Onus on Russia to 'save' Syria peace process

Sally must think 1/4 million people have died in Syria in just the last 6 months. The Syrian debacle is now in its' 6th year and she wants to now put the onus on Russia? She's fruitloops...........:cuckoo:!

Tut, tut, Mr. Kidd. Why not write the author of the article and tell him he is nuts? It appears that many posters have a problem with writers who come up with something that goes against their viewpoint. Perhaps the truth is they would like to lock these writers up just like they are locked up in countries where they can't publish their views. Meanwhile, let's see what is happening at the moment. No doubt you have no concern about these innocents who have just died, but there are people in this world who do. As an aside, besides creeping over here to call someone fruit loops, have you anything else to impart to us about what is happening in the Middle East since this is the forum for things like that. If not, maybe you are just an old busybody who felt that your comment was oh so important.

Feb 16, 2016 11:07am EST
Missiles in Syria kill 50 as schools, hospitals hit; Turkey accuses Russia

Turkey on Monday accused Russia of an "obvious war crime" after missile attacks in northern Syria killed scores of people, and warned Kurdish militia fighters there they would face the "harshest reaction" if they tried to capture a town near the Turkish border.

An offensive supported by Russian bombing and Iranian-backed Shi'ite militias has brought the Syrian army to within 25 km (15 miles) of Turkey's frontier. The Kurdish YPG militia - which Turkey regards as a hostile insurgent force - has exploited the situation, seizing ground from Syrian rebels to extend its presence along the border.

Almost 50 civilians were killed when missiles hit at least five medical facilities and two schools in rebel-held areas of Syria on Monday, according to the United Nations, which called the attacks a blatant violation of international law.

An offensive supported by Russian bombing and Iranian-backed Shi'ite militias has brought the Syrian army to within 25 km (15 miles) of Turkey's frontier. The Kurdish YPG militia - which Turkey regards as a hostile insurgent force - has exploited the situation, seizing ground from Syrian rebels to extend its presence along the border.

Almost 50 civilians were killed when missiles hit at least five medical facilities and two schools in rebel-held areas of Syria on Monday, according to the United Nations, which called the attacks a blatant violation of international law.

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Missiles in Syria kill 50 as schools, hospitals hit; Turkey accuses Russia
Sally must think 1/4 million people have died in Syria in just the last 6 months. The Syrian debacle is now in its' 6th year and she wants to now put the onus on Russia? She's fruitloops...........:cuckoo:!

Tut, tut, Mr. Kidd. Why not write the author of the article and tell him he is nuts? It appears that many posters have a problem with writers who come up with something that goes against their viewpoint. Perhaps the truth is they would like to lock these writers up just like they are locked up in countries where they can't publish their views. Meanwhile, let's see what is happening at the moment. No doubt you have no concern about these innocents who have just died, but there are people in this world who do. As an aside, besides creeping over here to call someone fruit loops, have you anything else to impart to us about what is happening in the Middle East since this is the forum for things like that. If not, maybe you are just an old busybody who felt that your comment was oh so important.

Feb 16, 2016 11:07am EST
Missiles in Syria kill 50 as schools, hospitals hit; Turkey accuses Russia

Turkey on Monday accused Russia of an "obvious war crime" after missile attacks in northern Syria killed scores of people, and warned Kurdish militia fighters there they would face the "harshest reaction" if they tried to capture a town near the Turkish border.

An offensive supported by Russian bombing and Iranian-backed Shi'ite militias has brought the Syrian army to within 25 km (15 miles) of Turkey's frontier. The Kurdish YPG militia - which Turkey regards as a hostile insurgent force - has exploited the situation, seizing ground from Syrian rebels to extend its presence along the border.

Almost 50 civilians were killed when missiles hit at least five medical facilities and two schools in rebel-held areas of Syria on Monday, according to the United Nations, which called the attacks a blatant violation of international law.

