streets when 100,000 jobs were created during the 8 (long long) years of the Hussein administration. Trump created 100K jobs in less than three months with one political hand tied behind his back while democrats obstructed his programs and delayed his appointments.
Lefties used to dance in the streets when 100,000 jobs were created during the 8 (long long) years of the Hussein administration. Trump created 100K jobs in less than three months with one political hand tied behind his back while democrats obstructed his programs and delayed his appointments.

man up and at least apply for some kind of job, anything

thanks in advance
oh well really nothing unexpected here, except most casual observers thought it'd be around 5K so there's that

Poor Johnny!

Well you should not care about working seeing you are the typical Trotsky that believe the government should pay you to write your hatred for those that disagree with you.

Now how many jobs have you created to help boost the economy and if it is none then what the fuck are you waiting for?

Because of lazy individuals like you it seem you believe the government should supply the jobs, but seeing that our society relies on Capitalism contributions mean the private sector must supply the jobs to boost the economy and yet lazy people like you refuse to do a damn thing except beg for your food stamps and government checks because you were taught since birth that you do not need to work for what you want.

So produce jobs to help the economy or shut the fuck up for once you paid shill of fake news!
"We have 93 million people out of work. They look for jobs, they give up, and all of a sudden, statistically, they're considered employed."
- Donald J Trump Aug. 28, 2015, On Point With Sarah Palin

Well now we have 94 million under Tramp.
It's better than a 250k jobs lost we would have had under Clinton.
Fascinating, how the Trump-wimps can so instantly flipflop from "It's Trump's fantastic economy!" to "It's Obama's rotten economy!", depending entirely on whether the news at any given instant is good or bad.
Lefties used to dance in the streets when 100,000 jobs were created during the 8 (long long) years of the Hussein administration. Trump created 100K jobs in less than three months with one political hand tied behind his back while democrats obstructed his programs and delayed his appointments.

Must have been with those muslims on 9/11…oh wait; that didn’t happen either. What was cheered was the turnaround from the Bush era of massive job losses.

Meanwhile back in reality, we still have no Secretary of Agriculture nearing the 100 day mark of this presidency. Last I checked, the GOP controlled both houses of Congress. Is that not the case?
oh well really nothing unexpected here, except most casual observers thought it'd be around 5K so there's that
Going to take a long time to recover from the past eight years… You suck too much Obama dick

sorry, right wing stooges will need to man up and accept responsibility

nice try
Last month Trump was responsible for the good job's number. This month Obama is responsible for the bad jobs number
So that's why there aren't a dozen threads up about the jobs report...


Kind of hard to drag people to apply for jobs when the UE is under 4.6%

They don't want a job remember they are busy with making Popsicle stick houses and needle point.


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