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Only in Alabama

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Just because a woman gets injured in the commission of a crime, is not enough to move me to pity her. Someone was killed because of what she did. Now she gets to pay the price for that misdeed.

You mean in the course of an argument, a nutter shot her five times! But we give gun nuts more rights than women!
You mean in the course of an argument, a nutter shot her five times! But we give gun nuts more rights than women!​

There's nothing about a religious nutter that would cause her to carry a gun to shoot the rival of hers for the same man in the pregnant belly with the cheeta's child. I think Joe is attracted to the shooter. tch, tch, tch.
Yes, the crazy world of Religious Nuttery is a lot closer than we think. Let's look at this case.

A shooting ended Marshae Jones’s pregnancy. Police say it’s her fault.

In Alabama, a black woman is facing criminal charges after being shot in the stomach and having a miscarriage. The story has drawn national attention and outrage from reproductive rights groups who argue that the incident is a disturbing example of the mistreatment and criminalization of low-income pregnant women of color.

On Wednesday, Marshae Jones, a 27-year-old woman from Birmingham, was taken into police custody after being indicted in Jefferson County on a manslaughter charge. She is currently being held on a $50,000 bond.

In December, Jones — then five months pregnant — got into an altercation with a 23-year-old woman outside of a store. The woman, Ebony Jemison, pulled out a gun and shot Jones in the stomach. Jones miscarried shortly after.

“Let’s not lose sight that the unborn baby is the victim here,’’ Reid said. “She had no choice in being brought unnecessarily into a fight where she was relying on her mother for protection.” Alabama is one of 38 states with a fetal homicide law that recognizes a fetus as a potential victim of a crime against a pregnant woman.

When the indictment was reported on Wednesday, it immediately raised questions about why the woman who was shot was the one charged.

So we live in a gun-crazy culture where a fetus has more rights than the woman it is inside. How could anything go wrong?
Nothing the reprehensible, authoritarian right does surprises anymore.
Says the party of bank killing and "free" health care for invaders

Don't forget baby killing, up to the moment of birth.....and according to the democrat governor who wore blackface.....even after birth.....

They are crossing ever deeper from mental illness to evil...

When a female is ready to give birth the only ways she dies is giving birth you moron.

Also the woman with the gun shot the pg woman when in a car and shot her in the gut, how did she manage that??
LOL making up shit about what happened I see.
What is sad is, you care nothing about this case and nothing about the people OTHER THAN the fact that the death of the unborn infant was listed as manslaughter, giving the unborn legal importance.

But as we all know, under Roe vs. Wade women have the right to choose genocide.

Okay, you need to look up "genocide" and actually understand what that word means...

Genocide is the extermination of a race, not practicing a form of contraception willingly.

The problem here is that once you declare fetuses to be people, you take rights away from the women they are inside... in areas beyond just abortion.

Don't let a fight get out of hand, because someone might shoot you and cause you to miscarry, and we'll charge you with murder for losing a fetus? That's nuts.

What comes next, investigating every miscarriage as a potential homicide? Throwing crime scene tape around tampons?

This fall, Law and Order: Fetus Police!

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Brisco is probably glad to be dead at this point!

So genocide can only be used to describe a race?

Ok dolt, what race are the Jews?

Somewhere in Wales a demented old man wanders in the darkness searching for his smart phone which is smarter than him so is hiding - preventing him from again making an ass of himself in this thread.
It knows he will make them both look like fools.
----------------------------------------------- pregnant woman shouldn't have been attacking anyone and putting her life and the life of her kid in Danger JoeB .

No, people shouldn't be carrying guns and letting an argument over a dude escalate to shooting.

I think that MAN'S Laws agree with us JoeB .

That's why you shouldn't try "thinking". This is an idiotic law and we are seeing an idiotic effect of how it can be abused when the victim is charged with a crime.
So genocide can only be used to describe a race?