An offensive supported by Russian bombing and Iranian-backed Shi'ite militias has brought the Syrian army to within 25 km (15 miles) of Turkey's frontier. The Kurdish YPG militia - which Turkey regards as a hostile insurgent force - has exploited the situation, seizing ground from Syrian rebels to extend its presence along the border.

Almost 50 civilians were killed when missiles hit at least five medical facilities and two schools in rebel-held areas of Syria on Monday, according to the United Nations, which called the attacks a blatant violation of international law.

Continue reading at:

Missiles in Syria kill 50 as schools, hospitals hit; Turkey accuses Russia

Turkey accuses Russia? Whatta laugh.....Edrogan is a POS. BTW, Russia denies all of this.........but it was a lead accusation by western media propaganda for at least 5 days. The western media acts as if the Syrian civil war just began in the last year, and I remind you again, it is in its' 6th year. It seems hospitals get in the way, whether it is the U.S. (remember Afghanistan months ago?) or Russia. If and when it's Russia, it gets continuous airplay, but if it's the U.S., the sooner it is out of the news cycle, the better.
Sally must think 1/4 million people have died in Syria in just the last 6 months. The Syrian debacle is now in its' 6th year and she wants to now put the onus on Russia? She's fruitloops...........:cuckoo:!

Tut, tut, Mr. Kidd. Why not write the author of the article and tell him he is nuts? It appears that many posters have a problem with writers who come up with something that goes against their viewpoint. Perhaps the truth is they would like to lock these writers up just like they are locked up in countries where they can't publish their views. Meanwhile, let's see what is happening at the moment. No doubt you have no concern about these innocents who have just died, but there are people in this world who do. As an aside, besides creeping over here to call someone fruit loops, have you anything else to impart to us about what is happening in the Middle East since this is the forum for things like that. If not, maybe you are just an old busybody who felt that your comment was oh so important.

Feb 16, 2016 11:07am EST
Missiles in Syria kill 50 as schools, hospitals hit; Turkey accuses Russia

Turkey on Monday accused Russia of an "obvious war crime" after missile attacks in northern Syria killed scores of people, and warned Kurdish militia fighters there they would face the "harshest reaction" if they tried to capture a town near the Turkish border.

An offensive supported by Russian bombing and Iranian-backed Shi'ite militias has brought the Syrian army to within 25 km (15 miles) of Turkey's frontier. The Kurdish YPG militia - which Turkey regards as a hostile insurgent force - has exploited the situation, seizing ground from Syrian rebels to extend its presence along the border.

Almost 50 civilians were killed when missiles hit at least five medical facilities and two schools in rebel-held areas of Syria on Monday, according to the United Nations, which called the attacks a blatant violation of international law.

An offensive supported by Russian bombing and Iranian-backed Shi'ite militias has brought the Syrian army to within 25 km (15 miles) of Turkey's frontier. The Kurdish YPG militia - which Turkey regards as a hostile insurgent force - has exploited the situation, seizing ground from Syrian rebels to extend its presence along the border.

Almost 50 civilians were killed when missiles hit at least five medical facilities and two schools in rebel-held areas of Syria on Monday, according to the United Nations, which called the attacks a blatant violation of international law.

Continue reading at:

Missiles in Syria kill 50 as schools, hospitals hit; Turkey accuses Russia

Turkey accuses Russia? Whatta laugh.....Edrogan is a POS. BTW, Russia denies all of this.........but it was a lead accusation by western media propaganda for at least 5 days. The western media acts as if the Syrian civil war just began in the last year, and I remind you again, it is in its' 6th year. It seems hospitals get in the way, whether it is the U.S. (remember Afghanistan months ago?) or Russia. If and when it's Russia, it gets continuous airplay, but if it's the U.S., the sooner it is out of the news cycle, the better.

Seems there are stories in the newspaper about Afghanistan all the time. Perhaps not as many as Syria since most of the action is happening there.

Afghanistan news, all the latest and breaking Afghan news

I realize there are some here who don't want to see the unfortunate civilians getting any aid. However, aid is now getting through.

Vital humanitarian aid flows into besieged Syrian towns – UN, ICRC?

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