Only after Rep. Katie Porter put bacon in her grocery cart did she notice its price had spiked to $9.99/lb. Reluctantly, she put it back

Yeah, until every faux "Biker Bob" from NOtVA reads that shit and tools out to my hinterland county on the weekends on their loud-ass Harleys....I love rainy weekends when its "biker-bob" season. The fuckin' locals are bad enough.
What is this?

Bike Walk RVA advocates for bike infrastructure that makes commutes and other travel safe and comfortable. Twice a year, the group takes manual biking and pedestrian counts to track biking and walking rates before and after street improvements are installed. In the last two years, these counts have shown a 12-percent increase in the number of people who bike citywide.

Transit biking in Richmond has become more commonplace since the city started installation of bike sharrow signs and lanes in 2010, Hepp-Buchanan says.

In the past few months, bike lanes have been installed on the Manchester and Lee bridges, and construction on the Floyd Avenue bike boulevard is scheduled to begin this fall. But the Floyd Avenue project has hit more than a few snags. City officials originally promised that the bike-friendly corridor would be completed by the race. Construction was supposed to begin in the spring.

One thing that seems well timed with the race is the Oct. 2 grand opening of the long-awaited Virginia Capital Trail, which runs from Richmond to Williamsburg.

In May 2014, Richmond completed its first bike master plan, which recommends several dozen bike infrastructure improvements, and is meant to be a guiding light for the city’s bike policies. The improvements are prioritized by predicted needs and uses, and are recommended to take place in increments of two to four years and four to seven years, and as far out as 10 years.

Within the next two to four years, the plan suggests that the city install four dedicated bike-walk areas, seven bike lanes buffered from vehicular traffic and six standard bike lanes. The improvements stretch 20.2 miles throughout the city, with an estimated cost of $1.43 million. Potential state, local, nonprofit and federal funding sources are identified in the plan.
There's more than 17,000 miles of U.S. Bicycle Routes across the country.Ohio boasts 1,523 miles, more than any state in the nation.

New York City leads this metric, with more than 124 miles of protected bike lanes.

Can't ride a moped on the Virginia Capital Trail
Why not get an ebike? Why do you have to go with a gas guzzler?

If you were smart you'd get a ebike. You can take an ebike everywhere. You can't take those gas guzzlers everywhere. Every city practically in every state are building these amazing bike trails, usually where rr tracks used to be, and people are going from town to town on either regular bikes or ebikes. You can't take a gas guzzler on these amazingly smooth trails. So have fun on the road with the cars. I'll take the shortcut through the rails to trails and beat you there and be safe doing it. And get a little exercise. Because I don't have a throttle on mine. I have to peddle. But you can get a throttle if you are lazy and I'm sure you are. LOL.
What do you do when you have a family of 4 or 5 and live on the outskirts of town and need to buy groceries for the next month?
What do you do when you have a family of 4 or 5 and live on the outskirts of town and need to buy groceries for the next month?
You get in your car and make one trip. Also, if you are having a problem, maybe you shouldn't have had 5 kids. Ask any middle class person with 2 kids why they don't have another one what are they going to tell you most of the time? Can't afford it.

So my first question is why do you have 5 kids?
You get in your car and make one trip. Also, if you are having a problem, maybe you shouldn't have had 5 kids. Ask any middle class person with 2 kids why they don't have another one what are they going to tell you most of the time? Can't afford it.

So my first question is why do you have 5 kids?
I didn't say 5 kids. I said a family of 4 or 5. That's 2 parents and 2 or 3 kids, an average family. My question is why are you stupid?
Crocodile tears from the same Democrats who voted for inflation.

And if these Democrats had the votes, they would have spent trillions more.

What did Carville say, "It's the economy stupid"? The commiecrats are about the relearn that lesson.

I didn't say 5 kids. I said a family of 4 or 5. That's 2 parents and 2 or 3 kids, an average family. My question is why are you stupid?
Oh I'm sorry. Still my comments stand. Can you not afford to drive to a grocery store? If gas being $1 more a gallon means you can't feed your family, or save enough for retirement, perhaps you shouldn't have had those kids.

Of course with the new law you'll have to have them if you get knocked up. Can't afford to feed them AND put gas in your tank? Maybe you should have thought about that before you put your pee pee in her yoo hoo.

You know who's not having a problem with the price of gas? Your CEO. He's doing great. You should ask for a raise. Or go back to school. Or start your own business.

Or at minimum, move closer to the store/your work.
Oh I'm sorry. Still my comments stand. Can you not afford to drive to a grocery store? If gas being $1 more a gallon means you can't feed your family, or save enough for retirement, perhaps you shouldn't have had those kids.

Of course with the new law you'll have to have them if you get knocked up. Can't afford to feed them AND put gas in your tank? Maybe you should have thought about that before you put your pee pee in her yoo hoo.

You know who's not having a problem with the price of gas? Your CEO. He's doing great. You should ask for a raise. Or go back to school. Or start your own business.