Ok dolt, what race are the Jews?


Um, yeah...

Okay, going to teach you some word etymology.

geno- Gene, race.
-cide - to kill.

genocide - to kill an entire race.

Now, if fetuses were actually people, you MIGHT be able to describe it as mass murder, but it is not 'genocide', as abortions occur across all ethnicity at the discretion of the women... who are members of the same ethnicity, usually.

Words mean things.. use them accurately.

Of course, since Fetuses aren't people, it's not murder at all.
England/Britain is still struggling to free themselves from the tentacles of the EU because there are brits who are too afraid to resist so they just go along like sheep.

Actually, they are realizing what a stupid idea Brexit was and how much it will cost them in terms of jobs, but they are too arrogant to admit they fucked it up.

Kind of like Americans with Trump.
Actually, the shooter considered the pregnant woman and her unborn American citizen her rivals for the affection of the baby's father post birth. The police disregarded the facts of motivation in a killing, but God will not disregard anything. This is the case of the pistol-packing un-mama.

The police didn't disregard it... they followed the stupidity of "Stand your Ground" meaning you have a God-given right to shoot any person who gets in your space. That's what the gun nutters have given us, and you "pro-lifers" are perfectly fine with the 33,000 gun deaths we have a year.

Since Fetuses aren't people, she didn't kill anyone, but she was guilty of assault and should have been charged with that.

But the crazy of charging the woman here... that's just nuts.
Does it make you happy to disparage people who love God enough to read the Good Book and make an effort to practice it, Mr. JoeB?

We established that most of you nutters don't read the "Good Book". You were unaware of several stories in the bible that are just awful. This is kind of why I disparage you. You don't read the Book, you just accept the Disney-fied version your pastors feed you.

There's nothing in the bible about abortion. Quite the contrary, the bible is just fine with killing fetuses, especially if they have the bad luck to be inside women who were rape victims who didn't cry out (Deuteronomy 22:23-24 ) women who were from enemy nations, women who commit adultery.

Here's kind of a best of.

Abortion is not murder. A fetus is not considered a human life.
If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life. -- Exodus 21:22-23

The Bible places no value on fetuses or infants less than one month old.
And if it be from a month old even unto five years old, then thy estimation shall be of the male five shekels of silver, and for the female thy estimation shall be three shekels of silver. -- Leviticus 27:6

Fetuses and infants less than one month old are not considered persons.
Number the children of Levi after the house of their fathers, by their families: every male from a month old and upward shalt thou number them. And Moses numbered them according to the word of the LORD. -- Numbers 3:15-16
And the LORD said unto Moses, Number all the firstborn of the males of the children of Israel from a month old and upward, and take the number of their names. -- Numbers 3:40

God sometimes approves of killing fetuses.
And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive? ... Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. -- Numbers 31:15-17
(Some of the non-virgin women must have been pregnant. They would have been killed along with their unborn fetuses.)

Give them, O LORD: what wilt thou give? give them a miscarrying womb and dry breasts. -- Hosea 9:14
Yea, though they bring forth, yet will I slay even the beloved fruit of their womb. -- Hosea 9:16

Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up. -- Hosea 13:16

God sometimes kills newborn babies to punish their parents.
Because by this deed thou hast given great occasion to the enemies of the LORD to blaspheme, the child also that is born unto thee shall surely die. -- 2 Samuel 12:14

God sometimes causes abortions by cursing unfaithful wives.
The priest shall say unto the woman, The LORD make thee a curse and an oath among thy people, when the LORD doth make thy thigh to rot, and thy belly to swell. And this water that causeth the curse shall go into thy bowels, to make thy belly to swell, and thy thigh to rot: And the woman shall say, Amen, amen. ...
And when he hath made her to drink the water, then it shall come to pass, that, if she be defiled, and have done trespass against her husband, that the water that causeth the curse shall enter into her, and become bitter, and her belly shall swell, and her thigh shall rot: and the woman shall be a curse among her people. And if the woman be not defiled, but be clean; then she shall be free, and shall conceive seed. -- Numbers 5:21-21, 27-28

God's law sometimes requires the execution (by burning to death) of pregnant women.
Tamar thy daughter in law hath played the harlot; and also, behold, she is with child by whoredom. And Judah said, Bring her forth, and let her be burnt. -- Genesis 38:24

And then there's this statement, which could only be found in the Bible:
Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones. -- Psalm 137:9
Well, kiss my grits if I disagree with your scrambled eggs, sir.

