Only a liberal school board could be this stupid...this tops anything.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
Recognizing student sex

I have never read anything so dumbass stupid in my life. :cuckoo:

The 11-page directive also urged schools to eliminate gender-based clothing and gender-based activities – like having boys and girls line up separately to leave the classroom.

Schools will now be required to accept a student’s gender identity on face value.

“A student who says she is a girl and wishes to be regarded that way throughout the school day and throughout every, or almost every, other area of her life, should be respected and treated like a girl,” the guidelines stipulate.

According to the Dept. of Education, transgender students are those whose assigned birth sex does not match their “internalized sense of their gender.”

They said gender nonconforming students “range in the ways in which they identify as male, female, some combination of both, or neither.”

“The responsibility for determining a student’s gender identity rests with the student,” the guidelines dictate. “One’s gender identity is an innate, largely inflexible characteristic of each individual’s personality that is generally established by age four…As a result, the person best situated to determine a student’s gender identity is that student himself or herself.”

Students Who Refuse to Affirm Transgender Classmates Face Punishment | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes
USSR text book being fellowed to a t...Be afraid...Very afraid.

Would you mind quoting the USS textbook section on transgender kids, please? I'd like to be sure Massachusetts really is following it "to a t".
I guess genitals are not enough anymore..
It is now up to the obviously confused child
USSR text book being fellowed to a t...Be afraid...Very afraid.

LOL, this would be scary if you were actually being serious.

You don't believe in freedom or anything outside of the government.

People like you are just cluesless. :cuckoo:

I mean, yeah that is true. I think government should tell us when to shower, what to think, when to breathe, when to fall in love and when to shit.

People like you think that kids should be allowed to be born so that they can grow up to be moving targets for "patriotic gun owning americans".

Fuck you're insane. Are we done yet?
I guess genitals are not enough anymore..
It is now up to the obviously confused child

It should be up to the parents how a child who is uncertain about their gender identity is handled. If a male child wants to be treated as a girl, and the parents have decided to let the kid go with it, the school should respect that.

I've seen such a kid. It was weird. You would never know she was a he. When children are pre-pubescent there really are few clues to their gender identity outside of their hair and clothing.

I've seen more than one, actually.

A lot of kids go through this phase, but it is usually of very short duration.
I guess genitals are not enough anymore..
It is now up to the obviously confused child

It should be up to the parents how a child who is uncertain about their gender identity is handled. If a male child wants to be treated as a girl, and the parents have decided to let the kid go with it, the school should respect that.

I've seen such a kid. It was weird. You would never know she was a he. When children are pre-pubescent there really are few clues to their gender identity outside of their hair and clothing.

I've seen more than one, actually.

A lot of kids go through this phase, but it is usually of very short duration.

IE confused
I guess genitals are not enough anymore..
It is now up to the obviously confused child

Just incredible.
And to think, this is the type of people who will be in charge of healthcare in a couple years.
I guess genitals are not enough anymore..
It is now up to the obviously confused child

Just incredible.
And to think, this is the type of people who will be in charge of healthcare in a couple years.

If you are referring to ideology, yes.
Going by this ridiculous logic, I guess we should also lower the "legal" age to 10
They MUST be old enough to decide if they want to smoke cigarettes, weed and go to a goddamn strip club. Our country is sooo fucked by liberalism. In the next 75 years we are going to be a country full of fucking pussies and getting trampled on by shitholes like Zimbabwe, "Oh we dont need to fight back, let them rape our daughter, honey. It is the right thing to do. After all, if she does not want it, she can just tell him she is ragging or throw up on him". Fuckin stupid
First of all, just how common are transgender minors anyway? Is this issue really so widerspread that it required...wait a sec, where was this published? It's an 11 page-directive by the Board of Ed?!? Holy carp, how much time and effort was wasted on this when there are real problems to worry about?

Eliminate gender-based clothing

Most kids in school dress themselves (or are dressed by their parents) last time I checked. I guess this refers to the tiny sliver of schools that have required uniforms or a dress code.

To which I reply: I support John's right to wear a skirt to class, but that won't keep the rest of the kids from making him a social pariah.

One’s gender identity is an innate, largely inflexible characteristic of each individual’s personality that is generally established by age four.

