Only a liberal school board could be this stupid...this tops anything.

I guess genitals are not enough anymore..
It is now up to the obviously confused child

It should be up to the parents how a child who is uncertain about their gender identity is handled. If a male child wants to be treated as a girl, and the parents have decided to let the kid go with it, the school should respect that.

I've seen such a kid. It was weird. You would never know she was a he. When children are pre-pubescent there really are few clues to their gender identity outside of their hair and clothing.

I've seen more than one, actually.

A lot of kids go through this phase, but it is usually of very short duration.

For many children its not a "phase".

Transgender children in America encounter new crossroads with medicine - Inside Dateline

I have seen reports about kids like the one in that story, and it is heartbreaking. I don't pretend to understand it, but I can't imagine how hard it must be for kids of that age. The mental anguish they go through must be hard enough, but then they have people like the rightwing posters on this board treating them as if they are nothing more than freaks. At the same time I'm not sure I agree with the Board of Education's solution. I'm afraid there is no simple answer to it.
Recognizing student sex

I have never read anything so dumbass stupid in my life. :cuckoo:

The 11-page directive also urged schools to eliminate gender-based clothing and gender-based activities – like having boys and girls line up separately to leave the classroom.

Schools will now be required to accept a student’s gender identity on face value.

“A student who says she is a girl and wishes to be regarded that way throughout the school day and throughout every, or almost every, other area of her life, should be respected and treated like a girl,” the guidelines stipulate.

According to the Dept. of Education, transgender students are those whose assigned birth sex does not match their “internalized sense of their gender.”

They said gender nonconforming students “range in the ways in which they identify as male, female, some combination of both, or neither.”

“The responsibility for determining a student’s gender identity rests with the student,” the guidelines dictate. “One’s gender identity is an innate, largely inflexible characteristic of each individual’s personality that is generally established by age four…As a result, the person best situated to determine a student’s gender identity is that student himself or herself.”

Students Who Refuse to Affirm Transgender Classmates Face Punishment | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes
are they being serious? So , if a 15 year old boy decides he's a girl now are they going to let him use the girl' bathrooms , change with the girls in the locker room etc etc?

I have seen reports about kids like the one in that story, and it is heartbreaking. I don't pretend to understand it, but I can't imagine how hard it must be for kids of that age. The mental anguish they go through must be hard enough, but then they have people like the rightwing posters on this board treating them as if they are nothing more than freaks. At the same time I'm not sure I agree with the Board of Education's solution. I'm afraid there is no simple answer to it.

I think we need to return to the biological principles of evolution, adaptation and survival of the fittest.

By all means, if you are a man, who believes you are a woman, you may do so, but do not force women to accept you as a woman, and do not force men to accept you as a woman. All of your DECISIONS that affect OTHER people, should be left at the mercy of those OTHER PEOPLE to judge.

Now before you go on, and pull the "race card." I fully support Civil Rights based on Race and Hetero/Homosexuality.

Why? Because you CANNOT choose to be white/black/brown/straight/gay. It is proven that you are genetically BORN that way. So it is NOT a decision.

However, you ARE BORN MALE OR FEMALE (unless you are the 0.033% born Hermaphrodite). You cannot CHOOSE your gender, you are BORN that way. If you "choose" to be another gender, either mentally or physically, then try to force that DECISION on others, then YOU ARE AT OUR MERCY TO ACCEPT THAT DECISION or REJECT that decision. So unless you can prove that ALL GIRLS want FAKE-GIRLS to use their toilets in that school, then you cannot allow FAKE-GIRLS to use that toilet in that school.
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"I beg to differ ... ALL four year olds truly believe they can grow up to be Batman! "

Unfortunately, many just grow up to be batty.
It should be up to the parents how a child who is uncertain about their gender identity is handled. If a male child wants to be treated as a girl, and the parents have decided to let the kid go with it, the school should respect that.

I've seen such a kid. It was weird. You would never know she was a he. When children are pre-pubescent there really are few clues to their gender identity outside of their hair and clothing.

I've seen more than one, actually.

A lot of kids go through this phase, but it is usually of very short duration.

For many children its not a "phase".

Transgender children in America encounter new crossroads with medicine - Inside Dateline

I have seen reports about kids like the one in that story, and it is heartbreaking. I don't pretend to understand it, but I can't imagine how hard it must be for kids of that age. The mental anguish they go through must be hard enough, but then they have people like the rightwing posters on this board treating them as if they are nothing more than freaks. At the same time I'm not sure I agree with the Board of Education's solution. I'm afraid there is no simple answer to it.

Get a load of this post........hahahahaha
It should be up to the parents how a child who is uncertain about their gender identity is handled. If a male child wants to be treated as a girl, and the parents have decided to let the kid go with it, the school should respect that.

I've seen such a kid. It was weird. You would never know she was a he. When children are pre-pubescent there really are few clues to their gender identity outside of their hair and clothing.

I've seen more than one, actually.

A lot of kids go through this phase, but it is usually of very short duration.

For many children its not a "phase".

Transgender children in America encounter new crossroads with medicine - Inside Dateline

I have seen reports about kids like the one in that story, and it is heartbreaking. I don't pretend to understand it, but I can't imagine how hard it must be for kids of that age. The mental anguish they go through must be hard enough, but then they have people like the rightwing posters on this board treating them as if they are nothing more than freaks. At the same time I'm not sure I agree with the Board of Education's solution. I'm afraid there is no simple answer to it.

It may not be simple, but psychological treatment is the answer. The major problem is finding the correct kind.
The pinnacle of stupidity.

It is asinine to force such things into the school system. It is not there to pander to your idiotic social agenda. It is there to impart knowledge.
It's going to be interesting to see how many get their butt whooped when a lesbian showers with daddy's little girl!
If I didn't already have grandkids of my own I might be tempted to go enroll back in high school. Tell them I'm a female (lesbian, specifically) trapped in a man's body. Then sign up for women's Phys. Ed.
Except that the directive said that it rests with the child, that is NOT ok.

I guess genitals are not enough anymore..
It is now up to the obviously confused child

It should be up to the parents how a child who is uncertain about their gender identity is handled. If a male child wants to be treated as a girl, and the parents have decided to let the kid go with it, the school should respect that.

I've seen such a kid. It was weird. You would never know she was a he. When children are pre-pubescent there really are few clues to their gender identity outside of their hair and clothing.

I've seen more than one, actually.

A lot of kids go through this phase, but it is usually of very short duration.
8th-grader?s t-shirt with abstinence message deemed ?inappropriate? by school | Watch the video - Yahoo! News

15-year-old 8th-grader, Summer Schreiner of Cocoa, Florida proudly wore a t-shirt with a message of abstinence that she had received at a Christian conference the night before. But to her surprise she was reprimanded by Clearlake Middle School staff who said the t-shirt reading, “DON’T DRINK AND PARK…ACCIDENTS CAUSE KIDS,” was inappropriate. Schreiner said "I was pretty upset. I thought it was silly…It's not like I was wearing a curse word or anything provoking violence.” But the school asked her to change her top and wear a school issued t-shirt that read “tomorrow I will dress for success.” Schreiner’s mother, Angela Hogan said, "It was humiliating for her, because she came dressed for success." While Hogan has spoken to school administrators, they stand by their decision. Michele Irwin, the school district director of communications said, "It’s not a situation of whether or not the district agrees or disagrees with abstinence among teenagers. It's about that there’s sexual innuendo and so we believe that it violated our dress code policy."
Someone should inform those poor, addled children that a glance between one's legs is sufficient to establish gender.

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