The concepts were too complicated for you to process, eh?

There's nothing about a religious nutter that would cause her to carry a gun to shoot the rival of hers for the same man in the pregnant belly with the cheeta's child. I think Joe is attracted to the shooter. tch, tch, tch.

Naw, not my type. I'm actually into Asian chicks....

But anyway, it wasn't the shooter who was the problem here. It was the Religious nuts who put a law onto the books that made it possible to charge this woman to start with.

Yeah, ideal world, the shooter would have been charged with assault or attempted murder. But because the gun nuts make the gun laws, she got a pass, and because the religious nuts are making the pregnancy laws, we have an absurd situation where the victim was charged with manslaughter because a fetus she probably wanted died.
I think that gun deaths are right around 10,000 a year as SUICIDERS are excluded . Now 10,000 deaths a year is not bad as those deaths are the price paid for remaining an armed people . Remember , there are at least 320 million people in the USA . More people die in Auto accidents than die by gun JoeB . ---------------- JUST A COMMENT .
Actually, the shooter considered the pregnant woman and her unborn American citizen her rivals for the affection of the baby's father post birth. The police disregarded the facts of motivation in a killing, but God will not disregard anything. This is the case of the pistol-packing un-mama.

The police didn't disregard it... they followed the stupidity of "Stand your Ground" meaning you have a God-given right to shoot any person who gets in your space. That's what the gun nutters have given us, and you "pro-lifers" are perfectly fine with the 33,000 gun deaths we have a year.

Since Fetuses aren't people, she didn't kill anyone, but she was guilty of assault and should have been charged with that.

But the crazy of charging the woman here... that's just nuts.
Which woman are you referring to: Ms. red-hot shooter or Ms. mommie dearest? They were united by the sexual attentions of one man who was playing both of them like a fiddle. Mommie dearest was losing her shape due to the wages of sin with him, and the other was packing a pistol in her purse and getting into mommie dearest's haunts in order to eliminate her and the child. If you think their meeting was unplanned, you don't know a single thing about two black women vying for the same man. They take it serious enough to plan each other's undoing. Now that they're considering letting mommie dearest go home realizing she has already paid the ultimate price and then some for her part in the altercation. The only thing absent here is the role of their lover, who seems to be the same person they were fussing at each other about. Did he dump Ms. No-longer-skinny for Ms. Sizzlin' Pistol Packer, so he could brag to the Boyz in da Neighborhood?

It's a chain of fools, and you got sucked into it, Mr. Joe. Condolences for your absence of rationalizing anything at all about the sociology of the situation. It's way over your pointy head that missed the forest for all the little trees. :eusa_think:
Well, kiss my grits if I disagree with your scrambled eggs, sir.

The concepts were too complicated for you to process, eh?

There's nothing about a religious nutter that would cause her to carry a gun to shoot the rival of hers for the same man in the pregnant belly with the cheeta's child. I think Joe is attracted to the shooter. tch, tch, tch.

Naw, not my type. I'm actually into Asian chicks....

But anyway, it wasn't the shooter who was the problem here. It was the Religious nuts who put a law onto the books that made it possible to charge this woman to start with.