Seriously? At age 4 most of us are still watching Barney (or Dora or whoever else is on TV these days) and haven't even REACHED the phase where we think we can be Batman when we grow up.
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First of all, just how common are transgender minors anyway? Is this issue really so widerspread that it required...wait a sec, where was this published? It's an 11 page-directive by the Board of Ed?!? Holy carp, how much time and effort was wasted on this when there are real problems to worry about?

Eliminate gender-based clothing

Most kids in school dress themselves (or are dressed by their parents) last time I checked. I guess this refers to the tiny sliver of schools that have required uniforms or a dress code.

To which I reply: I support John's right to wear a skirt to class, but that won't the rest of the kids from making him a social pariah.

One’s gender identity is an innate, largely inflexible characteristic of each individual’s personality that is generally established by age four.

Seriously? At age 4 most of us are still watching Barney (or Dora or whoever else is on TV these days) and haven't even REACHED the phase where we think we can be Batman when we grow up.

It is so absurd that one would think this has to be a joke...but alas.
When I read this piece, I was waiting for the punchline...but then realized the entire 12 pages IS the punchline.
I just can't believe there are people in positions of power this amazingly stupid. Can you imagine if you had a child in school and you get this letter in the mail???
So can boys now use the girl's bathroom in public school?
If they are willing to say to a teacher that they feel like a girl some of the time - then yes, according to the document - they could then walk into a girls bathroom.
But wait - it gets better - if one of the girls in the bathroom tells him to get out or gives him a hard time...SHE gets in trouble, not him.
That is the kind of idea that is in the brain of an American progressive.
And any student who refuses to refer to a transgendered student by the name or sex they identify with could face punishment.

For example – a fifth grade girl might feel uncomfortable using the restroom if there is an eighth grade transgendered boy in the next stall.

Under the state guidelines, the girl would have no recourse, Beckwith said.

“And if the girl continued to complain she could be subjected to discipline for not affirming that student’s gender identity choice,” he told Fox News.

Gunner Scott, of the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition, praised the directive – and said punishing students who refuse to acknowledge a student’s gender identity is appropriate because it amounts to bullying.

Bullshit. It amounts to squelching the opinion of those who do not acknowledge the transgendered, to those who dare disagree.

What the hell is wrong with this world? If a kid identifies with the opposite gender they were born, peachy. Wear a skirt or a leather jacket and boots. But forcing everyone else to keep their opinions about it to themselves is crap.

And what about that 10 year old girl who finds herself in a stall next to a 13 year old boy? Tough shit for her, eh?

Transgendered kids are rare, are the minority ... but once again, the majority must just shut the hell up and not say anything because according to the left, that amounts to bullying. Bullying is the new racism I guess. Whack.

And the parents are not to be informed???? wtF? The school should butt the hell out unless someone is truly being tormented or beaten up. These issues are exactly what parents are for, NOT schools. School's need to stick the three R's and get the hell out of the way for the rest of it and parents need to step up, start parenting their kids and stop letting school's get away with crap like this.
I guess genitals are not enough anymore..
It is now up to the obviously confused child

It should be up to the parents how a child who is uncertain about their gender identity is handled. If a male child wants to be treated as a girl, and the parents have decided to let the kid go with it, the school should respect that.

I've seen such a kid. It was weird. You would never know she was a he. When children are pre-pubescent there really are few clues to their gender identity outside of their hair and clothing.

I've seen more than one, actually.

A lot of kids go through this phase, but it is usually of very short duration.

For many children its not a "phase".
First of all, just how common are transgender minors anyway? Is this issue really so widerspread that it required...wait a sec, where was this published? It's an 11 page-directive by the Board of Ed?!? Holy carp, how much time and effort was wasted on this when there are real problems to worry about?

Eliminate gender-based clothing

Most kids in school dress themselves (or are dressed by their parents) last time I checked. I guess this refers to the tiny sliver of schools that have required uniforms or a dress code.

To which I reply: I support John's right to wear a skirt to class, but that won't the rest of the kids from making him a social pariah.

One’s gender identity is an innate, largely inflexible characteristic of each individual’s personality that is generally established by age four.

Seriously? At age 4 most of us are still watching Barney (or Dora or whoever else is on TV these days) and haven't even REACHED the phase where we think we can be Batman when we grow up.

I beg to differ ... ALL four year olds truly believe they can grow up to be Batman! :D

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