Or at minimum, move closer to the store/your work.
You wish the only problem was $1 more a gallon. Inflation affects the cost of everything.
You wish the only problem was $1 more a gallon. Inflation affects the cost of everything.
Yea and only Trump can fix it.

And I know $1 more a gallon isn't the only problem. Neither is JUST inflation

And since you don't want to regulate industry, you have nothing to say about the price of tea in china. Because if the companies gouge us, which they did, you got nothing to say about it. But if inflation happens, you want Biden to do something about it?

Yea, I don't like all the spending that happened to get us out of the pandemic but what would you have done? Oh yea, I remember what you did to GM during the Great Recession. You let them go bankrupt rather than bail them out. Is that what you wanted millions of Americans to do rather than get stimulus money? Then you'd be complaining about all the foreclosures. You'd be putting that on Biden.

Can't win with you. But then again you're just playing politics....whether you know it or not.
Yea and only Trump can fix it.

And I know $1 more a gallon isn't the only problem. Neither is JUST inflation

And since you don't want to regulate industry, you have nothing to say about the price of tea in china. Because if the companies gouge us, which they did, you got nothing to say about it. But if inflation happens, you want Biden to do something about it?

Yea, I don't like all the spending that happened to get us out of the pandemic but what would you have done? Oh yea, I remember what you did to GM during the Great Recession. You let them go bankrupt rather than bail them out. Is that what you wanted millions of Americans to do rather than get stimulus money? Then you'd be complaining about all the foreclosures. You'd be putting that on Biden.

Can't win with you. But then again you're just playing politics....whether you know it or not.
Is Joe Biden in cognitive decline?
You are not alone. I don't need a car to go to the grocery store (or the beer store) 1 mile away.
You guys want to see gay? Check out the Ebike I got. First let me say I got the step through because I'm short. And this is the cheapest bike you can buy. $1500 at the time. Probably a lot more now. That was before the pandemic.

Is Joe Biden in cognitive decline?
Sure seems like it. But so what? It's not like his team is letting a guy with dementia make fucked up decisions.

But remember, Trump was constantly making fucked up stupid decisions and his team was constantly talking him out of implementing those bad ideas and he doesn't have dementia. Or they just didn't implement his crazy ideas. Sometimes they got fired for not going along. Or they leaked what he was trying to do because that was their only choice.

We can only judge by the data. The data show that the Trump administration is the most dysfunctional in US history. More departures by senior staff than any previous administration. The shortest tenure by senior staff in US history. The most former presidential and/or campaign staff in prison or under criminal investigation. The lowest approval and highest disapproval rating of any US president. The most despised president of the US among both allies and enemies in US history. It is hell to “work” with this idiot!

Some of Trump’s staff allegedly don’t like or respect him too much. Former White House correspondent Marc Ambinder shared a series of tweets this week saying as much. Ambinder first noted that Obama’s staff respected, trusted, and liked him. Whereas “Trump’s staff (from my conversations with a few) don’t like him. Many don’t seem to respect him, though some do. Some feel bad for him.” He continued, “The lack of respect shown to [Trump] by his senior staff at times (through leaks, etc.) is real, damaging, and inevitable.” Ambinder concluded with the statement: “Many senior Trump folks want him to succeed, but fear he doesn’t have the capacity to. Fairly unprecedented.”
Sure seems like it. But so what? It's not like his team is letting a guy with dementia make fucked up decisions.

But remember, Trump was constantly making fucked up stupid decisions and his team was constantly talking him out of implementing those bad ideas and he doesn't have dementia. Or they just didn't implement his crazy ideas. Sometimes they got fired for not going along. Or they leaked what he was trying to do because that was their only choice.

We can only judge by the data. The data show that the Trump administration is the most dysfunctional in US history. More departures by senior staff than any previous administration. The shortest tenure by senior staff in US history. The most former presidential and/or campaign staff in prison or under criminal investigation. The lowest approval and highest disapproval rating of any US president. The most despised president of the US among both allies and enemies in US history. It is hell to “work” with this idiot!

Some of Trump’s staff allegedly don’t like or respect him too much. Former White House correspondent Marc Ambinder shared a series of tweets this week saying as much. Ambinder first noted that Obama’s staff respected, trusted, and liked him. Whereas “Trump’s staff (from my conversations with a few) don’t like him. Many don’t seem to respect him, though some do. Some feel bad for him.” He continued, “The lack of respect shown to [Trump] by his senior staff at times (through leaks, etc.) is real, damaging, and inevitable.” Ambinder concluded with the statement: “Many senior Trump folks want him to succeed, but fear he doesn’t have the capacity to. Fairly unprecedented.”
The country was having the best economy in our history until we had to shut down for covid. President Trump did a fantastic job.
You guys want to see gay? Check out the Ebike I got. First let me say I got the step through because I'm short. And this is the cheapest bike you can buy. $1500 at the time. Probably a lot more now. That was before the pandemic.

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Yeah, you might want to invest in a disguise before setting off on that - though a Vespa is not exactly the epitome of masculinity.

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