Yeah, ideal world, the shooter would have been charged with assault or attempted murder. But because the gun nuts make the gun laws, she got a pass, and because the religious nuts are making the pregnancy laws, we have an absurd situation where the victim was charged with manslaughter because a fetus she probably wanted died.
See my post above, silly man.
I think that gun deaths are right around 10,000 a year as SUICIDERS are excluded . Now 10,000 deaths a year is not bad as those deaths are the price paid for remaining an armed people . Remember , there are at least 320 million people in the USA . More people die in Auto accidents than die by gun JoeB . ---------------- JUST A COMMENT .

Here's the thing. With Cars, we really can't live without them without spending a lot more on public transportation that we do now.

But every year, government and private industry spend billions making driving a safer activity.. this is why the number of auto deaths have done this.


Meanwhile, the gun industry has made their products more dangerous and more accessible, which is not surprising the number of gun deaths are going up.
Which woman are you referring to: Ms. red-hot shooter or Ms. mommie dearest? They were united by the sexual attentions of one man who was playing both of them like a fiddle.

Men are dogs, what's your point. Women have no respect for "nice guys". Can't tell you how many women I've known who fall all over themselves for a guy who treats them like dirt.

Mommie dearest was losing her shape due to the wages of sin with him, and the other was packing a pistol in her purse and getting into mommie dearest's haunts in order to eliminate her and the child. If you think their meeting was unplanned, you don't know a single thing about two black women vying for the same man.

Okay not sure why the fact they were black was an issue. Of course, given our racist society locks up too many black men, I guess that there's a lot of competition for the ones who are available. The story, of course doesn't go into detail about why they were both there that day and why one of them had a gun.

Now that they're considering letting mommie dearest go home realizing she has already paid the ultimate price and then some for her part in the altercation.

No, they are letting it go because it's getting national attention about the kind of scary world you nutters want to create by making women slaves to their fetuses. So, yes, we've managed to drive off another attack, but you nutters aren't going to stop there.

The only thing absent here is the role of their lover, who seems to be the same person they were fussing at each other about. Did he dump Ms. No-longer-skinny for Ms. Sizzlin' Pistol Packer, so he could brag to the Boyz in da Neighborhood?

I wouldn't know. Besides a lot of racist speculation on your part, we don't know what the relationship between this guy was with these two women.

But the racism and misogyny of your post is kind of telling.
I think that gun deaths are right around 10,000 a year as SUICIDERS are excluded . Now 10,000 deaths a year is not bad as those deaths are the price paid for remaining an armed people . Remember , there are at least 320 million people in the USA . More people die in Auto accidents than die by gun JoeB . ---------------- JUST A COMMENT .

Here's the thing. With Cars, we really can't live without them without spending a lot more on public transportation that we do now.

But every year, government and private industry spend billions making driving a safer activity.. this is why the number of auto deaths have done this.

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Meanwhile, the gun industry has made their products more dangerous and more accessible, which is not surprising the number of gun deaths are going up.
You should move to Canada. Or Nigeria
People buy guns because they are desirable and needed for a number of reasons . And self defense being a big reason for the need for guns . [see the woman in Alabama that just protected herself from a rabid pregnant woman for example] And my main point is that your numbers are screwed up as you lump in suiciders with other gun deaths . Suiciders will kill themselves by a number of different means if they don't have a gun JoeB .
People buy guns because they are desirable and needed for a number of reasons . And self defense being a big reason for the need for guns . [see the woman in Alabama that just protected herself from a rabid pregnant woman for example] And my main point is that your numbers are screwed up as you lump in suiciders with other gun deaths . Suiciders will kill themselves by a number of different means if they don't have a gun JoeB .

Actually, most of the industrialized world limits gun ownership, and they have lower crime and murder rates than we do.

People buy guns because the gun industry has done a very good job scaring insecure people into thinking they would need them.

Ironically, the worst thing that happened to the gun industry is Trump winning, because they could no longer argue to insecure white men with tiny peckers "The government is coming for your guns!" Sales are way down and a few of them have filed for bankruptcy.
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