Only a referendum can pave a way for real elections in America

The whole idea of partying is to distract from leadership, to disguise dictatorship controlling the puppet circus, to create excuses not to do what is promised to the people:

well I disagree a little bit. The parties in a two-party system tend to act like you say. They can keep people in line over fear that the "other side" might win. They mainly compete over graft. But in a multi-party system parties are more aligned with their voters on ideology. Parties mean something there, and if a party shafts its voters (as happens in US all the time) people can split off and find someone who means what they say.
Perhaps I can not argue your point because I have not lived under a multi party leadership as some Euro nations, I lived in a single party (USSR) and a two party (USA) system, but I believe I CAN make a couple of important points and observations:
1. In USA and USSR all 3 combined parties were controlled by the same people behind the scenes.
2. The "splits" and "differences" that the two parties in America where I live have, are on meaningless issues such as what to name the health scam, (Obama care or Romney care) how to deal with the gay issue (to condemn or not to condemn) what form of government benefits are ok and not ok, and other NONSENSE issues. But as far as standing up to the REAL slave masters/welfare kings/war mongers/international bankers - none of them are allowed to do so and when someone like Ron Paul here DOES, and is allowed to speak on the MSM, he is allowed to do so AS A DISTRACTOR because he begins talking about things like going back to the gold standard to turn the whole thing into a joke and further confuse people.

These are my observations, but I can not really speak for European nations especially today, because I am not familiar with those systems, I can only say that Lithuania (my old country) is as corrupt today as any other axis of democracy nation.

I agree with a lot of what you have said here....the major parties are a joke.

I think it highly probable that Ron Paul was robbed of election wins in Iowa and Maine last time around. (wins which could have helped him build more wins) That shows that he really was threatening a corrupt system.

The gold standard can come across as a bit of a strange throwback issue.....But this country had for years a gold/silver standard. Its a serious discussion but its age/distance does confuse people.

Im a fan of the old populist party of the 1890s however, and they saw that a gold standard can be a source of manipulation/corruption as well.
Back to school with Dem-things will strangely get better...

Actually, Germany before Hitler was doing just fine until greedy idiot Pubs and their cronies started THAT Great World Depression...
I agree with a lot of what you have said here....the major parties are a joke.

I think it highly probable that Ron Paul was robbed of election wins in Iowa and Maine last time around. (wins which could have helped him build more wins) That shows that he really was threatening a corrupt system.

The gold standard can come across as a bit of a strange throwback issue.....But this country had for years a gold/silver standard. Its a serious discussion but its age/distance does confuse people.

Im a fan of the old populist party of the 1890s however, and they saw that a gold standard can be a source of manipulation/corruption as well.
I now do believe that gold standard was a confusion issue - all that needs to be done is to get rid of federal reserve and WORLD WIDE:
Now if we get rid of the federal reserve in America, we must understand what will happen - Something people like Ron Paul who are allowed to speak on the establishment media NEVER TELL us: (only HALF truths are allowed on TV) International bankers, the creators of federal reserve, will move their money printing business to some other nation, which will be THRILLED to have them, they will welcome them with open arms and open legs. And THAT is when the REAL degradation of America would begin. Just like we saw in Syria, in Libya, in Iraq. We must NEVER allow for this to happen, anyone who is advocating for this to happen is a TRUE anti American, either by ignorance or by profession.

THEREFORE, the only true solution is to unite the world, and to get rid of international bankers GLOBALY.

Ron Paul was robbed of general US election as well, he was only publicized to be turned into a joke, he was one of the only two politicians to which I donated money in 2008.

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Since you mentioned you are from Germany I shall remind you that in the 1920's there were LOT'S of political parties in Germany that did nothing but drag the country down and eventually paving the way for ONE leader, and while I can not discuss what happened AFTER that, I CAN say that a bunch of political parties did NOT solve ANYTHING for the German people, and in America today there is a similar situation, only America is a WELFARE state instead of a SLAVE state which Germany was before Hitler.

No, I didn't mention I was from Germany, seeing as I'm not.

But yes, you're talking about the Weimar Republic. They learnt from this and have a 5% cut off point. You get below 5%, you don't get a seat unless you win one in FPTP constituency votes.
This means Germany has 3 1/2 political parties right now in the Bundestag. Two parties got 4.8 and 4.9% so have possibilities to get back in at a future date. The problem is Merkel is running the country too well for the FPD who would normally be their coalition partner.

Too many parties do cause a problem, you need a majority in order to be able to do anything. Having 2 parties come together to form the majority works well. In Italy where sometimes they need more, it causes big problems as smaller parties often have too much power for the votes they got.

However, to make the claim that more than 2 parties doesn't work because of the Weimar Republic is not going to wash. There are hundreds of examples of PR working around the world, but also examples of it not working. It's like saying pizza is horrible because you once had a horrible pizza.

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